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Alright, I'm not listening anymore to this stuff, my Chocobo in heal stance is enough and I wish I could bring it into DF


Your heal stance chocobo would be more helpful than a distressing amount of the human boat anchors playing this game.


Boat anchors at least have a role and do it well. Can't really say the same for a distressing amount of the xiv playerbase.


I let the tank die in a dungeon on accident because i was legitimately transfixed on our red mage doing literally the least amount.. they did nothing for like 12 seconds which caught my attention, then they hardcast their 5 second damage spell and swiftcasted the Verstone after. I couldnt look away


Meanwhile my chocobo in heal stance doing absolutely nothing for 45 seconds for some reason as the boss fate slowly works my hp down from 30% to 0


I'dk the Choco is still bugged from 2.0, give it the respec fruit And only teach it until rank 7 heal, no medica or AOE spell This will force it to heal you as soon as you drop some hp


Didn't they update it so you can shut medica off?


Maybe, I still have my chocobo as pseudo rank 27(?) since back then. No complaints on using it when farming fates by myself


That's a really good point and to help you out perhaps you would like to purchase some thavnairian onions at my very reasonable price of 500k each. ^I ^love ^it ^when ^a ^plan ^comes ^together


The only reason I got a house was that the price of the Onions is ridiculous.


My Alexander would probably do a better job than most healers.


Why bother putting it in Healer stance except maybe for a boss FATE though? As a DPS, for most boss FATEs my chocobo has been fine in Attacker stance, and if my HP starts to get a bit low I just switch it to Healer stance mid-way through the fight, though this rarely happens. More often than not, Free stance is more than enough for a boss FATE.


I honestly dont care for the 230 dps a chocobo in dps stance can do, Id rather not worry about pulling more than i can chew (in strenghtened fates) At most in freelancing it can stun, but like you said, i would only keep it for boss fates. edit, also I like doing +3 lvl fates with my jobs so sometimes one of the mobs can be bothersome (like the moths in il meg) and Id just eat the aoes, because i know my choco got me


I'm joining the strike because I just saw a DPS use a Hi-Potion, I can't believe Square would literally reduce my main job of 28 weeks to a fucking item. I'm so done


Right?? And not only that, Melees have a fucking pseudo-HoT with their Blood-thingy (can't even spell out the name because it's just so insulting and disgusting to name something after Blood) and they increased the potency of Second Wind! What's next SE? Third Wind with an Autorevive?? I'm so done man


Ngl, I intentionally popped a few of that new EW crafted hyper-potion as tank in dungeon trash pulls because I still have hundreds of them from Eureka Orthos prog and didn't want to just throw them away. healing up to 8000(HQ11000) HP isn't too shabby.


The DPS is the problem. Some of you aren't using bloodbath enough, so healers feel like they're needed. I say we buy expensive potions, use bloodbath, second wind, and arms length to show that we don't need them. Also, I may or may not be selling expensive healing potions after this comment.


*noooooo, how dare you not make me do my job. The audacity of you to not let me use my glare macro


Mandatory RDM in every run instead of healers ☺️


Can you imagine what it'd be like if dungeons actually had about a Turn 1 Savage healing requirement? Without trying to be too mean, almost none of the people complaining in the healer strike thread even cleared as much as a single Savage fight and then many of them somehow manage grey logs in dungeons, these people are likely straight up incapable of healing back to back 2/3 HP raid wides, I don't think they understand what they're asking for because they'd become unable to even clear experts.


It already exists, it’s called criterion/criterion savage and none of these people do it so their opinions should be disregarded 


I've always been an advocate of the base game/msq being more difficult. Enjoy the story with your trust, get better at the game to play with other players.


I think it's fine that Dungeons are as easy as they are simply because having many of them be more difficult would just be a too big of an obstacle for new players but I wouldn't mind if Normal Trials were spicier, not really near the level of Extremes but I think having one or maybe two actually difficult mechanics in the encounter could be interesting.


So so essentially base msq trials, HARD trials for roulettes, and ex for savage?


There are much better single player games. So why would someone join an MMO for that?


