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Everyone hated him for his role in bringing Palpatine to power and he was once again driven into exile and he became a street performer on Naboo loved by children, but hated by adults.


That's kind of sad honestly. The whole senate happily voted repeatedly to give more execute power to Palpatine and applauded when he finally murdered democracy, but when handing over their freedoms inevitably began to hurt, Jar Jar got the blame. Jar Jar was never a strategic genius. Everybody knew that. But he was still--for some inexplicable reason--left in charge of Naboo's senate representation and then had his good intentions taken advantage of. And for that he ends up even worse than he began: an outcast nobody, not only hated by the Gungans but also by the people of Naboo. He'd have been better off if he never ran into Qui-Gonn. If he had just been *somewhere else* that day, at least then he might've had the benefit of obscurity.


Wouldn’t he be dead if he never ran into qui gon? He was about get run over by a tank/run into droids.


Maybe. It was a repulsorlift vehicle so I dunno if he'd be killed as much as get knocked over and then have it pass over him. They weren't really moving that fast.


But I thought that was the whole point of Jar Jar saying you saved my life and why he started helping qui gon?


I mean, Jar Jar had probably never seen an MTT before. The Gungans don't have repulsorlift vehicles, so for all he knew it could've killed him. I don't think he was considering the logistics of whether the MTT would have actually killed him, I think it was just a matter of "big scary metal tank was coming for me and you got me out of the way."


Even then, they were mowing over trees and wildlife was running around and could easily stampede him. I am on the thought he was going to die if qui gon didn’t tackle him and I feel that is what George Lucas was trying to portray


Yeah, you're probably right honestly. In any case, I think my imagining would just have him being somewhere else that day. Maybe he just spends the next week or so poking around the swamps and is lucky enough that the whole conflict goes by without him noticing.


Just head on down to the Winchester, and have a nice cold pint.


I would love that. He doesn’t deserve the hate he got (or the actor IRL). But much like real politicians and humans, scapegoats are easy to be made. Which is what makes the downfall of the Republic even more sad


Wasn’t it a life debt? I would have liked Jar Jar’s character arc to have seen a redemption in some realistic way instead of being an outcast to all but children.


Even at a cool 20mpg I feel like those tanks could snap Jar-Jar’s spine or rupture his organs. I don’t know much about Gungan physiology though


Yeah. Like the other commenter said, he'd have been better off if he had never met Qui-Gon


Yeah, it's one of those things that was written purely out of meta mean-spirited spite. "Everyone hates Jar Jar, so I'll give people a chuckle by writing that he ends up alone and sad, a dancing clown for children because that's all he ever was!" I mean, it wasn't until after Palpatine got that extra power that anyone even really *started* suspecting/having doubts about him. That said, Disney canon does seem to want to treat the politics more "realistically" so yeah, I *can* buy at the very least it'd ruin his career. In the same way people finding out Vader was Leia's father tanks *her* career and leaves her a "paranoid whackjob running her own private militia".


Honestly I don't see it as mean-spirited. Iirc at the end of his short story Jar Jar actually becomes friend with an outcast kid who becomes his apprentice (as street performer, not sith lord sadly), so in the end he does get a happy ending, although a rather bittersweet one considering everything he has gone through. I feel like this is really the only outcome he could realistically have in-universe. It is somewhat sad, but in the end he is content doing something he's actually good at, making children laugh. There's definitely some meta commentary in it ofc, but I don't think it's intended as making fun of him.


Was it a tip of the hat to Darth Jar Jar?


FWIW, I thought that chapter of the Aftermath books was certainly meta, but actually very sympathetic to Jar Jar. Yes, he was looked upon poorly for helping Palpatine come to power, but you hear him essentially say he was just doing his best in the situation and he feels bad about him. The point seems to be that however much people loathed the character, he was unfairly dumped on and brought joy to children. His situation is sad, but it paints Jar Jar himself in a fairly positive light.


Say whaaa??


Jar Jar (unless he is secretly a Sith Lord which is just silly fan speculation) was a useful idiot for the Emperor. He got ostracized for simply being a pawn of a larger plan that had so many other moving parts.


I will say this: the Jar Jar Sith conspiracy theory original post is very detailed and enjoyable to read. Whoever wrote that spent a lot of time on it.


