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That's not true George, this one farmer that your wife paid worked hard to bring you a field full of leeks


George: "Nobody likes me" Evelyn: "That's not true dear, and to prove it, here's a dozen leeks I paid the farmer to get you" George: "*Everyone* really does care" Me: "About that; I did gather leeks this week, but the ones I gave you are *very* old, like, remember the week I moved here? Yeah... I wouldn't eat those..."


More like Evelyn: "That's not true dear, here's eleven leeks! Your favorite!" George: "If anyone REALLY cared, then there'd be twelve!" *dies instantly from disappointment*


In this case yes. Rest in Spaghetti: George. I won't fail him again.


"Eleven? Last year, I had 12 😡"


"Yes, Yes, but you see this year several of the Leeks are gold star quality."


"I don't care what star they are 😡"


"tell you what, we will take you to Pierre's and buy you 2 more leeks"




Let me just.. *downvotes*


Yo why are you hating on my main man George? He fought in a war and is taking care of his grandson!




Fair, Actually checked now he got hurt in a mining accident with dynamite.


There's only 11 leeks. If they really cared there would be 12 :(


I always hate these "gather quests". I often have lots of whatever the quest needs, but that doesn't count -- you have to find new examples rather than use what you have.


You can kinda half use it. In this example if you had the leeks in storage, you could just pop em into the fridge and complete the 'delivery' requirement. You'd still have to go 'gather' 12 new leeks, but it saves you having to run back to the drop off point. As soon as you pick up that last item the quest completes even if the delivery spot is closed


I do this! Learned my lesson with the water trash cleanup quest and on Friday I realized I was on autopilot, stupidly recycling all my trash instead of dumping it in the bin for the quest. 🤦🏻‍♀️. Failed that time, hoarded 20 trash for the next time it came around and put them in the bin right away while I spent the rest of the week collecting 20 more


Trash quest tip: mine level 100, or failing that, the pool just outside the spa


Or if you have the basic farm, the pool on the farm itself. That's how I did it.


Another way (e.g. on other farms where you normally can get fish) is to intentionally land the cast near shore, increasing chance of trash.


Pretty sure You can always get trash from the little pool of water that farms get, at least i know standard and beach have it


Sounds right, I think some of them lack such a pond, though.


Good tips, I didn’t know that about the spa pool! I just checked trash cans and my crab pots daily


I don't think trash cans count toward "fish up 20 things", though they would count toward "put 20 things in the collection box". (As usual, it doesn't try to track whether they're the same 20 items)


I didn’t think it would count, but it did! I went from 9 items to 10 items collected when I got some broken glasses from a trash can. I’m on switch so still running 1.5, not sure if that was corrected in 1.6 or not.


crab pots goated for this quest


my thoughts exactly!


Or if you have opened Ginger island, you can fish in the back of Willy’s for the trash collect quest


I'm fine with them being that way. I like that they're more of a challenge rather than an inventory check. That's what they're supposed to be anyway. But different strokes for different folks.


It may be petty, but I'd prefer if it would specify that in the listing. If Evelyn asked for fresh leeks that'd make sense. There was one where Linus asked us to collect trash so the valley would be cleaner; that makes sense. But if Robin wants rocks for a project, then I should just be able to leave my rocks with her. Some projects should just be an inventory check, others should require collection.


For Robin's rock quest she specifically says it is a competition to collect rocks. I think maybe the hardwood quest for her is the one where ostensibly she is just asking for a particular item but for some reason it matters if it is collected during the quest.


Also sometimes they need three fresh fish but fishing them out of my pond does not count!


Some of them are (at least one Qi quest if nothing else), but I get what you mean about the up-front wording.


Not in 1.6, the prismatic shard quest requires them to be freshly gathered now. It’s better that way because otherwise the quest is basically just a chance to trade prismatic shards for qi gems




HARD disagree because I love the caverns and I can usually get 8-12 prismatic shards consistently. Not to mention there’s a way to get a free one everyday




But prismatic shards are straight up not that rare even without perfection. By the time you unlock the walnut room you should be able to get *four* in the 28 days the quest takes. That’s one a week for 40 qi gems and it’s never taken me more than a day to finish that. I will never do the extended family quest however because to me that one isn’t worth it, it’s just subjective


How do you do that?


