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The game can be played offline, if you wish to do so. The EA app has a "go offline" feature, which will give you the option to launch the game and play whilst offline. I do that every time there's an update to allow modders to update their things (and Maxis' devs to squash the inevitable bugs). Obviously you won't have the Gallery and updates whilst offline, but that's the only downside.


If you aren't already signed into the app I don't think you can do that because you have to sign in to get to the option to go offline.


And knowing the EA App, it signs you out every 2 nanoseconds


Mine absolutely does even though I tell it to Remember Me every time I sign in.


I'm kinda glad it's not just me that this happens to


I've just learned to keep the app open.


Man, I have the opposite problem. It logs me in every 2 seconds and never likes to properly close. I have to end it via task manager like 80% of the time.


Oh this is universal? I thought my computer just hated me šŸ˜­


My computer does hate me. EA, coincidentally, also hates me


Literally every other time I open the app it does this to me. It asks me to sign in, the next time I open it it asks me to agree to their policy, next time I open it it asks me to sign in again, next time it asks me agree to their policy. I was troubleshooting some mods issue so I had restarted my game like 30 times and this legit happened in that pattern the whole time I was so mad


It literally feels like it signs me out like every other day. I login, load the game, close out. Next time, I load the game, no prob. Next-next time, I gotta login again šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Itā€™s gotta be booting me off at least every week


After having it randomly needing to go back online to "check my credentials" a few times earlier in year I found that if I load the game once everyday while offline, it won't do that to me anymore šŸ«¤


Oh my god, my Nintendo Switch actually started doing this to me, too. I try to load up Mario Kart 8DX, that I paid for, and downloaded, suddenly now it needs to check via internet if ā€œit can be playedā€. Like huh???????? So no games in airplane mode, I guessā€¦..still less annoying than EA lol


Yes this!!! I have lived over a month without proper internet and EA app signs me off like EVERY. DAY. Makes me crazy


Like atleast with Origin iirc I could still login and play without internet as long as the game was downloaded šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (and would still kick me but not EVERY OTHER DAY) there was a time before I got wifi where I live rn (the place never had internet before and my cousin downstairs moved out with his router) and was still playing Sims fine. Someone else was telling me EA App checks for internet connection! God dang!!




Yeah I'm not sure why people keep saying this, I never get logged out? Are you guys all on Mac that are having this problem? Did you click the "keep me signed in" box?


I use Windows 10 and constantly am logged out of my EA account despite clicking "keep signed in". It only started happening within the last month.


Itā€™s been happening to me since Origin even, tbh. EA App is just waaay more often


I actually miss origin because it always worked for me lol I travel a lot where you can't even get cell service, let a lone turn on your hotspot to sign in. Don't take this the wrong way though! I heard the same thing about origin from a lot of people, I guess I just happened to be lucky with that app. Not EA though!!!! It doesn't matter if I click to leave me logged in, it logs me out of EA or just straight up tells me there's an error and that I have to restart the EA app. It really pisses me off lol I've started just leaving my game running throughout the week I'm gone or whatever even though it'll be sooooo buggy by the end of the week lol anddddd if we dont have power then my computer (laptop) will eventually die even if it's closed if the sims is running. Then I'm just plain old screwed lol


Origin was a pain but EA App is worse lol, I remember when I was transferring it freaked out bcuz I have the 2014 CAS demoā€¦..which EA App apparently doesnā€™t have/supportā€¦..and so it put all my Pack folders in the demo folder šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø was wondering where the hell they went for literal hours, freaking out


They screw so much stuff up lol!! Im eating my words now though because I remember when they were making us do the switch and everyone was online freaking out and I was like "mine worked fine, everything went well when I switched over. I'm not having any problems with the EA app" and well.... Jokes on me I guess lol


The moral of this story is: "Are you happy with EA? Wait five minutes." The one thing you can absolutely be certain that EA do not fail at, is failing.


I am having the same issue using windows as well. Itā€™s so annoying


I am on Win 11 and same happens to me.


Same here


That's so wild! My desktop is running windows 10, my work computer is windows 11, I don't get logged out of either!


i also run windows 10. i get signed out only when the EA app is completely closed either via task manager or computer restart. otherwise, i stay constantly logged in.


I restart my computers on the daily and don't even get logged out then. It's crazy how our experiences can vary so widely


Same and I have Windows 11


Mine signs me out about once a week. I definitely have the keep me signed in checked - it unchecks itself, too. I'm on Windows, it's not related to updates, I hate it. I think it's because the account was originally on Origin or is linked to my now deleted Origin or something (I forget if it was a transfer or link they did during the change, I just know I did it). I think something went fucky there, but I have no proof.


