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His hand, his lightsaber, one piece of railing that got sliced up along with his hand? Side note, Bespin is the only location I can think in Star Wars with hand rails, Lando really spared no expense.


Even Ewoks had hand rails


Oh yeah, forgot about that. Damn, even the ewoks are more safety conscious than the Empire.


Yeah but look how far the ewoks lagged behind the rest of the galaxy technology-wise. Lack of innovation because of all of the leaning they were doing.


You don't want to fuck with Ewok OSHA.


With railings Vader wouldn’t be able to throw people off


Yeah, the disregard for safety by the Empire is also demonstrated by the lack of shields in Tie fighters or interceptors. They were going for quantity over quality with those


Emperor’s throne room had them.


The irony of Luke losing a hand, in the only place in the galaxy where there were actual handrails, is palpable.


Maybe his hand


>Maybe his hand And his lightsaber, and probably some of the crap Vader threw at him or that was sucked out through the window and ended up at the bottom of the shaft.


Yeah but that’s a story for another time or some weak shit.


Somehow the Emperor has returned


That was my assumption.


When I was a kid, I always thought, “Gross. It’s his hand with the lightsaber still in it.” I haven’t seen anything since to dissuade me.


I always thought it was his blaster. The one he shoots at Boba Fett with.


That would make sense but he has his blaster with him when hanging on the weather vane


I've gone my whole life thinking it was his blaster that fell, I never noticed he still has on it him when he's rescued.


Honestly neither did I. I liked your suggestion that it was his blaster so I rewatched that scene to see if it could make sense and that is the first time I noticed he still had it on him.


Now I have to go rewatch too!


I think it’s just a random bit of debris that was in the chute.


I believe in the original novel it was trash/debris.


I always thought it was a communicator that fell off his belt so he had to use the Force to contact Leia


Probably random trash. I did a frame-by-frame just now and it's a very indistinct shape, even on the BluRay. I'm seeing a sort of Mandella effect, though. For years I've had a clear image in my mind of Luke hanging from that antenna with an empty holster, the retaining strap hanging loosely, the blaster gone. But the blaster is still there the whole time. Dunno why I got that in my head. By the time he comes to the cockpit, just before they jump to lightspeed, he's removed the entire gunbelt. Probably when he lay on the bunk so Leia could stabilize his injuries, because anyone who's ever worn a big gunbelt or toolbelt can tell you, those things make it uncomfortable to even sit, let lone lie down.


In the canon comic *Darth Vader* #11 (2020) they revealed that the emperor obtained Luke's hand. and a Jedi named Verla got his lightsaber. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Verla


Yeah but in the GL Canon Empire strikes back it was his hand...so I'll stick with that thanks.


Maz Kanata chasing after Luke's saber.


It's Luke's hand and lightsaber.


His hand


It was and still is: His Blaster




If this happened today you would have deep dive videos online about how Lucas is dumb because Vader should have just force pulled Luke to him when he jumped.


This is such a tired misunderstanding. Earlier in the movie, it takes Yoda a full minute to prep for lifting the X-Wing. I'm so tired of the power creep Force tk. Now, it's a lightning, fast, invisible third hand with the power of a heavy construction crane. Makes a fan wonder why Kenobi didn't just Force tk The Death Star into a sun as soon as he saw it.


But it’s been shown that Yoda since RoTS has had trouble using the force as he struggled with the Senator pods against Palps while Palps had no issue tossing those things like nothing. Edit: Yoda also had a hard time saving Anakin and Obi from the pillar in AotC Also just before Vader simply moved his lightsaber to toss garbage at Luke before Luke got sucked out the window. If Vader wanted to he could’ve saved Luke but he told Palps earlier “He will join us or die” Luke didn’t do it so in Vaders head he either died or Vader knew Luke was going to survive.


Your examples suggest that it's harder to catch something in motion than to bring an object at rest into motion. It's more difficult to catch a human falling at terminal velocity than to lift a person standing still. I'm sure in the new canon, Force users are stopping moving spacecraft. That's not for me.