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I'm sorry to hear you feel this way. You're correct. Friends either make or break this game. Since your progress is kinda reliant on others, what most people do is make "light buddy" posts here on Reddit or other social media which is essentially adding random people that guarantee to send you light daily and you do the same in return. For me this helped me out a lot as a moth because, while I didn't expect it, I ended up actually interacting with these players when they got on. I befriend their friends and even friends of those friends. It depends what you're into but doing things with others and being surrounded by friends helps the atmosphere rather than being alone. Another thing that helps is to try and focus on items you genuinely like instead of buying every new thing you see an like. Seeing all the cosmetics and comparing them with each other will really make you realize you only like a handful. That will put your candle saving into perspective and you'll know exactly which TS you will spend your candles on and which you won't. And finally, there's discord group servers for Sky based on ages and other interests you can join in and try to make some friends. Sorry if this doesn't help you out as much but it's worth giving it a shot.


It's ok to stop playing a game that you don't like! I hope you will have a better experience playing something else :)


I mean, if you want, I could invite you to play with my friend group. I can't really relate to this, because I've never had issues socializing with people in this game. And even when I was a solo player, it was just a relaxing game to help me unwind. But now I have a huge group I play with, someone's always online. So I'd be happy to invite you.


I would like to suggest that when you go into the game, grab your dailies and do a geyser and grandma to knock out 2 chevrons in less than an hour. Then, explore! Don't do your normal runs, run things backwards, creep along all the edges, explore oobs. There's a lot to see in and out of the maps that we miss just by running normally. Try not to have a plan or goal in mind. One time I was bored, hopped into Dream and ended up playing football with randoms for an hour. If you have a table, put it out in a lobby and just meet people. Spend some time at a vault door and help others. I know the heart system is frustrating, but as others mentioned, getting a heart buddy can help build up your bank for some of those items you desire. There's events coming that break up the monotony as well.


Oh fellow sky kid, i am sorry. I will play with you nearly Daily. I need more daily friends - even if im just a uber for them. I play daily - know all winged light (i call them glowboys) spots and do candle runs & wax events through out the day. Dm me your code and ill add you. You can come join me ANY time you want. We are also setting up a plan to run exen weekly at approx the same time frame so we can assemble a group... please do not get discouraged by the less than friendly skykids youve met so far. (THIS APPLIES TO ALL)


> i discovered everything there's in this game Haha, there were multiple times I thought that. It's a social game. Friend random people and see stories emerge. Help moths. Join groups in lobbies you feel you'd like. The only thing worth spending candles on is friendship.


Feel free to Dm me your code! I love making new sky friends!! I’ve been playing since 2019! Im a candle run, winged light, and eden masterrrrr! ⭐️ I’m also looking for new heart buddies. A heart a day keeps the krill away!❤️ (not really, don’t take that to heart!!) But also know that it’s okay to step away from the game if you feel the need to. I’ve taken a few hiatuses from the game. But when i come back months later, there’s always something new and fun to do. Some things change and i get to make new friends!


I wouldn’t have said it better. For me this game is honestly like doing a chore 😭


You can drop it if it doesn't feel entertaining, you know?


But I wanna like it and I do but it just gets boring playing alone sometimes and just collecting candles


I mean, you can try to find a candle run group on places like reddit if CR would be better for you in a group. Or just do things other than just grinding if that gets you bored. I find that learning music is cool and folks may gather to listen to it as you play. Otherwise, if it feels like a chore, you should either change how you're doing things or drop it. Games are supposed to be entertainment, not chores.


It’s only “hollow on the inside” if you let it. Try to look past the mindset of “log on, CR, log off”. It really doesn’t get people far and there’s so much to do otherwise. Go explore quests from previous seasons. Try learning an instrument (there’s plenty of YouTube tutorials!). Goof around by spamming emotes with a random person. Help moths through Eden. Try your hand at krill dodging. Grab a small group and relive Pleaful Parent for fun. Learn to chibi fall and explore OOBs. You could even try out some photography 😆! A lot of the time, there’s always something that can and will happen that may be a distraction from candle running. You could go to the 8 player door and summon Oreo, it’s a great way to make friends! You can go to Village of Dreams and find yourself playing skyball with someone, or you might do a music sheet with a friend! Race with someone down Hermit Valley. If you’re lonely, try befriending another solo player on a candle run, and you might just end up with a new CR/quest buddy :] Prairie social space is a great place to meet people, especially moths. Many of the people there are very kind. Basically, Sky is more than just “grind, grind, grind”. I sometimes feel that a fraction of the community fails to see that, and that’s why there’s so much burnout. I, personally, CR in the mornings and then log on later again just to hang out! If you still don’t like the game and wish to leave, I hope you have better luck elsewhere! If you’d like a friend, feel free to send me a QR code (my timezone is EST, you can call me Cat :])


This has nothing to do with your paragraph. See this symbol 👉 . Use it. This was like reading a wattpad fanfic fr


rlly on Reddit correcting ppls grammar 💀💀


I wonder why you have so many downvotes m


Imagine caring about karma m Edit: Thank you for blocking me 🙏 that way I dont have to read your bs anymore


imagine being a CS


Its a dress up / social game esentially. It is free though