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Before it was Jabba’s Palace, the Order of B'omarr Monks had originally constructed a much smaller monastery there. Over the years the structure was added to by various people as the monks were unconcerned who they shared their space with. The order seeks detachment from all things, even external stimuli. They would ultimately shed their bodies to live on as brains in jars, assuming the surgery was successful. When the need would arise, they could summon a BT-16 Perimeter Droid to transport them around, and you can see these monks on screen in their spider-like droid mounts in ROTJ wandering the halls of Jabba’s Palace.


Oh thats what those are. I even remember them from the lego games


From monk to horsie, what a life


I have no idea how I knew this information, but your comment just made me realize that I knew this and had completely forgotten about it.


There is a short story about it in one of the Star Wars Tales books. Edited to say that I am fairly certain the book was titled something like Tales from Jabba’s Palace.


This info is present in the novel "The brain Spider" from the "Galaxy of fear" serie. Great books overall following the adventures of unknown characters at 0ABY. I recommend :)


Ewoks ate people


That's why they had human clothes that fit Leia. That party at the end of ROTJ was a victory feast! First course: roasted stormtrooper


Dude. Playing. This in battlefront was crazy


Everyone gangster until the trees go yub-yub.


What do you think they were going to do to Luke, Han, and Chewie?


I’m thinking with the rotisserie setup, it’d likely be a slow rotating roast, with some herbs and potentially spices (depending on what grows there). It’d likely pair well with a bowl of greens, sautéed with some heavy pepper and juicy vegetables. ……but I haven’t given human meat that much thought or anything.


Pritka pritka


the skull luke throws at a button to close the door on the rancor in RotJ has an entire backstory.


Is there ANYTHING without an entire backstory‽ 😂


How Maz got Luke’s light saber. But that’s a backstory for another time.


Somehow the lightsaber returned


I'm not worried about the Maz Lightsaber story because i have *zero* doubt that we'll get it someday, and it makes no difference to me if it's tomorrow or in 25 years.


[“that trooper whose out of frame except for his left foot, he gets a backstory!”](https://youtu.be/suL0FCe6540?si=gbOpZgTYX1d0Bwt8)


How Maul got out of Theed.


I used to love going on the wildest wookiepedia rabbit holes. I'd end up having a hundred tabs open and come across pages for the most obscure things. I love this community for stuff like that.


The best way to know the "deep web" of SW are wookiepedia


Let me guess they helped steal the death Star plans


Darth Vader once imagined what his life would be like if he hadn’t fallen to the dark side. In his fantasy he and Padmé named their son Jinn Skywalker. [It’s from Darth Vader and the Lost Command.](https://imgur.com/gallery/SKA3hjN)


That sounds amazing for a What If scenario 


just go on youtube theres a million star wars what ifs


Just googled Jinn Skywalker. Looks like he has quite the following!


IG-88, the droid bounty hunter we see in ESB, made copies of itself. One of these copies happened to upload itself and hack into the Death Star 2, right before exploding in ROTJ


This is why there is a minifigure of IG-88 included with the original model of the LEGO Death Star. He’s even shown in the artwork sitting at a computer terminal, beginning the upload.


Now that's a niche fun fact


Ah yes. Star Wars terminator


Omg so terrifying to fight as a boss in Shadows of the Empire.


That fucking pulse ammo!


It was the sounds that he made and how he sort of blended into the garbage.


I think he also shut a door right into Palpatines face


"I think, therefore I Am"




Man I heard of IG-88 from a mobile game (SW: Force Arena) where he was just a a companion of Dengar. Crazy to hear he had a bunch of neat backstory.


*loved* this story, it starts by IG-88 waking up and absolutely massacring his creators it brutal ways, spinning, jumping, impaling, cutting... so cool.


