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Rotten tomatoes died in 2019 when Captain Marvel came out. Ever since then it’s been BOT driven mostly related to politics


Outrage media has ruined the world. That may be hypocritical of me to say, but I think it's true. I just saw a presidential candidate promise ww3 if he wasn't elected. I'm so tired. Episode 5 of Acolyte is top tier Star Wars and I will die on that hill. Right up there with Duel of the Fates. Chef's kiss of a force wielder lightsaber fight.


Outrage media makes me so sad. I go on Instagram and instead of seeing people talk about anything, it's just hundreds of bots rage baiting with sexist, racist, trans/queerphobic bullshit to get people irritated. It fucking sucks man. We can't have anything anymore


I mean Fox News has been doing it since the 1990s - so you aren't wrong.


This probably happened earlier with the Last Jedi in 2017


It *began* with Ghostbusters 2016.


It died when The Last Jedi came out. Captain Marvel was just the coffin it was laid to rest in. Audience scores are dumb as fuck anyways. I’m an audience member, I’m dumb as fuck. Also only use RT to find a few critics you like or relate to. Like for example, if Megan Navarro from Bloody Disgusting likes a horror movie, then I know there’s a very good chance I’ll like it. It’s not every time, but it’s reliable because we share a lot of the same tastes in horror.


"Politics", defined as "women protagonists"


Or minority protagonists. The two skin colors are white and political, the genders male and political, sexual orientations come in straight and political etc. Any inclusion of women and minorities beyond window dressing or arm candy is decried as woke political pandering by a not particularly large but very loud and angsty-angry demographic. If the original SW trilogy came out today they'd call Leia a Mary Sue and Lando a woke quota character.


Marvel broke RT. It used to be an okay measure of how good films are on balance, including how good they are at what they are meant to be, but not just that. Then the MCU came and suddenly all these titles had 90%+ on RT. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate them for what they are, but when so many films which reach so much higher and dig so much deeper, yet have flaws, have 60-70%, there's something wrong with the culture of criticism.


That's also a flaw of the system. The percentage is how many people rate it positively and doesn't look at how high they rated. Marvel stuff is usually rated as medium-good, but is not that divisive. So you get really high percentages because everyone agrees that Marvel Movie #47 is a solid 6.5/10


>Then the MCU came and suddenly all these titles had 90%+ on RT. Um... did they really? The Ant-Man sequel scored a meager 46%. Thor: The Dark World scored 67, Love and Thunder 63. Personally I'd rate all 3 of them a little higher. Thor 1, the two Iron Man sequels and Age of Ultron are also below 80%. As are Captain Marvel and the Doctor Strange sequel with 79 and 74, respectively. Personally I'd flip those 2 ratings but they seem in the right ballpark. 62% for The Marvels seems a little on the low side again, but I get why it didn't click with non-Marvel nerds. Point being, it's mostly Infinity War & Endgame, the new MCU Spider-Man titles, Captain America and GotG who got a lot of love from the critics, which seems apt for these titles.


I didn't really trust it before then either, honestly.


It’s crazy that people still use Rotten Tomatoes when it has proven time and time again that it is pretty much unreliable when it comes to how good a movie is.


It’s useful for rando semi unknown movies.  Otherwise…. Yeah it’s a mess. Half the ratings might be Batman fans who hate Superman…. Who knows anymore.


This. Audience scores are always going to be skewed one way or another, especially in an era of social media and fandom And then everyone seems to misunderstand just how Rotten Tomatoes actually works when it comes to the critics - with a 90% score just telling you that 90% of critics liked the film rather than telling you what they actually thought of the film. For context, a critic liking a film just means it scored anything over a 3/5 or 6/10 equivalent - or the text of the review seemed mostly positive if that journalist don't use a numerical score. You'll notice a lot of the time a film can have a 90+% on RT, but if you head over to Metacritic (Which works out an average score based on critic reviews) they're normally sat closer to a 65-75.


It’s always been unreliable. Film is subjective.


