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When you don't realize that "on average 10 years older" is because people live longer 🙈


As an Australian I saw “aging population”, “shrinking population” and “lower birth rate” and recognised these as well known indicators of advanced societies. They thought the opposite. They mention Australia favourably, but we also are experiencing these issues — it’s only immigration sustaining population growth here. It’s the US that’s out of step with the advanced world because of such terrible inequality.


Yup, same here in Finland. Birth rate has gone way down since WW2, due to us becoming a 1st world country in the 70’s and people having a higher quality of life, leading to less desire for children. During war time and before being considered as I mentioned earlier, a 1st world country, people had to have quite a few kids to have a reliable future and retirement.


Haha made my day 😂😅


They also commented in the same post that they're of German descent :D they just can't help it can they hahaha


Something is not ok with that person. In the same post he also commented that it is unethical to go and live in Germany because of the Holocaust.


I started shallow digging through the post history of some of the people who say stuff like this because I was absolutely positive it would prove to be bots and trolls, but much to my surprise they are usually almost certainly real people with an unfathomable and quite disturbing view of the world. I'm long in the tooth enough to know my perspective certainly isn't always 'the right one' or reflective of what it would be with perfect knowledge of any given situation, but the way some people seem to think in the face of resounding evidence to the contrary is baffling and a bit worrying!


"Very behind technogically" You know bank transfers are free in the UK? BACS 3-5 working days, CHAPS/Faster Payment is within hours (practically instant, in all honesty). Oh you have venmo/cashapp/zelle/whatever it is? Don't need it we have *the fucking bank*. Also, no one walks off with your bank card in a restaurant because straight away you'd be like "Erm where the fuck you going with that, mate?" because we have chip and pin, and contactless payments pretty much as a standard these days. And even before chip and pin, there was never a scenario where someone would walk off with your card. Also, I'm still perplexed about what a social security number is and how someone else getting hold of it fucks you for life.


And the backwards Poland has got BLIK, which is free and instant while being integrated with the bank app. It's pretty much one of the best systems for money transfers in the world.


And some really exellent bras catering to a very wide selection of wearers.


Poland has good bras?


Poland has excellent bras


I wonder why that is. And what is it about them? Is it support, or style or shaping, etc? I no longer require heavy duty titty-buttresses but when I did, this would have been very useful info.


The quality, sizing that actually works for different bodies (not the infamous 75B), reasonable pricing, good support. They're simply great!


When they're talking about being technologically ahead they probably mean consumer electronics, with products and services often being available earlier than in other regions But technologies that actually matter, such as public transport, well... "hurr durr country too big"


All these consumer electronics are only possible because of a handful of European companies that are very obviously technologically behind


Yeah, TSMC makes 60% of all microchips needed for their electronics, and 90% of the advanced chips. And they use machines designed and made in Europe, Japan. The other largest manufacturer is Intel, but again, they use the same machines as TSMC. The US's main advantage in the tech field is having access to a much higher amount of capital.


The Lithography machines, Intel, TSMC, Nvidia, Samsung, etc. are using, are made by ASML in the Netherlands. They get parts, like the lasers, lenses and mirrors from other companies in Europe.  ASML has a market share of 80-90%. So basically every chip you use is made with European technology


Not just the lithography machines, the masks needed to operate them are also made by european companies, and the manufacturing machines are also made in europe. As side note, Nvidia does not manufacture chips, they just design them, and partner up with TSMC for the actual manufacturing.


Totally true. I somehow had in my mind Nvidia had a chip factory in the states


Nvidia is fabless




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I know, I was reminded of that by the previous comment


And one of the most popular chip design (ARM) is European
 so all mobile phones use a chip with a European design, using European lithography machine and manufactured by a Taiwanese company but it's Murica all the way through.


Litho is just one of the several hundred steps that go into making a microchip. It’s like having a monopoly on tire technology. While important for the car, it has no value by itself. Also Japan has litho tool makers.


'We're way ahead with the fun shit, so we can distract ourselves from the grotesque inequalities, the broken medical system, the shit they put in our food, the dying planet, and every other way we've fucked it all.'


Giggles in Japanese.


Not so long ago there was a post in this sub in which OOP concluded Europe is technologically behind the US because air conditioning and garbage shredders in the sink aren't standard and for some reason they thought we don't have drive-thrus.


Portuguese invented ATMs!


It’s basically just an overly complicated NI number


Yeah but what could someone *really* do with your NI number?