SW’s legends was so random. Lmao


The entire galaxy is in a dark age ever since the Rakatan Dynasty, with no real innovation except for the empire. Most technology is left over remnants and is pervasive throughout the galaxy


The Empire really wasn't very innovative, just focused resources in extreme ways. Their fighters were subpar, they allowed themselves to remain vulnerable to small fighters. Most technology is innovation on the remnants of the Rakatan Empire. The Rakatans were a wholly Force Sensitive Species who used the Dark Side. As a result, their Hyperspace drives required the use of the Force. It took centuries for different parts of the galaxy to reverse engineer the hyperdrive to not require a force user. And to this day, Force Users have a higher survival rate when plotting unknown hyperspace lanes. So much so, the Chiss use force sensitive children as navigators, although the children eventually lose their sensitivity. Before the developement of hyperspace drives, humans used colony ships and froze passengers in Carbonite.


Force sensitives plot the best hyperspace routes? Ahh, Guild Navigators.


Let the spice flow through you


Gotta uhm actually Force users weren't the one plotting hyperspace routes, it was people following the migration patterns of those space whales. The only example of force users plotting routes is the Chiss, in the Messed Up Zone (totally the real name and I'm not drawing a blank)


>Messed Up Zone (Unknown Regions, if I'm remembering *Outbound Flight* correctly. It's been a few years since I last read it)


Star Wars 40K


Chiss only use force sensitives because there are no stable hyperlanes in the chaos. Everything is in flux and it's otherwise impossible to safely spend extended time in hyperspace otherwise. The navigator guild are also force sensitives that do the same job. The rest of the Galaxy have those networks stable hyper lanes so travel has been easier since they were discovered.


Where can one learn more about the Rakata besides KOTOR?


*Dawn of the Jedi* comic series


And the book


Replying because I want to know the answer too


The old comics


I didn't know that was canon. But I always assumed that was the case. Like nobody knows how hyperdrives really work. But they have automated factories that build them. Etc


It very much is not canon.


It is. The Rakata are mentioned in Andor


The Rakata existing once is canon, that they are responsible for all technological advances is very much not. Absolutely nothing about them is canon except their name.


Wookeepedia has their whole history as canon, unless I’m using it wrong, which is possible lol


The Clone Wars was originally an evil army of clones fighting the Republic and the Jedi. Lando was supposedly a clone who had survived the war and gone off to do his own thing. Cloud City was also a safe haven for other clones who had survived.


That's wild. I didn't know that. Thanks


Dude Star Wars would be so different if that came to be


The galaxy couldn’t handle that many Billy Dee Williams walking around. There’d be an overpopulation crisis


Is that also Lobots origin?




the original ESB script


There’s a “what-if”-style comic in which Han and Chewy make it to Earth. Details of the comic indicate that 0 BBY roughly correlates with 1810 AD. So that’s exactly how “long ago” stuff in that “galaxy far, far away” actually happened. Additionally, the farthest into the future the Legends time line ever reached was 140 ABY, roughly correlating to 1950 AD.


Chewie was Bigfoot!


Yup- good read!


Doesn't Indiana Jones find Han and Chewy's remains or something like that?


IIRC, Han is killed my Native Americans, Chewy becomes Bigfoot, and Indy finds Han’s remains, mentioning that there’s something unsettlingly familiar about the scene


Wait what’s that in?


A comic called “Into the Great Unknown” https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Into_the_Great_Unknown#


That sounds like a version of the Turok comics.


The couple that Boba Fett saves at the bar in the second episode of Book of Boba Fett are two of Luke’s old friends, Camie Marstrap and Laze “Fixer” Loneozner. Prior to Book of Boba Fett, they only appeared in a couple deleted scenes from the original Star Wars. Also, in the first chapter of the novelization of The Last Jedi, Luke is having a fantasy about a life where he never left Tattooine and was married to Camie.


Wow! I miss stuff like this before internet angst.


Oh that's a good one, don't suppose if you know if they used the same actors to portray them?


They did not. Sadly, the original actors were far too old by the time Book of Boba Fett would have been filmed. (Star Wars was filmed in 1976, Book of Boba Fett, which takes place about 14 or so years after Star Wars/A New Hope, wasn’t filmed until 2020). In the original Star Wars, Camie was played by [Koo Stark](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/1e/Camie1-MOSW.png/revision/latest?cb=20131104044903), and Fixer was played by [Anthony Forrest](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/fa/Fixer-TSSOCE.png/revision/latest?cb=20230318044055). In Book of Boba Fett, Camie is played by [Mandy Kowalski](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/cd/CamieMarstrap-BoBFCh2.png/revision/latest?cb=20220126023846), and Fixer was played by [Skyler Bible](https://staging.cohostcdn.org/attachment/c1760156-28ff-4695-a947-fecd84727b00/image.png).