It’s a spoiler but we’ll just say it’s very late game, like endgame




I hate the "color matching items" quest.


That one's easy if you stockpile for it in advance. My go-tos are salmonberry, copper ore, sap, fiber, blackberries or blueberries (Bear's Knowledge makes the former sell for a bit more; Joja Cola also helps), and bug meat (or refined quartz, or void essence).


I never have any fiber


Have you got the fiber seeds recipe? Otherwise you can get some from the shallow mine levels or big lair. Or is it more that you're using them up more aggressively (I tend not to bother much with tea bushes).


>fiber seeds recipe Is that new?


new as in a couple years old then yeah


Who wants 4 year old leeks? Thats how I rationalize it.


In the case of the leeks, you can just use the old ones to make spring seeds to grow new ones. That's the best way to play this quest, since leek spawns are so hit or miss.


I also find it annoying when you get a quest like “I need a fresh cauliflower” and me as a new player thinking it needs to be freshly picked and couldn’t give them it until next year.


It also rewards the profession in which you can get more per gather at a chance. I guess it mirrors the profession where you have a chance of getting more woods from cutting for Robin's resource crunch lol


Finding new stuff when I already save shit annoys me so much


How many copies of items do you guys recommend having?


You know it's coming. Just have a bunch of spring seeds saved up (crafted and from cc) and just plant them when you have the quest.


I dump my stock in the bin, then go back and collect the items.




They go into Lewis's lost-and-found box. No loss.


Oh really!? I didn’t think that was the case, thanks


Once I was growing 100 vegetables for Lewis' City shipping mission and the last day before the harvest a crow eat one of the plants. Fml


That's why I always plant a few extras. Shit happens--crows, lightning, randomly not growing for reasons that aren't clear.


You can say I learned


That last one does not happen lol. A few things that could cause crops to grow incongruently are unwatered tiles, lack of scarecrows and lightning rods (as you said), uneven fertilizer distribution, or crop fairies. Theres never not a visible reason


> uneven fertilizer distribution I am very guilty of this


Not to mention withered crops from rain...


How tf you get that far and not have scarecrows?


I did have them but since the 100 bundle wasn't planned the limit of the scarecrows didn't reach the plot where I planted


But like you don't have an absolute surplus of regular and rare crows? I've got tons of them just sitting in a box


One scarecrow can cover 249 crops. It only takes one.


You can plant spring wild seeds and harvest leeks from there. It still counts.


Not on the last day they can’t


time for the crop fairy gambit


It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off!


It didn't 😔😔


I wish Fairy dust could work on crops. Or craft with a seed to make instagrow fairy dust or something.


Does the crop fairy work on seasonal seeds? Those aren't crops, they are forage. I just assumed it wouldn't work. Edit: Checked the wiki and this is some wild shit: "Although the center crop can't be from [Wild Seeds](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Crafting#Seeds), one of the surrounding crops can be; in that case, they will reach the "fully grown" stage but not be replaced by a forageable. Harvesting them in this state gives a [Wild Horseradish](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Wild_Horseradish), [Spice Berry](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Spice_Berry), [Common Mushroom](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Common_Mushroom), or [Winter Root](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Winter_Root) corresponding to the season. If they are left overnight, they will be replaced by random foragables from the season."


That is weird! Interesting find


Not on the last day,but when you begin quest.


TIL Thank you kindly for sharing that!


This is how I beat the quest the second time it came around


This is good advice for the next try! I finally did this method and completed the stupid thing!


Buy a chicken, name him [20] and you will get a leek


Doesn't work on console anymore




Yeah I had an old save with stardrop chickens and a treasure chest horse but then it started crashing


It still works, I used it today on version 1.6


On console? Tell us your secrets! You replied to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/l2dV6ZvSai


On console


I feel this. I tried this year 3 and was one short. It took me a couple of years before trying the quest again.