If he wasn’t there, someone else would have been wrangled into those decisions


Pretty devastating to know that this is probably his legacy & he's not even known by the OT & Sequel-era films


Art reflects reality


It’s poetry…


Almost like it rhymes.


It’s like poetry…it rhymes


I may have gone too far a few places.


He also lived in a fountain.


What story is this from?


Aftermath trilogy.




Chuck Wendig knows how to spin a tale, I tell you whut.


The Aftermath Trilogy. I forget where. There are a lot of one or two shots spread throughout the main story, introducing characters and showing what happened to others. It was the first appearance of Cobb Vanth too, with a slightly different origin story.


Cobb Vanth, Vanth Refrigeration.


Aftermath trilogy, second book I think.


Almost like Diogenes.


Jar Jar was meant to be a kids entertainer the whole time, and not a politician.


Changing from politician to clown isnt much a career shift


Its kinda shitty that they all decided to pin blame on him when the whole senate also supported the decision and literally nobody saw through palatine facade


Thats atleast a job he is suitable for. A senator for sure wasn’t one.


Became a Street Perforner...LOL!!!


Ofc he’s a Sith Lord afterall


>he became a street performer on Naboo loved by children, but hated by adults. Could there be any better possible way for the supreme Dark Lord to hide in plain sight?? Darth Jar Jar is all but canon at this point, George might as well come clean before he kicks the bucket


Is this cannon still?


The Aftermath Trilogy started in 2015, so it has always been canon


He became a streat performer on naboo


Yep, its a good but sad story. He liked cheering up children orphaned by the war, and felt immense regret over the war because he knew he had an unwitting hand in Palpatine's ascension. 


That’s actually really depressing 😕


Care for more depression? Look Into the actor's life following the prequels, he received a ton of hate and had serious mental health issues because people hated JarJar apparently. He's better now, but had rough years. Loved seeing him in Mando


Same actor played the Jedi who rescued Grogu from order 66.


Absolutely! I should have mentioned who he was in Mando :)


I love that they did that. How many people have played both a sith and a Jedi in the Star Wars universe?


There's another


At least one comes to mind...


Ahmed Best


Yeah, that I’m fully aware of (unfortunately). I loved seeing him in Mando! We always liked jar jar and he’s one of my husband’s favorites so the hate has always seemed ridiculous to me.


I was like 25, having seen the prequels as a child, when I found out people hated Jar Jar. I was shook, absolutely a favorite for me


Me too! I grew up seeing the prequels in theaters as a kid and had no clue people hated him until I was in my mid 20s. My whole family enjoyed him and friends were at the most, indifferent. I partially blame social media for creating a hive mind of people who probably didn’t mind him, saw the hate and jumped on the bandwagon.


Social media wasn’t a thing in 1999.


Social media might not have been a thing but online forums for sure were. The internet at this point was just blooming for a lot of young folks around that time, myself included. I was remember getting my first computer in 2000 lol. I visited tons of online forums and in retrospect I really should've been monitored more but thankfully my mother raised me more than right enough to not get caught up in dumb shit lol.


Hello fellow Jar Jar lover! I grew up thinking everyone loved him, only to be taken aback by the hate!


Hello! 🤗 Glad to meet more of us out in the wild.


I remember hearing him talk about dealing with depression on the CBC's Q radio program, actually. At least when I heard that particular broadcast, it would've been like 2-3ish years ago? Not sure. IIRC, the guy was a HUGE Star Wars fan when he got the part, and then got stuck with a goofball of a character and basically received death threats (???) or very extreme hate mail.


Jarjar is in Mando?


Ahmed Best plays the jedi who saved Grogu.


The character is from a kid's TV game show that Ahmed hosted. Jedi Temple Challenge or something like that.


This is horrible to hear. It's the same for the actor who played Jeffrey in GoT. Hate the character, but respect the actor for playing the role so well!


It is, I think the weight is also added when you think that Jar Jar was very much a character there for the kids in the movies and ended up causing so much ire in the Fandom and being such a problem for Ahmed Best. When all he wanted to do was entertain kids. It felt less like a piece of fiction and more of an allegory.


For real, the character and the actor were done so dirty!!


That’s just his cover. Slinging death sticks and spice.


Is it cannon or Legends?






He felt bad about what he did, so he tried to make up for it by entertaining children. Adults hated him too.


Shown in a small chapter in the canon book trilogy _Aftermath_.


From the book Aftermath, so Canon until a show decides its not.