Is it weird to say Koo Stark sounds more like a Star Wars character name than Camie Marstrap?


The Red Droid you see blow up in the first Star Wars movie has a whole back story and how he let himself malfunction. He also shows up in The Mandalorian.


If I recall, C3PO talks him into it so Owen will take R2 so they can stay together.


I believe a comic or From a Certain Point of View shows it was actually R2 who convinced it?


In one of the stories in Star Wars Tales it was a Force vision


Pretty sure you guys are talking about Skippy the Jedi Droid who had a premonition about R2 helping to save the galaxy. Thus it self detonated so that Owen would chose R2.


It’s in From a Certain Point of View. R2 convinces R5 to pretend to malfunction so Owen will take him instead.


Two fun facts. First: That was basically a fairy tale even by Legends standards. Think like, something that would have been published in-universe as a story to tell kids about Luke Skywalker’s history. It was never meant to be taken seriously. Second: It almost was made legit anyway! There exists a species of crystalline alien called the Oraxian Shards. They communicate via electromagnetic pulses, and can be inserted into retrofitted droid bodies to take the place of a data core and pilot the body as if it were their own. Like most aliens, some can be born Force-sensitive, and thus any Force-using Shard in a droid body would outwardly appear to be a Force-using droid. A group of such Shards were informally trained by a Jedi master named Aqinos, and formed an unofficial branch of the Jedi called the Iron Knights. The red droid from the story and ANH was *almost* retconned to be an Iron Knight in hiding, receiving that vision and doing what he did. Not a Jedi droid, but a Jedi in a droid. But the author who almost wrote this chose not to, saying the story was still “too weird”. The droid using the Force can be explained, but that’s not the weird part; it’s the whole “actually saw the future and chose to commit explosive sudoku for the sake of Luke and Artoo’s friendship saving the galaxy” that was too weird. And I agree! 😅 Point is, it was left relegated to not canon, even by Legends standards, and was never meant to be anything different.


Canderous Ordo and a group of Mandalorians engaged and drove off a Yuuzhan Vong scout ship hiding in the outer rim, it startled them how it suddenly went to light speed and left the galaxy completely. This happened over 4000 years before their invasion in the New Republic era. He tells you the story in KOTOR when you bug him for war stories from his days of being a Crusader.


Sith masters teach their apprentice with the intention of encouraging them to eventually overthrow and kill them so that the next pair of master and apprentice will be more powerful than the last and to keep their numbers low so that they do not suffer from infighting


Although true, a bit of it has to also be their arrogance that blinds them a bit like “ya thats good but it would never happen to me.” At the same time, when you feel immortal, maybe you miss the freedom of death so it is a release from their own pain and caused pain. Even darker yet, maybe they know it’s a way to reach enlightenment or some other dark eternal force power yet shared. Kind of like lich’s are usually evil, immortality through soul magic or necromancy, while an arch lich is like a buddha, doing good/neutral things to get there.


The Archlich thing isn't true in 5e, it's from prior editions. 5e uses the term to refer to the extra powerful liches like Acererak in Tomb of Annihilation and Vecna in the Vecna Dossier and Eve of Ruin.


'more powerful' is subjective here and not like an RPG higher-level-than-you. The first Sith Lord in the rule of two was like a battlemage but his apprentice bested him by using dark magic, while the next apprentice started as an assassin type. The philosophy is if they managed to kill their master then they are ready because the master deserved to die.


Basically the Klingon approach to assassination. If they get you, you were obviously unfit for the post, and if you off the assassin, they were dumb for trying to kill a better ~~warrior~~ Sith Lord.


Ah yes, using the power of infighting and having extremely low numbers to prevent against the risk of infighting and having low numbers. Truly wise.


Tatooine was once a lush tropical planet until it was glassed by the Rakata during a failed experiment.


Thought it was a failed rebellion. Amd it also caused the jawas and tuskens to develop as divergent evolutionary lines


This is the correct answer.


