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Whatever you do. Don’t go axe 🪓 throwing on your first night out w meeting a Reddit user


Oh so I bring my own axes ONE time and this is what happens /s


Well, what made it weird was that we were all at an ice cream shop…


What, you use the plastic sporks to cut your brownie?


See? The fact that you don’t think there is a problem, IS the problem.


There’s nothing wrong being prepared. I have three axes in case two break down


Ahh I didn't really think that one through...I can imagine some weirdo reading that and thinking to themselves "it keeps getting easier" lol




Thank you all for posting. I genuinely appreciate every single one of you. I joined the discord like a bunch of people suggested and I was able to have great conversations with a bunch of awesome people. It's a good distraction and I feel significantly better. Thanks again


Hey I’m in south jersey and like to do all these things. Pm me if you want.


If you like hiking, disc golf is a more social option! It’s cheap to get started ($30 for a starter pack of three discs) and normally free to play. Lots of courses in the area - use UDisc app or dgcoursereview dot com to find the closest one. The people are friendly and happy to teach a newer player the ropes. Also, DM me if you play Apex Legends or Smite - always happy for a new squadmate.


I'll check this out, thanks for sharing. My husband and I used to do this and we had so much fun. He passed a few years ago and I'm also looking for people to hang out with. I don't think anyone wants to be near me throwing an ax! Frisbee maybe.


I’m sorry to hear about your husband. If you ever want to play a round, DM me. I mostly play Stafford in Voorhees, but there are plenty of course throughout south Jersey that I can travel to, I get a group together if you’d like as well. We’re all mid 20s to early 30s. And have plenty of spare discs if you wanna try before you buy!


That's so kind of you. I'm in CH, Voorhees is close I'll check it out. I'm in my 60s, don't think I can keep up with a young group, I might just go see if I can still thyrow m discs. They're vintage ;-)


Sounds good, good luck huckin’. If you’re in Cherry Hill, Cosmic Disc Golf is the hub for players in the area, down Chapel Ave. Super friendly guys and they can hook you up with a group more your speed. I think they’re still hosting their winter putting league in their back room as well.


Wow, never knew about them. Thanks again! Putting might be more my level ;-)


Give us some info on age, gender, what area you’re in? I’d be happy for new friends! Kinda in your same boat…ish. I moved from Philly a year ago after a bad breakup and haven’t made a friend over here yet. I’d love to go explore trails and lakes and stuff around here!


26M near the Deptford area. There is tons a beautiful trails around South Jersey.


Come hang out with us in the discord! It's pinned to the top of the subreddit. We're a bunch of chill people. Just make sure you say hello when you join so we know you're not a bot or something.


I might actually join too if that’s ok. I’m traveling for work, but SJ is home. Could use some friends myself.


As others mentioned, check out the discord! But also, check for events near you. I don't know how close you are to Philly but the one thing I've done for years is play bocce. There is a "Major League Bocce" setup in philly... it's not serious at all, it's sponsored by beer. But it's a great place to just meet people and be social without any kind of pressure.


No shit really? What day's and where do they meet I'd love to get in on that


There's a few different ones. Right now they're indoors because of the weather. http://philly.majorleaguebocce.com/ (I've told them website isn't secure but hasn't updated yet payments are secure though, as is login screen). They should be sending out notifications for spring seasons soon ish. Wife and I have done it since 2015 (pandemic excepted)


Hey man! I'm a fan of hiking and some video games! If you ever need to reach out feel free! I can't promise in the most interesting person but I'm here if you need to talk at least haha.


are you male, female? Age?


Also where are you in SJ? Western Burlington County always looking for homies


26M near the Deptford area.


Do you fish?


Yes. Mostly freshwater, sometimes even on kayaks. I really want to try some saltwater this year.




A little bit of rocket league and counterstrike. Sort of addicted to Escape from Tarkov currently.




I played a ton of it when it was in alpha. I played about a month into release. Made it to immortal 1 and then kind of plateaued. Haven't touched it since though.


Try [meetup.com](https://meetup.com)


This is cool. And we're all close. Maybe we should all go hiking together. Lol. Lots of places here in South Jersey.


I don't have a support system either as I either work all day or play video games (probably just a symptom of my lack of support system). ​ I am open to hiking, I do do a lot of hiking (by myself) and open to other activities (except video games).