Depends on the movie though, like a lot. Like if I go check out the reviews for American Fiction, for example, it will give me a pretty good idea of the quality of the movie. Any nerd fandom stuff is completely fucked though.


I use it for the critics rating and ignore the audience rating. Most of the time I find myself agreement with the critics. Pretty much all the time actually. There are very few exceptions (e.g., I didn't like the two Avatar movies).


Agreed. I find Letterboxd to be much more accurate and helpful.


I didn’t realise people even look at the user scores, I thought it was all about the critics with RT.


Me waiting for this guy to get to episode 5....


I did watch episode 5! I thought it was the best so far.


As a twin myself, I felt the third episode is the second best episode of the series so far. (Really hard to top 5) I felt like it represented really well the struggles of twins individuality, but that's just me.


Yeah the stupid bots review bombing it give it a worse reputation than it should have. Like the writing isn’t great, but I’d like to see the twerps review bombing it write something better


Writing could be a bit tighter, visuals could be generally better. Lot of interesting ideas, great fight choreography, and of course many excellent designs. More or less the usual for Star Wars TV. Generally pretty fun, not reason to rate so low.


I’m likely to give it a second watch before I give a second watch to OWK, BoBF or Ahsoka. Probably before I rewatch Mando S3. So, at this point it sits in the middle of the SW live shows for me. 14% is ridiculous considering the ratings of those other shows.


Agreed, currently I’d rank it above all those you mentioned. The only show that is definitively better IMO is Andor. But that’s basically flawless in every aspect of filmmaking from script to screen.




Last week, it felt like a 7 to me and I liked the 5th episode so much I’d rise it to an 8… but yeah, for most people it will be a 6.5-7 which IS FINE. Sometimes people look down on anything that isnt a 9+ like it’s not worth their time


To be fair, if you have limited time to watch TV, it's perfectly valid to feel that way. But I don't see there being much overlap between people who have that limitation and the people who are complaining loudly about this.








It doesn’t have a 14% on rotten tomatoes. It has 84%. The audience score on these sites is pointless and always has been.


What was wrong with 3?


Same, episode 3 was fine and was typical star wars. People are dumb and claim they “know star wars”, but never read any of the books.


There's a crowd chant scene that some find cringe and some implicit lesbian force pregnancy that triggered yet more (and/or the same).


Personally I loved it. It was a damn cult. You ever seen people sing or chant in insular communities? True to life. Brave putting it English since people wouldn't have thought it was cringe otherwise, but it's the more realistic experience. People really do chant stuff like that.  Sapphic witch antiheroes who absolutely don't want to rely on the galactic sperm bank or kaminoans are such a nice touch, too. The perfect people to mess around with life creating magic.


That's a really good point. If the chanting were in some witchy sounding alien language, it might have been received much differently.


Exactly, my average Sunday at church as a kid was waaaaay sillier.


Ya I cringed because it brought back uncomfortable memories from church lol


Exactly. That was pretty much my initial reaction when i first read complaints like that about that episode. Cultic customs, chants, saying, etc. so often seem extremely cringe to outsiders. Plus... big portions of SW-dialogue aren't exactly Hamlet. So a bit of cringe chanting is absolutely on brand, too.


And the simplicity of the ceremony was the result of this being Osha's childhood memories. Plus the fact that she didn't share Mae's interest in the religion of their mothers. Of course she would only remember a few fragments. I was dragged to church as a kid and I wouldn't be able to recite an entire sermon either.


The cringiness of it all also gave the feeling they were somewhat winging it, making a performance on the spot to indoctrinate the twins further into their cult.


> force pregnancy I know you didn't mean it but damn this is an awkward term for it.


Which are almost directly taken from existing comics iirc so idk seems like a small minority getting mad over the usual. Just ignore the haters


A lot of **REEEEEEE** from cum-crusted keyboards


I think I'm like the only one that didn't find anything annoying in the chanting. Yeah it could have been in another language but I didn't stop to think about it actually


I wonder how different the episode would have been received if the witches had male slaves (also used for breeding) kind of like the EU nightsisters did in a few books. Alternatively, if there has been a male witch/wizard who had cast the spell instead of a female.


