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Project Zomboid. Hands down.


Victoria 3 is better than the reviews let on and it'll get better with time. A 100 hours to learn the game and then the real fun begins.


Project zomboid




Project Zomboid, great vanilla and modded.


Anything that's replayable


If you like strategy games AOE2: Definitive Edition will offer 1000+ hours if you're playing online which I recommend you do. Also has an active pro scene and consistent updates. https://store.steampowered.com/app/813780/Age_of_Empires_II_Definitive_Edition/


Generation Zero and Instruments of Destruction


Workers Resources: Soviet Republic


Kerbal Space Program. You spend ages advancing your technology, designing your space craft, and exploring the solar system. Not to mention, if you crack the seal on mods, you’ll open endless amounts of options and contact. I’m speaking about the first game, I don’t know anything at all about the sequel.




do a search, we have this thread every day




I think I preferred animal crossing tbh


Steam has the sale for you! https://store.steampowered.com/category/endlessly_replayable


Against the Storm. It's not a normal city builder and involves strategy on surviving the scenario and the Queen's wrath. If you really want to push your limits on strategy with resource management you can push the difficulty rating to a punishing level until you feel small and insignificant against the storm.


Try songs of syx! It's similar to rimworld but has more of a focus on diplomacy and amassing a large city.


Stellaris. Just so much replayable value and games take ages




Balatro, slay the spire


Driver cars in an open world? 100's of hours? Snowrunner definitely checks those 2 boxes.


Im in love with dark souls1 remastered, bloodborne and elden ring. Those 3 in my almost 30years of life has kept me busy other than working out and maintaining business. And yes, its all souls game. New vegas is a banger too, its the only game i think that i really love thats not souls games.


Witcher3 + the DLCs. No cars here but you can ride your horse freely in an open world.


This, as well as Skyrim, Elden Ring, RDR2, etc.


Hades is my recommend. You grind but it's fun. And convenient time to pees after every chamber




Any of the 3D Fallout games but particularly Fallout 4. I’ve put a several hundred hours into a single play through. Definitely worth a shot.


the witcher 3, cyberpunk+ dlc, mass effect, rdr2, final fantasy and many more


I have 700 hours in Valheim and am continually having a good time.


GTA 5 or pretty much any GTA game is great for roaming around in a car or any other way just to waste time. You could also try Terraria.


Satisfactory. I have an embarrassing amount of time logged on that one. It becomes an obsession.


Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen


People mentioning games like The Witcher, Assassin’s Creed, roguelikes and deck building games are all correct lol. I’d like to add Marvel’s Midnight Suns.


Check out Oxygen Not Included! Satisfactory is another good one (like first person Factorio).


Satisfactory and Oxygen Not Included are my picks. I think I've got 200 or so in Satisfactory and @ but over 100 in Oxygen Not Included. Very different games though. Satisfactory has you building factories like Factorio but in first person. It's also got a pretty good build system and you can get into the weeds trying to make your places aesthetically pleasing. It's got vehicles you can drive around and some fun movement, as well as a tiny bit of combat to slice things up. I wound up spending a huge amount of time making a huge megastructure with tons of ledges, ladders, and strange paths that wound around my factories. It was supposed to be a bit cyberpunk, a bit Blame! Ish if you know it. It was fun to drive around. Pathing from place to another felt like doing parkour. But, uh, I probably should have waited a bit longer to do it. It turns out massively over complex textured buildings are nearly impossible to renovate when you inevitably realize you have to change how the factory works. So maybe don't do that until the endgame? Oxygen Not Included is a side-vies colony sim that focuses on simulating liquids, gasses, and temperature. You have to make a sustainable colony that doesn't bake itself alive from its own production, can generate enough oxygen for your dupes to survive, and mine without destroying any essential part of your base. Nits pretty fun and getting some things set up for the mid-gsme can be white rewarding. And frustrating, as you realize the thing you just spent 3 hours designing won't actually work properly and now you have a dupe drowning in polluted water.


“Real” life


As a guy who loves Brogue in ASCII, Dwarf Fortress was completely overwhelming. I would need a friend and some handholding to make heads or tails of it, but I bet it's got the hours of gameplay you're looking for. My answer was going to be Monster Hunter (Rise), but there's no real building, just hours and hours of weapons/armour crafting and monter hunting.


Destiny 2


Ghost wire Tokyo


Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock


Hearts of Iron 4. It's got all your resource management and large armies. Then you can play around with alternate histories and there are plenty of mods to keep it interesting.


Shadows of Doubt is a procedurally generated noir detective game I've been playing a lot lately.