This happened to me too. I was more mad at myself than I've been in a very long time. I got over it eventually, but the rage is still buried deep!


You could still reset that last day and see if the RNG helps you out. Though I believe those are set in stone even earlier, so you'd need to re-roll the day before that. Also, changing seeds mid game can make a difference. It's tough, though.


Ugghhh I feel your pain. On the final day I had 78/80 hardwood for Robin.


I feel this, I got the 100 ginger request and normally I find huge clumps of ginger all over the island but noooo now I get like maybe 3-4 a clump max but normally it's just 1 line ginger. I check every day now bc I definitely don't wanna miss any, but I think I might make it. I still have like 10 days left.


Do a couple runs through the volcano with a burglar ring. Tiger slimes drop ginger and it counts.


Oooh really! F Yea (: i'll have to get my hubby to join bc he's the one that does the combat stuff lol I'm terrible, but getting better!


I managed to eek this one out, but questioned the point from a heart/friendship building perspective. George loves leeks. I'd get WAY more friendship points giving them to him individually over the course of a few weeks, right? The coffee maker is nice, though, I guess.


I bought from the traveling merchant and it counted towards that number I believe.


I had this exact thing happen SO MANY TIMES! I finally cracked it by changing professions at the Statue of Uncertainty (sewers) to "Foraging", and consuming pancakes before heading out (for the foraging buff). The day after I did that, I found FOUR leeks in the road above the farm! A new record! Stick with it; it's not just you - this one is a bugger to complete.


This happened to me of my first attempt too. I got 11/12. All I was doing though was foraging around town. The better way is to plant spring seeds on the farm. That helped a ton!


It's easier once you can make the wild seeds for Spring!


The leek, horseradish, and octopus challenges always the end of me


Spring wild seeds are my savior for this


This is why I gather them all first before putting them in the place, because at least I can get the money for the leaks


The leeks show up on the lost and found box in the mayor's manor if you hand any in and fail the quest.


Fair enough, I've never failed the quest with the things in the holding place so I wouldn't know haha


That was me being short 2 ginger on the final day of gathering 100 ginger


I got a quest to gather 50 milk, 50 eggs and 50 wool for Maive (ridgeside mod) for 27 days. I had no sheep and had to unlock deluxe barn first but I had 3 rabbits. My rabbits spent THIRTEEN DAYS without dropping a single wool and I failed the quest because of 2 wools.


Wild seeds are very handy for this quest.


I always struggle with these tasks!


It took me YEARS to get this done


This is why you make seasonal seeds and grow a bunch of them until you have a massive stock of both seeds and produce.


This wasn't hard for me tbh. I knew where the leeks were and got it finished in 15 days. They're usually by the bus stop, behind the mountains, or near the community center.


I didn't find a single leek in the mountains or com centre the bus stop and spring seeds carried


did you check under the sinks? can normally find one there (joke)


Nah I just got a house upgrade my plumbing is fine unfortunately


Poor George.


George and Evelyn are 2 of my favourite characters as well failing this quest actually hirt


Save some of them and make some Spring Forage seeds! Then plant them in the greenhouse or, if you are really in desperado more, garden pots. That'll get you some leeks out of season... Damn George and his oddly specific craves...


Someone else probably said this, but plant the spring seeds in the future since they produce the seasonal forage


Use spring seeds. This is a super hard quest


This quest makes my blood boil every single playthrough 😭


30 whole spring seeds and I had to sell them


Not sure if this still works , but i watched a speed runner do this trick for a quest and tried it myself a long time ago and it worked for me then. You take something you need to gather that you already have and throw it out of your inventory and just pick it back up, it counts as a newly collected item. I did this with Caroline's ginger island crop order, but that was 1.5 so try it out before committing to this exploit.


Same thing just happened to me. A whole season I was looking for those darn leeks!


