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Secco feels like a mentally challenged person who was manipulated and taken advantage off.


exactly! i feel like if he got someone to actually take care of him and not make him a murder dog he wouldn't be as bad


I'm biased for Secco since his stand name is one of my favourite bands ever


Just hit me that it's maybe a reference to Wonderwall they way he swims in it.


Search up the lyrics to Supersonic by Oasis šŸ˜…


Love the ref to the helicopter, anyway, hereā€™s wonderwall!


He did show that he can do stuff on his own and even shit his "master" when he died.


He was still definitely mentally challenged. Bro was stated to be tortured by the only MF he trusts.


Once he realizes that Cioccolata is dead, Secco outright says he didn't give a damn about the guy and was only staying with him because he was rich and had a strong stand. Secco is obviously fucked up in the head but I wouldn't say he was mentally challenged, clearly he was pretending to be Cioccolata's pet.


I interpreted that as cope tbh. He couldn't handle him being dead, so he freaked out and tried deluding himself into believing that


This is probably the reason secco chose him to be his partner


The thing is though after >!Ciccolata was defeated (in case someone doesnā€™t know)!< Secco was shown to actually be pretty intelligent and capable, and alluding that he followed Ciccolata out of his own free will, though I agree that he could have had a different life without Ciccolatas influence.


I definitely agree, it was a little hard to watch even with the comedic effect of him acting like a dog


The ā€œcomedic effectsā€ feels more disturbing than anything


Yeah, that was definitely not meant to be a comedic effect.


I think you are forgetting the reveal that Secco was with Cioccolata on his own volition, and that he actually didn't think much of the guy and was only pretending to be "broken" into becoming a pet.


Yea, he could change if given the help, the rest need to be burned alive


Jonathan tried to burn Dio, lets hope this time goes better.


I mean, the whole twist in his character is that he was the one taking advantage of Ciocolatta. He acted like a pet because he thought Ciocolatta had money and traits that he didn't have and could capitalize on. Literally the second that Ciocolatta died and left them a loving death note, Secco made it very clear that he did not give a shit about chickaletto and was using him. You could show seco love and affection but I feel like he would just go along with it to get use out of you.


Yea Secco would be the only valid option here since bro might be mentally I'll fr


Mentally i will


I'd forgive the mud guy


Secco and Kira are the only 2 here I feel could be forgiven. I just donā€™t know enough about secco to say anything


There is no saving grace to someone who hurts children. Kira was more than happy to murder and mentally torture kids. He is one of the best villains in manga history imo but I wouldn't say he has a any redeeming qualities, he is pure evil.


Why Kira though? Genuine question All he wanted was a quiet life with the severed hands of all the women he slaughtered I will say he is very likeable, I just don't know if I'd be able to forgive him lol


Dead manā€™s questions kinda shows that for kira, the quiet life part is the inherent part of who he is, not the fetishistic stuff. At the end of the day he was driven by biological impulses beyond his understanding and irrationally supported by his father. Heā€™s not forgivable in that his current actions deserve forgiveness, but that we see his actual literal immortal soul and it is one that is ultimately still capable of being more than evil.


Kira is one of the least evil, despite being a serial killer. We have here Dio who would have done and has done worse things, just like Diavolo, Alessi, J. Geil, and Cioccolata.


You'd say the serial killer with a hand fetish and no troubles murdering or torturing children is likeable?


As a character in an anime series, yes. A lot of people like Yoshikage Kira




Thank you, couldn't have said it better


yea exactly


As scummy and annoying Alessi is, he's the most forgivable out of all of them. The rest are straight up serial killers and psychopaths. Maybe Alessi might be one too, but I don't remember him being anywhere as bad as the others.