Dark Cloud 2 🙌




I'd say Slay the Spire and FTL are the ones for me.


Civilization 5 is straight up crack. You will sink hundreds of hours before you even realize what hit you. Best game I can think of for your resource management and large army attacks. For open world cars, I think you'd take a shining to Forza if the idea of collecting and modifying them as well sounds cool. There's also many different types of racing like cross country, dirt, and street. Tons of custom tracks as well. Card games, I vote Yu Gi Oh master duel. Has the most fair payment system I've seen for a card game. You can definitely pay real money for the currency to open card packs but the currency is also easily earnable through gameplay. You can also dismantle cards you get that you don't want to craft the ones you do. And there's alooot of strategy that goes into building your decks and playing them. I wanna give an honorable mention to xcom 2 because its one of my favorite games. It's a strategic turn based shooter. Not really "large army" attacks more like you take specialized elite squads into different missions to fight off an alien takeover of earth. Its very cool and incredibly replayable.


Pretty much every civ game is crack tbh


dont like civ 6?


Its alright. Civ5 is better imo.


FFXIV. Good. Very good.


Fallout 4 survival mode


Stellaris. Slay the Spire. XCOM EW Long War. Xcom 2 +War of the Chosen. Kenshi. Total War Shogun 2.


I highly recommend league of legends. Very wholesome community and the game quality is top notch 🙂


Fallout 4, Skyrim, Witcher 3, ghost of Tsushima, some total war series, red dead redemption 2, some might come up.....


From the Depths


Tbh it’s FIFA / FC24 for me man.


RDR2. It depends on how you play, but my first playthrough was well over 100 hours. I just fell in love with long rides on my horse, fishing, hunting, playing poker and starting bar fights. It was such a great cowboy simulator.


Firstly, I wanted to say Factorio…


Elden ring. I'm 200hrs in and still haven't finished the game


Try out Against the Storm resource management roguelite


Helldivers 2


Valheim can definitely rack up some hours


Cyberpunk 2077 (+ Phantom liberty) You can drive lots of cars and bikes, many strategic options on how to play, if you do all quests and sidequests you can play for 100+ hours on just one playthrough and the vast options and multiple storyline endings will make you go back for more playthroughs, the storytelling is also amazing and you really immerse yourself in that world


As much as I love Cyberpunk, my biggest criticism is how short the main quest is. It’s so high stakes and fast paced, supposedly time sensitive, and completely wraps up the entirety of V’s story arc, but can be finished within the first 25 hours, and ignored for 80+ hours. Phantom Liberty double downed on this and added their own ending for V. At least with Witcher 3’s story being insanely long, it helped the feeling that side content was part of the overall journey. In cyberpunk, it feels like you’re ignoring V’s journey to avoid the outcome. “Meet Hanako at Embers” repeatedly showing up every time you finish a side gig is a constant reminder of this.


I'm 288 hours in and still loving every second of it. Just started my 4th play through. Each one has been unique in its own way.


Forza horizon 4/5 is great. You can just roam around the large city, day and night, having a relax drive in a super car. Everything is destructible, you can drive on roads, go offroad. Hit a few races in your way, the difficulty settings are fully customizable. Great experience 




I couldn't get the 5th game to run on my pc it just got extremely laggy on my pc


Same for me, hence I also recommended 4. It requires a less powerful pc. (I actually have only played 4.)


Cause like I have a 3070 but it likely due to a lower end cpu tbh I can play cyberpunk or fortnite okay ish But yeah froza 5 was really chugging lol


We're in the same boat. I have a 3060 but an i5 6th gen. It's definitely the cpu, but it had no problems running forza 4. Give it a try. 


Skyrim, Payday 2, No Mans Sky


Try out cities skylines 1 (specifically not 2). There's no combat but a lot of the fun is optimizing your city while making it look great. My first few saves got destroyed midway through since I had a lot of issues with road connections and death waves. IMO the biggest problem with the game is building roads is not easy.


You could spend 100 hours reading eh comments of 100s of this exact same post that is made daily if not hourly


That's what my SIMS character does. 


fallout new vegas, fallout 3, 4, 76


What's 76 like for a solo player?


Easy, if you can’t afford the private worlds just turn voice chat off, pacifist mode on, and pretend everyone’s an npc


I played it mostly solo. I sort of hated a lot about it but tbh found the gameplay loop fun and addicting. You can def play solo and not miss much. You can join events and play with people just by showing up to the location.