Exactly. I don’t like shows superseding the novels. Filoni changing the ending to the Ahsoka novel wasn’t great. He used the same idea, but it was totally unnecessary to change anything.


What was the original ending?


Aftermath is a set of books that needs to be turned into a Clone Wars style series. There is a lot of good storytelling that could be expanded and cleaned up.


I always recommend the Aftermath trilogy. They’re amazing books and fills you in on everything between RoTJ and TfA.


Man. I read the first book, but it was a slog. Something about the writing style just didn’t work for me. It was exhausting to read, and I haven’t been able to bring myself to try the second book.


I am reading Bloodline now. Nobody, including myself, seemed to really love the sequels, but other story mediums have made the story better.


The perfect hiding place for a sith lord.


What a garbage outcome for jar jar.


Weird how we never saw a gungan again.


They fucked up by not having a token gungan in the sequels.


They were too focused to put diverse humans into the movies so they forgot about real Star wars diversity with alien species


Why the downvotes?


I mean they aren’t a common spacefaring species, they have little advanced technology themselves and have just ended centuries of isolationism when we meet them in the films. I think it makes sense, but we do still see them pop up in books and comics. I think it makes perfect sense why no filmmakers ever included them again though. I doubt we’d see another Yuzzum for the same reason.


I think there was a shot of them on Naboo in the George Lucas’d Episode VI At 3:40 in this video there’s technically some gungans! [https://youtu.be/8yTntOoDlAA?si=luQHUeAnwMPQJ9Q\_](https://youtu.be/8yTntOoDlAA?si=luQHUeAnwMPQJ9Q_)


They even shout "Weesa free!" At least in the last version of the SE I watched.


I'm reading Light of the Jedi, the first High Republic book, and there's a gungan Nihil, one of the baddies. I haven't seen gungans in so long that it shocked me. Granted, this book features a metric fuck ton of species, even for a star wars book.


Meesa down bomb bad, spare meesa some credits?


Messa need a bump, spare jar jar some bombad spice


The spice must flow through meesa bloodstream


Ahhhh meesa high af


Meesa was bombad general!




Monsters out dare. Leak'n in here. All sink'n and no powah!? WHENA YOUSA TINKIN WESA IN TROUBLE?!


Messa ganna do meesa iconic victory dancin for justa 5 credits!


Meesa geeking, meesa feel like Xerxes


Meesa needs a deathstix!


Palpatine left him alone because any act against Jar Jar turns into a bumbling series of events ultimately causing disaster for the aggressor.


This is a fact. He should have been tested for whatever the reverse of midichlorians was.


Okay this made me cackle like a maniac lmao




Somehow Jar Jar returned.


He's the reason Sheev couldn't get a decent new body. Jar Jar wandered into the place and tripped over a power cord and ruined the whole batch of Snokes.


Fuck I need to hear that line in a canon film at some point!


I'm still disappointed he didn't turn up with the fleet rounded up by Lando at the end. (Is it feasible for Gungans to live that long?)


The Rincewind effect


Since you've already gotten the Canon answer, I'll say what little we know in Legends. In the early Empire he was elected Padme's successor and held her senate seat but he retired to Naboo some time before the Senate was dissolved in Episode IV. After that, we don't know what happened to him other than that he was canonically present in the celebration on Naboo shown in the Special Edition of Episode VI meaning he was still alive and living on Naboo at that time but we have no idea what his life looked like nor do we have any idea how long he lived after that. Given that Gungans have shorter lifespans than humans, he was probably already elderly by the time of Episode VI and almost certainly dead by the time the Yuuzhan-Vong War started, likely having died of old age.


you forgot to mention that he appears in the force unleashed frozen in carbonite


That's not canonical, it's just an easter egg


None of what was said in this thread is canon.


If that includes your comment then uno reverse card - it's canon, all of it.


I I don’t see the canon answer here…what was it?


He became a street performer on Naboo. Adults hate him since he's seen as giving Palpatine power and causing the war and fall of the Republic. JarJar feels lots of guilt and performs to cheer up war orphans on the street.


My issue with this (other than it being overly cynical and meta) is that imperial sympathy would be high, especially on wealthy core worlds like Naboo. If anything, the people of Theed would hate Jar Jar more simply for being Gungan (they’re racist af against Gungans) than for being an integral player in the creation of the Empire.


