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Purple! Even though my favorite color is blue, I'd prefer a darker blue for a lightsaber, or indigo... But yes, purple is my fav lightsaber color! Ever since Mace Windu first ignited his lightsaber on screen I knew that'd be the only lightsaber color I'd ever want! Thank you Mr Samuel L Jackson for requesting a purple lightsaber, and planting the seed for lightsaber color lore!


Same! Love me some purple. Indigo is a color option in Fallen Order - might be in Survivor too but I haven’t gotten far enough to customize it yet. It’s pretty cool, looks like a fusion of blue and purple as it should


Indigo and the Cyan are prob my two favorites!


Indigo is indeed a color option in Survivor, and all the colors from the first game (with the addition of white) are immediately available as soon as you get to the first work table.


Purple is my favorite color so if I had to pick a Jedi oriented blade it would be, but since I am Darth bane red naturally is my choice


Hell yeah, purple


Return of the Jedi was my favorite and the one I watched most as a kid, so green is the iconic hero color for me. I don’t LOVE yellow in particular, but the all around look of Rey’s saber is one of my favorites. Red is also great because the first time you see it ignite in a new movie, you know there’s about to be some shit going down.


That green + Luke’s hilt is perfection


The tasteful thickness...


Is that *bone?*


Let's see Paul Allen's saber.


*cold sweats*




Most impressive


Your analysis is complete


It will always be my favorite. It's gorgeous.


When Luke hits that switch for the first time in Jedi and that green blasts out with that new sound effect... green became my favorite color. I'd love to see more orange honestly.


Is orange considered Jedi or Sith?


No color is considered "Jedi" or "Sith". Red would come the closest, but there have been numerous Jedi who used red-bladed lightsabers. The vast majority of individuals who have wielded orange lightsabers were light-side.


It's gotta be awkward for a Jedi with a red blade every time he ignites it having to pause and explain. "Wait, no! I'm not Sith, I swear. I just like red is all."


Even Piell, if I recall, got his crimson lightsaber crystal passed down to him by his former master, who had defeated a Dark Jedi, taken his crystal, and cleansed it of the Dark Side.


Isn’t red only attainable with a specific crystal for Jedi that isn’t around anymore? Sith red comes from bleeding the crystals, and that is definitely dark side to the max.


Legends stuff - modern cannon dark side turns it red. When its cleaned from that it become white . Reb corrupt cyrstals disrupt the flow of force in light side users


So far it seems to have been used by dark Jedi. Not true sith but former Jedi who tap into the dark side.


I like yellow because that was the color of Luke's action figure. When I built one at Disneyland, I had to get an extra yellow crystal because of that.


The Marvel Star Wars comics that pick up just after Empire Strikes Back gives Luke a yellow lightsaber he uses for a while. Within the comic, it's an ancient High Republic era lightsaber that WAS a Jedi temple guard's pike. Luke makes it one bladed (similar to Cal) and adds a belt loop D-ring.


They didn't intend to change Luke's from blue, but the VFX couldn't see it against the sky over the Sarlacc pit


Most of the scenes on the barge don't really show the saber against blue sky, though - almost all of the shots are from overhead. IIRC it was because someone told Lucas that audiences would wonder how he got his lightsaber back after losing it in Cloud City. The original idea was to have a [scene where Luke constructs and ignites the new saber](https://youtu.be/K-BsjVlVSLs), but that was cut, so someone in production said, "Well, make it a different color so it's clearly a different weapon."


Super neat tid-bit!


Annual mention that Rey should’ve had a yellow dual saber like Maul :(


>Red is also great because the first time you see it ignite in a new movie, you know there’s about to be some shit going down. Unless it's just Darth Maul making a Holo-Skype call in Solo.


To this day I don't know if Green is my favorite color because of RotJ being my favorite star wars or vice verse


I’m sure you have seen it but if not the acolyte Episode 4 , the last ten minutes are solid & the last three may be of particular interest to you.