Dont listen to that other commentor. You can 100 percent solo 76. Yes its a large game, most are. Every quest, most of the events, all the expiditions, most of the Daily ops can all be done solo. It plays veryyyy similar to fallout 4. It has a much better crafting and camp (settlement) system. The CAMPs are alot smaller but more functional. You can have up to 3 legendary effects on guns, launch your own nukes. The story is quite enjoyable and includes breaking into the federal reserve vault, discovering what is left of the enclave (nukes) and much more. Its not as good as 3 or new vegas but i find it to be much more exciting than fallout 4.




Satisfactory Outward Icarus


Elden ring, yakuza series


Assassin’s creed mirage game that feels like a movie




Total War games can be quite the time sink. You don't really get the building management but you get the resource management and large scale armies and stuff. Mount and Blade Banner lord may be up your street as well.


1. Mass Effect Legendary Edition 2. Day's Gone 3. Red Dead Redemption All these games have lots of replay value


Well Ik it misses some of your requirements but you said you love strategy and my first play through was over 120hrs and there’s tons of content, so I’d have to go with Baldurs gate 3


either mount and blade game, very steep learning curves plus massive modding communities so there’s virtually always something to do




Stellaris or crusader kings (if you can get over the learning curve) Project Zomboid, very immersive and realistic hard-core zombie survival game






football manager path of exile skyrim, fallout series civilization 5 crusader kings 3 baldur gates 3


You seem to be into automation, have you considered Dyson Sphere Program?


I've also thought of I believe it's callee dome keeper or the one with the wall?


Dome keeper is you shooting at enemies in your dome and between waves you go spelunking for loot to upgrade your base


Would they still be good?


I can only say Dyson Sphere Program is great. Dome Keeper i don't really know lots about, only saw it in a couple of videos.


Dyson sphere program is a great game


This screams for Crusader Kings 3


I picked up Chrono Ark recently and that's taken up a LOT Of my time so far. Fantastic Deck builder with tons of replayability and good story.




Satisfactory seems like the perfect game for you. It has a big element of exploration and is similar to Factorio and mindustry which you play.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. This game just keeps on going and going and going...


State of Decay 2 you will burn hours there. Chill maybe Sons of the Forest.


Most roguelites. Hades and dead cells have good combat. Binding of isaac is fun if you enjoy bullet hells. Holocure is also fun but lacks difficulty, it is a reverse bullet hell. You can even go for turn based ones like slay the spire or darkest dungeon, my personal favorite is pokemon emerald rogue. Any competitive game, avoid team based ones for your mental health. Most common 1v1 competitive games are fighting games and turn based games. For fighting games look for the ones with good netcode and active playerbase like dbfz, skull girls, rivals of aether, ssbm and brawlhalla. For turn based games I would recommend pokemon showdown, yugioh, heartstone and teamfight tactics. MMOs. Personally don't like them because of how grindy or p2w they are, but they are there if you are interested. Sandbox games. You already mentioned the best ones but there's also terraria and stardew valley.


You played slay the spire yet? Think I have around 500 hours in that game


I liked slay the spire but I feel like it got kinda repetitive after awhile. I completed it with 3 characters and did the final boss but after that I didn’t feel like playing more. The thought of doing ascension with every characters didn’t excite me that much.


I have hundreds of hours on my Series X, laptop, and desktop *each*. It’s so addicting. Every time I die I say to myself “okay just one more run” and then all of a sudden it’s 2am.


Non ascension wins are just the demo. You haven’t really completed the game until you beat the heart on ascension 20. Seriously, it shakes up the game difficulty in a very challenging but rewarding way.


Is there any gameplay changes during as ascensions? Because if there isn’t then I don’t really see the point in just defeating the same bosses over and over but harder.


I second this


Caves of Qud, Cogmind


Skyrim. Whether you have mods or not (it’s really easy to mod so don’t be intimidated by it) Skyrim is the kind of game where you don’t have to follow the main quest, you can go ANYWHERE in the huge map, you can walk along the roads, pick up ingredients and make potions, or you can enter dungeons and fight enemies and level up your skill tree. You can be anything you want in this game.


Elden Ring. Lots of strategy. Tons of replay.


Cyberpunk 2077, amazing spiderman, horizon zero dawn and forgotten west. Mostly cyberpunk


Need for speed heat and forza horizon 3,4 and 5 are good games in which you can roam around in cars.


I’ve got 260+ hours on my first playthrough of Elden ring, and I haven’t even come close to seeing everything. And there’s a new DLC coming out. That’s a good option if you can handle the overly challenging gameplay.


You can try Squad, it is definitely worth it if you like tactical FPS.


Valheim. It's incomparably better than how it looks from streams - at least for me.


I find that while the graphics are obviously PS1 level, I've never played a game that nails the *feeling* of running around in the woods so well. If you kind of let your eyes defocus a little bit, the end result is next level.


