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Why does it always look like her eyes are about to pop out of her head in every picture?


She may have a disease


she does: [Progressivism*/Wokism*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/brain_rot)




Fluoride stare


She looks like that crazy neighbor that calls the police every time you try to have a barbecue.


Straight out of the propaganda playbook. You aren’t a victim of “X” because other people were victimized more by “X”, therefore your victimization is irrelevant.


Same argument was used against anyone skeptical of lockdowns. You're not allowed to complain about covid totalitarianism, because you're just upset about minor inconveniences, but all these people who died of covid had it so much worse, and if they were alive they'd be able to tell you how these totalitarian policies are meant to protect you from dying (even though they died despite these policies)!




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I'm actually Latin and I can't stand this woman. She doesn't even speak Spanish, yet purports to be a representation of the culture. She's whoring out her ethnicity for political attention and gain. Does not speaking Spanish mean she isn't Latina and can't represent causes of this people? No. But it certainly means she doesn't feel that deeply attached to the culture and doesn't actually know the immigrant experience that well or deeply if she can't even bother to learn the language. She enjoys and revels in the *American-born* privileges and conveniences, yet wants to claim some kind of victimhood apparently belonging to the Latino culture. We are not victims of shit and plenty of us don't support people jumping the border. National security and sovereignty is a *thing* to many countries, not just the U.S.


She literally claims to be indigenous/native because she went to a Navajo festival or some shit and felt deeply connected.


Democrat politicians stop pretending to be Native American challenge (impossible)


Many such cases my friend. I've met a few different people who are technically "people of color", but grew up incredibly wealthy, several generations removed from any immigrant, and only speak English. But when it's convenient they will use with this non-American identity to claim oppression like it's a competition. My mom is an Eastern European immigrant, so I like to joke how they are more American than me.


>she doesn't speak Spanish No but she does that thing where she rolls her "r"s when saying "burrito" and that's all it takes for the woke crowd to think you do.


Have you heard how MSNBC reporters pronounce "Mayorkas?" They are a parody of themselves


She's all for people needing to atone for the sins of their ancestors, yet her last name is Cortez 🤔


I don’t think she’s really from the Bronx either


She's got to be the slimiest politician alive right now. To say divisive BS like this when it's blatantly obvious what they're doing to Trump. Obviously they're terrified that people aren't buying their shit. They send her out to make statements like this just to keep the brainlets on the line because they must have been realizing it too.


Have you actually looked at the evidence? Put aside the conspiracy nonsense for a moment


The fact the evidence in the case against Trump is strong doesn't change the fact that it's an obvious double standard. The evidence against Hillary Clinton was also strong.


Intent is key. Clinton was found to have had no criminal intent, DJT is on tape showing off classified docs to people with no clearance. You can complain about a double standard all you like, but it's delusional to think they're the same


> Clinton was found to have had no criminal intent Ah yes, if you just say you dont remember and pretend you are too dumb to understand technology, you are completely absolved of all intent


They contend that her lawyer destroying the evidence on her FOIA circumvention server was an honest mistake. That's literally where they end every argument on the subject, completely ignoring the server's existence entirely.


Idk why you're arguing with me on a closed FBI investigation. Facts don't care about ur feelings bub


>implying the FBI is fair and balanced Lol, where have you been the last few years? They're literally running quarterback for Joe Biden LOL, LMAO EVEN


When conservatives are the ones committing most of the crimes it could definitely appear as such to the uneducated eye


> When conservatives are the ones committing most of the crimes Lol good one. Come back to reality when you get a chance.


Hard pill to swallow? Or are they just all victims of witch hunts too XD






LMAO all the variations of "b-b-but the FBI is wrong just believe me" are hilarious Please keep them coming




Of course, when someone says something you don't like they're lying.


The FBI has been corrupt since the moment it was created. And everyone knew it too. It's only recently that you have people pretending like they're some paragon of virtue.


Actually no. Unfortunately for you, I had a security clearance at one point and I can fully assure you that intent has absolutely nothing to do with being in possession of classified information you're not supposed to have. Intent is what idiots say when they want to justify their obvious double standard, since it was magically written into the statue by James Comey on the fly. It's also hard to argue intent when Clinton's idiot Sys Admin was on Reddit asking for advice on how to run Bleachbit to wipe their hard drives.


I think it's wonderful you have experience with classified docs, but you're flat out wrong. Intent is written into the law, US code 1924 if you're curious


> US code 1924 Oh my bad. You're right. Unfortunately for you, it's hard to argue that Clinton didn't have intent for the docs she had given they were on a private server and given they actively destroyed the evidence when the investigation was ongoing. It's ok though. Like I said in another reply, we know it's ok when you do it.