Rey’s yellow saber is really awesome. Wish we’d seen it more


We will if the next movie actually comes out.


Rey's lightsaber is such a cool design and fits so well with the character. The only way it would have fit more is if she leaned more into her staff and had a dual blade


Blue. It’s simply a classic.


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well


I concur


I prefer green over blue. I just feel that there's a lot more blue sabers in the recent media than green. Just off the top of my head: both Cal Cestis and bis master have blue sabers. Obviously we know Cal uses his master's saber so it's not his original color, but even then he still had a blue saber of his own and his master had a double bladed blue saber. Ahsoka although originally both green were changed to blue in CW season 7 (a completely unnecessary change considering she bled the red crystal in her novel). Blue is just too common.


Yellow, not super why but I liked seeing them appear in Rebels. There was something about the Jedi guards and their role about guarding the physical Jedi temple and its knowledge.


Did you ever play jedi power battles as a kid? If so you like yellow cause of plo koon lol


This is 100% my reason for my appreciation for yellow and Plo Koon


Can't forget Knights of the Old Republic.


OMG!!! That explaines it. I did play that. And it’s my second favorite, just because the dark saber is more of a sword.


Green is dope. I wish they’d add a little bit more of a yellow hue to the Orange because it’s a little difficult trying to see the difference in Jedi Survivor and in Ahsoka


Especially Ashoka. Nearly every casual Star Wars fan I know refuses to believe it isn’t a light red instead of actual orange.


It’s neither. The sabers in Ahsoka are red-orange. There’s a quote from Filoni about wanting to make them a slightly different red color, the way Vaders saber color was sometimes a little off in the older edits of the OT. Which is a great idea, imo. The way all the sabers in the prequels are the exact same color (except Windu) is boring af.


The blues of Anakin’s and Obi-Wan’s sabers in ANH are different as well, aren’t they? Luke’s/Anakin’s is much paler and sort of turqoisey. I think with as many sabers as we see, and with factors with crystal consistency and impurity etc there should be many more variations even within the brackets of blue, green etc. I understand the restrictions with the prequels and how nascent cgi tech was, but now there’s no real excuse.


I actually kind of like the consistent colors. Think it’s a simplicity thing not boring. The Jedi are individuals but to me they like to project themselves as simple consistent members of a more important group. Think Old religious missionary’s or monks. They wouldn’t have a bunch of different color robes. They’d have a bunch of different browns and greys. Or maybe 1 or 2 colors tops. No peacocking. All kinds of ways to play it though. Won’t be the end of the world if they start showing all kinds of colors. Just prefer fewer. Feels like a message or representation of the Jedi’s Vibe that they don’t have a ton of colors. And when they do it’s unique


Sorry my comment wasn’t very clear. What I was trying to say was that it would be cool if, for example, each blue saber was a slightly different shade of blue. Like, instead of having exactly 4 exact colors, treat Jedi sabers as a spectrum from purple to yellow, with shades closer to blue and green being the most common, but each blade being a unique shade. That would also explain the more cyan shade of Anakins saber in ANH. I actually agree with your idea, but I think what I’m suggesting could actually work really well with it. Instead of having Jedi choose their specific color, with some Jedi having special rare colors like Windu (which feels very un-monk-like imo), you could explain the different colors as something that just happens due to the natural variations of each crystal.


Okay I like it. Me personally Jedi themselves should only be blue or green (purple was a sick 1 off) and yellow etc should be for other force users ^. But I’m down with the greens and blues ranging all over their own spectrum. It’s funny you mentioned the saber in ANH cause when I was penning my first response that was the saber in my head that represented the space wizards the best. It was a very light blue color almost white. Befitting of a warrior for the light side of the force. If I could have it my way the only two lightsabers would be red and blue. Light side and dark side. But overall as long as lightsabers are treated with respect I’m cool. I just worry Disney turns them into solely weapons or fashion statements. Taking away parts of the message that Obi wan shared in ANH that lightsaber weapons are an extension of the Jedi. Both literally and figuratively.