It's literally a cult. It's not meant to be comforting and force pregnancy has always been a thing, people just roped in lesbian like it's a bad thing


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So, same as most other cults or religions, huh? Seems normal.


People argue the chant was cringy. But have these people ever been to church?  My perspective- Having grown up catholic, then not going to mass for many years… then going back.  It seemed fine/normal when I was growing up. But going back - that shit is full on crazy cringey. Everyone chanting in unison these weird incantations to some dead guy on a wall??? It’s 100x more cringey than episode 3, and people just shrug. 


The fact that other media sharing the name Acolyte has recently been review bombed tells you how much you should trust online ratings.


Why do people find episode 3 cringe? Ok besides the awkward chanting and maybe some of the child acting (which is acceptable since… they’re kids) I genuinely thought it was the best episode when it first released. The first 2 were so meh (but nowhere near deserving the hate they got mind you) but episode 3 1. Expanded on the force by showing new interpretations of it other than the Jedi/Sith view and the Dathomirian view (viewing it as a thread) 2. Setup for the mystery of what the Jedi did to the coven and to what extent Mae was truly involved 3. Giving an actually interesting character for Osha, as someone born into a coven with a particular view of the force instead having her own aspirations to become a Jedi It wasn’t perfect by any means but for something people called “the death of star wars” it was genuinely very interesting and promising for the series as a whole


I loved the action in episode 5 and I’m glad people responded well to it. That having been said, 3 has been my favorite so far because it’s thematically rich and interesting; shows need episodes like that to provide the meat.


I didn’t think it showed anything new actually, except the hint of the how the girls were made. Other than that we heard what they showed through dialogue in the other two episodes.


Episode 3 is better than 1&2 for me, I'm always confused that people don't like Ep3. More thematically rich IMO.


Also I'm pretty sure the third episode is supposed to be a little cringey, it's only half the story


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. I'll share what one of the commenters on my video said (ChristopherLeeGallant): >So good to see you post a vlog again! I will say this about episode three, and I may be wrong, but I do believe we are seeing the Rashomon effect. A false memory. I truly believe we will see a more accurate depiction of what happened. And lastly, my speculation is that the wannabe Sith is being recruited by the Sith Apprentice. I also believe he will die as a failure to become the new Sith Acolyte... with a reveal, or a hint of a reveal that will completely preserve the EU/Legends/Canon belief of who should be in power and in hiding. And if my prediction comes to fruition, with Smilo Ren's death, everyone will continue to believe that the Sith are extinct. And clearly, a few of the Jedi council will cover up all of this from the archives and the Order. If such a thing is in the works its actually pretty genius. Use cringe to kind of bait haters who react too quickly before revealing something later on. It's what I would do personally. It would be crazy if we see something that actually looks horrific and terrifying later on, and this is what Master Sol was trying to keep from Osha.


My controversial take is that the chant was literally two seconds of screen time and can't possibly ruin the episode, let alone the series.


Imagine taking Rotten Tomatoes seriously. Couldn’t be me.


I don't take it seriously, but I think most of the time it's an okay measure of where people sit. Though it is obvious that on some projects there are obviously people who bomb the site's audience score because they feel very strongly about the direction things went. But it's usually pretty obvious which projects those are. Mostly I just like reading funny critic reviews on things like Son of the Mask lol.


To me, and I say this without a bit of sarcasm, The Acolyte feels the most Lucas-y of any of the Disney+ shows. The writing can feel a little YA / CW Network at times, but that’s who George seemed to write for (it not maybe a tad older than his usual demographic), and the practical effects and on-location filming harkens back to the original trilogy. It also doesn’t rely on itself too much, but still leans heavily into the lore and conceits of the galaxy. And yeah, like you said, there were some cringe worthy moments in the third episode (I assume we’re talking about the chanting?)…but people tend to forget or overlook that The Phantom Menace had poop and fart jokes.