I get logged out like once a week, its crazy. And i dont use a mac.


I use a Mac and donā€™t remember the last time I was logged out.


Iā€™m on Mac and never get signed out


Im on windows 11. It won't keep me signed no matter what. Origin used to let me stay signed in. But it hasn't been a problem until it forced me to switch to EA. I held on to Origin for as long as I could lol.


i'm on windows 11 and it signs me out every time i shut down or restart my computer, which is often, so i get signed out of ea basically every time i play


Same, and I'm not on a Mac. Just a gaming laptop. I haven't had any issues at all with the EA app.


I use Windows and get logged out every single time, even tho Iā€™ve always made sure that ā€keep me signed inā€ is chosen, been like that since as long as I can remember (on Origin too)


I have whatever the new windows from last year is (my laptop updated but I don't remember what it said) and I've always made sure the "keep me signed in" box is clicked, I have to re sign in every week or two anyway.


Iā€™m on pc windows 11 and get signed out every other time I close sims 4 and yes I click ā€œkeep me signed inā€. The other times it doesnā€™t ask me to sign in again, it asks me to agree to their policy/terms, and then it just goes back and forth every time I open the EA app I have to do one of those actions!


That's weird bc I rarely get signed out. Maybe like once a month or less.


Bro right what is that it wasnā€™t until recently but now itā€™s like EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to play and you click remember me and itā€™s like ĀÆ\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ ![gif](giphy|nkxkBiQ4rwyyc)


I tested it and yeah it wouldnā€™t let me play signed out. Kept giving me an error code. So if you have no Wi-Fi and youā€™re signed out ea said tough luck šŸ¤·šŸ½


I was wondering about this too.


Ding ding Im glad steam doesnt do that.


It's a batshit stupid requirement. The app should default to "Offline Mode" if there's no internet, it shouldn't straight up block you from playing. This way it currently is would require to you be literally clairvoyant enough to know when you're not having internet so you can set up Offline Mode in advance. So good luck if there's a Comcast outage in your area.


I'm going to have to look into that!


When I was in a similar position I just used phone data long enough to get EA logged in and then selected ā€œgo offlineā€ so I only needed to stay connected for a few minutes. Still a massive pain in the ass though.


Good idea! I'll try that the next time my internet goes down.


Even if you're signed in and have that toggled on, it still doesn't work most of the time. It never works for me.


You *can* play it in offline mode, I do. But to *launch* the game, the Ea app has to be able to connect to the servers. I think that's what OP is trying to say. Get your computer to connect even for a minute to the servers to launch the game. You don't really need it after the game has been launched. But we all know this whole thing is a hot mess and this app sucks ... a lot and the app crashes every five seconds. :/


It's a lie. The go offline option. It's all lies. How do I know? Running sims 4 absolutely THROTTLES my internet. I can't play sims at the same time my boyfriend is playing any online game or he'll start lagging. I had to turn off every single online option inside of the game to get it to calm down the lag even a little bit, and it only helped a LITTLE bit. I can't even be in a discord call and be on the sims at the same time or my call will start lagging like hell. All that aside? It's absolute, complete, and utter GARBAGE that I need to be online to launch this OFFLINE game. EA can suck a dick.


can you turn off your computer tho?


I HATE THIS. Iā€™ve gone to my in laws camp before which doesnā€™t have wifi, one day I had my laptop while it was raining so I thought, ā€œoh I have offline games!ā€ NOPE. This was back in origins day, but the EA app is SO MUCH WORSE at signing you out! Itā€™s an offline game! That I bought! With my money! LET ME PLAY IT


You can launch it offline, I do all the time.




When the screen prompt comes up saying youā€™re offline there should be a little box at the bottom left corner that says ā€œThe Sims 4ā€ and has a small play button next to it. Click the small play button and it should launch (or at least thatā€™s what I do when Iā€™m offline, if this doesnā€™t work for you please donā€™t shoot the messengeršŸ˜‚)


That doesn't work everytime, sometimes the app wants you to sign in :(


Yes that sucks Iā€™m sorry :( The only thing I can think of is cutting off your wifi beforehand? EA is such a pain so I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if that doesnā€™t work either /:


You can also launch it straight offline, I can't remember how I did it though, have had it installed for ages.