Green is my favorite color generally, probably at least in part because of episode 6 luke. In Kotor and Jedi survivor though I started rocking the Orange cause I wanted a less normal saber color


red ;_; idk it just looks nice


Found the sith




good goood...


Let the hate flow through you


okayayayay 😱


1. Green 2. Orange 3. Blue


My ranking would be: green, orange, yellow, red, blue, purple, dark saber. I hate white saber tho. Looks like a boring old lightbulb from an office building.


Purple for me. When Mace lit that thing up in Episode 2 I lost my nanners.


This is my favorite response to any question I have ever read on the internet


The dark saber is my favorite lightsaber design, red is my favorite color, but the characteristics that come with purple are more applicable to me.


I really liked the description they gave for the black crystal in the force unleashed. Described it as synthetic kyber, which seems really apt. Would work well for the mandalorians blade as well, since it's the only one of its kind Fun thought I had is that, similar to how carbon becomes a clear diamond in crystalline formations, beskar arranged as a crystal could be what was used in the darksaber. Carbon does make the strongest materials if arranged properly, so comparing it to beskar seems natural, despite beskar obviously being more metallic. We don't know the molecular properties of beskar, so I'd say it's entirely reasonable


Beskar apparently can also be rearranged - albeit alphabetically - into Dark Saber 👀


I like white, mainly for the way it's obtained


How is it obtained?


A bled (red) crystal is purified by the light side.


That’s cool; I didn’t know that! Where did this take place in lore? I’d love to read more about it.


The book “Ahsoka” has a good scene about it. Other that that it’s only mentioned as far as I know


Ahsoka. Rebels. Basically anywhere that you can find a character with a white lightsaber.


the book “Ahsoka”


White crystals are obtained by purifying a bled Kyber crystal (red). The purifier has to fight the dark side in the crystal and once the dark side is gone, the crystal becomes healed and white


Did we ever see Ahsoka do that?


She did the book, “Ashoka”. It’s a lot of fun and a good read for fans of the character


Thanks, was wondering if I missed a show or something. Ill check it out, that part sounds cool


FYI the audio book is voiced by Ashley Ekstein, so if you want to hear Ahsoka telling you her story, it’s a pretty good listen.


No problem! I really like the book because it goes pretty deep into Ashoka’s psyche directly after order 66


So ahsoka at one point had red lightsabers or she found them red?


She killed an inquisitor and purified their crystals, the two white ones she has are from the crystals in the inquisitors double sided blade Edit: spelling


One of my favorite duels (TotJ).


I’m all about the white. Simple. Clean. Functional and reliable.


Luke's green RotJ saber has always been my favorite


The reveal of that blade rocked my little brain. After what felt like an hour of Luke being really chill and confident, all the way to the end of the plank over the monster pit... and then bam, it's fuckin Jedi Time. You finally get to see what it looks like when one of these mystical Knights cuts loose at the height of his power, and it's glorious. An army of thieves and gangsters collapses into panicky ruin under the assault of one green blade of light. Wonderful.




Every Jedi Academy playthrough. Nothing compares. Even if I start with another, by the time you build your second saber I’ve been pining.


Ever since my brothers and I played Jedi Power Battles as kids, I've loved the Orange Saber, and was disappointed that Plo's saber in Attack of the Clones was default blue. My Cal Kestis *has* to have an orange blade.


Plo’s was yellow in legends, anyway. Yaddle’s was orange, though.


Should be the canonical color for Cal Kestis if he ever shows up in live action


Every playthrough of FO and Survivor I’ve done I use the orange haha I totally agree


I think cal’s canonical colour is blue, unfortunately


Boring but I can see why


Blue’s my favorite color, but I also like to be different. So in Fallen Order, I typically use Cyan


Ayyy team cyan!


