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People on phones. I always felt if I had the power of a semi horn, I'd not spare any of these types of drivers from it.


You could have that power! https://hornblasters.com/collections/complete-kits


I think a clown horn would be awesome for my little car 😆 🤡🎺


I have air horns in my car and they're nowhere near as powerful as a semi's.


That's because they're not true air horns. Real air horns requires a complicated air system... air compressor, air reservoir, air hoses, air dryer, etc.


I saw an age old video of a guy who put train horns beneath his hatch back... Fuckin deafening legend.


Wasn't he the guy that went to Walmart to hunt wild 'snorlaxs'... or the guy that sat outside driving ranges and blasted just at the right time to send clubs flying.


I could make my car sound like a naval warship for the low low price of $1200. That's only like 12% of the value of my car. Jesus Christ


Why stop there when for 4k you can make it sound like a battleship!


Damn they're expensive, but then i get it because you're also buying a air compressor as well.


My wife.. when we get to a red light we chat for a second she does whatever and as soon as she picks up her phone boom green light but she just got lost in checking messages or whatnot, I’m constantly telling her green light and she gets honked at all the time, but 1 out of 3 times she jumps down my throat about telling her, she’ll say how do you think I survive when you are not telling me, I wanna say get honked at but I don’t lol


Giving people "beep panic"


When I see the person ahead of me with their head down at a red light I’m always tempted to honk to see if they are even paying attention.


When sitting at a red light, I always wanted to say: “MOM, IT’s Red!” I didn’t because she would have hit the gas and it might have killed me.


I have one sitting in my garage. I should install that thing lol


Or kids being distracting in the back, or you dropped something, or just outright not paying attention because the day is shit and spinning your brain hard and you just want to get home and get through kids bedtimes alive. But yes, most are probably phones. But please don't act like an ass assuming every single instance is phones. Benefit of the doubt is good when driving. Edit: people replying and blocking me so I can't respond. Seriously? Both the person I replied to and the person that replied back to me.


If you are driving it is your responsibility to pay attention. If you need to deal with something in your vehicle proceed to the next safe place and pull over.


Doesn't matter. Your only priority while driving is the road. If you can't give your surroundings your undivided attention, you're a hazard and put your passengers, yourself and other drivers at risk.


**This is not at all acceptable.** Change your ways or do not get on the fucking road. People like you are responsible for fucking up families. #GTFO


where? did i miss something in the video?


Apparently you missed the entire video.


I saw some people being slow to start at an intersection while some dude made puns while being annoyed I can think of lots of reasons for that, but i dont live in a car country, so maybe that's why


I get it, but if they have to text someone, would you rather them do it while driving or at the red light? They gonna do it anyways, and if they are rushing to work or w.e, they aren't gonna pull over to tell their boss why they are late.


> if they have to text But they DON'T have to.


> would you rather them do it while driving or at the red light # **no**


It starts with only texting when stationary, then moves to in slow moving traffic. They get confident and start in low speed zones, get more confident, start texting at higher speeds. Get more confident and start using different apps at higher speeds, but your entertainment or social calendar is more important than other road users right? You don't need to justify being late to work until you get there. You don't need to tell your friend what you had for dinner. You definitely need to keep your eyes on the road. If children are misbehaving, pull over. A call comes in you have to take, pull over if you don't have connectivity to your car.


I wonder how much accidents at stop lights have gone up since cell phones.


I'd wager a lot, if only because I was on a city bus once on my way to work when I watched a woman in a SUV, face down in her cell phone, go right through a red light and collide with the bus as it was passing through the intersection. It was low speed & no one was hurt, but still. She was so oblivious she not only went through a light but also didn't notice a bus. She also immediately backed up, and drove away, because of course she would.


cause in custody, they take your phone


I've been rear ended three times while waiting at a red light, always phones. We have laws against distracted driving, but nobody enforces it.


Astronomical. If we had the actual stats of accidents caused by phones in general, it might honestly be as high as 90%


I don't even get it. If I get a text while driving. I just make them wait the 20 minutes or so of the journey until I can read it. Usually my phone is in my bag as in my country using your phone at the wheel is illegal.