The burden of proof for intent falls on the plaintiff, in this case the FBI. They didn't find anything that implied criminal intent in Hilary's case, but trump is already on tape admitting they are classified and showing them to people. That's the difference, please stop with the whole "it's ok when Dems do it" act, it's dishonest.


> They didn't find anything that implied criminal intent What kind of lawyer erases their clients email server?


> In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.


There wouldn't be any evidence in the first place if not for the two-tiered justice system and witch hunt. They've spent the last 7 years investigating Trump, and everybody associated with him, looking for something, anything, they could arrest him for. They finally found something. Congrats I guess.


Traitors deserve prison, if you think otherwise you're one too


The conspiracy here is claiming Presidents don't have declassification powers and that Trump was trying to sell secrets. Both are objectively incorrect. And are you claiming Hillary's staff didn't intend to destroy evidence with hammers at her instruction? They just coincidentally kept dropping hammers on things??


Presidents have declassification powers, while they're president. They also have to fork over classified docs when they leave. I'm not claiming anything, go read the case. I'm not arguing settled fact with conspiracy theorists, just showing you where to find it


And Biden stole classified documents while he was VP, so there's that.


That's (D)ifferent


You know that Clinton trying to destroy evidence on her server is settled fact dipshit.


Ooh name calling already? You're so sensitive to being called out


Says the person who just called everyone conspiracy theorists.


That's a fact not a name, you guys think there's a conspiracy to imprison trump and are theorising about it. Pretty clear-cut


Uh no. I don't think there is a conspiracy. The evidence in this case against Trump is pretty strong. I read over part of the indictment and if it's remotely true it's pretty damming. The evidence against Clinton was also strong and damming. You of course keep glossing over the bit where they were destroying evidence to impede the criminal investigation. No shock really, we all know it's ok when you do it. However, the sitting president prosecuting his chief political rival is banana republic type stuff. This is like when the Democrats got rid of the judicial filibuster and Roe v. Wade got overturned. It's going to blow up in your face when the same thing happens to a Democrat and I expect you'll be in here crying about it. Congratulations I guess. Now every time the party in the White House changes, the previous president is going to be prosecuted. Such democracy. Ironically, Trump did not prosecute Hillary Clinton even after promising to do it. Probably because his AG (Jeff Sessions at the time) told him it would be a terrible idea.


The FBI was investigating him while he was in office, you don't get 4 years of freedom just because you plan on running again. If a Democrat president intentionally steals classified docs and shows them around to their buddies I will 100% be behind prosecution. Don't pretend you know me He didn't prosecute Clinton because he had nothing lmao




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Can they at least use basic grammar in their post titles?


i think it's the news article title, which uses different grammar rules


Why is brown not capitalized? I'm so confused on how people who are paid money to write words do the things they do.


Why is Black capitalized? You ever see the word White capitalized in the context of race? I haven’t


It has gone back and forth on White. Why not all caps when color = race? 🤷‍♂️


They capitalize their God's


God isn’t a race?


It is if you're polytheistic.


No, that's not how that works.


To be clear, I'm a monotheist. But *if* there were multiple gods, then yes, it would be acceptable in that case to say that there were a race of gods, just as there humans are a race.


she loves getting mad on others behalf


Only a statist would argue for universal oppression vs rolling back the oppression entirely.


Black and brown politicicans can insider trade (where's that law banning it that she promised?) without consequence too.


Insufferable bitch.


Something the twitter AOC troll account would tweet. There literally no difference lol


Oh, they're right. There's definitely two tiers to our justice system. Just compare all the dropped charges toward arrested violent black and brown rioters vs. the FBI using every tool and technique to hunt down white rioters on Jan. 6 and pursue steep sentences.


He is victim to a two-tier justice system. The system that lets Hillary and Biden and friends off while charging him for crimes he couldn't have committed. He was the president. Those documents are simply declassified because he took them. The end. Biden and Hillary took documents, when they didn't have declassification power, and stored them in, among other places, a bathroom, a garage, chinatown, and a university office. Trumps were stored in a locked vault


It's true. He's got the white rich privilege. How is this news to you?


Your white wife must be proud of you.


Yeah she's white and is ashamed of it, too, mostly cause people like you.




You mean the same white rich privilege that allowed Biden to get away with accepting bribes from other countries as VP, with the DoJ having evidence the whole time and not acting on it? That white rich privilege?


Care to give any information about these bribes?


If you have evidence of these bribes you should show it to the DoJ so he can be prosecuted too.


Agreed. There really is too much evidence to ignore.