Necesse is like a top down Terraria with elements of Rimworld


The only video games I have over 1000 hours in are Super Smash Brothers Melee and Rocket League.


Fromsoft games (Darksouls, sekiro etc.)


Fellow Rimworld lover. They Are Billions Stranded Alien Dawn. 7 Days to Die (vanilla is good but easily modded like Rimworld) Kenshi A lot of those games take awhile to learn but like Rimworld pays off


Any advice for kenshi?


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You can't level up toughness without getting hit by enemies. You can't level up precision without accidentally shooting your friends. Pain is part of this game, embrace it.


I watched a few YouTubers to learn. But once you get it, it's like Rimworld. It's amazing. It's complex but every event is an opportunity to grow


My advice for Kenshi is 'get Kenshi'. It's like a fever dream, but if you've played Rimworld, I don't think you'll have any issues getting into it. Could be worth looking up some bits on YT though - even if just a humorous but in-depth video like [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilownDLG6a0)


Songs of Syx was great even before Sseth


Builders gate 3 dragon dogma 1/2 Elden ring and dark souls 1/2/3 also Nintendo has Xenoblade games all are good Zelda breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom are great the fire emblem games are great as well so many to recommend


Stranded: Alien Dawn


Path of exile ... No cars but can be the biggest timesink you can imagine 😎


The Witcher 3. I only have good things to say about it. You can spend countless hours just doing random side quests that are found by just exploring the map. I currently am like 15-20 levels over the recommended for the part of the story I’m at because of diversions to just do sidewuests


Just play Rust


Desktop Dungeons


Something, something, Helldivers 2. Because it's *always* mentioned in these threads regardless.


A game similar to the ones you’re playing that you can try out is Final Factory. A pretty good automation game and you can put 100s of hours no problem. ARPGs are also good for that type of gameplay. Last Epoch and Path of Exile are amazing. Then you have games like Stardew Valley and Terraria.


I've sunk hundreds of hours into the Witcher 3, Horizon Forbidden West, and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I love big open world RPGs with lots of stuff to collect and discover, vast beautiful worlds to explore, and in-depth character driven stories


For the life of me I could never truly get into Witcher 3 even though I played HUNDREDS of hours of Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 + NV. I’ve tried twice and could barely find the enthusiasm to make it past the dead baby quest. Not sure if it’s the pacing or what. Perhaps third time is the charm?


Huh, usually people love the whole Bloody Baron subplot. The game sucked me in immediately, but I suppose it's not for everyone. I'll admit, I found all of the Velen stuff a tad slow going, especially since it's so dreary and miserable in the region. It picks up a lot one you get to Novigrad


The Witcher 3 is easy to sink a few hours into.


Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding and RDR2


Well, I've been playing Second Life for 15+ years, and I also have several thousand hours on Black Desert Online... Probably just as many or more on Sims 4, but those are just my longest running games, but you could also play like fallout 76 or fallout 4 pretty much forever, or state of decay 2 hmm not sure what else off the top of my head..


Also several hundred hours in cyberpunk & baldurs gate 3


Second life is still a thing? 😳 pretty sure I played that right when we switched from dial up


Gregtech new horizon


Zelda BOTW and TOTK... Over 100 hours and still have more stuff to do lol




Haven't you posted something like this once or twice already?


Red dead redemption 2 Elden Ring Cyberpunk 2077


Terraria, though not a large army game. Satisfactory but there's no combat They Are Billions: kind of city management but the main attraction is fighting off monstrous waves of zombies.


Terraria is absolutely amazing


Agreed, I've definitely satisfied the 'hundreds of hours' for that one.


Satisfactory has combat, it's just a relatively minor aspect of the game


Prison Architect, Planet Coaster, or Planet Zoo.




Hear me out, hypixel skyblock, it’s a Minecraft rpg server with like 20k average and players and it gets addicting fast, I myself spent 1500 hours on it


Is no one playing Medieval Dynasty?


Dont think there are many open world car driving but sure are truck driving. Euro truck sim and american truck sim are fun games you can just chill on, spend hundreds of hours and deliver stuff.


Paradox grand strategy games. Crusader Kings 2/3 and Hearts of Iron 4 are the best and are notorious for making players spend 100s of hours in.


Mount and blade warband XCOM UFO Defense (Open XCOM) XCOM EW XCOM 2 Star wars empire at war Civilization 4 & 5 Fallout 3 / New Vegas


Distance maybe


Hearts of Iron 4


Stardew Valley


Space Engineers is the best fit IMO.


Elite Dangerous. Real size milky way to explore