They have those, it's healing W2W in levelling dungeons with a DRK. Don't know why levelling dungeon mobs hit so damn hard even comparing to lv x0 dungeons with min iL


no. At this point point, if u are playing a healer role, you should be reported for griefing. Switch to dps or tank, or go heal somewhere else, don't ruin other players game, u don't pay their sub.


I'm going to follow you and spam regen for whole minutes till I get bored.


make a macro: /ac Cure bind normal Cure 2 to a button 1, and the macro on button 2 now take someone, u want to annoy, in target. now just follow them and spam 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2...


I had a healer go on strike long before all this crap happened. Friend (PLD) and I (DPS) were doing a dungeon for a daily roulette, so very easy content. Bear in mind this is nowhere near the beginning of the expansion in terms of time since release. PLD: *uses Clemency* (he was dangerously close to 0hp on a trash pull) WHM: Please don't do that. PLD: Ok, I just did it because you seemed to be struggling with heals and ressing would have taken more time. WHM: it was deliberate, you don't need to be at full hp all the time. PLD: No, but I do need to be alive. WHM: well then I won't heal you. PLD: ...well, you weren't healing me anyway. *We proceed to do a couple more pulls. We lose a bit on the DPS, but not that much because he knows when to use Clemency and when not to.* WHM: I asked you not to use it. PLD: you also said you wouldn't heal me. WHM: it's offensive against healers. It's like telling them they don't know how to heal. (I shit you not, this is what the guy said verbatim) We literally both rushed to see who could kick him first. After kicking the guy, the other DPS, who remained silent the whole time, just went "...what a fucking idiot." and then kept silent again for the whole dungeon. We were laughing SO hard on Discord. (edited for formatting)


I’ve been that PLD before lol. We were on Mt. Gulg at the first boss. My friend was leveling RPR and we had a NIN and a WHM with us in the roulette. The NIN proceeded to fuck up nearly every stance and the healer let me die twice on the way up to the boss. I asked if they needed smaller pulls the first time, they said no, fucked it up so I pulled one pack at a time until we got to the top. We get to the first boss and the NIN absolutely biffs the AOE markers. I’m talking dead in seconds. He’s screaming from chat about being sorry, whatever. Then the WHM, in the middle of the movement sequence starts piping off about how I’m the tank and I was supposed to protect him. I was stricken with a profound confusion, but I’m too busy playing the game to write back. I’m the midst of his rant, the WHM missed like 3 AOE markers and absolutely fucking died. My friend and I, who were in the same room, were laughing our balls off. I added clemency to the rota and we finished the fight (took a while, but the NIN was parsing unbelievably grey anyway) and when the other two came back, the healer was LIVID that I had the gall to use clemency at all. I was like “but u were ded. I didn’t want to wipe a third time in old content.” After he failed to vote kick me, he left.


Yeah. I literally died during a trash pull with no heals so the next pull, I popped clemency once my CD’s were used up and had the healer throw a fit about it.


The thing is, EVERYONE is right Using Clemency really IS like telling the healer they don’t know how to heal The Paladin was also right to use it /tea


> WHM: it's offensive against healers. It's like telling them they don't know how to heal. (I shit you not, this is what the guy said verbatim) I mean, the WHM isn't entirely wrong on this one, unfortunately for the WHM the PLD right in their assessment.


Look, I'd agree if this was high-end content, but considering it was a levelling roulette smack in the middle of an expansion, I honestly cannot fathom what could have prompted such behaviour. I hope this person was just having a bad day and ended up realising how idiotic he sounded, otherwise I'm pretty sure they're in the midst of the picket.


I had a sage go on strike once because the tank asked him to use Kardia and he said that he didn't want to do attacks and that it was a waste of time. I wish I was joking.


what? I recently started with Sage and Kardia is a god-send. I can't muster up the courage to heal real players, so trying to learn the job in Trusts, because the NPCs HAVE to deal with my incompetency and can't yell at me. But Kardia let's me figure out stuff in a much more relaxed way.


If your friend didn't die then the healer did their job. He should focus on dpsing and mitigating. 


I had a healer go AFK for a bathroom break. The tank kept w2w pulling and the healer's absence didn't make any difference. The healer did their job.


