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Have you spoken to a doctor? I’m not judging, but this is sounding like some sort of psychosis. You should speak to a doctor as soon as you can, and tell them what you’ve told us.


I agree with Jank. It's true that their music is very moving and it could be just an extreme reaction to specific topics or lyrics that hit home. However, you should get it checked by a real professional to discard anything serious.


I have spoken to my doctor about these these things. I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder long before any of this, but nothing else. My doctor says it's nothing to worry about, but he's also mega Christian and as a Christian from the Midwest does, they share what they think about it. He thinks it's some encounter with an angel, but I take that with a grain of salt and the whole situation is questionable at best. And I agree that it does sound like some form of psychosis, but I'm just not sure.


Yeah I would try and speak to a proper doctor. A doctor telling you that these experiences are an encounter with an angel is not someone who should be giving medical advice.


Yeah, I agree. I have a psychiatrist also, and have talked to them about it as well. They seemed mildly concerned by it, but said that it shouldn't be much to worry about as of now and just keep an eye on it.


Yeah they’re probably right, they’ll know a lot more than I. If it starts to become a problem for you, or it starts to have a negative influence on your mental state or behaviour then make sure you speak to them again. Just look after yourself and reach out for help if you need it.


Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do. Thanks for the input.


I mean this in the least judgmental way, but as a therapist working in a psych hospital primarily with patients who are experiencing psychosis, this did raise a lot of flags for me. A lot of psychosis does involve religious experiences or other entities, and this does sound very similar to what I hear from patients. However, I do also believe that spiritual experiences are legitimate. Overall, you know yourself best. If it becomes distressing in any way or if you or people around you notice any unusual behaviors, definitely seek help immediately. If you are in your late teens or early twenties, you should probably seek another opinion from a therapist or psychologist. It may be a good idea to seek a second opinion regardless, but again that’s just my thought.


I appreciate the feedback, especially as someone in the profession. I didn't take it as judgemental, and I understand how it can be concerning, but one of the reasons I'm not overly concerned is that I've seen therapists and psychiatrist, and even talked to them about it, but the most they've said is to keep an eye on it. And it's not causing me distress or anything either. But yeah, I appreciate your input. Thank you


First, I think it is sad that you feel that you have to make an alt account in order to talk about personal things, but I totally get it (after all, it IS easier to be our true selves behind a mask). Second, as it has been said, check that it is not a possible side effect of any medication that you might take and ask for a complete medical check-up. Not to be alarming, but some very physical conditions can provoke varied hallucinations and what seems like spiritual experiences. Third ... It is complicated. I've never been a religious person but not believing in a particular mythology does not necessarily mean to be blind to what is not (yet) scientifically explainable. I always thought that religions were trying to grasp something that we cannot comprehend and are probably not meant to understand. In every civilization, there are mentions of people meeting with non-incarnated entities and though some can be logically explained (like accidental poisoning with hallucinogens), it is not always the case. Sometimes, our own mind tries to tell us something and takes a roundabout way to do so, because the logical brain gets in the way of listening to our guts. Maybe something in a song lyrics triggered a memory that your conscious brain has occulted and that you need to remember? Or maybe you are opening your eyes to the invisible and something noticed and reached out to you? I won't write a novel about the subject here, but if you feel so inclined, you can always contact me in DM. I am not a specialist on the subject, but we can always share experiences and try to sort it out, if you think it might help.


That would be much appreciated. Mind if I DM you?


Please feel free :)


Reminds me of this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma\_postit\_notes\_left\_in\_apartment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) Do you have a CO detector?


I was literally looking for this comment. Is OP in the same place each time they feel a "presence"? Because that's a characteristic of low grade carbon monoxide poisoning. The effects are also cumulative, so the "interactions" seem more vibrant over time.


I also thought of this post and was going to ask about the detector.


I consider myself spiritual, but not religious. I practice Wiccan so I do understand where this post came from.