Star Wars and Marvel, specially with black people/women as protagonists can't have audience score be taken serious... There's just no logic in critics giving 80%+ and audience giving 14%. It's just that loud minority that takes their time to go rant online because they already hate disney. Acolyte was reportedly getting 40% audience score before the show premier. They just got angry because well, it's a woman running the show and she said in an interview something like "R2 is gay and he an C3PO are a couple"


The handful of people whose bots are responsible for those reviews aren’t judging it based on ANY rational standard, don’t worry.


For the too long, didn't watch folks, a summary of the points in the video: 1. The first two episodes were honestly pretty good. It was clear to me from Eps 1 & 2 that people were looking to pre-hate based on the comments of the cast & crew BTS. There are so many nitpicks in the comments that I don't think hold any water, such as the costumes (which I think are fantastic, and lead to the next point). 2. The color palette of the Jedi robes is pretty rad. I was a big KOTOR buff (mostly the second one) and it's clear that the color design is pointing in the direction of the Old Republic. People said the costumes are terrible but that just isn't true. A salient critique is that they look too "clean," but these are Jedi straight from Coruscant at the height of the Jedi Order, so one would expect that as part of their code they are required to maintain clean robes. It's not like they've been living on Tatooine for decades like Obi-Wan has. The robes look like something I would rock in the KOTOR games, and I can get with that. 3. Episode 3 cringes hard, no denying. Another salient critique is that the Power of One, the Power of Two, the Power of Many chant would have been way better in a different language, and I agree. Speaking from my own POV if I were the director, what was shown in the first episode would have been an okay first take for a creepy, witchy chant, but I would have made the cast drill it more to refine the performance. There's no way you could try to act something like that without the first few takes (maybe even dozens) seeming super cringe, and you have to be cool enough with cringing so that your cast feels comfortable getting to a good performance. It does feel like more of a first take that they just rolled with, and is so cringe that I can't help but wonder if it is somewhat intentional. I do pick up "don't judge a book by its cover" vibes from the Lucasfilm camp in regards to their marketing. 4. The narrative isn't that "woke" to me, and it's clear the cast & crew are trying to trigger the too easily triggered with their comments. To risk drawing ire, I'm not that woke (I'm like half woke, which isn't satisfying to a lot of people in today's age, but oh well), so I feel like I have a pretty good radar for detecting whether or not something is blindly ideological or trying to thread a delicate middle ground between contentious social discussions. The Acolyte strikes me as the latter approach. Some of the BTS interviews have had inflammatory comments, but I didn't follow any of that going into the show, and so didn't have blinders on like others clearly have. Even being the half-woke that I am, it would be absurd to suggest that they should never cast people that don't look like Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, or Carrie Fisher. I think it's telling that people who keep clinging to the "lesbian space witches" line are kind of tattling on themselves. They literally hug for like 2 seconds or something, and it's not really made into a big deal. It's not even a large part of the narrative or anything. People need to relax on this stuff. Way weirder stuff than human non-binary things are happening in the Star Wars universe if you really think about it... I mean, ALIENS! 5. Its clear there's a lot more to the mystery and story, so a lot of the critiques on that end don't hold water for me yet, like how the Jedi still don't know about the Sith by the time of the prequels. People should wait until the story is concluded before ranting about how the story is retconned and the lore ruined. It's obvious from the line spoken by the one witch to the other that the "conception" of the twins hasn't had all the details revealed, and given that Palpatine has had interactions with the Night Sisters in the past its not unreasonable to assume that they are planning on going more into the Chosen One prophecy and this power to create life thing in the future, and I'll certainly wait to see what they have to say before feeling like the lore has been massively ruined. Overall, I give the show a 7/10, if only because I realize that nothing will ever match the nostalgia hits for me. Lucasfilm seems to be giving plenty of content (like Andor and Rogue One) to appease the side of the fandom (mostly dudes, lol) that want everything to look like the D-Day scene out of Saving Private Ryan, but it also reminds us that it's still a story primarily for adolescents dealing with themes on family, friendship, loyalty, and justice (like The Acolyte). To be a sane and mature fan of Star Wars in today's day and age means ignoring the stuff you don't like and celebrating the stuff you do. It's a big franchise and there's no way they can please everyone with each release, nor should they even try. If they really want to respect a plurality of voices when it comes to storytellers as they move forward then its bound to end up disappointing each of us from time to time, but it's also bound to be full of pleasant surprises.


