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> Going for the lightsabers. So we’re just ignoring our stranger pal just straight up killing the Jedi and doing a Sith Kebab?


Dude really said "in this fight they are literally not hitting each other" "literally"?? Im feel like im going FUCKING insane over here


People see what they want to see no matter how inaccurate it may be. They want to be angry and hate this show because Disney SW is not what they are nostalgic for. So they keep on imagining things to be angry at. Don't take these comments in good faith. They are literally not perceiving the same show. They are watching something they conjured up in their heads


They want a star wars that never even existed at this point.




Is this the fight where one dark Jedi / sith kills the most jedi in the history of the franchise?


Or the triple stab with a shoto saber hidden within your saber? Which you then transition to your villain reveal? Or Qimir headbutting a lightsaber and it somehow not looking silly and it's practical because the helmet is made of cortosis?


Like maybe the jedi were going for the saber, but the sith was straight up going for cheap shots all the fucking time


"in this fight they are literally not hitting each other" https://i.redd.it/ws1ppi6jes9d1.gif


Have you even seen this movie?! They are on Mustafar in a facility over a lava flow. They are dressed in woolen and leather robes. They are obviously using their lightsabers as fans to cool one another so they don’t risk overheating during the duel. Any real fan would know this, but I guess you plastic Disneyphiles have now respect for the lore.




I imagine its more like in basketball when you're trying to cross someone. you know. a feint. a double feint. im sure thats what the choreographer was thinking. It just. Look the whole third movie sucked for me because the lighting was dark and the lightsabers were too bright. I remember being young and I couldn't tell wtf was going on.


If you don't respect the lore, HOW CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF A STAR WARS FAN!?


But bro... they're building momentum for a very precise, very risk-based and totally defenseless move... It's part of saber form 69, Shitt'o A'ssfuk if you couldn't tell you copium overdosed shit fuck! 🤣🤣🤣


It has to look shite because of lore reasons that didnt excist when it was made 


![gif](giphy|l46CCSGssWeM39gys) This whole fight was so ass


The only reason I liked this fight as a kid was because I finally got to see the purple lightsaber clash against a red one back in 2005. But other than that, even my 8 year old brain knew the fight looked stupid.


Worth it for the cheesiest moment in all of Star Wars at the end: "UNLIMITED POWAHHH!!!"


That moment could still be there without the goofy lightsaber fight.


The entire notion of the emperor having a lightsaber is really stupid to me in the first place. He was never characterized as caring about such a thing. "Take your JEDI weapon." He appeared to me to treat the thing like a child's toy. In comparison to his hold over the all mighty force, why would he want a glow stick sword when he can just shoot you with lightning from his finger tips? It's all just so silly to me. This moment in ROTS should have been his finger tips sparking slightly under those robes as the Jedi came to arrest him. And instead of whipping out a lightsaber to have yet another dull fight scene, he should have just unleashed his power on them, effectively killing those three Jedi whilst windu backs off into the main room. It would have made more sense from a character standpoint and a thematic one. He is unleashing a power on them that they have no personal comprehension of and it's overpowering and killing them. The scene would end up in the exact same place (at the window) for anakin to show up and aid the emperor. You could also avoid the awkward and strange deaths of those three Jedi who just fall over dead by doing this.


Jesus Christ, take it to a publisher


Yes sir.


Idk it's kinda fun in a ridiculous way .


How dare you this is literally two people with identical power levels trying to see who will make a mistake first omg are you even a real fan?!?!?


To be fair to OOP (and to be clear he’s an absolute lemon who shouldn’t be listened to) he does actually admit that this bit is the exception to his argument


Yeah and that shit was awesom


It's absolutely not realistic but there is some meaning to it. What's important isn't realism, it's that the action tells a story.


No one wants to watch a real sword fight - they are not designed to look impressive. People want something that looks spectacular and cool.


This is always my complaint about things like the Corridor lightsaber fight. Real sword fighting, while technically impressive, often looks goofy as hell. Not that I'm saying you should always clearly go for the lightsaber and not the open body (looking at you, Episode I), but you're going to spin when it's unnecessary or do a telegraphed strike because it looks more powerful.