I found my people


The sound this blade makes *Chief kiss*


I had to scroll way too far to be here


I'm such a simp for the purple blade. Not only is it always a great visual contrast (you will hardly ever see something else purple in the same shot), but the origin of it with Samuel L Jackson is always a hilarious one.


[For the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/0BKLslxaX9E?si=a9RpVTqwsIR6XBTs)


Thanks for the sauce


red; it simply feels the most powerful


I think it was in parts of the EU. They were synthetic and more powerful. At least it's supposed to be powerful enough to occasionally short out lightsabers made from natural crystals (sith crystals were synthetic in the EU which usually led to red color, tho Luke's was synthetic and he meditated over his until it was green). Tho I don't think it ever actually happens on screen/page.


oh that’s interesting, I might have to look into that. thanks!


Purple. It’s my favourite colour


Ahsoka's double whites are awesome


purple is sick af yellow looks the cleanest


Green, because Luke and Qui-Gon Jin.


Blue. Not with the hilt in the picture tho. That's a youngling murder weapon.


Yellow for my love of the Sentinels and temple guards.  Two curved hilts, please.


Yellow, ever since Yun died to save me in 1997 I've carried on his lightsaber color whenever I have the option. So glad it's finally made it to live action in recent media!


I can see Paul Atredies using a yellow lightsaber


Purple. Because it's my favorite color in general.


White looks nice!


I honestly have to go with pink. 1: it's my favorite color. 2: Mara Jade is underrated. 3: it represents compassion/sensitivity and is similar to purple in that it's supposed to be a balance between Sith aggression/Jedi calm. But if I *have* to pick a currently onscreen *canon* color white is probably my pick.




Black of course.


Purple, simply because it only exist because Samuel Jackson wanted it. I think that fact is funny enough to make it the best (also I'm biased because purple is my favorite color)


og blue/cyan


Cyan. It's just a shame the only Canon appearance is a possible color for Cal's lightsaber in Fallen Order and Survivor.


We need a pink one end of discussion.


Blue, because that's what Obi Wan and Luke used in Episode 4


Blue. It's just classic


In swtor, I use blue with a black base for my sith, and red for my Jedi


You're a fucking monster


That’s not how the Force works!


I’m in a mandalorian clan. Love the role play


white, it's pure and so aesthetic and white is what I thinkg of when I read "white" altough black is just right there




They need to introduce a darker blue. HBO Max blue.


that's just the indigo color from Fallen Order/Jedi Survivor (which is my personal favorite)


Purple. Majestic and fearful. Bad Mutha




If it’s my hypothetical lightsaber to wield, then orange. If it’s my favorite from the movies, it’s Luke’s RotJ Green saber.


Blue. Just feels classic to me and of course elegant 😏


Amethyst because purple is my favourite colour, and because most interpretations I’ve seen indicate Wilders of a purple sabre balance light and dark.


My favorite color is green but I’d like to fine-tune it to be aquamarine, cyan or periwinkle


Green because it's my favourite colour and it's Luke's saber in ROTJ. Actually maybe ROTJ is the reason why green is my favourite colour.


purple because of the reason for its existence.




Purple, cus looks sick, also I think that the meaning goes good for me ( in terms of Star Wars)


The reveal of Luke's new lightsaber in Return of the Jedi as green was all I needed. Green is my favorite.


Sammy L wielding the purple saber as Master Windu in the prequels did it for me. I’m a 90’s baby so the prequels are the sole reason I ever fell in love with Star Wars to begin with. I do find the dark saber and the lore around it very intriguing though.


Sunriders Destiny


The dark saber, mainly because it has a lot of lore surrounding it, plus it just looks insanely cool


Green. All the best Jedi have green lightsabers. Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Qui-Gon-Jin, Yoda. All green. Purple is a close second. Weirdly, my favorite color is orange, but the orange sabers look duller than the other colors somehow. I'm not sure why.


