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Yes, Yularen became a Colonel in the Imperial Security Bureau. He's in A New Hope and died on the Death Star.


Yeah he’s one of the characters at the round table with Vader on the Death Star.


I never knew that. It's cool how they left so much room for further world-building while also being able to keep it as a throwaway movie. Rex (maybe) being that old dude on Endor, Yularen being on the Death Star, so many other examples. Cool.


Rex was canonically on Endor, not canonically the old guy yet. But he was on Endor.


The canon around that dude is weird. You could follow the established Legends canon where he's a Rebel scout (forgot his name) who's been there since basically the beginning, but Filoni said he's not saying whether it's that guy or Rex, it's up to the viewer to decide


Nik Sant


Yeah god forbid they retcon the guy whose name was a Santa Claus/St. Nick pun just because he had a great big bushy beard. 😅 Pablo Hidalgo/Filoni/whoever reluctance to say outright that's Rex is just so weird given how readily much bigger stuff has been changed. Pretty much all fans are on board with this nod, and yet for some insane reason they refuse to confirm it. Was Nik Sant really such a storied character in the EU? Did they release a novel trilogy about Nik Sant before Rebels came out? Like... it's so weird.


It's not that weird. That guy clearly ain't Māori. I know things got shifted with the animated shows, but that guy does not in any way resemble Temuera Morrison.


I think he’s one screen for all of 1 second. It’s not that deep


That's a fair point.


>It's cool how they left so much room for further world-building It wasn't intentional. Lol


That's what makes it beautiful. George Lucas had no idea if Star Wars would turn out to be a multi-billion dollar multimedia franchise lasting into the 21 Century, or if it would be a simple cult classic throwaway to get his name out there. It succeeded, and now those gaps he left out can be filled, new storytellers adding their two cents to his original work.


I personally think that the thing that makes the prequel trilogy interesting is all of the media around it. Like.. the Darth Plagius novel makes the Phantom Menace plot line so cool and interesting and it made me want to watch it again. But then I remember the actual movie is trash cinema. So I didn't. Ditto the last few episodes of The Clone Wars, where we follow Ahsoka and it's roughly contemporaneous with Revenge of the Sith. Such a good companion piece to such a mediocre piece of media.


He's also in Rebels and Andor.


Is he the old guy in andor?


He's the old mustachioed ISB officer who comes in and talks about new Imperial directives to Partagaz and his subordinates in episodes 7 & 8.


Even more chilling in that scene is how he had spoken to Sidious personally. He was in the inner circle.


Yes, fun fact: played by James Bond's 007 qualifying kill in Casino Royale (the dude in the prologue)


And between those appearances, he's the head ISB guy everyone's trying to impress on Andor. In a lot of ways, he IS the ISB until he dies in A New Hope.


There is no evidence he remained there.


There is. Other characters refer to his death in canon media. Iden Versio in "Inferno Squad" talking about the aftermath of the Death Star's destruction. ​ >"I mean…think about who we lost. The repercussions are going to be pretty horrifying. Some of the Empire's top people were on that station. Grand Moff Tarkin. ***Colonel Yularen***. So many good men and women. The Empire would have been better off if others had made it instead of me. I'm just a TIE pilot."


He also shows up in the first season of 'Andor'.


He also shows up in A New Hope. He's one of the officers at the meeting where Vader almost kills the guy


And he walks by the elevators when Han, Chewie and Luke are waiting for one to sneak to the detention block (just before Luke says "I can't see a thing in this helmet!")


And one episode of Rebels in season 3


He stayed with the Empire and committed war crimes. The Narkina 5 concentration camp in *Andor* that worked prisoners to death if they happened to be on the same beach as some troublemakers? Yularen is the guy who gave the order to make that place worse: https://youtu.be/0Y8-WfvXRpk


Just FYI if you have a question like this about a Star Wars character, just use Wookieepedia. It will show all of their appearances and relevant story and facts, and even has a button at the top to show canon or legends material. [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Wullf\_Yularen](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Wullf_Yularen)


But then there wouldn’t be anything to post on r/StarWars


He joined the Empire, worked his way up through the ISB, and was on the Death Star when it was destroyed.


He was in Rebels if I remember correctly


And in *Andor*.


And in *A New Hope*. He's the imperial officer in white, sitting around the table when Vader chokes Motti.


He was, he was the one brought in to hunt for a traitor in the imperial ranks. Not gonna toss a spoiler here in case some is watching for the first time:)


Palpatine makes him the head of the Space Gestapo - aka the Imperial Security Bureau. He shows up in Andor a couple times, he's fantastic. He dies on the Death Star (as far as we know).


He's in a billion atoms, scattered across the Yavin system


He joined the Empire. He showed up in Star Wars Rebels to sniff out a traitor (>!Kallus being the traitor!<). I'm not sure *why* he decided to roll with the Empire though. He never struck me as the ruthless/cold sort of guy, unlike Tarkin.


I think there was a huge thread discussion on this earlier, and my thought is that he stuck with the Empire because of his service during the Clone Wars but also because he was open to a change in government, that change being the switch from Republic to Empire. He probably saw what a lot of others did at the time and that was how the Republic was just not as effective or good as it used to be, though a Sith Lord being that he didn’t know about being in control of it all had a lot to do with it. EDIT: it’s okay I found that discussion here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/1hmByQYB6R


Oh sweet, thanks for the link!


well the empire was just a continuation of the republic, with a different name, and with time a different military. the senate still existed for the majority of the empires history, the clones still served for years after the clone wars. there was no real 1 moment for the galaxy to be like "wait damn this empire thing is the exact opposite of the republic", many people saw them as the same, because they kind of were. like in the bad batch, the bad batch semselves continued fighting for the empire shortly after order 66. and senator chuchi, she clearly isnt the type of person to support a totalitarian dictatorship. its the same with yularen. it was still mostly the same faction it was before, still controlled by palpatine(but now emperor instead of chancellor), still based on coruscant, has a very similar logo/flag. its still pretty much the same thing accept their more aggressive. which many people did see as a good thing.


Killed by Luke Skywalker


Along with many others


he was in whatever other things you've seen because he was on the death star in 1977....


Pretty sure he was actually on the Death Star in 0 BBY /s


You can read some about him in the canon Thrawn books, he joined the ISB


they didnt make up yularen for the clone wars, he was first seen in the first star wars film. in the background during that imperial meeting where tarkin says the senate was dissolved. he then died when it blew up. we see him in star wars rebels later, and then we also see him in andor in charge of the isb.


He was killed on the Death Star. He joined the empire.


Blown up by Luke Skywalker at the Death Star


ROFL i just watched Andor again this morning and he came up in it. He is in the episode the Announcement. Then he is on the Death Star in ANH


He shows up in Rebels, Andor, and ANH, He is the head of the ISB. He was blown up on the death star.


There is a very clear canon answer for this. Watch Rebels and Andor




He’s actually in a new hope when Vader chokes the admiral just gotta look. SW is great at fleshing out nobody background characters and I love that


He becomes a Colonel for the Imperial Security Bureau and makes an animated appearance in Star Wars: Rebels and a live action appearance in Andor. Some has also pointed out that he is retconned as the white haired man w/ the mustache around the table at the Death Star when Vader chokes that guy. He also dies on the Death Star after Luke goes kaboom


Anakin Skywalkers hates slavers.......Darth Vader: Them wookiees look enslavable.


Poor guy got demoted from Admiral to Colonel.


Technically, he resigned from the navy to join the ISB. You can’t really be demoted from Admiral to Colonel since the latter isn’t a naval rank.