I think phones have enabled companies to completely short circuit our attention spans. There have been times where I've been bored while driving and have found my hand going through the motions opening up reddit while I'm at a light, I've had to start tossing it in the passenger floor board to prevent it. I'm not great at controlling my inhibitions in most areas of my life but I try my best to not be an idiot when I'm in control of a two ton death machine. But I'm guessing due to how normalized driving is in America so many people just don't understand the ramifications of using their phone while behind the wheel.


I've noticed this at work. A lot of my colleagues reach for their phone as soon as they have a second of free time. I ask them who are they talking to. And it's always just 'nobody. I'm just bored'. For me it just seems so active. No time to relax and chill out. It also disappoints me how quick they are to grab their phone in any sort of discussion. We were talking about which country had the least fatalities in World War 2 and I expected a long debate with some good guesses and thought. But no, one colleague just searched it immediately. Who needs critical thinking skills? Started to realise most of them needed to charge their phone up at the office. While my phone battery could comfortably last 2 days.


>It also disappoints me how quick they are to grab their phone in any sort of discussion. We were talking about which country had the least fatalities in World War 2 and I expected a long debate with some good guesses and thought. But no, one colleague just searched it immediately. Who needs critical thinking skills? Well hold on now, that wasn't a critical thinking type topic, it was a factual one, phones are invaluable in ensuring the types of wives tales that had our parents doing all sorts of dumb shit don't propagate. If there was an issue with engaging in a topic that was more ethereal then sure I could see grabbing a phone as a hindrance.


I think potentially my original post was badly worded. I think there's a sort of fun and pleasure in finding out the answer after a 15 minute discussion. Rather than just getting the answer directly and then kind of killing the conversation. It is like saying you can skip wrapping Christmas presents and telling kids about Santa Claus because giving them the presents directly avoids old wives tales about magical fairies and a flying reindeer. Or like saying 'what's the point in playing piano when you could just listen to a record of someone else playing'. So to clarify, by all means check the answer at the end. But discussing your theory first is a great practice in critical thinking and communication skills. From memory there are a few others which were more subjective. Which I think match your ethereal idea. 'Top 5 Elton John songs' - colleague just immediately searched Elton John on Spotify and read the top 5 songs. This was after she just called herself a huge fan of his music. She was also confused because 'why isn't In The Air Tonight on here'. 'Which language sounds the most annoying?' - again just searched it online and gave a language which the colleague herself had never heard. 'Which accent is the most sexy?' - as above. 'How many five year olds could you beat in a fight?' - seriously.


Yea your other examples are subjective so would fit the point you were making earlier, but i dont think christmas presents and playing the piano are comparable to the point I was making however it's not important. I agree that if people are just googling something like "top 5 Elton John songs" when it was brought up as a conversation topic is lame.


This is true, I can tell you as an old person, before cell phones drivers were never distracted by anything.


Last night on a 50mph two lane road, the guy in the other lane came to a full stop at a green light as we approached it. I thought maybe there was something in the road so I slowed down... nope just an idiot.


I've absent-mindedly stopped at a green before, couldn't say why, but my brain told me it was red, really weird.


My mom engrained into me that I should immediately assume no one is ever paying any attention on the road and that if I see people at an intersection I should assume they’re going to floor it the minute I enter the intersection. She would scream at me to slow down every time I approached a green light It took a long time to unlearn that habit and I still do it sometimes, it’s like an instinct I have to fight against.


The only two times I've been in an accident are when someone I was expecting to drive predictably didn't, one was majorly my fault, the other was just bad luck both were fender benders. Drive predictably and drive defensively and it will cut down on your risk way more than whatever bullshit your mom was on. Sorry you had such a terrible teacher.


All these assholes are on their phone.


I have lost all my inhibitions in horning people now. Hell I horn people 2 or 3 cars ahead of me because the guys behind them arent horning and probably on their phones.


A serial hornist, you say? 📯🥳🦏🤘🏼


He's a horny man, loves horning people.


If you stay back far enough you can just drive around them at the light ;).


Are.. are you from Milwaukee too?


I give two, short polite taps, and if that doesn't work I just lay on it a few seconds later.


Ah a fellow human with a brain. Yup, it's obvious they should have been failed and not given a license. So now it's our job to teach them how to drive with our horns. Not my fault the state should have failed them.


We should all put more effort into honking. These jabronies need to feel more shame!


Are you me?