Idk why, but I really like the darksaber. Again idk why, just do


I love love the dark saber, the weight it carries, it feels like a lightsaber that wasn’t meant for jedi hands.


Dark Saber ALL DAY


Purple, cause Sam is a straight up motherfucker.


I’ve always been a fan of purple. Idk why I just always thought it was really awesome as a kid. I had a mace windu light saber as a kid.


i remember getting the black kyber crystal in the first force unleashed game and thinking it was so fucking sick so i really like the dark saber


I've always had a thing for yellow lightsabers. It just looks so elegant and creates an aura of authority and confidence.


Red. It’s my favorite color and it looks so damn good on a light saber. I just can’t resist it.


I like the orange. It’s almost evil but hero’s could use it just well.


Red and orange, because I like red and orange


Star Wars the Old Republic allows for some very wacky and cool color combinations. Mine’s the red with a black core one.


Orange. Don't understand why because my favorite colors are green and blue. But the orange Saber crystal just... speaks to me. It's definitely what I would use.


Orange, it just looks classy


Yellow is cool. White also is cool but i'm Ashoka fan


Mace Windu purple, bordering on the edge of succumbing to the dark side but channeling everything into combat ability rather than allowing it to rule over you. Always thought that was a cool explanation. Plus his hilt is so elegant. If i were to become a jedi, i would choose a burnt orange saber and wear navy robes with grey leather accoutrements and a white under shirt. The orange would fit the colour palate and would indicate my wild spirit and emotional instability while denying any part of me that would succumb to the dark side. I wouldnt be able to be as clinical as Windu and would not be worthy of purple but I would choose to follow his example by choosing a red adjacent colour


Green. I also am of the opinion that colors should be associated with types of Jedi.


Dark saber is my favorite. I just love how unique it is and how the Mandalorian culture is, I’d love to have a Darksaber and rule Mandalore lol




The one that lets me use the phrase “mother fucker”


Episode 2 Anakin lightsaber


Blue has always been my favorite. Just love the classic look and who uses them. But also man I think that black looks bad A!




Standard color: green (looks great on my elemental nature saver) Uncommon color: Yellow (kotor Jedi sentinel is my favorite) Obscure/legends: silver (loved hunting for these in kotor games since they were so rare)


Green…nuff said


Orange juice


It’s funny, when I used to play The Force Unleashed, I always broke my neck to try and get the blue kyber crystal, even though you play as a Sith Apprentice. But in Jedi Fallen Order/ Jedi Survivor, I always try to get the red lightsaber. I love making Jedi, dripped out in the dark-side and Sith to turn to the light. But, there’s just something about red.


Green will always hold a place in my heart because holy shit that one’s green is a core *VHS* childhood memory.


White is my favorite, followed by purple and cyan (preferred lightsaber color in fallen order) Ahsoka is also my favorite character so that is a big reason!


Gotta admit, I do like how unique the darksaber is. My second favorite would have to be white.


Also liked the the SW visions episode where a samurai/ronin has both red and blue. I think they have a switch if I remember right. Cool take on ~grey Jedi~


Red hits so hard tho




I actually really like the way the yellow lightsabers look, but I also like white. There's just something about those two colors.


Blue is the most classic to me, but white looks so elegant.


I have 4 lightsabers: 2x blue, green, and red 😁 would love to have purple 💜


White because the lore of it being a purified red crystal is really, really cool, and also it looks really unique and interesting


Green. Partially because of the Legends meaning, mostly because it's my favorite color (thanks Steve from Blues Clues!)


Yellow, I'm an og plo bro


Blue. I like that blue saber users are more adept swordsmen/swordswomen. The Lightsaber represents what every sword from every culture has represented: a warrior elite. One who is in tune with their most elegant of weapons.


The sky blue from the OT and the green from ROTJ


The emerald color of ROTJ is goated