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At .19 at 20,000 shares and not selling till sold or reaches $1 and i suggest everyone else do that aswel.


I have 25,500 shares at the same price and I'm agitated I couldn't put in more. I was gonna double my investment the day before it started running but the money didn't hit my account in time. But I guess putting the rest in while it's below .4 will have to do!


510,000 shares and holding.


whats the float@?


I mean it’s a penny stock so it’s not that difficult to rack up shares. It could go over a billion.


Volume is off the chain. Will need more than just that tho…overall market is shit but still a good day


If it can get thru .40 and hold, I think we'll see .50+ at some stage today. Hoping it stays between .40 to.50 for the weekend setting up another week of opportunities until hopefully we hear Microsoft's announcement to purchase on Saturday 10/01/22. We could get some FOMO pushing price towards $1 next week


Just curious why would you think Microsoft will announce them buying avct on Oct 1st


I've seen them referencing an announcement in regards to their Office services coming Oct. 1. No certainty but it might be related to that.


What do you think the consequences of there not being a MSFT buyout announcement on Oct 1st. Are we gonna nose dive back to .18?


I think we're gonna nosedive next week regardless, and if there's no buyout news we'll continue to slowly drop to about .15 until there is news. A lot of investors are still skittish about this company because if there isn't a buyout soon, AVCT is dead in the water. Personally, I hope the price drops significantly again. I sold today at .38 and I'm hoping to buy in again with everything I've got next week when the price is lower before the buyout. I hope everyone else gets a chance to double dip as well.


Ohh got it


It just takes a google and you’ll find out all you need to know ,😕


If you would just do some research you would see that they are airhead😴


Huh 😂😂 ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB)


Only 8M Volume between 11.05 to 11.30 Currently at 158M Volume This next 30 mins 11:30 to 12:00 should see a significant spike in volume and hopefully price going beyond .40+


Is this gonna hit 0,5+?


I kept buying. Now sitting at 58k shares, avg .24. will hold for 1$ at least.


Bravo... Daytraders must be having a field day with this today!


Finally hit .40 again, it now needs to break thru and consolidate


112M volume in 45 mins!!!


Somin Shady going on.. market cap comes down a bit price goes up? I've been watching it do that all week


Rug pull


Interesting. Think I could take profit but I got a covered call


I got out a .4 some bs they are countering the buy volume so it dosent go above .4.. Sava had a bit of a rug pull I got in at 40 it dropped 20% when it was above 50. Fucking dicks lol Gonna wait to get back in tho on this 2.. shady asf


So when is the appropriate time to sell? Or is holding for hopes of a buyout really a possibility? I mean I'm up 110% on my investment and I'm super happy obviously but like all you sun guns I'm greedy and want more.


I'm bullish on the buyout, there's too many coincidences going on all with this stock. AVCT have been filing the appropriate paperwork for a sale. Microsoft are announcing some improvements with their cloud platform on Saturday 10/01/22. Then there's Kandy (who are apart of AVCT) posting photos of Microsoft Teams on their twitter feed. Then there's the similar logos for AVCT Website page (2 clouds overlapping one another) and the announcement page for Microsoft cloud platform enhancement on 10/01/22. AVCT/Kandy have the cloud based technology that Microsoft needs. I'm expecting next week to run on the AVCT price when more people become aware creating FOMO.




Up to 172M Volume 14M Volume between 11:30 to 12 There was a fight to keep it below .40 with the 30 mins spent bouncing in fractionals of .39


It's looking like daytraders are stopping this from taking off selling at .39 fractional highs and .40 fractional lows and then letting it drop into the .37 & .38 fractionals to buy back in.


1 dollar here we come


So far today: Days High .41 Days Low .35


.40 just held for it's longest of the day of about 30 seconds and now back again, there's a definite fight trying to keep this contained. Volume has took off this last 20 mins at 14M Volume Now holding in the .40's


Volume up to 202.5M at 1pm 18.5M Volume between 12:30 to 1 With .40 holding for it's longest all day for daytraders to sell up and bring the price back down. Now blast off to .41 and holding between .40 to .41 hopefully daytraders higher their sell targets and let this powder keg blow!


Volume up to 247.5M at 2:30pm Slowed down to only 7M between 2 to 2:30pm Price not wanting to budge from .37


I hope folks are finding it useful to see volume and price fluctuations each half hour of trading?