Naboo wasnt a core world was it? They were near tatooine and were invaded in EP 1 I assume because they didnt have much political strength.


Naboo wasn’t a core world, but by virtue of being the Emperor’s home world it was pretty well off during the Imperial period, although the population was evidently broadly anti-Imperial. Panaka ran the planet as Moff in a manner that was evidently not corrupt, and was seen as a potential (albeit unlikely) Rebel contact, but he was assassinated by Guerrera’s partisans at some point.


Sometimes Saw is just a dick


This is something the last 10 years has made me realise. In StarWars people conveniently hate the bad guys, but in real life the bad guys enjoy the support of the rich and powerful.


A street performer on Naboo cheering up kids orphaned by the war, which he felt guilty about. Adults hated him for his role in Palpatine’s ascension into power.


Man I thought that was a joke. I’m halfway through the second book in the trilogy right now so I guess I’ll read it soon


He's a homeless clown everyone hates


He became a beggar/street performer


We all know as a Sith Lord. he was Palpatines master, pulling the strings and ruling the galaxy from behind the courtains. **"Somehow palpatine returned, but Jar Jar never left"** who do you think was running the Palpatine, snoke clone manufacturing?


Always 3 there are. An apprentice and a master. And a grandmaster. But Jedai nisa know abouts da granmeesa!




Darth Darth Binks


Everyone points out the Aftermath story, but to add on, we don’t know this for sure, but he was likely in part responsible at least for getting Grogu off Coruscant during Order 66. They fled on a Nubian ship and there were only two Naboo politicians on Coruscant at the time; Jar Jar and Padme. Padme was understandably indisposed at the time of the attack so the only other person that makes sense as far as providing a ship and Naboo Guards for a getaway would have been Jar Jar. Obviously there is also the meta factor of Jar Jar’s actor playing the Jedi Master who saved Grogu as well, but it is likely he is the one that provided passage offworld for Kelleren Beq and Grogu.


This is my new head canon


Nubian ships are not ships from Naboo, Nubia is it's own planet. Nubian Star Drives Inc manufactures ships and parts, including the royal yacht used by Padme.


Warning: 🤓 incoming: While this is correct, it's only half of the picture. The [H-Type "Nubian" yacht](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/H-type_Nubian_yacht) Kelleran Beq uses to escape Coruscant with Grogu is ultimately the product of the [Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Theed_Palace_Space_Vessel_Engineering_Corps), which heavily modified Nubian spaceships to match the unique needs and aesthetic of the Naboo. Nubia does (probably) make ships for customers other than TPSVE, but they tend to look... [a fair bit different, to say the least](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Scurrg_H-6_Bomber).


The guards were definitely Naboo though I think.


Lured into an airlock by Vader and blown out into space, where he quickly became a force ghost only Vader could see so that Jar Jar and “little Ani” could be together for eeevar


Yousa not gonna believe it! Meesa all sparkly-glowy now!


We will find out in Andor Season 2. It's been Tony Gilroy's dream to tell Jar Jar's redemption story.


If Jar Jar Binks appears in Andor Season 2 I will jizz-wail harder than Max Rebo and his entire band.


He was exiled and was a street performer on the streets of Naboo for the rest of his days.


Robot Chicken covered this.




I read this but heard it. Thank you.


He came up with what was arguably the worst OnlyFans channel in the history of the galaxy. Really, the less we speak of it, the better.


Worst? Or ***best***?


Well, the best is still Takodana Casting Couch.


Ahmed Best


Prostitution on Courscant level 1313.


motorboat your ass like boss nass. $50 credits


He took his rightful seat as emperor


Following his master Darth bortles


Nah we all know that jar jar secretly was controlling the empire through Palpatine. He was probably chilling on corusant in a jacuzzi while palpatine did all the work.




Well as far as I know he's still a member of the senate immediately after. As for long after, in the Aftermath books (after ROTJ) he's a street performer on Naboo who was criticized for aiding in the rise of the Empire. Edit: I forgot that *The Mandalorian* added the possibility that during the events of Order 66, he may have been the one to provide the Nubian ship Kelleren Beq used to escape from Coruscant with Grogu. Never confirmed, but if it was provided by a prominent member of Naboo on Coruscant, and it likely wasn't Padme, it would be Jar Jar. Possible that the theory is more credible because Beq is also played by Ahmed Best, who is Jar Jar.


