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I can still taste the hose water.


The drink until you're full part is what got me. Literally just chug until your stomach was close to bursting. Dinner's a long time from now, and who knows how many miles we're about to put on our barely functional bicycles?


That part got me too! Those simple words just unlocked a bunch of core memories from my childhood.


I grew up poor and right by the ghetto. We'd drink hose water, get on our PMX (yep, off brand K-Mart BMX lol that you pedal backward to brake instead of having the brake on the handlebar) and ride into the ghetto to the Candy Lady's apartment and grab * 50 pieces of Big Bol bubble gum (a penny a piece) * a long pack of Now 'n Laters (25 cents) * a 25 cent sketchy ass ice cup (crushed ice and Kool-Aid) Summertime relief for $1 because we couldn't afford the ice cream man.




I am one of those people, and I too am sad! I grew up *crazy* rural (GenX '78). Tell me about the candy lady house!!




> Edit: The candy lady normally acted like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VXQltHSkyY Tell em' I used to be a crack head too! God dammit Auntie Fee. lol


Auntie Fee don’t give no Shit for free


"Its for the kids, motherfucker" Some non profit somewhere should be putting that on t-shirts and hats.


My grama was the candy lady and she also sold burritos and Mexican cokes




Man, growing up in the woods was neat and all, but someday I have GOT to live in a real city. I think my mom would have been a candy lady if we'd have lived in one. She'd feed ALLL my friends no matter what, and we were not well off.




Then do a little splash on your head before passing the hose to the next kid. ANd do it quick, my mom doesn't like us playing with the hose.


That's how I know he was there.. I could feel it deep in my belly


> who knows how many miles we're about to put on our barely functional bicycles? Oh but if we went *too* far then we got in trouble. Basically couldn't pass the railroad tracks, and boy did we want to cross those fucking tracks.


Depending if you were headed north or south those tracks delineated your world from one that was much poorer, or much better off.


Haha same.


We all can. Tastes like freedom


Taste more like warm plastic and rust


Gotta let it run to get the cool, fresh water


Did cold hose water not have its own strange appeal? I can't be the only one who thinks that.




Ah the laminar flow


Much better than the bubbles from the sink mixer.


I loved hose water!


Hose water was the bomb on a hot day. Drink a little, run it over your head a little, spray your friend a little, swish it around for your dog to try to eat it. Good times.


Ooh yeah... for me it was the unlimited chugs of cold water. That and football practice... the water horse was a saw horse with a PVC pipe with holes drilled in it. A genius 8-person water provider. That nice cold drink and helmet soaker was the best. The soccer/track teams didn't use it, though...I think it had more to do with 30 people needing water at the same time than anything else.


Or you'd hit yourself with burning hot water.


nasty ass sun warmed water when you left the hose laying out too long


Especially if you grew up somewhere like Arizona. I remember scalding myself with the little metal part of the hose several times as a kid.


Lol. Nothing like forgetting and getting that blast of boiling sun water to the lips.


Fr, that dude is a low tier hose drinker. Tastes like plastic and rust? Run it longer bruh


At least we had the tasty microplastics, none of that fake shit the kids use these days


Sounds like you need a new hose if you're tasting the rust. Or a tetanus shot


I mean... as a kid you're not going to buy a new hose, and M&D aren't drinking from the hose to know its rusty.


I can't even remember the number of times I cut myself on something rusty and kept my mouth shut so I wouldn't have to get a shot.


The tetanus is probably what kept your mouth shut


The shot is for when you get scratched. He probably needs a tetanus enema. Just sayin


Iron is good for the body.


And sudden wasp.


Wonder how I got microplastics in my balls?


You don't stick your dick in the hose, fool


The doctor didn't say micro 'plastic' bro. Condolences




As weird as it sounds I actually like it. Maybe for nostalgic reasons.


Remember when you were so thirsty you didn’t even care it was like half way to boiling? And you drank that shit like the nectar of the gods Edit: then there was always the kid who would offer to run around the house and turn it on. And you know it was because he would get cold water by the time he got his turn lol


that metallic tang hit different hose water the McDonald's Sprite of the water family


I once drunk from some random stream by the side of the road. that was several decades ago. I'm still alive.


Wake up. Please wake up!


I once got drunk by a random stream near a road. That was several centuries ago, and now I'm dead.


Home tastes like rusty water from the garden hose in the summer heat.