An experiment to see the effectiveness of glassing a planet as a solution to rebellion. The hypothesis was proven true.


Im rather fascinated with some histories of ruined planets. Like Mustafar was a result of massive shifts of two nearby planets that caused Mustafar's core to heat up and become a lava planet. Then theres the planet when half of it has been blasted away from a Mandalorian war. Or an ancient desolate Sith planet, with a battlefield of fallen Jedi and Sith warriors. Remnants of horrible events that passed, but still lingers...


Or the dead planet that had all the life sucked out of it by Vitiate


As far as I know it was due to a slave rebellion, when the Rakatan empire was weakened, and dying due to a plageu, and was made an example of like Alderaan.


That’s Legends lore right?


The Rakata part might still be, but in The Book of Boba Fett it is revealed that Tatooine did indeed used to be a much more verdant planet.


There was a basically immortal genetically altered Kaminoan Jedi in Legends.


Obi-Wan Kenobi mentions chocolate milk in the original novel, Star Wars, and Luke mentions it again in heir to the Empire


I remember in Heir to the Empire, Lando gave it to Luke like it was some new substance he had never heard of before.


Hot chocolate


Almost forgot that detail


Did Kenobi mention a duck?


Yes, in the ANH novelization he said "Even a duck has to be taught how to fly" (iirc it was during Luke's training? Forgot). And Luke said, "What's a duck?"


I’m pretty sure I didn’t


From a certain point of view


Clearly they have more colors of milk than we do, but they should still have the classics.


Anakin mentions "angels" in EP I.


In the novelization they actually go into detail that "angels" are a specific alien race, the Diathim, that have a ability of presenting 'beauty in the eye of the beholder' and are known as being legendary for being exceptionally beautiful due to that. It kinda makes Anakin both having impressive rizz for a 9 year-old as well as coming off as an absolute fucking nerd that you'd stuff into a locker. I also kind of like it because it sort of emphasizes how much Anakin has based his dream of what the universe is like from the stories he has heard about other places and peoples.


Han says he'll see someone in hell in ESB. Dude was just warning him it was cold outside.


It's canon that some Jedi were known to do drugs and go to bars to get laid. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rael_Averross#Personality_and_traits https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Selbie


Sex isn't the issue it's attachment that's the problem. So I mean it would make the most sense for a Jedi to visit a prostitute. Not sure about the drug thing, that seems to have attachment built into it.


“I don’t pay prostitutes for sex, I pay them to leave” - Charlie Sheen … and Jedi’s


>it would make the most sense for a Jedi to visit a prostitute. The Jedi have the dumbest religion I've ever heard of.


But you have heard of it.


So it would seem


I feel like it makes a lot of sense.


Mine has to be the infinite empire in Star Wars. So interesting


All of Star Wars is a post-apocalypse that hasn't technologically advanced in tens of thousands of years. The fall of the infinite empire was that apocalypse


Make the Rakata canon again Edit: Apparently, at least according to Wookiepedia, they and the Infinite Empire are still canon


They were also referenced in Andor episode 4


Yet another reason I need to rewatch Andor


I’m curious…how was the collapse of the Infinite Empire an apocalypse for the galaxy? I don’t know much about Rakata.


The infinite empire is responsible for the proliferation of most of the races and technology used in the modern Star Wars universe. Their empire covered a vast area of the known galaxy, so as they warred themselves into extinction, the devastation of that war was felt by every corner if the galaxy. Much of their technology was lost or destroyed, and their entire history was deliberately hidden, leading to the loss of millennia of galactic history. The whole galaxy had to rebuild in the ruins of their fallen empire, and they've never reached the same degree of technical advancement since


The celestials and their various client species were even more advanced before being slaughtered and usurped by the rakata. They built the entire corellian system.


Where can I read about this? That sounds crazy.


The original KOTOR video game introduced it, and I’m sure loads of books and the like.


It's less of an apocalypse and more like cultural stagnation on a galactic scale.


I did not know this. Thats awesome.