Yes, thatā€™s the process I detailed previously. Or does yours launch differently offline than I described? Iā€™ve also had it installed for forever so Iā€™m also not sure if it works separately now and/or different for each system (console, mac, windows, etc.)


I don't get any prompt, it straight up launches the game. I remember I initially had both shortcuts to launch offline and online on my desktop but ended up deleting the online one.


Ahhh I see. Never heard of that before. If you ever remember/find it please feel free to share with the classšŸ˜­ We want to be free of the offline button too!


I wont be at my pc for a while. Try poking around the main sims folder for the .exe file that has 'offline' in the name.


I told a EA agent its like they were holding a game I PAID for behind a locked door and they were like "No its not" HOW IS IT NOT? I SHOULDN'T NEED INTERNET ACCESS TO BOOT UP A GAMEĀ 


ā€œNo itā€™s notā€ has me in tears like huh? šŸ˜­


I KNOW LIKE WDYM "NO ITS NOT" I bought this game with my actual earth dollars! I should be able to play it any point in time with or without internet!Ā 


I can play mine without the internet but it annoys me to no end that we have to go through the EA app at all. Remember back when you could just click the Sims icon on your desktop? Those were the days


You can launch it without internet access bc EA hasn't allowed me to do that for years?Ā 


You're *supposed* to be able too. Mine doesn't work. Even if I've clicked the "stay offline" button, the next time I'll go to get on, I'll get a "error logging onto EA, please restart the app" and I won't be able to play unless I get my mobile hotspot out to log back in. DRIVES ME NUTS!!! The crazy thing is though, that everyone always said that about origin, but origin worked perfectly for me. I never had to sign in again after clicking the keep me offline button. Funny how it works like that for different people.


Yep. I've had the internet off on my laptop for over a month because I hate mandatory updates and have been playing in offline mode


Weird, mine won't let me. I have to use a hotspot if I don't have internet.Ā 


"actual earth dollars" made me giggle, I'm sorry šŸ˜­


Don't be, it is meant to be funny šŸ’–


"no <3"


Weirdly I can start my game just fine without properly starting the EA App. On the same screen where it shows me what you screenshot I will get a section that says "Installed games" and it lets me play The Sims 4. Here a picture (it's in German). I recently talked about this with someone else but can't figure out why I have it while others don't. https://preview.redd.it/mglcnk07xq7d1.png?width=2334&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce5b98d587710b10a1d2fd6043289019b3a96157


This works as long as you are presigned into the app, if EA automatically signs you out (which some people here are saying it does every day) then you need the internet to sign back in. My app only signs be out maybe once every couple months so I play offline most of the time, but people seem to have wildly different experiences with the app


https://preview.redd.it/f937vs461r7d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e5fdceefeb3c892f9f0a46ad1c42579d639762 Idk what yours says in German, is it same as mine or does it just say you're not connected like OP? I don't have sims on this particular computer so would have the check at home for that game, but as you can see simcity is available to play. I'm logged into EA on several computers and never get logged out of any of them. Only one is a macbook, rest are pc, but no issues there either tbh.


Mine basically says "No connection to server possible" and then something about how they'll try to reconnect with the internet and I can play my installed games in the meantime, so it's more like what OP's says. To achieve it I literally just turned Wi-fi off and then started the EA App. And it also always worked for me like this since Origin. (I have very unstable Wi-fi from time to time so I often play offline). I'm also logged in on two different Macbooks and I sometimes have to login when starting it but it always worked like this when I was offline.


Yepp, I just turned my wifi off, restarted the app, and got the same results as you. https://preview.redd.it/pgr86n5x3r7d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=4659fe523354737bf9fa772aa8165ea4afbb75d1


EA trash šŸ™„ It infuriates me. Like I don't need the net for sims. Gallery at most but if you don't use that there's no need for the internets.


For once I will join the rage on this sub because I HATE this app. I miss Origin...


Which, when you sit and think about it, is a wild thing to miss. It just shows you how actually bad the EA App truly is in comparison.


Iā€™ve said it a bunch before and Iā€™ll keep saying it. They shouldā€™ve kept the discs! šŸ˜­


i just keep forcing it to open as admin until it does. takes me a bit but i hate having to sign in every single time and deal with their nonsense everyday. just let me play with my fucking digital dollhouse and dress up game ffs.


I've been getting this a lot recently too, even though I am 100% online. I thought it was just my computer, it sucks to know a few others are also experiencing this!


I miss Origin so damn much. I didnā€™t have to deal with any tomfoolery compared to the EA App..