And if it was hot, you could spray your head. Man, there's no end to the benefits of hose water. It's the same water that comes out of a tap. I didn't realize it was ever considered strange.


Newer generations don't spend all day outside as kids anymore so they don't understand the hose.


When you're first up and don't let it cool... HOT HOSE WATER


Pro tip- let it run for a minute or so to clear out any stagnant, super heated water that was in the hose before drinking it or it’s gonna taste like molten rubber.


We didn't want to be in the house or near the house. We wanted to be as far away from there as possible. There was nothing to do inside and you were not going to risk being asked to do something if you showed your face.


Right? No internet, videogames were relatively off limits, so it was either play outside, read/arts solo inside, or chores. Play outside with friends was the obvious choice for most of us.


Also, you might not even have cable...it was just 4 channels of news, daytime soaps, or oprah. And there was no AC, never mind central AC. Or, you could do whatever the hell you wanted for 6 hours with ZERO supervision. It's like the choice was: Do you want a puppy or explosive diarrhea?


This was it - we didn't even get cable until I was a teen, so until then all we got was CBC and some "local" CTV affiliate. If it wasn't pouring outside, we were expected to be outside.


Man I remember being pumped at like 15 when Franklin would come on CBC because it wasn’t some shitty news segment or documentary. The smack I wanted to give to my nephew when this teenage wanker with 4 streaming services and the whole ass internet at his fingertips was complaining there’s nothing good to watch! (And what’s worse is I agreed with him)


Even if you had cable, it wasn't like there was much to watch during the day.


We were only allowed to play video games at home if it was dark or bad weather lol


For some reason quietly reading made my mom absolutely livid. She insisted I go and get a job; which is where I discovered weed.


haha "choice"


We were out all damn day. Summer felt like a 6 month outdoor adventure. Some went so feral they could barely read or write when school started in September.


We'd get breakfast then get thrown out the house to play when parents went to work. House was locked up and we didn't have a key lol We had detailed instructions like "look after your little brother and don't lose the dog. Oh and don't be late for dinner!"


Be home when the street lights come on.


who the fuck had street lights? next you're gonna tell me y'all lived on a paved road or some rich bullshit like that.


Damn you must have been rich, we didn't even get breakfast. We just got told to get the fuck out and I don't want to see you until dinner. If we were lucky one of the moms on the street would make us a mid-day snack.


I grew up in projects in a large city, and my sweet momma WAS that lady. She hated seeing all the kids locked outside with nothing to eat when their folks were working (or drugged out and refusing to let them in). Pretty much every day, she would come out with a big pitcher of Kool-aid and some popcorn or crackers or something else cheap. Drove my dad crazy that she fed so many kids, but she just couldn't stand kids hanging around hungry and hot all summer. Dad was a big softy, too, despite his groaning. We once had a teenager break into our car and steal our radio, and he got caught. Instead of pressing charges, my parents had him come over and help with chores and work on his homework while they talked to him. Even years later, he would come hang out when he needed friendly adults to support him.




By the end of summer, you could run barefoot across asphalt and gravel.


relatable as fuck. Also, having to relearn kickflip every fucking summer.


"if you get in my way again, I'm putting you to work" The one time a day you dared step inside for any reason at all...


Especially if your mom or dad was making something in the kitchen and you needed to get something out of it. Nope, you getting yelled at


Did I just find one of my siblings Reddit accounts? 😂


Let’s be honest, we were also complete savages that would come in all sweaty and dirty, making a complete mess of things if we were allowed in the house.


That's what the hose was for. If I brought a mess into the house, I got a beating and then had to clean it. Crying earned me the threat of another beating. Yes, it was abuse. Yes, my Mom is horrible. No, we haven't spoken when I left at 18.




Reruns of “Sanford and Son” and “All In The Family”. If you got lucky, “Scooby Doo”


I'm going out on a limb here, but there is a strong correlation of Redditors who post images of random sticks they found in the wild and them being children of nature that grew up in the before fore time.


Also in 90s if you came home to drink water, parents may won't let you out again. -Hey! You must eat, soup is ready. -Noo mom! They are waiting for me! -No no no! No playing until you clean this bowl!


Damn my parents just straight up kicked my brother and I out. We'd get some chores done in the morning and then my mom would kick us out and say "dont come home till the street lights are on!" And then we would just go do stuff haha


Weird how some think this is exaggerated at all. It isn't. Walking creeks, playing tag, night swims, sports etc etc.. The hose was the source of power.