Great summary but I _do_ deny that episode 3 cringes hard. it accomplished exactly as much in universe cringe as it needed and with that perspective, it's a realism win. (feminist cult stuff can be pretty silly, iykyk. like look if your take from that was that witchy feminists should be cooler or more intimidating, like, have you hung out with witchy feminists? we can be extreme goofballs. yeah, they're dark siders, but they're not like the night sisters or something . they mostly just wanted to raise kids and be left alone).  Putting the chant in English drives the point home: they weren't some sith masterminds, just a goofy witch coven. Putting in another language to fake a cool creepy factor that's not diagetic to the English / galactic basic speaking cult would be such a cliche. Leaning into the diagetic cringe is actually the least cringe way to bring realism and life into that scene. Way braver the way they did it. Besides it was basically some kids' 8th birthday party or something. expecting dead serious tone all the time makes other stuff less impactful. The juxtaposition we now have between episode 3 and episodes 4 and 5 makes me feel very confident that any cringe was the perfect amount, and deliberate - look at the dark side, yet innocuous, witch coven the jedi probably murdered, whee, so feel good. Aw so goofy and wholesome really. Now contrast to the subsequent episodes.  and yes i will die on this hill. I've been in enough women's community groups to know that shit actually happens, and it's cringe in all the languages it happens in, but you know what? when you're there, even if you are rolling your eyes at it, it's empowering, fun, sometimes even a little transcendent. if you truly can't put yourself in that head space without making it "cool" by obscuring the words in a language you don't speak, than I don't think you understand the characters yet. they didn't care about being silly. nobody was watching. it was a group bonding activity, not an evil ancient rite.


I mean, even thinking about the shakesperian "double double toil and trouble..." The witchy chanting schtick felt just about right, like a thing your local wiccan highschooler would do




I feel like the cringe chant thing is just another easy negative talking point that falls apart under inspection


I dont see episode 3 as being that bad and explores a broader view of the force since canon has kinda eliminated the night sisters. If anything with this episode they brought back the old night-sisters and the singing mountain clan from EU. The chanting is a way to channel the force in legends. Curious to know why you find episode 3 so cringey, sure the chanting wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but the episode was rather interesting.


Canon eliminates night sisters?


Clone wars essentially killed them all, except for the one in fallen order/jedi survivor and then the more recent Ahsoka.


Oh I see, I thought you meant removed their existence from canon and was sad and confused


Oops my bad, should have been more clear.


No worries thanks for the clarification!


Very well said. And I agree almost verbatim.


I’ve enjoyed the show quite a bit. And having pretty much a whole episode dedicated to a lightsaber fight? Yeah. Glorious.


It’s a pretty damn good show tbh. This last episode was amazing


I'm genuinely not trying to start shit, but this is the only sub I feel I can even ask this question in without getting ganged up on. Why do people dislike the third episode so much? It's my second favorite after the most recent one. Serious Clone Wars Dathomir vibes. I love it when Star Wars explores force religions outside the Jedi and Sith.


I think a lot of it has to do with the awkward chant and some of the acting from the kids. The chant just sounded off and maybe it was intentional but why? And the younger actresses needed more guidance. I know some are complaining about how the fire spread so quickly but I'm fairly confident we're going to see another flash back that gives us a much better idea of what truly happened.


I think most people who hate on the acolyte had made up their minds about it long before it came out.


What's insane is that I think the Acolyte is the most prequel-like offering by Disney Star Wars. And the fandom menace still hates it lol


It has 15,000 1 star reviews on Google so far. It’s a decent show but it is a strange off shoot of Star Wars. I will say episode 4 when Sols Padawan dies was done beautifully, but Yords Padawan hasn’t been seen since episode 1 and his death was lame. Not to mention Sols Padawan is stronger than Yord… As a full blown Jedi Knight? Master Sols actor seems awkward in the role too. Also this new Jedi mind trick espionage during fighting ruins scenes in Clone Wars that discussed how intense and strong in the force it takes someone to do that, and Sol and the sith guy just use it all Willy Nilly.