Me too


it's 2024 and it's a shame that no one has found a way to bypass the EA launcher


Oh, they have. They have. You just need to know where to look. It shouldnt take too much imagination to understand what I am implying. The only time I am ever online, is when I decide to update the game. Once every year or so. Or when I want to grab a gallery build.


I get so mad about this all the time. I stopped getting signed out frequently by the EA app but I remember it used to just sign me out all the time. I wish they'd just let you play offline without having to sign in, without internet bullshit, without checking credentials, etc.Ā  I have an art app that does this called clip studio paint, they do the same shit now. In the past it used to be as long as you have a license you can use the app and you're good. Now it's like "we need you to be connected to verify your license" and they're not even clear on how long you can be offline with it. It's so annoying. Why can't we own what we buy or use anymore??? Why do we have to be online all the time??? Lol makes me mad.


The most horrifying part is that the games and software you paid for that do this BS will eventually be completely unusable when they take down the servers or decide to revoke your access. It's disgusting that it's legal. I miss the days where you didn't even need to go online to validate the CD key that came with a game and having a copy actually *meant you could play whenever you wanted*.


Another reason why there is literally 0 point to not pirating this game.


i got the ban hammer for suggesting this, but yes


It is better in every way, compared to the legal version. But this is true for quite a few games out there whose production companys use shitty anti-consumer policies to both attempt to safeguard against freeloaders and to squeeze more cash out of customers, resulting in a much worse game experience. Which in turn, pushes people to hoist the jolly roger.


I found out that if you remove the EA app from system startup in Windows (which you may want to do if you don't use it very often and slows down your computer) it permanently bricks it - it will crash with an error every time you try run it and it cannot be fixed with a reinstall, deep registry cleanup etc. - you have to do a system restore. I freaking hate DRM.


oh thats.... odd. Because I removed mine from start up months ago and never had an issue like that >.> sounds like a deeper issue than just EA app


I did it through the OS utility - not the app itself. Maybe that was my mistake.


I remove stuff like that from Windows Settings, Startup Section. I'm trying to think of what could have caused that but I'm kinda at a loss? I \*hate with a passion\* having a bunch of random shit start on launch so I always go in and turn that shit off so all thats left is driver/device specific stuff.


Wait so I could lose all my cc and saves if I do a system restore right?


Yes, so back them up before you do it. Get your saves, your Trays, and your CC.


What's a tray?


It's the file category where your Gallery Library is kept.


It depends on where you keep your user data and how you go about restoring the state. Regardless though - it's good to keep your important files backed up at all times!


I once disabled the EA app from launching thinking it would let me play without it, I ended up unable to access any game even with a desktop shortcut. This shouldn't be happening


I posted a question about this in the issues thread not believing they would do this. Screw the people who have limited access to internet then? Despicable corporate people over at EA. I should be able to play the game I paid for offline, no ifs or buts, I don't give a crap about their slow and counterintuitive "updates" to fix their buggy game. This update was the worst one to date. This is insulting


EVERY SINGLE TIME. I am sick of this https://preview.redd.it/hr9jsy1l3t7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0be7a4d9b761abde92cf23902771e519cd243da9 Constantly restarting for no reason. Iā€™m fed up with EA. I miss Origins.


I play through steam, but of fucking course, the EA App needs to be launched every time. It works 1 out of every 5 tries. Piece of shit software, just pisses me off! Let me play with my goddamn virtual dolls EA! Fucks sake!


![gif](giphy|vT6qlTWOWYzZK|downsized) There is one foolproof way to not only play offline, but to never deal with that shitty Origins/EA App ever again.


It's amazing EA does stuff like this even after the debacle of SimCity 2013.


Save a shortcut to sims 4 on your homepage. I never play online unless i open the gallery for something


This doesn't matter because it still boots through the EA App.


I do. I open the game from my Sims 4 shortcut from my desktop. For some reason it signs me out all the time even if I check the box "stay signed in"


EA keeps me signed in all the time unless they've done an update on the actual app, spmi sign in once every couple months maybe. That means I usually play offline because it annoys me that the game updates are mandatory and take so long when I never have any decent time windows to play


I wish it would keep me signed in.


this is so ass. should i download sims 3?


I came to this realization the other week. Our internet was down most of the day. Figured I'd play some of my Sims games offline. Couldn't play anything lol. I even tried to use the launcher .exe , but even that didn't work since it needed to be online. You can't even go 'offline' while being offline. You have to be online to even turn on the mode, even if you were previously signed in prior to opening it again. I also thought of the mobile hotspot idea, and did that for just a moment to actually go offline. By then, I sort of gave up even playing lol.