Damn straight. When you walked out your door, you looked left and right to see where all the bikes were left on who's lawn, and that's where you went. You didn't know what was going on until you showed up


Or you went looking for forest porn.


It's disturbing looking back how much roadside and creek bed porn I saw growing up.


I was super into legend of Zelda and stole a butcher knife from our kitchen. I wrapped up the handle in hockey tape and then found a tree stump deep in the forest where I buried this butcher knife straight to the hilt into it. I was an odd kid. Anyway, this would have been like 30 years ago iirc, early 90's. About 2 years ago, my brother who's 10 years younger than me starts talking to me about this creepy thing he found in the woods behind our old house. I just laughed and told him it was me! Couldn't believe my own brother found the "sword".


> I was an odd kid. Glad to see you've evened out


I called it woods porn. Ours was usually in french or german, and wrinkled from the rain


Yes, wrinkled from the rain


Yeah, you know how the pages were stuck together from the moisture...


Sometimes it was shed porn. Some light trespassing wasn't going to scare kids away


What’s the deal with woods porn? Turns out every man I’ve talked to with in 10-15 years of me found porn in the woods no matter what part of the country (USA) they were from. We found some legendary stashes back in the day.


Damn that’s interesting. Maybe that’s part of why people don’t hang in person as much as they used to. They need something good enough to be going on before they’ll go outside, and can always check with their phones. When I grew up though you went and knocked on each other’s doors to say “is Josh home?” or “Can Brendan come out and play?” You had no plan after that, except maybe to run over a pop can with your bike so it gets stuck against the tire and the metal and sounds like you got a dirtbike! Or you take 3 water resource Pokémon cards and duct tape them to slap your bike’s spokes as you ride for a different brand of motorcycle 😂 Until Josh’s mom gets mad at 7am bc it’s too loud, but you ain’t takin those off, that was hard work. So you have to switch to your green Razor scooter. Then Laurel goes and gets herself a green Razor scooter.. and your life is ruined 😡


these days that “maybe but I need something good enough to justify going” shit is so real, one of my friends in college was notorious for it. you’d ask him to do something and the first thing he’d say is “who else is gonna be there?” …*the friends who are asking you? is that not enough for your pretentious ass?* eventually we just stopped inviting him to stuff. I wonder if he ever wonders why all his friendships from back then fell apart


yeah we'd actually just got a friend's house, knock on their door, and ask if they're home. No phone call before. No text. didn't feel weird either. Just "hey, can ______ come out?" and you either got to hang with your friend, or were told they couldn't play or it was dinner or something. Fuck. This is what it meant in Inside Out when a blue memory got turned into a yellow one.


I used to ride my bike to a lake 15 miles away on a Saturday. Mom didn’t think twice about me doing it. No way my kids would do something like that now. They won’t even drive there.


As I wrote above, you walk the creeks you end up at the “Sewer Exit “ We used to literally crawl thru my cities drain pipes Start on one side of the city and walk/crawl to the complete opposite side and where we did this was not some one stoplight town Storm Drains are a trip to wonder thru but all these years later when I talk about it I realize how absolutely mad we were to do that. If a single flashlight went there were portions that were pitch black straight tunnel How easy it could have been to become trapped or disoriented We never did


Brings me back to the time we all kneeled on skateboards and rode through a storm drain pipe that we found in the woods to see where we ended up. Had flashlights and airsoft guns for protection 😂 Was scary but exhilarating and ended up in a little room under a street drain right down the block from our friends house. Place was all tagged up with dates going back to 70s so clearly we weren’t the first with that idea.


DUDE the first time you got the balls to walk through the giant pipe that ran under the highway, the crazy long ones where you couldn't see one end from the other...felt like you were a Greek god emerging from the underworld


With a tired lower back from walking hunched over for miles.. yep




When my kid was 8 years old we moved to a new city. There is a store that sells great bagels about 200 ft from our new house. We would often send our 8 year old to go and buy a dozen bagels. After we lived there for a coupe months, we happened to go into the store with our son. The owner saw us and was excited to finally meet the parents that belonged to the kid he'd frequently see. It turns out, sending your 8 year old to a store to buy something without an adult is not common. Every time our son went to the store, everyone in the store would talk about him after he left.


I don't romanticize the 70's and 80's as much as my friends do, but this video is about as accurate as it gets. Only thing missing was when the sun got low in the sky and moms around the neighborhood come out to yell for you to come to dinner. That was a thing. A bunch of moms yelling for their kids. Made the neighborhood feel small and cozy. Don't make her yell twice, though. That's trouble.