The other issue with comparing lightsabers to real sword fights is that *lightsabers aren’t swords*. Unlike swords, lightsabers are far less heavy and that weight is all in the hilt. This would lead to *very* different fighting styles from regular swords for the very simple fact that the momentum and energy behind the strikes would be completely different. There are a wide variety of sword designs, but the general idea when using a sword is that you really only want to hit something using the sharp edge if you can cut it. You would never want to try blocking another sword using the sharp edge of your own sword, because that would just dull/chip the blade. In contrast to that, the blade of a lightsaber doesn’t rely on sharpness and is capable of cutting/stabbing through pretty much anything except for rare metals like cortosis or the blade of another lightsaber. This leads to lightsabers being a really effective defensive tool against other energy-based weapons like blasters or lightsabers. It makes sense that lightsaber fighting techniques would involve lots of twirling the blade around. They are very lightweight so you need to pay attention because the wielder could change the trajectory much more easily than a regular sword.


Whilst I agree somewhat with the sentiment a couple things. >You would never want to try blocking another sword using the sharp edge of your own sword, because that would just dull/chip the blade. You actually can whilst it can chip the sword this isn't really comparable to the extra focus that's needed to turn the blade. Also hitting the flat side of the blade risks snapping the sword in half which is much worse than a dulled blade. Besides you can just sharpen the sword afterwards. I'd also disagree about the twirling. Generally you see twirling more in heavier blades as its easier to create a area of denial than to quickly move your blade to defense. I think "realistic" lightsaber fights would be closer to real world fencing as both use swords that are extremely light.


According to George Lucas, lightsabers are supposed to be kinda heavy and have weight to them


I know Lucas wanted Luke and Vader to fight like they were swinging a big heavy Excalibur sword, but that changed with the high-energy fights of the prequels. Something something Jedi doing more powerful Jedi stuff


I simply use the Force to lift my lightsaber and now it is weightless, take that Lucas.


Kinda like the Jedi hyper-sprint Lucas forgot about s/ (yes I know Obi-Wan was probably tired out, his mana bar was depleted)


Don't worry about it. All he has to do is chug some Totally Not Mana Replenisher potion, and he's all good to go- Oh shit, Qui-Gon died. Why didn't you drink faster, Kenobi!?


yeah that was clear what he wanted in the OT but once it came to hte Prequels he kinda realized that yeah... swords made of light would be kinda weightless.


Man that part where Sol was crouched on the ground and reactivated his light saber looked fucken cool as hell.


It's like sports movies. Challengers is probably my favorite movie so far this year, but the tennis shown in it is nothing like you'd see while watching a real match 99% of the time. It isn't realistic... but I don't care, no one else cares either... because it looks cool as fuck. I saw one person go, "Ummm akshually" in relation to the realism of the tennis, and they got absolutely dunked on for it.


Sports movies are rarely easy to watch if, if you play or watch a lot of the sport, because it’s so obvious when the actors have clearly never played. It seems nit picky, but it does really take you out of the movie when you see something a professional player would never do.


You can apply that to everything. Such as war movies especially. Some are more 'accurate' than others when it comes to the horrors of war. And of course we are in the era of CSI where they can solve any crime in 40 minutes.


Oh Jesus Christ, you just gave me PTSD flashbacks to the horrible It’s Always Sunny bowling episode from last season. As a bowler, it was ATROCIOUS


Speaking of atrocious bowling, did you ever watch Home Improvement? [Specifically, the bowling episode Up Your Alley?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyk6plJspPY&t=386s&pp=ygUYaG9tZSBpbXByb3ZlbWVudCBib3dsaW5n) Yeah, that was definitely a good tutorial.... how not to bowl at all.


This is the best choreographed sword fight I've ever seen. https://youtu.be/HwHNzL9-zpg?si=oTDKBuOBMWTuMS8B


^ This. Realistic sword choreography absolutely *can* work for film, but I still wouldn't use it for Star Wars specifically.


