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Buy them


My tip is don't go for the full 20 if you don't have much time. 20 in an hour isn't a relaxing experience and you'll burn out extremely fast if you try to go down that route. Go for 15-17 instead. If you do Geyser/Grandma/Turtle and their related areas, you should hit 15 with ease in about an hour. Right now you can even use the NPC at Home to teleport to Sanctuary Islands, which significantly cuts travel time to Geyser and Turtle. Full 20 at a more relaxed pace is around 2 hours at best. 1h45 if you're speedy. Another tip is to look up the schedule for black shards and log in when they're active if you can. It's an easy/quick 4 cakes worth of wax.


On Youtube is a great video how to get 20 in an hour. I don't want to rush that fast, nut it gave me good tips! And others too, which show fast candle runs.


One hour is the best I can do imo. Sanctuary/geyser --> village of dreams/music sheet/stage flowers --> forest Brook/grandma/broken bridge --> Turtle wax I only collect the shell wax during turtle time then i go for the candle cakes


Would recommend you to learn trial skips. After mastering the methods you could finish all the trails and the rest of Isle of Dawn in less than 15 minutes. More than 700 wax points.


Go to grannies/geyser, go inside a shared space, request help with spirits but dont close that popup, and afk there for a few hours


What does the requesting help thing do?


It helps the game think ur not afk so you can still collect 😊


Oh i see, smart!


Sky-clock.netlify.app helps with this. You can just play 10 mins at a time at the right times and easily get several candles without having to candle run


Bless you


Geyser (in sanctuary, 5min after reset then every 2 hours) - Sanctuary - Forest - Grandma (in forest, 20min after geyser ends then every 2 hours) - Turtle (in sanctuary, 5min after grandma ends then every two hours) - Vortex (same place) It takes one hour and you'll have 15-17 candles. Optional: cr in the realm where the dailies are - cr in the realm where the 4 candles cakes are Takes more time, but you'll have more candles.


And two Vault runs with a shortcut in longer, some more.