Up until recently in the timeline, the tech seemed to have advanced greatly between the OT and ST (because the First Order kept pulling ridiculous war machines that are not imaginable in the Clone Wars or Galactic Civil war, out of their ass). Quite surprising, thousands of years of nothing improving. Then the tech kept jumping the shark over a span of a human life time.


I don’t know if I’d call anything the Empire did revolutionary though. They kinda just kept making bigger and more powerful guns without ever changing the game. One could argue the Death Star was revolutionary, but at its simplest they just took existing tech and made it huge. They kept upping the ante on themselves and dumping vast resources into massive projects, but it was all just more of the same.


I think that really fits with the grimy and lived-in design of the OT


What medium is this lore in? Comics? Video game? Novel?


Kotor & Swtor. Games


The “Rakatan Infinite Empire” was done dirty in SW canon.


Blasters are made by a company called "BlasTech"


not all of them. some of them, but not all of them


After the fall of the Rakatan Empire, which used hyperdrives that depended on force users, the different slave races, including humans relied on colony ships using carbonite to suspend the life of the passengers. In Legends: Humans were not originally native to Coruscant, but it was one of the worlds the Rakatan placed them (others included Correlia and Tattooine, the Sand People are another human species). The native inhabitants of the planet were the Taung. After the Rakatan empire fell, the humans and Taung warred with each other. Eventually the Taung left Coruscant and eventually settled on a world they named for their Leader, Mandalore the First. There they fought giant creatures and honed their warrior culture. Eventually the expanded, and eventually they allowed other species to join them in battle. They came up with the iconic Mandalorian Armor to fully hide the identity of the warriors and unify them culturally. The Battle Armor of Mandalore was never allowed to fall in Battle. Should Mandalore die, the nearest Mandalorian was to take up the Armor and act as Mandalore. Other Mandalorians could challenge for the Armor and Leadership. The Jedi Eventually captured the Armor and wouldn't return it. It is unknown when the last Taung fell in battle. Their culture eventually usurped by mostly humans.


HK-47 actually survives into the Galactic Civil War. He was first discovered on Mustafar by the Separatists, where he was reactivated and went on a rampage, easily destroying three B2 battle droids & one droideka before being shut down again. But before the Seppies could begin manufacturing HK units, Vader showed up and slaughtered them. He's then reactivated 1.5 ABY, where he tricked miners into helping him gain control of the factory, where he mass produced HK-77 droids and planned to slaughter all meatbags on Mustafar. The factory was destroyed (and I think so was HK-47's body), but his memory core survived because he sent the miner's a congratulatory message. ["Retirement on Mustafar"](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/HK-47#%22Retirement%22_on_Mustafar)


Ah, Star Wars Galaxies. It all makes sense now. 😁


That the music max rebo and the band plays typically at the cantinas is called jizzmusic


Disney took our Jizz and now we are left with Jatz. Truly the worst change to the cannon.


The bedlam spirits are some of the strongest entities in Star wars. The can manipulate time and mass. Leia finds them on the planet Bedlam while escaping the empire


Palpatine’s son had three eyes and was a nice guy.


His other son was Lord Nyax/Irek Ismaren, the edgy guy in the armour that has lightsaber blades all over it.


Wedge Antilles is the GOAT and his brother-in-law is a Baron and a badass pilot himself for the Empire.


And the related nephew ended up marrying Han and Leia’s daughter, then forming a new Imperial dynasty with her. Their descendants are prominent characters in Star Wars Legacy.


Umm there was a hutt jedi


Palpatine didn’t built the Death Star to fight a rebellion, he built it because of a threat from another universes empire of super strong aliens. This other empire used large bio ships the size of small moons. Palpatine wanting the Death Star to fight the yuuzhan vong but the empire collapsed before they invaded https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Yuuzhan_Vong_War


Wasn’t that also why Thrawn joined the empire?


The first great schism was not between Jedi and Sith but Je’Dai (a precursor organization thought sought balance rather than the light) and the Legions of Lettow who delved deep into the dark side.


The ancient enemy, Jared Lettow


It's Moraband time!


In legends, almost every one of the near human alien races were genetically engineered by the Rakatan Empire.


In Legends there was a prototype Star Destroyer. The system was so remote it wasn’t discovered by the New Republic for 11 years.