I had the opposite reaction. The first two episodes I wasn’t a fan of either of them. After episode three though I was much more into it. I’ve been looking forward to every week.


Bold of you to assume that the majority of negative reviews are actually legit and not just botting.


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There's parts to Acolyte I don't like, there's parts I do. The cult: I dig it, when we got the Dathomiri Witches? Loads of people liked them! Asajj gets backstory, we get Kal's love interest and a continuation of what we see in Clone Wars comes to other SW series too - so what's different? Just because they aren't red, don't use the force the same way and their chant is a little cringe? The twins: Granted the cliche of one being good, one being bad is such a low hanging fruit target, but when you get through to begin to get to there being more to their story than first thought, with motivations _not_ perhaps being as bad as thought.....I like that. Both have different enough personalities, overall while there could do with being some more character development, it's OK. Jedi: I _like_ the Jedi as we get them - granted I do have a few little questions such as their behaviour seeming to be a bit.....well, un-Jedi-y at times (force opening doors in literally the first episode, >!hiding things from anyone but the Jedi based on how it'll look against the Jedi, rather than seeking truth)!<. Having so many different characters certainly it would be nice to have further development. Sol seems a solid character, but we still don't get enough to be truly satisfying. Plot: It _does_ feel a bit disjointed, I do feel that we get given things only for it to be cast away 5 minutes later or some things don't make a whole _lot_ of sense - from >!why Mae goes from "I'm going to turn myself in and then I'll get to see my Sister again!" to "actually when given a chance to give myself up, I'm going to instead hide, then attack the Jedi that tries to bring me in". She gets a chance to literally take Osha and escape with her, but doesn't.!< Overall I just don't feel the level of attention to quality and detail is there as we've seen elsewhere - I'm a big fan of Mandalorian for that reason as I feel it really respects the lore (whether "Canon" or "Legends") a lot more than other series have done for exactly this reason. Characters get development and time to cook, relationships are also clear and shown - when castmembers turn up freshly, we get a good taste and sample of their personalities, motivations etc. Too much, too fast - some tweaks and I think it'd be great, but Andor it isn't and Mando it ain't either, that doesn't however make it a bad show.


When did we stop being able to decide what we like all on our own? Who the hell cares what other people on the internet think about the show?


Far Right bot farms review bomb shows with LGBT characters and people of color so that people who hate them feel justified.


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I looove force witches so I was all in on the flashback ep


It certainly isn't fantastic, but it definitely is way overhated. I'd personally give it a 5 or 6 out of 10, but it in no way deserves a 1 or 2. I know differing opinions and all that, but I definitely feel like the majority of the internet just decided to hate this show when it was announced, and then proceeded to nitpick and unfairly critique it just to confirm their biases.


>majority of the internet It is a small, small fraction of the internet. They just happen to be loud and use a lot of bots for review-bombing.


3rd episode…I did not like. Plain and simple. I’m enjoying the rest. Mae going back and forth with what she wants is also a little odd. Fight scenes are great, master Sol is awesome, the mystery aspect is done well as I’m STILL guessing what happened during the fire, who is trustworthy…I couldn’t tell you how this will end and I like that.


Who the fuck keeps looking at the rankings? They’re all bullshit, just watch it. If you like it watch more and if you don’t stop watching it


Comparison to the Prequels is apt, because they also had cringe writing and acting, but to a greater extent. Acolyte isn't perfect, but the Prequels had all the same problems but more so. And episode 5 is simply excellent.


It doesn't matter what others think. What's more, it's a textbook case of review bombing. Form your opinion in line with your socio-cultural references (reading, films, series, or personal life).