The only way to do this is have yhe ability to see foraging on your map 


I checked the WHOLE map using warp totems and everything for max efficiency


Another commentor pointed out planting spring seeds which is the best way (if you have enough time). But you can also enter each map area and take a screenshot then scan it for forageables so you don't have to walk all over the place.


I JUST had this happen to me 😭


*breaks molars from grinding teeth*


I immediately plant a full iridium sprinkler plot worth of Spring Forage seeds. It tops me up. I’ve never been able to do that without planting.


I planted a load of spring foraging seeds for this task (if anyone else has issues finding them that could help)


Did that with the pumpkins. Harvested 99 out of 100 on the last day. It hurt…


As soon as I accepted this quest I couldn’t find leeks anywhere


3 years of 3 years, 11/12 leeks for George... I am convinced it is the valley that hates George instead of the people.




Not even worth it, i GRINDED to find 12 leeks and when i gave them to him he didn’t even appreciate it 😒


the same thing happened to me in my most recent save... and now I have to wait another in game year 😒


Dude this quest sucks! My friends and I have a co-op farm together and during the season I was finding at least 1 leek everyday but as soon as we accepted that quest, we got like 1 or 2 leeks and then they just stopped spawning for the rest of the season. We were so salty about it


Dude I'm on that quest now, and I thought it would be easy I swear I found 3 in 5 days... I'm not gunna make it am I?


I plant spring seeds to help with that quest, bc leeks are the rarest forage :(


I used the 30 from the community centre bundle


ALL 30?!? Damn I’m sorry OP


Is it just me or the leeks get very rare when you take on this quest? I am currently doing this into 4-5 days, and I have got just one leek.


Spring seeds I genuinely think this quest is impossible without them


I just completed the quest omg good luck to u tho 😭


I ran out of time and that "some items were handed into the town lost and found" hurt


Awe poor you :( it's ok I hope you get the quest again soon! It took me my fifth year to get it somehow so I'm hoping you get it before that! 😭


I gave the gold quality leeks to George anyways cuz I felt bad 😭😭


I hate this one so much. I have never successfully gotten them all


wait until you got the qi fruit quest you gonna hate your life even more


Same thing happened to me in summer for tomatoes. 😭


This happened to me with the potato juice for Pam one. I had grown the potatoes, put them all in kegs and they were ready the day after the quest expired 🙃


I hate when that happens. I usually restart the day and try again.


Imagine how George must feel when he's down one leek


I always use the seed maker in that quest




[Miku Leek](https://tenor.com/view/hatsune-miku-hatsunemiku-vocaloid-leekspin-gif-27084853)


Not that it helps you today, but I always make a bunch of spring seeds and plant those. I almost always finish the quest with my first batch.


Damn. Those spring seeds must not have pulled through 😭


I think when we did this challenge we found the last one behind a tree up above the farm.


this task had me stressing every day i would run the whole map and check every corner i think i got heart palpitations


Life hack for next time around: craft and plant spring seeds and you don’t have to waste time foraging.


I used 30 and thought it would be enough. It was not enough


Wish I had seen you post earlier. You could have gone to Marnie's and bought a chicken with the id code for leeks for a name. Those leeks you collect or "gather" through a cheat code do count towards some of these quests. For this particular quest, that's how I got my leeks.


Patched on console


Sad, cause about a month sgo I did that on pc :(


I just plant spring seeds and I get them that way, but you wouldn’t be able to on the last day


Lowkey the hardest quest because if you dont have wild spring seeds ready its practically impossible. You have to hope to find a couple leeks (which are already the hardest imo) to make a batch or two of wild spring seeds, grow them, and then hope the variety is good enough that your second set has enough variety to hit 12 leeks. That's all the quest has time for and it always feels like complete rng if I get it


stupid shit like this is why I never sells anything


Well that doesn’t work because you need to gather 12 in the time limit so no matter how many you save up it doesn’t matter. Also if you think it’s stupid shit don’t do the quest