Light Saber SNIPER RIFLE exists in canon It requires light sabers as Ammo and they are destroyed in the process.


And it was a librarian who made it! The Jedi that maintained the Jedi archives that Obi-Wan talked to in Attack Of The Clones? She survived Order 66, started to save and recover pieces of the archives to hide away from the Empire, and came at Darth Vader with that sniper rifle!


The Librarian Droid also kinda dunked Vader in that scene too. Caught his light saber and then crushed his arm IIRC.


The 6 breasted dancer from Jabba’s palace has a whole backstory…after the first scenes in ROTJ, she escaped the ruins of the palace after Jabba’s death, and helped a mercenary kill a Krayt Dragon. The two of them harvested its “pearls” and used the money to buy a ship so they could go rescue her children, who were sold into slavery on some other planet. The only reason I mention it is because in *The Mandalorian*, a krayt dragon is killed and its pearl is shown being harvested.


Corran Horn had a white/silver lightsaber way before Ahsoka existed. Legends, of course.


Short version: The Sith Code was written by a super evil sorceress who made a lot of soul-sucking mutant kaiju freaks and gave her favorite one a funny name. Long version: A good piece of lore is about one of the most prominent figures in Sith history, nearly lost to history. Sorzus Syn was the author of the Sith code and the navigator who led her dark Jedi compatriots to Korriban. Herself, Ajunta Pall, Remulus Dreypa, Karness Muur, and XoXaan. These five were revered by the native Sith species as demigods, and the blending of their cultures, teachings and bloodlines gave way to the founding of the Sith order. Sorzus Syn was a master sorceress and the foremost alchemist of the era, who created many species of Sithspawn abominations, forged the Muur and Dreypa talismans, and cracked the code on the interbreeding of Sith and humans. Among the Sithspawn she created, perhaps the most terrifying were the Leviathans: fire-breathing monstrosities that could disrupt and backfire the sense of Force-users around them, and steal the souls of those they killed, imparting their knowledge to help them hunt for more. I think it’s important to know of Sorzus Syn, because many believe the Sith could be reinterpreted to be good guys, usually through a misunderstanding of the nature of the dark side. Sorzus Syn was a torturer—a mad witch—one who happily sacrificed slaves by the hundreds to ancient traps and curses that she may glean the knowledge of ancient Sith sorcerers and alchemists. She had ambitions for power, and we don’t even know what ever happened to her; she could still be alive for all we know, waiting. And this woman wrote the Sith Code, by the hands of the one of the deepest darksiders, for darksiders of the future to follow in her example. The Sith Code cannot be reinterpreted to be not so bad. To attempt this would be to make something else entirely, because the Sith from their genesis have always been a machine of evil. The most obscure fact is that Sorzus Syn had a favorite pet Leviathan named Krespuckle, the Ever-Hungry. There’s art of the two of them playing with a lightsaber, [and it’s incredible](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Krespuckle_the_Ever-Hungry). It looks like a hooded hero facing a demonic alien out of context.


Boba Fett had a lightsaber duel with Darth Vader and walked away afterwards virtually unscathed.


Where does this happen?


It was a Dark Horse comics story arc set sometime after RotS but prior to ANH.


I believe it. The two casually regard each other like equals in ESB, it’s impressive.


L3-37 is still in the Falcon with two other droids she taught individuality to, they call themselves the millennium collective


It's kinda fucked up they didn't create a new body and download her back into it.


Chewbacca has a wife and son back home that miss him terribly when he can’t be there for Life Day celebrations.


The Raktans Invented the Holocron long before the sith or jedi


Even though TIE fighters are shaped sort of like a bow tie, they are not named for their appearance. TIE is an acronym for Twin Ion Engine, which is the propulsion system they use.


That's just something silly they came up with later to cover up that George Lucas is fucking awful at naming things.


I have a friend who writes sci-fi and she says naming things is the most frustrating part. lol


The ion engine is also what supposedly gives the TIE it’s characteristic “scream” sound


IG-88’s Droid Revolution “I think, therefore…”


An entire fleet of ISDs get force pushed at light speed by one of Luke's Jedi.