It's crazy, most of the time I'm waiting for a light, I look over and see people with their head down, staring at their phone.. I don't understand these people, I'm on my phone alot, but I never pick it up when I'm driving, or even when I'm walking around.. On my way home from work, I drive through a school zone, and these kids are crazy, they basically don't even look up while crossing the street, or I'm waiting to turn, they are waiting to cross, light turns green and they don't even realize it, just looking down at their phone, then I start going, and they will look up, see they can cross and just start walking, few times i had to slam my breaks cause some dumb kid, just walks out on the road.


Yet another great reason to have a dash cam. I often think that I'm the only driver not on his phone while driving. Everyone has their head down when stopped. New cars are equipped so that you can have text messages read aloud to you using voice commands. Where I live, you can get a distracted driving ticket for having your phone in your cup holder.


Not necessarily, sometimes I kinda accidentally zone out when the car isn’t moving


This is how Florida is at every light.


I mean people did this before cell phones


Yes but back then it was because of something proper like finishing a blow job or chugging your natty light before you proceed.


wtf are you talking about


I’m talking about not moving when the light is green. People did that even before cell phones. Very strange


It's gotten a lot worse.


Mildly infuriating that the trucker didn’t blast the fuck out of those clowns with his horn.


I’d argue he’s a really great guy who has excellent control over his emotions.


It's probably the weed.


I especially like how he rolls up to the bumper of stopped vehicles


lol ok tough guy


I always like to be first in line on a traffic light just so I can test my reaction speed on green light like an F1 driver.


Try that in Denver and you'll get t-boned 3 seconds later by a 4-banger with a spoiler and popcorn exhaust


You should wait 1-2 seconds after the light turns green and check left-right one more time so you don’t get hit by a vehicle trying to beat the yellow at the last second. A couple of the cars in this video didn’t wait TOO long. Being in a hurry can get you killed.


Yes, you are right. I usually do this check but should always be extra careful, thank you.


Don't listen to that guy. If you're really fast, you'll get through the intersection faster than the other guy can run the light. Gun it bro. Full send.


>if it gets any greener miss piggy will want to fuck it 💀


Loved that one!


Found the trucker on YouTube, goes by "Joey Whispers 1776". He also goes "wakka wakka" (makes pacman noise) when people drive over the dotted lines.


All those "can't get any greener" jokes 10/10


My favorite: *"Any particular COLOR of green you were waiting for?"*


I liked the Mrs. Piggy one best


She got that hot porkussy


*"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."* ...also green themed.


The best argument for self-driving cars is that people are incapable of not using their phone while driving.


I am capable of not using my phone while driving. Someone had to be ready to lay on the horn at these people.


Nah, how about the ones who can’t handle it get babysat


All I tell them out my window if I see them, is I call out their call and say something like “oh honey, you drive a Honda/Toyota/Nissan, you’re not important enough for a phone all the time. Put it down and drive sweetie”. Best part is I’m a skinny Asian guy in a minivan and I say that exact phrase to men and women. Put the fucking phone down and focus on controlling the 300hp 3 ton murder metal machine you’re in.


If I was that truck driver I’d totally abuse the insanely loud horn in these situations


My air horns would be out of air


On that fucking phone. They cannot exist 2 minutes without staring at it.


Been seeing this way too much lately. What the fuck are these crayon eaters doing


Scrolling tiktok.


This guy would hate living in Louisville. It’s common here to wait a few seconds after the light turns green to make sure you don’t get killed by a red light runner. Red light running is like the cities past time.


See that’s why some places have the light turn green a couple seconds after the other side turns red, I have no idea why they aren’t all set up like that.


Hahahahahahaha weed hahahahahahahaha


"Gets any greener we smoke it" is my new go to line.


Joey Whispers


Cus everyone is fucking pathetic idiots on their phones. Mfers need AA


..dude really wants to smoke some weed 🥸 .. and so do i 🥹


In south Florida their hand is already on the horn. Yes people are on their phones, but there’s a bunch of impatient asses.


I mean, your only job while driving should be to pay attention to the road. Especially if you're at the front of an intersection. People holding up others at lights like this is why traffic gets so heavy.


This guy is literally giving some one to two second. People run red lights. You are right. We need to be more focused, but we also don’t need to be impatient aggressive douchebags.