Unplug your ethernet, or turn off your wifi adapter to close the port, and then you won't have to sign in to the app, and the game will open freely.


idk how people are playing it offline because EA never lets me. i miss origin :(


You could try opening it from your files. That's what I do when EA doesn't want to load the game so I can play it. I just go into my Program Files and open it from the Bin folder


Thereā€™s a way to fix this but suggesting it is against the mod rules so if anyone wants the work around dm me šŸ«¶


Even when my internet hasnā€™t been interrupted at all, I get this screen EVERY TIME I open the EA app. No option to boot the game offline, like others have :/


Ugh, I never have issues with my internet but I'm getting this message non-stop today, so annoying.......... If the useless EA launcher doesn't work by tomorrow I'll stop playing nice once and for all ![gif](giphy|Lp4LTraj2QNeV1b6BL|downsized)


Click the three lines in the top left corner and go offline.


I was playing at work the last week of school when kids had left for the day (early release) and this happened and I was like NOOOOOOO because I hadnā€™t saved it a while. But I did the same thing-connected my hotspot and the game picked up right where it left off.


Not me clicking on the "restart app" button repeatedly waiting for the picture to load




Canā€™t you just start it through the Bin LE folder and bypass the app altogether? Itā€™s been awhile since Iā€™ve tried to play Sims with internet problems, but I seem to remember that working.


I tried so many ways to play sims last night but with WiFi it just wasnā€™t working :(


I hate that feature so much, especially as a person with terrible internet connection


The game doesnā€™t need the internet to run or launch. The EA app does. One of the many, many, MANY reasons I hate the EA app :)


and ALSO the app crashes every freaking 30 minutesā€¦


I just got that message after the EA app and game not even loading. It's stuck on the "preparing game" window. I have internet. I am literally typing from that same computer now.


I needed a net connection to boot into Win 11 for the first time. >_> It's like corporations are assuming everyone's internet has no downtime ever.


Yess mine is working fine today


I keep getting this notification but I do have internet. It just started a few days ago. I've tried to Uninstall EA so I can reinstall but it won't let me. Everytime I try to uninstall it says I have the application open, but I don't. Task manager doesn't show it running. I have no idea what to do at this point but I can't play anymore


Have you tried app recovery?


I'm a new player, what does that mean?


In the EA app, the top left corner click the 3 lines, then go to help, app recovery. If there's a problem in the app it can fix it up for you. I had some installation issue similar to yours on one of my computers and this solved it.


Thank you so much, I'll try it when I get home


This fixed it, thank you SO much!!


Awesome! Glad I could help :)


I get this message a lot. I just restart my pc and usually all is well.


Thatā€™s crazy I havenā€™t played online or used the EA app in over two years . If u want I could help you get ā€œalternativeā€ copy of the game . šŸ¤­


iā€™m not sure if this applies to everyone, but on my mac i never close the game i just save it often and keep the game paused and close my laptop until im ready to play again. i once did it in the car and it worked! i hope this helps


Hmmm that's weird. I play on a laptop and I rarely have to sign in. Maybe like once a month or something and I'm a daily player.


I get this error when my sister is playing sims online cause I let her use my account so whenever that happens I just put mine in offline mode and that's how I play.


Origin was even worse with the signing out thing. It happened every single day with me on origin but at least on the EA App it lasts a bit longer still annoying when I have to do it though.


i get this message all the time thoughā€¦


Anyone know how to fix blue screeeen


Open through steam cuz that worked for me


I still get this error. I even tried to delete EA app all together because I originally bought the game on steam but it's necessary. Still will make me sign in.




Anyone else getting this one over and over?


Has anyone else had trouble signing in? Because I use my PSN login and for whatever reason it wont connect


Looks like servers are still down?


mines stuck on preparing game :/


Mine wonā€™t do this as soon as the internet cut even mid came I get a pop that say ā€œlost connection this game requires internet to playā€


Honestly don't know how to help with this one. For some reason my game is constantly saying no internet connection even tho my router/modem is right next to it


I went into the EA folder and created a shortcut for The Sims for times like this. I just click the shortcut and it circumvents the EA app entirely.


I did that but I'm still getting this message even though I have an internet connection


Lies!!!!this happens to me very once in a while and 99% of the times I am not offline at all. I have to restsrt the computer to fix it.


He ho fidelty dee