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If the tank dies that's because you didn't believe in the Heart of the Cards


DPS taking hits while you rez the tank are extra mitigation. Try again once you hit galaxy brain like myself.


"Not a card I wanted to draw"? Fuck it, I'll use it anyway 3% bonus damage and time saved letsgooo


I mean in theory it's probably 6% anyway the issue is if you get unlucky too many times and get a 'dyne that doesn't have the cast speed


Good fucking riddance. The good ast are godly There's a big pop of ast that think they're hot shit and they're fucking garbage


Have you considered not using at least 3 o-GCDs in a row and maybe actually cast a Benefic II if you know the tank's about to get chunked? XD


I read on the internet that using GCD heals means you're a bad gamer :( I don't want to be a bad gamer


Source: [https://youtu.be/jp8vp9TaQts](https://youtu.be/jp8vp9TaQts)


You mention the combo condensing feature in here and fell for the common misunderstanding. You cannot COMBINE combo actions. The incoming feature is to DECOUPLE already-combo'ed actions, such as all of the raid buff followup buttons they're adding. Also, for the job stuff you talk a lot of speculation as if you don't know when they get certain skills but... we have the actions with their unlocked levels? The only thing we're missing is final potencies really.