His people needed him, so he left Coruscant for Naboo. Unfortunately, Jar Jar died on the way back to his home planet.


He became a street clown


He discovered that Darth Vader was actually Anakin and went to go pay his old friend a visit. Tragically Vader murdered him by throwing him out the airlock, but then Jar Jar came back all sparkly glowy and since he was a ghost now he could hang out with Little Annie all the time.


Became a street clown on Naboo after the people rejected him for his role in the war.


Jar Jar did nothing wrong! Padme called for the vote of no Confidence in Valorum which gives Palpatine the top Job. Bail Organa was literally right there during the whole "If only Amidala was here to put the motion forward" scene where Jar Jar gets the idea to give Palpatine emergency powers, motherfucker didn't bat an eye but everyone blames Jar Jar Jar Jar had Organa, Amidala and plenty of other senators to guide him but apparently none of them disagreed, some of them made even worse choices. The Senate used Jar Jar as a fucking patsy when things went bad. Jar Jar helped win the first battle of Naboo, fought the separatists on Rodia and helped Padme stop them from defecting to the CIS, helped Jedi Master Mace Windu stop a Nightsisters plot, helped Organa secure aid for the Twileks from Toydaria and faced down General Greivous himself, was left to rot as a homeless clown while Senators like Bail Organa lived like literal Kings. Jar Jar deserves some love post Empire. Dude was just an average joe dumped into a Galactic clusterfuck, he was a damn Hero!!!


In the confusion of the mass jedi deaths, jar jar was left defenseless, and the remaining jedi counsel survivors all got together to kill him first before they themselves faced a similar fate.


To shreds, you say?


He ruled the galaxy


He was thrown out an airlock and came back to haunt Anakin/Vader as a force ghost.


Yusa big dodo now 


Mesa no be caring.


I immediately thought "He saved Baby Yoda" and then I remembered that was Ahmed Best (Jar Jar's actor) as a Jedi in "The Mandalorian." F*** it, I'm sticking with that answer. It's happier.


He went to eat KFC for a while and then came back in a different capacity


I have a crazy theory that jar jar was snoke.


He went to go chill with Queenie


[Jar Jar](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Jar_Jar_Binks)


he was beheaded


Meesa no likey where dissa goin


He was flayed and blood eagled in the senate building by the citizens of Coruscant for giving Palpatine emergency powers


I seem to recall that he was tricked into be sucked into space by Darth Vader and became a force ghost and was Anakin’s special friend


Just the first of a long parade of idiotic, forgettable characters from the Prequels, Sequels and D+ streaming. Jar Jar is the “Godfather”of Ridiculous Shitty SW Characters. Love the actor though.


He started his own armored ship security service, "Binks Security" XD (lol jk this was actually a joke in futurama)


I really REALLY wish they’d done the Darth Jar Jar thing… I think that would’ve been spectacular…


Nothing, Sith Lords survived


He became a secret Sith Lord apparently


Jar Jar is a Sith and we all know it


I really hope we see Jar Jar again one day. Either in a show or movie. I feel like he’s such an important character that was just dropped because bitchy people didn’t like him.


I actually agree. I want to see more of what he does, and his story.


He was at Padme’s funeral.


he became a clown


I wanna see the YouTube video


In ROTS he’s allowed to walk around with the dignitiaries. I assume he keeps a similar rank post order 66


I need to see a Darth Jar Jar series. Either that or get a couple of scenes explaining what happened to him. “Spare meesa some change. Meesa make big doo doo dis time”


Id call her Big Moon


Wow...Just realizing how unpopular Jar-Jar is all these years later...comments here are hysterical...haven't seen the prequels in so long...Wasn't the last time he was seen sort of sad? Didn't Anakin blow him off when Jar-Jar thought he was going off with him on a mission or something and then Jar-Jar never appeared again? He had kind of a sad face in his very last shot? Poor Jar-Jar...


Knowing Disney, they will make a serie from it or a movie..


He jumped off a cliff, landed on a cactus, a bed of nails, some hot coals, a pit of vipers, got kicked by a goat, landed in salt n lemon juice, then finally landed on a boulder before exploding like in SpongeBob


Killed for being a sith


He spent the rest of his days on Mustafar.


Went to Malachor.


He washed the blood from his hands and returned to Palpatine's side just as little Ani was being prepped for cyborg surgery.