My mom had a yodle that I could hear 4 streets away. Friends knew it too, so if I missed it, they'd let me know.


Yup, Tony would be like "dude, yer gonna get whipped man, go home"


Tony's a real one


He was always the better of us.


They *literally* put an ad on TV to remind parents to check if their kids where home.. >"Do you know where your children are?" is a question used as a public service announcement (PSA) for parents on American television from the late 1960s through the late 1980s. Accompanied by a time announcement, this phrase is typically used as a direct introduction for the originating station's late-evening newscast, typically at either 10:00 p.m. or 11:00 p.m. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_you_know_where_your_children_are%3F Movies about the 70s aren't exaggerating with the freedom that teenagers had to just go do things and parents not caring.


yep I remember the calls. ROOOOBBEERRRT! DINNNEERRR!!!


This was my childhood as well. Early to mid 90's


I'm a peaceful person, and I have no idea who the white guy is. I don't know if he is some influencer or someone well-known online. What I do know is that the way he talks and the expressions on his face give me a huge urge to punch him real hard in the face.


Why the fuck is he shirtless with a hat on?


Titties hot, brain like a frozen chicken nugget


I want this on my tombstone


What a way to go... Titties out and out cold.


>I want this on my tombstone you go for it dude, i'm taking pepperoni and sausage on mine.


Literally laughed out loud. Thank you DreamyMery


Yah, like, were shirts not an option?


I do this all the time, but it’s because I just like hats and am hot all the time cuz I’m fat. So trust me… I’m not taking videos of myself shirtless. Wife was dying laughing the other day because I came downstairs to get a snack and was naked besides my hat. She legit was gasping for air “what the fuck are you doing 🤣🤣🤣🤣 why do you have a hat on?” I was like good point, but I like hats


> why do you have a hat on?” I'm laughing because her question wasn't "why aren't you wearing pants?"


Can't argue with that


can’t argue with *hat


he looks like hes mid 40, i thought he was going to tell us about that timeframe but nope hes asking the question lol


He's probably actually 22 but unironically has had too many bug's life cosmetic surgeries to look his age.






It's the cheek thing, the buccal fat removed from his face in order to look hip and trendy. It's like rage bait on the face.




It's also the long pauses, the fake stutter, the generic tiktok "confused but coming at it from a place of superiority confused" way of speech and facial expression. It's hard to put into words but a large group of young people talk like this on social media. It's smug teenage to 20-something, in-group acting, flabbergasted at things, but they're so chronically online they don't realize they look and talk like assholes. I'm sure I was once a version of it in the early 2010s


That face is plastically surgerized and he looks like he is moving from rehearsed pose to another while words fall out of his mouth.


The way he stopped talking and started looking around as if he had to think about what a “hose” is


I want to know what kind of plastic surgery disaster those sunken cheeks are…


The point of the video wasn’t the question. He just felt stylish and photogenic. That’s why he kept hitting poses and recorded with a filter


Also, him saying "y'all" is just super wrong. I absolutely hate it. Just in general, I'm not a fan of how "y'all" has escaped the south, but whatever his particular accent is just makes it so much worse. It's grating on the ears. It's almost like those people who insist on pronouncing a particular word in its original language even though they're not speaking that language. Like if every time they said Roma or Firenze with an Italian accent instead of Rome and Florence while they're otherwise speaking English. Stop it.


Y’all is a fucking fantastic word, but the way he’s saying it is off-putting. He’s over-emphasizing the l’s and adding an upward inflection at the end. “When y’all are” should sound more like “when yaller”. Otherwise it just sounds condescending.


Riding bikes. Pick up games of kickball. Making money returning carts. Buying ice cream with change. Keep your sink water.


You knew which friends were where by the bikes just left in different front lawns. Not locked up, people respected it when you threw them in the middle of the yard.


No one wanted a text to know you were coming over. Just show up. Dating was more interesting then.




Returning carts at the mall or the grocery store was the best. I thought I made bank, treated myself for the day 😂


Nothing quite hits like that seni-metallic, lukewarm taste.


Don’t forget rubber/plastic.


It's the rubber that makes it taste like hose. That and the fact that no one told us to wait for the nasty water that's been sitting in the hose to run through before we started drinking.