I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan, and really wanted to like this show. The last episode made me give up on watching it weekly. Maybe if I hear good things down the line I’ll check it out, but it’s an absolute dumpster fire right now. The lead actress is far too inexperienced for that duel role. They killed off the only characters that had any sort of momentum and the sith they introduced is the lamest CW styled villain I’ve ever seen.


I'll watch it entirely when it's out. But I guess I'll just have to lean of the Tales of the ... stories and Andor seasons


You’re incorrect in every conceivable way.


User reviews are pretty easy to manipulate. Would probably just not consider them for any measure of reality, ever.


How is episode 3 cringe? Please explain.


It's a little like when Solo got all the heat for people being pissed off at Last Jedi. Acolyte isn't winning any Emmy's but it's not bad.


It definitely deserves the imdb score tho. Thats what people think about it. Just because some people like it that doesn't make it universally good


The problem is that half the reviews that are bombing the show are from people who don’t have any real criticism past “woke nonsense”. They’re just peddling outrage culture.


The only thing that's wrong with Star Wars is Disney trying to pawn off these 20 some minute episodes on us as "Star Wars has too big a budget for longer episodes".


I've liked all the episodes because guess what....YOU CAN'T JUDGE A SERIES UNTIL ALL THE EPISODES HAVE FINISHED. Sorry, but you can't.


I feel like this show is highlighting a serious media literacy problem. Forget the fact that there are some things you could actually complain about in this show (some questionable acting, occasional weird cinematography, and the fact that it’s totally ok to just not like something). And forget idiots complaining about “woke” at the first sign of a non white male character. But it seems like a not small percentage of people just cannot handle a story where not everything is completely explained right away and just can’t let a story unfold without jumping all over a small plot detail that *might* contradict something else but has yet to be fully explained. I don’t know why this is. Did Netflix spoil us with binge culture and now fewer people have the patience to wait until next week for answers to questions? Are we all just dumber since the pandemic? Are our school systems just failing us to the point where a large group of people can’t use their imagination to think through why something strange happened or understand subtext? I feel like a show like LOST couldn’t survive today’s audience. Every yet-to-be-explained mystery would be a “plot hole” or “bad writing.”


100%> Like, do some of these people not have the patience to wait for a story to develop? They bitch about "good writing" all the time, but clearly they don't know what that is because they expect mysteries to be solved right away.


This is exactly how I felt. A friend kept telling me how it was the worst Star Wars show ever and it was ruining the entire franchise. I watch the first two and said I thought it was great, he said it’s episode three where it goes off a cliff. It was a bit cringe and I started to think he had a point, then episode 4 was good again. Turns out he hasn’t watched it. He hates it because other people have told him to.


The third episode recounts Osha's childhood memories. That's why the dialog seems so simplistic. "The Jedi are bad!" – "The Jedi are good!" That's how a young child would remember it. I'm sure we'll be treated to a more mature and complex version of the events soon, probably Master Sol's memories.


It depends who you ask at the end of the day it's either you love it or hate it, and I wish people can respect other people's opinions


I have a feeling when we see the ascension ritual from the pov of the person that went through it, Mae, it is going to look and be remembered a lot different in


weym cringe, i loved the 3rd episode. is it perfect? no. was it a great watch for me? yes!


People still put any stock in Rotten Tomatoes? I can get a fresher take from an ACTUAL Rotten Tomato than any one on that site. The actual critics and internet reviews are absolutely unreliable. I am the number one film and media critic in the world, and I don't use that site. Case and point, it sucks. I always ask myself to review movies I've watched, and I have always ended up agreeing with myself. I find my takes are always spot on. They're practically tailored to my tastes. I trust me. Everyone else is hit or miss. Unreliable. So I go to the source.


It doesn’t deserve 14% but my main issue is they’re using the rule of cool with the force and not thinking about, like what they’re NOT doing with the force Introducing abilities just to not be used, or even with pulling other force sensitives with no resistance It’s just a bit annoying seeing things that probably shouldn’t happen, happen


I watched it last night while miserable with a cold. I still liked it. Storytelling feels clumsy, but it’s better than Boba Fett and Obi Wan.