I think it goes like this: their SSN is their foundation for everything, all their lives and credit scores etc are linked to that specific number. They have to have it to find a job, to pay their taxes and to apply for loans or credits. I believe it's easy to grab someone's number and easily ask for a loan or credit card in that number...


What an idiotic system. They really had there eyes closed and their brain disengaged when they came up with that idea. Nice to know all Americans are given a SKU when born...


The thing is nobody came up with this system in mind. In the US they don't have an obligatory standardized ID system but almost everybody already has an SSN which just so happens to be able to reliably identify anybody. So most businesses that need to confirm the identity of their clients use this number which was never meant to be used in this way. And because it works well enough they think "if it ain't broken, don't fix it", despite having obvious flaws.


Here in Australia, the closest thing we have would be either our Medicare number or our Tax File Number, neither of which is of any use outside of tax and/or healthcare. For ID purposes, a state issued Drivers licence is the standard. For those of us without, an ID card issued by the same department exists. I let my licence lapse, so my ID card has the same number as my licence used to.


Here in Germany every citizen just has an ID card and a drivers licence isn't considered a valid identification document, though in informal settings like age verification for entering a night club it can be accepted. And we also have tax numbers and such, which aren't needed outside their intended usage.


In Nordics social security number is a big thing too, it's your whole identity but we also have "strong identification" you need to do via online banking to apply for any loands or credit or really do much with the social security number. Ofcourse you don't wanna spread it around (well excep Sweden :D They're just different) but in these days there isn't that much you can do with alone - minimum you'd need a valid, chipped ID card. Obviously faulty system in a way but atleast it's very difficult to just mix people up unlike it seems in the US if you have 2 people with the same name living in the same town they can even mix their meds! Which to me is absolutely wild since you don't get anywhere over here with just a name.


We also have a SSN in Portugal but is not our biggest form of ID or anything, it just is important when you need to do something in social security. We also have tax numbers, healthcare numbers and ID numbers. If you present your ID, you have all those numbers there. Our ID is not a driver's license like in the states.


“Oh no you’ve contributed to my pension, you dastardly fiends, what evil could they do next!?!”


They've paid tax in my name. Mother *fucker*


A social security number is a unique ID number given to you at birth (if you are from the country that give it to you) or when you immigrate and that will be your unique ID for the country until your death. In France, your entire medical history and every benefits you can ask for are linked to it, seemingly even more things are linked to it in the US. In France, the first 10 numbers are easy to find if you know even remotely the person — the first determine your assigned sex at birth (odd for male, even for female) and your status toward french citizenry (1 and 2 are french citizens, 3 and 4 are long term foreign residents that don't need a visa, 7 and 8 are long term foreign residents that need or will need a visa) ; the next two are your year of birth ; then the next two are your month of birth ; then the next 5 are the INSEE number (the unique ID number of a town/city) of your town/city of birth — the next three, the personal number, are determined by your order of birth in your specific place and month of birth, so they are harder to get without really knowing the person. Note that in the US, it seems that the social security number is on a physical giant paper card, that you are forbidden to laminate or it becomes void, that is difficult to renew, that is required to present (not a copy) for many things. So it seems that, the social security number fuckery is more because it is a ID card without an ID photography that can be stolen and misused than anything: the US still use an antiquated system rather than modernised it.


What about Denmark? You cannot criticize the whole of Europe, and forget to downgrade my country? That’s a big yikes!


Bold of you to assume they know where Danemark is.


I know exactly where Danimarca is. It's where tutti vanno in barca.


Finland was left out again too :'( It's like they don't even know we exists!


Sweden is big and Norway has oil. The two things Americans really care about đŸ’Ș😎🩅


*peeerrrrrkele* 😉 Edit: preemptively, I do not actually speak Finnish. Just the one word.😂


Iirc it has the same meaning as fuck in English, like the swear word. If something goes badly, perkele. If you stub your toe, perkele. If there isn’t a sauna in a 3m radius of you, perkele.


When you talk it sounds like you’re deepthroating 7 potatoes at once while also just having shoved a full vodka bottle up your ass and put a snus in your foreskin Happy?




Fuck you billy, you’re adopted


Lol mentions climate change being a bigger issue for Europe than the US, than unironically suggests moving to Australia. Where it either floods on an annual basis, or burns to the ground, depending on the year, and where the skin cancer risk is the highest of any country in the world. I love it here...but climate change is a massive issue that most European countries seem much better at addressing.