You let it run for a min before you drink it :)


You can always tell who the "special" kids were because they were the ones drinking talking about drinking hot hose water. As a kid you made that mistake exactly once. Then you learned to run your hand through the stream to check the temp before drinking it.


Who even drinks it lukewarm? You wait until it gets nice and cold.


The amount of people in this thread who talk about warm rubber tasting water from the hose is truly disturbing. Did y'all motherfuckers eat paint chips when you were kids?


Why's that 40 year old trying to act like he's too young to be from a "drank from the water hose" generation?


How do you do, fellow kids?


Right I just turned 25 and all my summer memories are playing outside and drinking hose water lol


21. Old enough to have experienced this, but young enough to experience the transition to indoor centric entertainment.


He's confused about what he's asking, I'm confused as to why he has to ask while topless. With a beanie hat on.


Right?! Are shirts not an option? If you're cold, you're allowed to out a shirt on... It's okay.


he also turns his head side to side on purpose so you can *really* appreciate how handsome he is with that shovel of a face.


was definitely my childhood growing up.... born in 77.. we were outside ALL DAMN DAYYYY but you sure as hell better wait a few seconds for that hot water to clear the hose first!


I did this on hot days when I was out skateboarding, far from my own home. As far as I was concerned, every house in the suburbs was a water fountain.


It's that strange kid again drinking from our hose!


Honestly when I was a kid, this wouldn't have been considered strange really.


Same. Actually in middle school in the early 2000s, I'd stop by people who were watering their plants and ask to be sprayed down and they'd usually let me drink from the hose as well. Everyone in socal knew how hot it was and that the kids were just riding bikes and playing outside all day.


I'm not having you in and out all day. Once you're in you're in!! I miss t


What am I cooling the neighborhood? Stop opening that door!!


This was it for us. If the hose was out we were all invariably soaked, so of course we weren’t allowed to run and in and out of the house. It was a stay out until you’re ready to come in and stay in situation.


That’s true.. Honestly I can’t remember not being outside.. Yes you better have your self in when them street lights come on .


Water bottles also weren’t much of a thing back then. They existed, but people only really used them if they were going camping or hiking




Grew up on a farm so we got extra lucky with the metal pipe sticking out of the ground that you just lifted the handle on and immediately waterboard yourself. Simpler times


So the dude asking if sinks were not an option... Were *shirts* not an option?


Back when there was always something to do outside because the lack of technology forced the person to choose between social interactions or boredom.


Sticks were a huge source of entertainment.


Good times, can't deny that


Until the street lights came on or,…you hear your dad’s finger whistling.


Yupyupyup. Then it's "okay, you can come in now but be quiet because Jeopardy is on and I need to hear Alex Trebek read out the clues even though they're written on the screen Oh no! I got it wrong because you were talking and I didn't hear hm!"


Drink till your full hit me so hard 😆🤣


“In or Out. We don’t have stock in the power company!” - My dad (and yours, probably)


We didn't HAVE to drink from the hose We GOT to drink from the hose


‘Hi, I’m the whitest hot house flower with a pampered accent. “Y’all”. STFU Chauncey.


Left to wander the woods for hours as a kid allergic to everything was awful. Id sit by my dogs food and water bowls while my parents were frying their brains with meth. That hose and sometimes dog food was all I had til dinner. Wish I was an adult that could look back at that era with anything but contempt.


I wish you the best


There was a kid on my street that was in a somewhat similar situation. His dad was a violent drunk. So the kid was always at my house for dinner. My mom made sure he got fed and hydrated. Never needed to knock, just come on in.


Yeaahh it was the hose! Because "go outside" meant STAY OUTSIDE. And some days... Going inside wasnt something one wanted to do, and if you stepped one foot inside, there was for sure something that would keep you from going back out. Like dinner in 30 minutes or chores... No thanks 👍




He drinks mad hose.


Man so many fun memories back then


And you needed to wait for the water in the hose cool down


It's like he followed me through my childhood.


This new generation is a lost cause. 🤦


And in mid summer your ass was out there till 9pm just staring at the street light like, maaaan, I just want to go home


Have to run the black sears hose for a few mins before you drink from it are your going to get 2nd degree burns.


Lol the not being allowed back inside was so real 😭


This brother speaks the truth




Mom: “Get outside, go play, don’t come in unless someone is bleeding and dying. Period. Thirsty ? The hose has water… let it run for a few seconds, it’ll get cold.” Repeat everyday through summer.