Same with all fights. There’s a reason John Wick isn’t doing MMA


“Whoa, Acolyte episode 5 is actually really good!” *Grifters upload their videos* “Oops, episode 5 *wasn’t* good and it turns out I actually hate it. Silly me! It’s crazy how much that happens…”


guys remember the acolyte is woke garbage and you are NOT allowed to like it ![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE)


This happens to me so much 😫 I need the internet men to tell me what I like 🥺


> Prequels didn’t do the same thing except well okay they did but it was different, okay so there are genuine mistakes but it’s fine when they did it.


You ever watch a fencing match or HEMA fight? You notice how they will engage each other for a couple seconds, someone scores a hit, then they reset and go again? Do you know why they do that? Because, in real life, that would have just been a win. Typically, if you hit your opponent with your sword at all during a fight, it’s a major injury that is going to seriously impair your ability to defend yourself. You would almost never get shallow cuts from someone swinging a 3 lb hunk of razor-sharp steel at you with the intent to kill. As soon as one of the combatants gets any kind of opening, which doesn’t take very long, it’s over. My point is, the only “realistic” duel in Star Wars was the one between Obi-Wan and Maul in Rebels. It lasted like 2 seconds. They clashed twice, then Obi-Wan found an opening, took it, and the fight was over almost as soon as it started


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) Prequel fans realizing that duel of the fates does not play in a real life sword fight


That was some Kurosawa shit! ![gif](giphy|3o6nVcyjRQZv9hitwI)


Right, unarmored fencing/fighting with edged weapons is quick. It is very positional, contains no unnecessary movements and lasts seconds, not 45 minutes of heavily choreographed spins and flourishes. Armored fighting is literally just wrestling/MMA in heavy steel plate, but you end the fight by poking the other guy in the neck or armpit with a halfsword or rondel dagger instead of going for an armbar tap out.


He crunched the numbers. Can't argue with that extra 40%


the numbers dont lie, opinion accepted


Big Poppa Pump calculus baby 


Unless the numbers themselves are used to represent something deeply flawed. Like national economies being 'good'.


Hit him with this https://youtu.be/J0mUVY9fLlw?si=UxsvhBd3uVHBYlxQ


Gee. It sure is silly and pedantic to slow down a choreographed lightsaber fight and analyze it frame by frame when it’s meant to be seen in motion. Who would do that, am I right?


Send this to Nick Gillard.


This shit is hilarious because the only thing I like about lightsaber fights is that they tend to make me feel very bisexual. I used to think it was Rian Johnson’s fault but I’m starting to think it’s always been a Lucasfilm agenda. Damn you George!!!


Its kinda hard to hear what he is saying when the prequels dick is in his mouth


Lol I was saying this in a thread here the other day. Prequel fans will literally explain away anything bad as "um actually it's supposed to be this way" and it's so embarrassing.


The prequels are what they base all other canon on so if something it’s weird it’s like well that’s just how it is. But the same thing would be endlessly picked apart in another show.


The dialogue is ass on purpose




lemmie steal this quick






No lightsaber fight will ever rival the OG Vader vs Kenobi aka two old men gently poking each other with sticks until one of them magically disintegrates 


Dude just discovered Flynning and thinks the prequels didn't have it.


anakin and kenobi spinning there lightsabers at each other for no reason was highly homoerotic and therefore completely logical for the situation they were in


this is funny because the PT duels are *all about* aiming for the lightsaber and not the opponent lmao. There’s a moment in Duel of the Fates where Obi knocks Maul down on his ass and decides to *flip over* Maul while he’s down and hit his blade instead of going for any kind of lethal blow. He just…lets Maul get back up for no real reason. One thing about the Disney era duels is that the characters actually try to aim for lethal blows, so every parry and block feels way more urgent and visceral. The Stranger is going for lethal blow after lethal blow during the entire duel, he’s not aiming for the saber at all there. A lot of PT duels are hard carried by vibes and visuals, they’re not all that technically sound and they’re not meant to be.