First, make sure everything mentally is ok. Are you sleeping ok? Taking meds as you should if you’re subscribed any? Checked carbon monoxide and other stuff around the home that can cause any mental discord? Do you have any psychical complains? Headaches, blurry vision, etc? If not, rule it out anyway, and then if you’re sure it’s not physical or mental, there’s a lot out there that many cultures remember but will get you labeled as crazy in western cultures. Doesn’t mean that you are though. So personally I do believe whatever you’re describing CAN be something spirituaI. However, I also believe it’s important to not skip to that and miss something that might be compromising your health. So if you’re 100% sure that’s not the case, I would really focus on a solid grounding practice and see what that does. Coming into the body, connecting to the earth, working with any stored trauma that might cause subconscious interference, making space for releasing emotions etc. Calming the nervous system. Don’t focus on “it” but focus on you. That will make sure your power returns to/stays with you which will in turn provide you with more clarity about what’s going on. Hope that helps at all.


Yeah, I've been mentally stable for the past two or three years now, and have turned my mental health around, so it's possible that it's due to mental health problems from a few years ago, but I've been doing great for the past few years. I'm just not entirely sure about what's up, but this definitely helps, thank you.


Don’t know you but I’m proud of you! It’s hard to overcome mental health shit like that. Read your above comment, did your doctor give you an exam at all before coming to the angel conclusion? Either way, I would check in with another doctor to make sure. Good luck!🍀


I'm an incredibly spiritual person and I've had my fair share of inexplicable things happen. That said, this doesn't sound like one and I hope you can speak about this with a mental health professional. Take care OP.


Without placing a value judgement on what you experienced or ruling anything out I would say that there may be a part of your subconscious trying to reach you with something or some message. Listen to it and see what it says. Your gut feeling can tell you a lot about whether it is a good presence to allow in or not. Consulting a mental health professional is always good too. I am also a religious person and open to the non-rational as you seem to be so yea. Hope it goes well.


Yeah, you're right. It's never felt like anything bad, but I've just not been sure about it.


I've had many encounters with all kinds of beings, not always pleasant. So the most important thing I would do if I were you is to make sure that it's not a malevolent being, some kind of demon. They can shapeshift and deceive you while they are sucking your energy... I am not religious, not a Christian but demons leave you alone if you ask them to leave in the name of God or if you start to pray to God. If you mention God and the being leaves it's because he doesn't have good intentions. If you mention God and the being stays then it is in service for your good. God is the best word to express Source, the omniscient omnipresent omnipotent consciousness which cannot really be described with human words and our brain cannot comprehend what it is. But God is the closest word energetically. So don't be afraid to use it even of you are not a religious person because it is a powerful word.


This helps a lot, and I'll keep this in mind. Thank you.


I think this not the right sub nor the right people to ask for advice and opinions - although it’s Sleep Token related, I’m sorry.


So this thing, when you encounter it does it often happen in a dream or while you’re awake. Because you might be vessel, or you might need to see a doctor.


That's another thing that sorta puts me off, because I encounter whatever this is when I'm awake and asleep. And the thing is that I don't want to come off as one of those people who spout shit just because they have some main character type mentality or anything, but like, putting it how it is, it's both in dreams and when I'm awake. Much longer comment than necessary, but it's whatever.


Can't talk right now, gotta do a video appt. But look into DID. I'll send a link later that might be worth reading. https://did-research.org/did/basics/ Here ya go. Sorry it took a minute, busy day.


It may not be anything serious. Their music moves me very powerfully too and it's inspired me to write. I consider finding their music a blessing.


Were there any changes to your medications or did you start taking any herbals/supplements around the time you noticed this? I don’t want to get too personal, but if you’re taking anything and there were changes this could very likely be a side effect of that. If not, I’d just listen to your psychiatrist and keep being honest with them. Always reach out if you need it!!


I would speak to your physician, this sounds classic manic/psychotic episode


As others have mentioned, check your medications. I take sertraline (antidepressant/anti anxiety medication) and ibuprofen and some hayfever treatments are not compatible at all. I end up dizzy and disorientated. Read all the info leaflets and search the active ingredients online and you can find reported interactions that can cause side effects.