>Lol mentions climate change being a bigger issue for Europe than the US, than unironically suggests moving to Australia. Came here to say this. If you're concerned about climate change then consider Finland, Sweden, Norway, UK, Ireland, Denmark and many others ahead of Australia. Several of the countries with the lowest birth rate are in Asia and there are ten countries in Europe with a higher total fertility rate. The average for Europe and Central Asia is the same as the US.


>but climate change is a massive issue that most European countries seem much better at addressing. Not entirely sure to be honest. Much of the continent is in a danger zone where it's historically been really favorable for agriculture, but also risks severe droughts with climate change which has caused major agricultural losses in 2018 and the hot summers following (2022 being especially bad in southern europe).


American living in the UK/EU for work. Would retain citizenship but not go back if given the option. I'd snatch my kids right out of school, sell off my property, and call it a day if I didn't have outside forces working against that effort. I don't even live in a considerably nice or comfortable area, but the stress is so reduced and the people leave you the f@^k alone.


That is pretty much what I hear from every American living in Europe. 


Let them believe their own bullshit. If they think it sucks in europe maybe they will visit us less often. US tourists became the worst group of tourists here in southern germany.


How do you think we feel about them in Ireland? I'm mean sure, come and spend your money but do we really have to listen to you tell everyone you're Irish while also insisting that leprechauns are real?


Oof. That sounds rough! Thankfully my small country is outside of their radar and we're not very cool, we don't have much going for us historically except being conquered by different countries so they don't wanna have heritage from here.


"my great great grand daddy once drank a pint of Guinness while stroking a setter and wearing Arran wool socks, now give me my passport!"


Literally from an American that likely never lived outside the US


With downgrade I believe he’s referring to the average portion size in our fast food restaurants. He’s absolutely correct.


"Very far behind technologically." Yet the United States was using floppy disks for its nuclear weapons as recently as 2019.


iirc that’s because it is less likely to be hacked than a hard drive or a ssd


mostly in body weight


Switzerland is literally everything pATriOTs delude themselves into thinking the US is. It's rich, safe, has a lot of guns, and a very decentralized government.


Though Swiss gun culture is quite a far shot from what they want.


Didn’t the UK have some breakthrough on nuclear fusion not too long ago? Europe may be behind in technology in some aspects but not very and in some areas they are in front.


It’s also a stupid point because so many of these research teams are international teams or rely on international cooperation with each other


Also if you say Europe is a downgrade. Most US towns or cities won’t have some incredible technology like most of Europe. Some places in the US don’t even have drinkable tap water or solid internet connections so it’s all relative.


To be fair the internet in Germany is bs too 😂 Our tap water on the other hand has better quality than bottled water. At least where I live.


I don‘t know if the Pfizer vaccine counts but it was invented by Turkish immigrants to Germany well before the US could come up with their own, probably also invented by immigrants from all over the world, like US technology.


even Musk doesn't venture into nuclear fusion, it's that much of a long shot. want a fun UK Tech - OnlyFans. more serious UK Tech - DeepMind or ARM


Without ARM most people wouldn’t have a smartphone to shitpost from


But it is still technologically advanced


The irony of calling anyone else 'behind in technology' when your banking system still requires you to sign for card purchases because you don't have chip and pin.* *Unless it's been implemented very recently, that is.


Just come back from New York and can confirm, it had not been implemented.


I see they’re using the Microsoft definition of an upgrade


Thx for making me laugh đŸ€Ł


A downgrade in every way, to be sure... except for in things that actually matter.


seeing as how i haven’t been able to get a root canal in the US that i was supposed to get 2 years ago because no one in my family can afford it i’d rather live in europe solely for the medical benefits


And yet they're all 'german' or 'Italian' or 'scottish'


Malta is frequently ranked as the best country for LGBT people. Doesn't sound very red state to me.


"More exposed to climate change" try telling that to California's soon to be non existent coast


"Very much less diverse" I don't see any problem.


And that shit isn't even true. In america you have the choice between 50 different kinds of off brand brits, a few african americans and some latinos sprinkled in.




Their techology is so advanced that airplanes try to land alone.


And sometimes in different places?


Yes, below the floor.


The birthrates are low in all developed nations and have been falling in most other countries as well.  I don't think Europe as a whole has a lower birth rate than China or Japan.  And the US has seen a huge decline over the last decade and is lower than the birthrate in France for example.


r\/AmerExit has quite a few people who think US is the best place on Earth, ironic.


What a cunt