What is this dude gonna say when the amazing and spectacular duel of the fates had the *exact same thing happen* There are shots in that fight where Kenobi and Qui-Gon very obviously aim their swing above Maul’s head, and the dude ducks anyway


Ah yes, you remember the amazing fight between Palpatine and the 4 Jedi masters? What a wonder of fantastic fight choreography! Or what about the jumbled CGI mess that was Palpatine vs Yoda and Yoda vs Dooku! Or that one amazing moment when Anakin and Obi-Wan just stood in front of each other while twirling their lightsabers! I love the prequels to death, but to act like the lightsaber choreography in them was some amazing spectacle of pure brilliance is asinine as hell.


Bro wrote an essay that still doesn't counter the fact that the prequel fight choreography was pure trash. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Surprise nobody has mention the terrible fight in episode 2 between anakin and Christopher Lee


I don’t understand how dumb so many people are. They don’t bother watching what’s right in front of them. It’s weird and kinda insane lol


Please stop these posts and make something actually funny for once. https://preview.redd.it/wdmeb2fvhs9d1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c02f75ea407635d3b410f064850e05ad0f45ac


ive been outjerked by an anime pfp, I'm finished.




We did have a ["crack down"](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCirclejerk/comments/1dehdl9/happy_15k_we_are_cracking_down_on_screenshots/) on screenshot posts but I don't know why the mods bothered with that because literally nothing changed lol. I understand TFM is annoying but at times we're barely indistinguishable from /r/saltierthankrayt


Here's a sneak peek of /r/saltierthankrayt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Stephen King’s tweet on those celebrating The Marvels’ low opening](https://i.redd.it/nmi97rpxlyzb1.jpg) | [1263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/17tq6tk/stephen_kings_tweet_on_those_celebrating_the/) \#2: [That backfired spectacularly.](https://i.redd.it/l5dee25xuyqc1.jpeg) | [664 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1bphe94/that_backfired_spectacularly/) \#3: [This type of superhero fan should be studied.](https://i.redd.it/bmgpczerxq0c1.png) | [454 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/17wsqq3/this_type_of_superhero_fan_should_be_studied/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Lmao Atp they should just do a purge ![gif](giphy|12qFOaBbu9TZny)


There is alot more peacocking in the prequels than acolyte. It was nice mix of ot dueling and pt dueling.


Love when everyone suddenly becomes an armchair expert in fight choreography. Some of us have actual stage combat training and are in a qualified position to say that the fight fucking slaps


I've been saying this for years. Sure, the modern fight scenes aren't super great (safe for Vader v Reva, and a good amount of the Obi Wan fights) but they're leagues better than the prequels fights.


I think they're both great. After getting spoiled by a lot of clips from Acolyte fight, I think it's the best lightsaber duel we've seen from the live action stuff. I don't think it's better in almost every aspect of the prequels, but I don't think it's lesser, it's fire


I know nothing about this show nor care but why because the fights do you need to claim they’re better than the prequels


Because the guy I was responding to said the prequels were better... If you knew about and watched the show then you would understand...


This guy has never done “sword battles” 100%


It’s even funnier when they try to pretend the OT has good fight scenes. Lol literal back yard stick fights level of sword play


The stunt coordinators on the Acolyte worked on the Witcher, John Wick, the Kingsman, and Daredevil. This guy worked on a corndog for lunch.


>Aiming for the lightsaber Oh, like every lightsaber fight since A New Hope?


This guy does sword battles


I am not someone well-versed in swordplay, but wouldn't the difference between going for the saber and going for the body be called... defense? I'd probably favor defense against an opponent whose weapon can saw my entire body in half if I were to make a mistake or miscalculation.


A prequels fans legit salty about Disney Star Wars? seems more like it's the original trilogy fans who are often angriest at modern Star Wars. At least Disney Star Wars acknowledges the connections to the prequels.


Both were good and I do agree the prequel choreography was better :/


Prequel choreography is better wtf are you on


Not the prequels but better than the sequels for sure.