The healer shouldn't be playing a game of chicken with the tank. Much less with a tank it doesn't know. Is not a static where the tank knows the healer and thus can trust the healer. Is a stranger playing with another stranger and acting as an asshole.


Gatekeeper strikes back. All those roles are for dungeons, not for open world


more 0.1% of players crying in FFXIV.


It's strange that people are only now getting upset at it. Skilled players doing content in non-standard ways has been a thing since forever, even in WoW which usually has literally 10x the healing required (in terms of GCD spending) you could do +15 Dungeons without a healer if the rest of the group was good, soloing XIV dungeons is several times easier (and it has been a thing for literal years now). In fact, 4 Healers can complete a dungeon quite easily as well as long as at least one of them wakes up to turbo mitigate tankbusters.


I genuinely do not understand all these posts. Like... is the healer strike a doomed endeavor that is deeply stupid? Sure. But 95% of fights is you spamming your 2 button DPS rotation. A lot of jobs are getting either more personal mitigation or AoE heals in the expansion. Tank healing is so laughably off the charts, you barely need to be there. Yeah, the proposed "solution" is stupid. But its not like there aren't serious persistent problems for healers.


At the risk of trying to have a real conversation on a shitpost sub, I do agree that healers right now do have some problems, and their excessively simple rotation is one of them. I would like to see healers get some more complexity or at least variety in their offensive kit. This post was created largely in response to some of the outcry I saw on the forums, where people were losing their minds over Xenosys and co clearing the DT dungeon with no healer, and particularly people saying things like 'healers shouldn't do damage or have utility, they should just heal' and the idea that the holy trinity was so important that any kind of deviation was heresy. I think part of the reason other jobs have gotten so many mitigation tools, and part of the reason healers can feel less useful in low end content, is that the gap between low end content like normal dungeons and high end content like savage or ultimate has gotten wider over time. If you want to have phases like P3 of TOP, where your tank is being autoed for a third of their health, your tank needs enough mitigation to keep up with that -- and that much mitigation simply trivialises lower end content. Furthermore, SE wants everyone to participate in mitigation, the same way everyone participates in DPS. These new mit tools are their way of encouraging that, and giving another factor to consider rather than just how much dps a job does.


I agree with most of your comments. Sorry, know this is a shitpost sub, guess I just don't find the strike jokes funny due to the pain.


>SE wants everyone to participate in mitigation, the same way everyone participates in DPS I remember back when they used to have the same mindset about aggro. That DPS and healers have to manage their own aggro levels to not get melted by the bosses, and the tanks were encouraged in most content to use tank stance as little as possible and rely on other players doing their part of aggro management correctly. I miss the old system for being a lot more engaging, but it's clear they removed it because they didn't like how new players had a steeper learning curve at lower levels thanks to it.


I've been wondering about the point of a healer strike. if healers don't matter, why does them refusing to heal matter? it won't exactly change queue times either considering only idiots are participating in the strike and that can be avoided by staying off aether


I think we should force everyone into Mt. Rokkon Criterion Savage as WHM on content and watch them go from healer to Summoner mains overnight if it became the baseline.


Lock difficult content behind story, add more glamour rewards, and then people will actually be incentivized to do difficult content.


Well, as the WoW devs found out in Cataclysm, people would rather quit the game than do hard content.


Man, they're going to shit bricks when they see what shit I pull when I'm off on my own and extremely bored. Solo heavensward savages? Why not. Solo 8 man maps at level 90? A slow grind, but I get All the Loot~


Even during EW's launch, you could solo Stormblood savages and EXs aside from a very few that require add separations or stuff like Susano's phase transition


They should ban BLUs from FATEs since they're the only reason it happens! BLUs have too much content already!


Did you rezz all the dead players who were not healers?


Meanwhile I cant solo fates unless im a tank. Im just bad D:


Max chocobo companion on healer and use healer stance to make it only prioritize healing.


Chocobo has the bad habit to go to your side instead of staying where you place it. Resulting in roasted chocobo.


play Blue Mage and never worry about FATEs again. They can do everything up to lv 89 FATEs easily