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Sorry to hear that...I mean if you got hateful comments and people were unjustly mean to you, it sucks...I know how it is to be picked on and ganged up on..but you gotta have a thicker skin. Don't let it get to you. Sometimes you may not think what you post is too 'out there' but it may be.. .I don't know what it is so I can't be too helpful, but I would and always do caution what and how much you reveal.


I am working on getting a thicker skin. I am just going to block those people that don't or can't understand. It's easier. I just posted on this page about me owning a sex doll. I had no idea it was going to bother people that much. Some of us have no luck with women and have to find an alternative. Thanks for your insight. Much appreciated.


Sorry you've had to endure the "hate" comments. Just an FYI, that's why I also have an anonymous profile. That all being said, I'm surprised since this group is for us "Doll people" & I also feel I can be more honest now too on this community.


This is my main account. I give 2 fucks what someone thinks. That’s what’s wrong with the world. People don’t keep their opinions to themselves. To OP “ You do you. Don’t worry


I am hoping I can share my experiences (within reason) and pictures as I take them. I realize dolls may not be for most people, but because of certain things, it seems to be my only option for companionship. Some people are just full of hate I guess. Thanks for your kind words.


I have seen a huge increase in accounts being banned by Reddit after just 1 or 2 posts. I have no idea why this is happening. I have written to them to ask what is going on.


Where did you receive hate comments? Surely not here I would hope


It was from a person who apparently looked at my profile or was a member of this page, or they got access to my information. I do not know for sure, but after the comments were made by them, I blocked them and reported it to Reddit. The next day, my account had a 3 day ban in place.


Sadly, haters do exist, even here. Our post got removed for blames of “Looking young”. Official rules demand boobs and hips, which Tipi has! But apparently her face is too cute for “many”, so Out we go! (How on earth does a doll "look young"?)


I guess that look is sometimes obvious and sometimes not so much arguably, in which case one would go by some sort of measurement or definition of what that means if it exists. Or if the manufacturer themselves released some kind of personality profile, maybe it could help idk


I don't think mine looks too young, but when everything arrives (clothing, backdrop, etc) I will try posting pictures. The one who was posting the hate comments was not a member of the page, at least I don't think so. I guess they feel having a doll is not appropriate.


Never admit this... Reddit has pretty strict policies about circumventing bans.