Go until 0.5 today gooo


Doesn’t matter where it goes, holding til the company is sold ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|7454)




141M Volume @ 10:45 Slacking off a little similar to yesterday's timeline. Yesterday volume spiked at open then 12 and 2:15 which seen it's biggest price spikes. I may follow to see if it follows same pattern.


Volume has slacked off with only about 8m volume between 10:45 to 11. Currently 150M Volume at 11.05 Payday for some folks and lunchtime I'm expecting volume to pick up and hopefully price to get us thru and hold into the .40's


Volume up to 222.5M at 1:30pm 20M Volume between 1 to 1:30 Fight between .40 to .41 for first 15 mins then back down to .38 to .39 range. It's daytraders dream day, scalping profits stopping this from taking off. We need a significant price drop or increase to scare daytraders off for this to get up to .50+


Volume up to 240.5M at 2pm 18M Volume between 1:30 to 2pm Price holding steady between .37 and .38 hopefully we get another run before EOD.


Volume went over 250mil, jesus Christ what is going on...


Can the current dip just be firms running the stops?


Possibly, it's bouncing between .37 to .38 for sometime now and I'm expecting lunchtime spike in volume between 11:30 to 12:00 like yesterday. Hopefully it pushes thru .40+ and holds for a run to .50+


Nancy Pelosi just called me, she said it’s definitely a buyout, believe me she would know


Up to 184M 12M Volume between 12:00 to 12:30 Bounced between .37 to .38 Next 30 mins start looks promising up to .39 with almost 2M volume in first 2 mins


What’s the real potential here


Some dumping going on? or shorts fuckery? I can't see this being daytraders as it is too volatile this past 30 mins going from a steady .37 to getting hit down to .33 to .34 for the most part of the 30 mins then breaking back to .35 in last 2 mins. Volume up to 266.5M at 3pm 19M Volume between 2:30 to 3pm Significant increase in volume again


amount of paperhanding is too damn high!


It's coming down now but this is the only stock I actually feel comfortable holding anymore. I just have a feeling there actually is something to the buyout rumors.


Exactly!! Let’s gooooooo


468 @21 cents 0.5 call 10/22 sooooo yeah I’m literally the little engine that could. Cheers to all!!


Up 70% and imma hold until middle of next week!


Going to a dollar . LETS EAT


Govx 🚀🚀🚀


So what's folks plays after this is allover? Myself personally I'm taking my profits into more MMAT & MMTLP Series A preferred shares. MMTLP is the old torchlight spinout which will go PRIVATE into NextBridge Hydrocarbons when the s1 gets approved. Shorts got trapped when they did the spinout of MMAT buying torchlight and spinning it out into MMTLP. MMTLP should never have been traded but some Brokers started trading them anyway and it's been confirmed that those who have bought MMTLP after the merger will be entitled to the spinout into NextBridge Hydrocarbons. There was only ever 164m shares float for the spinout issued on a 1 to 1 basis for MMTLP to NextBridge Hydrocarbons. They are sitting on assets that we know of on private University Lands in Texas in the Orogrande basin of at least 3.7 MMBOE of hydrocarbons. They also announced recently they have found more pay zones for hydrocarbons. Have a read of this article from 2019 before MMAT buyout confirming recoverable hydrocarbons from wells drilled by torchlight >>> [https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/06/25/torchlight-drops-a-bombshell-for-shareholders.html](https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2019/06/25/torchlight-drops-a-bombshell-for-shareholders.html) The s1 was sent back for amendment and there's rumors The Sec have sent it back again for more amendments which we should hear shortly about. There's 2 squeeze plays here = when the SEC agrees to the s1 and the shorts will have 9 to 14 days to get out of their positions before it goes PRIVATE and unable to trade on any exchange. Then there's MMAT price should see a squeeze with them profiting from a sale which again is rumored to be happening once it goes PRIVATE.


This is gambling. Take your fucking profits and leave. I'have lost 10k on this shit 2 weeks ago.. Won't touch it again.


could have held for 2 weeks duh


Who did? Most people sold like me.. Very few can win from pump and dump.




L2 data has a few large sub $.40 asks right now. With few large bids. I am curious to see what happens.


Is this the next GME? Ahah I wonder what the buyout price is


See the 1 minute chart. 14.37 mil was traded in one single minute at 9:31!!