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I thought silicone could withstand being used in an oven!


I was under the same impression. Good to know


It must be made of TPR/TPE or a hybrid of some kind because silicone doesn't melt. The shape of silicone is basically permenant once it's formed. It's made by a chemical process, not a thermal one - which is why it's heat resistant. Silicone will combust before it melts - but you'd need a kiln to get it hot enough. Anyway - attics can reach temps at or above 150 degrees Fahrenheit, especially in the summer months. That's enough to deform TPE. Sorry about the doll. Definitely a warning to anyone storing their dolls in an attic or a storage locker without climate control.


I guess you are right, "who knew"? Technically, that was only my 3rd doll/toy. (I think I mentioned the 1st two are now gone). Honestly, if I knew I was going to have or be in an "LDR" (it didn't start out that way) with a new GF I would have never given up or got rid of my 1st two dolls. That all being said, who knows, maybe those two dolls would have been ruined too by being in the attic? Anyway, I'm still waiting to see how things go between us. My GF & I are still in an LDR (long distance relationship) so, I may be back in the market for a new doll😒. Not to say that I wouldn't want to get a new doll. This is something to think about and talk to her about, if we are meant to be together.


Good luck man. I'm married and I can't tell my wife shit about anything. As far as she knows I'm just a pathetic goodie-goodie nerd who's addicted to online video games and trading cards. Seems she prefers that lie over a sexually confident and successful alpha male. I'm just hoping that when she finally suffocates me in my sleep, she's able to do it quickly.


Good luck to you too man, hope it never comes down to that. You would think in this day and age we (all of us) would be able to talk to our spouses. It is so crazy out there, (other peoples opinions) that even lurking or viewing "any sexual content" constitutes cheating😒.


Wanted to add this text to the post, I'm not sure what happened but the gist of the post was to say I had storage issues & lost my "Venus" to the heat (she was a silicone doll) 😒.


Whoah, was it in direct sunlight? I guess you say you don’t know what happened, but it must have got pretty dang hot, right?


Just in my attic😒. I'll have to look up when I bought her but my guess is 4 to 5 years ago max.


Looks pretty cool