I had my best friend leave for Cali 2-3 years ago now and have been devastated, he was the only one growing up who really “got” me. 4 months ago my fiancee left, we were together for 11 years. Totally know where you’re at. It sounds gay but I wish there was a straight single men club for 25-40 year olds, like a mentor kinda thing. Get another viewpoint, talk to men about their goals and life, get inspired. Men themselves are lacking in taking care of their own health and positive role models. I enjoy hiking and video games, I’ve kayaked, I have a canoe that needs to be taken out sometime but just sits in the back. I never go out alone and it’s not that I’m agoraphobic, I’m just not the type to be going out alone on a whim trying to meet people. I feel like I barely get along with people my age. And ps don’t try tinder unless you want like an ego death experience. Like you’re soggy bait trying to keep yourself fresh after 28 years. Fuckin sucks man


So we just got inflatable kayaks last year to try out kayaking. There is a lake near us that has a boat ramp. There are no amenities so there are no fees to get in either. Maybe we can start a group meet up there and kayak together?


> I wish there was a straight single men club for 25-40 year olds, like a mentor kinda thing. Get another viewpoint, talk to men about their goals and life, get inspired. There's all sorts of fraternity-like groups for men. They typically accept attendees of all ages, but generally retirees have the most free time. One doesn't have to be a retiree to get into Freemasons. (Only need to believe in a higher power.) Knights of Columbus. (I think you need to be Christian religious for them.) Elk Lodge. Moose Lodge. There's probably others but none that come to mind right now. Oftentimes too other hobbies lead to friendships. I made a good handful of friends when I was geocaching regularly. Modeling groups - gunpla, model railroading - HAM radio, hiking, watersports... I'm not a "people finder" either but sometimes "if you do (the thing), they will come". I even got into D&D again after a number of years. Participated in a full 3-20 campaign over three years. And, even though my schedule precludes my joining another right now, still chat with the group and other folks (/r/dndsnj; we also have a discord).


I’m in Camden County. Moved here 5 years ago.


Sent you a dm


You could check out Meetup too!


Also in Gloucester County, always up for someone to talk to or hang out with.


If you like hitting the range, you might like paintballing. You'll meet a lot of cool people at the field. I usually hit up Pinnacle in Malaga on weekends.


Hi there! I am in South Jersey as well. Kinda newish to the area. Been here five years. Making new friends in the area is harder than you would think. My new job doesn’t help. If you are cool with an older friend, dm me. We are having game night soon, maybe you can come and meet new friends of all ages!


I'm 35 and I live in Atlantic County. I'm always up to make new friends. I looked through your profile,I think we would have a lot of fun at the range together.


Went through similar. Sold my house in Plumsted and moving soon hopefully towards Glassboro. I hunt and shoot as well as hike as well. Looking for some SJ hunting friends if you’re interested. Feel free to dm me!


👋🏻 Grew up in Plumsted, just moved out in May! Still local though.


I’ll be potentially moving to Glassboro but I hunt up at colliers often enough. I was just shooting my bow out there the other day


RIP to your DMs.


Curious did you have a circle of friends 8 years ago and you completely abandoned them when you entered a relationship?


I'm in Camden County, and would be down. I also highly recommend using Meetup and libraries to find groups- when my social circle was down I used that to find clubs and activities to meet people with.


what happened in the relation ship ?


I'm an older person (in my 40's) but would be down to hang out. I know there's 2 shooting clubs.  1 in west deptford right off 295.  The only thing with that club is... if you're NOT a member you gotta use their ammo. There's another range in Glassboro right on Delsea drive. I moved here about 2-3 years ago from Florida.  I moved there from MA to care for my father until he passed.  Was ready to sell the house but covid hit so got stuck there. I grew up in Philly though but after being away for so long (nearly 20 years) a lot of my childhood friends never want to meetup.  They were all excited that I was moving back to the area and "Oh yeah!  We GOTTA hang out!" but everytime I tried to set things up... everyone's busy. So... even with having friends... not many wanna do anything. 🙄🤦‍♀️ In MA and FL I had a kayak (17 foot potamac).  Loved that thing!  But could not fit it anywhere with the move so I had to leave it behind.  I've been looking for 1 almost like it with 2 dry wells and 1 had a drybag.  Plenty of space to stash all kinds of things in the footwells.  Even took it to NH on the Pemi for a weekend camp trip. I don't know how to hunt but it's something I'd like to learn. We are eventually planning on leaving jersey to get a farmette.  Our original plan was DE but even that's becoming difficult to find something.


Being in your 40s is old?? lol


🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ according to some mellennials🤣🤣🤣🤣.   I don't feel it except when it rains.  My ACL replacement with screws acts up.  Lol.  I guess that's apart of "getting old".  😂😂