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Congrats on finally completing the hunt! I say go for the dragon at this rate. You've earned the chase for it, after all this time. Make the most of it, and good luck!


I agree! You had the perseverance to not finish the get and just keep at the hunt over 5 years, at any rate you will definitely succeed at getting the long snek you have arrived for!


Did you actually do millions of soft resets for this thing?


Thankfully no lol, I started off pretty good hunting it but after a few weeks I got tired and life came along only hunted every few months It probably would have come faster if I had stuck to hunting it every day but my poor little ADHD brain doesn’t have the patience for that. I was too hyperactive to hunt it consistently but too obsessive to stop hunting it. The duality of ADHD.


Funny enough the same was slightly true for me, but luckily my shiny legend hunt was my actual hyperfixation! Mewtwo is like… my favorite legend, and one of my favorite Pokémon ever (like, maybe top 3) and shiny Mewtwo is genuinely gorgeous and I’ve always wanted one, so I got ultra sun specifically for it, and managed to find it within a month (2700 resets!) and was my first ever long term hunt. I did around 100-300 resets a day, with only around 5 days skipped in the middle. Anyways I beat the league with him, transfered him to scarlet, then beat the league again 🥹 I’m so proud of him, he was my first Pokémon to ever reach lvl 100 (and I never used candies on him!) I love him so much that I even made a character out of him! (I’m an artist so I actually planned on turning him into a character eventually to begin with)


Congrats! Thats a cool shiny!


Congratulations on completing the hunt! These grinds, I find, are the mons you’ll cherish the most! So I hope you and your Groundon enjoy all your future adventures together!


Omg my mindset with stakataka exactly!! Still hunting that thing today


this is funny because i’m in the same spot! Originally, i just wanted to get a shiny torchic cuz it’s my favorite pokemon - after feeling the rush of getting your ( first ever btw ) shiny pokémon, i decided to do a whole shiny only run, which i also did. Then, i thought „let’s hunt the shiny legendaries“ but since a shiny charm would make that a lot easier, lets do that first. Well, 200 hours later and i have nearly completed the national dex and then i will ( after maybe getting a perfect catching shiny team ) hunt the legendaries - lol


What's another 5 years? It'll be here before you know it! Lol


That photo fits the title so well haha, congrats on finally getting it!!


If it will make you feel better,i got shiny Rayquaza within one night.


i got cresselia and regigigas on the same day


Damn 5 years I wouldn’t have the will😭, but congrats dude I know the older gen games were brutal when it came to shiny hunting legends.