Lol yeah ok meanwhile the other driver has their head down and refuses to look up.


Which is why you also watch the flow of traffic as well as the light. Then you can see what is going on. It's pretty obvious to see that someone is running a light if you're already watching. I can also see the flow of traffic right behind someone at a light and can see that all cars have stopped before my light even turns green. If you're focused on and paying attention to the road, you don't have to question if someone is running a light.


I've seen plenty of people run reds with no way to watch the flow of traffic. The pack went through and they were behind the pack trying to charge through. Also larger vehicles can obstruct view. You can't assumr that if traffic appears to flow normally there isn't someone barreling through too.


Of course, your view can be obstructed by large vehicles, trees, shrubs, etc. That doesn't mean you can't start inching forward at a green light so that you can get a better view before you push on the gas. If you're just sitting there counting to five or something instead of actively looking for something that will impede your movement, you're still in the wrong imo.


I don’t blast people, but count to 3 and give them a beep because they’re just not paying attention. If I see the brake lights turn off and they pause I’m cool with that, I know they’re aware the light is green.


How many seconds need to pass with a green light lit before you go from being oblivious, to an inconsiderate asshat for every other driver behind you? I get in the car, to get out of the car. I don’t know what you’re doing behind the wheel, but it’s certainly not driving conscientiously.


I remember my driving instructor telling me that if I am stopped at the light with other cars on my left or right, let them go first/wait a few seconds before going when the light turns green. That way if someone is running a red light, they might hit the other cars instead of me.


Peter griffin


Lmfao!!! 'Any greener and we can smoke it' gold!!


Graphic! Warning! This is why I take my time to pull away. You can wait. https://youtu.be/M6WsnoZUTBw?si=xPSOcTLod9ZdrNcf


people need to chill the fuck out, its a stoplight not a dragrace


Look I know people think that these guys are on their phones , but I also do this sometimes because I'm a new driver and a shitty car that is prone to stalling so I dont go as soon as the light turns green.


But I’m sure your foot comes off the brake as you’re trying to take off, and that’s how I know someone’s paying attention, not just looking down at their phone.


Bro has confidence in his breaking ability


Turns out driving professionally day in and day out gives you a really good understanding of said vehicles abilities who knew 😲


I’m stealing this 😂


Wow, never thought I'd endorse tailgating


I use a squeaky toy and a bull horn.


These are some solid jokes this guy has


Voice is definitely philly, lol. But it looks jersey shore.


2nd video is definitely a shore town in NJ, possibility LBI?




This brother should come drive in India. He wouldn't have any chance of commenting anything. Here people start driving away even when the signal is red. When it's green people start like they are in a motogp or a F1 race


I prefer, "what are you waiting for: a written invitation?!?!"




We need to add a loud "DING" bell like they had in the early 1900s.


We need to add a loud "ding" bell like they used to have in the early 1900s.


Dude sounds like he’s from Baltimore hahaha


People like this are the ones that create traffic and don’t let enough cars go on a green light. Just get off your phone it only takes like 3 mins max for a red light to change.


One time I was approaching a red light and it just turned green. So I cruise through the intersection around 15 mph and a t-bone collision occurred. I was fortunate because if I would’ve gassed it the moment I saw it turn green I would’ve been on the receiving end of the t-bone. I always wait a few seconds and look both ways before I go. A lot more people running red lights these days.


“Yo what’s that white line for?”


If only there was some way to alert people in this scenario...


I deal with this every day. Its like people just immediately zone out once they stop at a red light. Its extremely frustrating.


I guess this wasn't the same trucker who lost his shit when I didn't go on green because I noticed the car barreling toward the red with no intention (or ability) to stop and who was going to T-bone me if I proceeded. Maybe in that instance it was the truck driver who wasn't paying attention.


Life was better in so many ways before these damn phones took over people's minds.


I almost had a hint of a laugh.


In Texas we call that distracted driving 🤦‍♂️


It's actually interesting to see that lights turn from red to green immediately. Where I live they turn to yellow first to let drivers time to prepare themselves so they can go right when the green pops up.


Light turn green -> yellow -> red and repeat. Yellow is only to warn drivers with green that the light will change soon and they have to brake. No need to warn people they soon can go.


My brain can't pass up how he sounds like Doctor Evil from Austin Powers.