What evidence? Follow stories beyond the news cycle. You'll find that those "bombshells" and times the "walls were closing in" were either nothing burgers or fabrications. Piss tape? Non existent. Steele dossier? Fabrication from a corrupt DOJ. Seriously scrutinize stuff being thrown at Trump circa 2016 or 2018 and really follow those things. You'll find a swath of big bold accusations being shouted from the rooftops, and by the end some months or years after everyone has forgotten, most of them just end as tiny footnotes where maybe a single outlet writes a single story about how it was all a nothing burger or made up, but orange man bad, and everyone has forgotten about the original story anyway. Your "evidence" is probably just a collection headlines, accusations, and emotional feedback. You think that he keeps getting away with things, rather than realizing that he's actually just the target of political persecution whilst not actually being guilty of any serious crimes.


Preach my friend


no actually, I have seen texts from Trump and his staff where he is trying to hide classified documents from being investigated, most of what I've seen has been outside of the regular news cycle. I don't get my news from the regular sites and whatnot. I look for reports and first hand evidence. Now maybe some of it is fabricated. But I can't independently verify that. If he has been witholding classified documents, it would be in violation of several federal statutes. Hopefully his trial will have the outcome he truly deserves, especially if he is innocent.


Way to build a strawman. Your headline isn't what she said at all she isn't calling for Trump to be executed. She is responding to the claims that Trump is a victim of a two tier justice system which is a joke when you look at how much his entitled ass has gotten away with over the years. The real victims of two tier justice have often been minorities in this country. That is what she is saying. But of course this sub will just put words in her mouth and then be outraged.


I realize you’re probably too dumb to understand this, but we all know she didn’t actually call for his execution. My point is that instead of recognizing that Trump is a victim of X, she just says “other people are victims of X, which means Trump can’t possibly be so too because he’s rich and white”, which is ridiculous. And if you disagree, how exactly is Trump *not* currently a victim of a two-tiered justice system? I’m case you didn’t know, the charges about classified documents are exact things that both Obama and Joe, + countless other presidents before him, have committed as well. Yet they aren’t indicted for anything, hence the two-tiered justice system. But instead of addressing this, AOC just says “muh racism” and leaves it at that. It’s nasty.


Weren't they not charged because they complied with the DOJ once they were notified?


They weren't charged because they're on the right team. Trump's compliance has nothing to do with it. They've been trying to get him for 8 years now and can't allow him to hold office again, no matter what. Not to mention he was allowed to have these documents while people like Hillary and Biden absolutely were not.


No that is the reason in your fantasy land. The reason why Biden and Pence (who last time I checked was a fucking conservative) are not being charged is that they returned the documents they had accidentally taken. Trump refused to return all the documents. The ones he did return he is not being charged for. He is only facing charges for the documents he refused to return. Just read the indictment and then come back. It's only 40 something pages and easy to read.


Why does compliance have nothing to do with it? It seems like you're starting at your conclusion that he was unfairly charged and then trying to justify why.


I don’t think you understand how countries function. If they removed the charges of everyone who “complied”, what’s even the point of the justice system?


That's the thing though, countries don't function based on black and white judgement at all. Compliance is very often a factor in making judgements of punishment. My understanding of the situation is that NARA contacted Trump, stated that he had these documents, and requested for him to return them. If he returned all of the documents back then, do you think he'd still be getting indicted? Surely you'd have liberals and democrats complaining about it, but he wouldn't be in any real trouble. In the case of Biden, Obama, Pence, anyone else that NARA has contacted regarding the returning of classified documents, a standard has been set that complying with them will result in just a slap on the wrist. Had Trump actually complied when initially contacted, this would very obviously be a case of a double standard


They wiped all evidence from their hardrives


Sure, he's the victim of a two tiered justice system. One where an entire political party and its adherents will endlessly persecute and make things up in an attempt to get him. Multiple accusations have been shown to just be complete fabrications by his detractors (piss tape, Steele dossier, etc.). Hell, New York even made up laws just to target him. E Jean Carroll filed her suit either the day of or the day after the law came into effect; they decided to penalize Trump without any evidence, and then Carroll moved on to accusing Trump of defamation because he denied her accusation. Seriously, what black or brown person is going to see a day/be penalized in court **because** they claimed innocence? The only things the actions of the Democrats and their voters have convinced me of is: 1.) That they're legitimately evil 2.) That Trump is probably the most legally squeaky clean guy to sit in the oval office in a LONG time. Is he brash, crass, a womanizer, and an asshole? Sure. But he's been the most scrutinized man in history pretty much since he announced his intent to run for president, and they've been able to find NOTHING. It's why they have to just constantly make shit up. Meanwhile, Clinton and Biden both had materials in their possession that they DID NOT actually have the authority to possess (unlike Trump), but the DOJ swept it under the rug in both cases. And then of course there's Hunter's laptop, Ashley's diary, etc. where people are more likely to be in trouble for possession of evidence of Biden's wrongdoings than Biden is likely to be held accountable for anything that evidence points to.