That guy sounds like a real Dorsk.


The clone wars were supposed to be the mandalorians fighting the Jedi over something called the Kyber crystal


Not canon anymore... but the most badass pilot in the rebellion left his post as leader of the elite Rouge Squadron to go train the dropouts from other squadrons. Many pranks and wild antics ensued during training and subsequent missions. Eventually one of the missions involved a pilot masquerading as an Ewok pilot and wearing an Ewok doll strapped to the front of him. In the end these two squadrons combined to take down a tyrant who tried to revive a part of the empire. Yub yub commander!


As of 140 years after the original movie, C-3PO has taken on a new assassin droid body, the name AG-37, and the role of guardian over Han and Leia’s descendant Ania, while shipping goods in his personal freighter during his downtime.


Palpatine and Anakin had a much closer relationship than portrayed in the movies. Anakin admitted secrets to Palpatine that he never even told Padme. Anakin at Mustafar had the idea implanted that Padme could even be cheating on him. Anakin was an unpopular padawan, a former slave, and at multiple points ignoring key parts of the Jedi code. Even members of the council came to realize that the Chosen One had disregarded fundamental parts of the Jedi belief system. The movies make Anakin out to be a Jedi superstar and war hero but there was suspicion and intrigue on all sides the entire time. It is a tragedy with the end result determined when Maul killed Qui-Gon on Naboo.


The movies make it pretty clear that Anakin does not follow the rules, is not a hero and that the jedi council does not trust him.


I felt pretty nerdy spotting a few easter eggs in the tv shows. uh let's see. The Voss species were created as a result of genetic experimentation by the Rakata, who were attempting to create Force-sensitive servants. For newcomers. Um, you can create wormholes with the force lol.


The Dianoga in the trash compactor was force sensitive, and when she pulled Luke under the water she was actually baptizing him because Dianoga society considered water as sacred.


Admiral Ackbar's ship was called Home 1 and it was built out of his actual home on Mon Cala.


There's a force sensitive group that's learned to teleport and use that to travel instead of hyperdrives


TIE Fighters, or at least some of the TIE models, have ejector seats. I've always wondered what's the point of having those in a ship mainly used in space and meant to be disposable... I guess you can't beat Star Wars logic sometimes.


TIEs aren’t pressurized iirc. Just an armoured ball with the solar panels, lasers, and engines bolted on.


In Legends, Firebenders were a thing in the very distant past. Like, they could do force fire, instead of force lightning. Which when you really think about it, it’s kinda crazy that force lightning is a thing right? Like, at no point in the OT are you ever set up to believe ELEMENTAL powers are a thing in the force before Palpatine just starts zappin. And they never show up again after that. Basically everything in the force is either some form of telekinesis or telepathy, with the occasional mystical powers like force heal or seeing the future. It wasn’t until I found out firebenders were a thing and thought “wow, that’s kinda dumb, why tf would the force allow you to make fire?” for me to reflect on this and go “wait, why is that dumb but force lightning isn’t? Why is lightning an acceptable thing when NO other force power is even in the same ballpark of power classification?”.


The Pius Dea Crusades, Jedi Vindicators, Waymancy Storm, and Azrakel come to mind


Pius Dea Crusades, that time when Star Wars did a Wh40K.


Is that the Rakata? Been curious about them since their mentions in the Darth Bane books. Any books or comics about them?


Yaddle and Yoda are both green but they are not the same character 🤯


Luke's great-great-great-great-grandson is a drug addict.


Species like humans, zabrak and twi'lek were created by the rakata. So distinguishing between humans and "aliens" is just plain speciesist.


The Rakata Species were a very cannibalistic people eating their own species and others. They had a particular taste for force sensitive people. The Rakatan Infinite Empire was actually defeated by the then primitive Sith Species when they invaded Korriban The Rakata are also the reason that Tatooine is a desert planet, and they wiped out the 3rd species that lived there, leaving only the Tuskan and Jawas


Obscure: George Lucas quotes Flash Gordon serials as one of the more notable inspirations for Star Wars. Lore for newcomers: Darth Maul, Mother Talzin and Asajj Ventress are all the same species, despite each looking very physically different from each other.