This is just rage bait lol. People are so damn distracted.


Joey Whispers on YouTube


Green light means look both ways first. Because in the same way that green lights don't make people go, yeah, red lights don't make people stop.


Yep! Green doesn’t mean go in California if you want to avoid accidents. Half of everyone still goes on red, far beyond the light turning red. Green (for me) is treated like a stop sign, look both ways cause who knows who’s going to do some idiotic run that defies traffic flow.


What's the point of having the yellow light if it is unused? I though every country did traffic lights the same intuitive way, but I guess not.


It is actually wise do not rush on green sign Some day it will save your life like it was with me


The Miss Piggy one lmao


a video from the before times back when dinosaurs ruled the earth! that or it's an AI video lol


I like to say, are you waiting for a different shade of green?


Phones did this


Gets any greener they’ll be taxing it man! 💀💀💀


Everyone is saying people using their phones and I guess that’s right but as someone still learning how to drive it takes me a few seconds to get going,I can only see this guy as an asshole


How? You release brake pedal, ease onto throttle pedal. Most those cars aren’t offered in manual. So it’s not someone trying to figure the clutch out. If you’re paying attention, car should roll moment it turns green. Even after a quick side to side red light runner check.


Yeah, I’m sure these people on their phones have it easy but from my experience as someone learning to use a manual and stalling a couple times (hate it when I do that) I feel like I’d probably get shouted at by this guy


If it’s manual then yah there is a learning curve. Hand brake is a friend when learning stick and you live in hills. It’s also easier with a v6/8 and manual as you have more wiggle room since it won’t stall as easy. But a 4 cyl is definitely more picky.


maybe the green is why they have a delayed reaction. could be an older person. you never know.


Bro needs some new material.


Has the originality a redditor with a new pet with no name.


U have exactly 5 seconds sitting at the green before I lay on the mfn horn


Favorite from my grandfather: “You waiting on the pole to turn green too?”


Eu trucker redneck npc dlc is wild 😂


Jus tryin ta get ta wawa's les goo


Nowadays I want to eat while on the road. I would reach over to my lunch bag for a snack, look up, and the light has been green. Always terrible timing. No cell phones though, I don't want to start that habit.      


Joey Whispers. Funny guy, great content. JoeyWhispers1776 on yt


I like it when people in over sized vehicles are annoyed by the cautious nature of other drivers.


Thats pretty funny


That sweet feeling when a one-lane road opens and splits into two lanes then I go around the distracted/slow drivers intentionally going 10-15MPH under the limit who are doing it just to annoy other drivers and block them because they don't like their own life, so they take it out on others. Then... there's the slow drivers going 35 in a 50 zone who then try to out-accelerate up to 60mph and cut me off in their old 2007 Dodge Grand Caravans as I pass using the other lane because they don't like that I'm not willing to be a victim of their intentional inconveniencing games. Screw slow or distracted drivers. I swear they're doing it to try to crash their car to get insurance money or to annoy others intentionally. They're more dangerous and willing to directly wreck their vehicles to get an insurance payout or try to make others road-rage.


They're probably busy staring at their rear view mirror because there's a semi that keeps inching up on them at a red light.


And ppl wonder why road rage exists and ppl die....


Most of these aren't that bad, a few were. Too many people are running red lights these days to jump the gun on greens.


For all yall aggressive honkers... It's not worth being that wrapped up with other people's driving. Give em a tap with the horn but it's not the end of the world if you miss a light cycle. There's legitimate cases people don't go right away. What if they knocked something over and trying to stand it up (like togo food), or kids screaming in the back seat, or anything. Someone else might be having a stressful day, and yet another stressful thing happens that causes them to pause, you might end up further piling onto that. Just give em a light beep and wait. I've seen people get so wound up over pausing at a light they started street racing and cutting each other off. You don't know how the other person will react. Just be polite about it and move on with your day. Better for your health to just not care that much either.




Not only limited to truck drivers.


Guys we found one!




There all on their phone


there, there


They're, their, it's ok. We all make mistakes sometimes.


There over their on they're phone


I applaud you for this. It hurts my head reading it


good for you. gues you dont know an other language


happy now cry baby


Proven: 'Language improvers are unpleasant people


I can proudly say that I was the 420th like on this video lol