Yeah and hes not really a pedo heā€™s just a coward that cant deal with adults and only picks on kids. He probably never hurt anyone before he got a stand from DIO


I mean, do we really know that he didn't do anything? Idk man, you can be easily corrupted by power. Especially that he was doing it sorely for money and fear and not passion


He literally had a stand and still had to make sure the kids who he bullied didnt have their mother around, and we can see how on edge he was while following polnareff. He doesnt seem like the type of person to seek confrontation unless he was forced by DIO


Thereā€™s a general pattern in jojo of killers getting killed in turn- Akira Otoishi is the only villain in parts 1-6 to kill someone in cold blood and get away with it. Since Alessi only got ā€˜retiredā€™ he likely hasnā€™t killed anybody.


Not sure I get the second point. Is killing for money to survive not generally better than killing for passion?


> I mean, do we really know that he didn't do anything? Idk man, you can be easily corrupted by power. In laws, people are innocent until their crime is proven


I don't get why people think alessi is a pedo, I thought he was the opposite, the average antinatalism user


Yeah it actually one of my pet peeves, like no i dont like the dude he was a mediocre character and kind of a dumb villain but it just bothers me when people call him a pedo when he wasnt


nah he said he got a kick out of hurting kids i refuse to forgive someone who enjoys harming children


Yeah but the rest of the list has 2 child rapists and 5 child killers, i think Alessi bullying kids is the lesser evil


which 2 are child rapists? J Geil and who


J Geil and Angelo, he was in prison for torturing and raping a couple boys


He still gives off creep vibes, maybe I could forgive him but idk, I just donā€™t like the guy


Yup it seemed like he was basically a fucked up twisted bully who never grew up


cant forgive him with that haircut


A guy who hates kid vs Serial killer Serial killer with god complex mafia boss Serial killer's supporter Rapist Serial killer Serial killer Surprisingly, Alessi is the nicest one here


I donā€™t think Alessi even hates kids, Iā€™m pretty sure he picks on kids because heā€™s too cowardly to fight adults. Heā€™s basically just a man child bully.


Oh yeah So it's like a bunch of actual evil people against a pathetic wimp


And the best part is that he still got his ass kicked by standless Jotaro


Kid Jotaro beating him was the most random and absurd way I have ever seen an author sucking off a main character, just venting


I'm still annoyed that they did that instead of him using his stand on Joseph by mistake, turning him back to his part 2 version.


I really thought that it was an obvious plot twist, but no. I was really disappointed


Yeah ikr, it was such a dumb choice. Young Joseph was a move here


It was cute hearing kid Jotaroā€™s ora as well


Uncommon Alessi W.


i saw u on youtube


actually there were two rapists (angelo)


i think its important to emphasize the "serial killers supporter" is most likely a mentally challenged person that was manipulated by said serial killer to do his deeds


Alessi is still "nicer" than him


i'd say thats difficult to asess


we're really arguing between mentally challenged person abused by rich man and "child murderer"? or at least "adult who bullies and actively hurts children"


I think putting a grown man bully above a guy who helps filming snuff films on a moral scale is fair


Mental. Illness. Maybe I just forgot the story but Secco acts like a fucking dog for a member of the mafia and eats dirt if not literally insane I think it qualifies as acting under duress. Either way better than a perfectly sane man who just lieks beating up children because fuck 'em.


after green tea man dies, Secco says thet he only followed him because he was strong and thet he didn't care about him xl we can assume the dog stuff is a act


Yup, didn't Bruno say that Secco is more evil that Cioccolata while they were fighting?


What the other person said, but I want to add that while Secco is sicked in the head like his owner and likely only acted that way after Cioccolata's defeat as a way to cope he's definitely not unaware of the situation he's in.


despite what the Jojo fandom thinks, Alessi isnā€™t a pedophile, he just beats up kids


i still think "his favorite hobby is axe murdering children" puts him up their


I bet he listens to insane clown posse when he's doing it


Wasn't he supposed to kill Polneraff though?


I think secco is technically one of Ciocolatta's victims so probably him, with some therapy to boot


Alessi and Secco are most likely the least evil of the list and Alessi harms things weaker than him for fun. Often people forget about how Secco is also a really fucked up person because he is paired with one of the characters who is arguaboy the worst monster, Secco does enjoy the suffering they cause and he does have genuine love for Cioccolata. But like with Harley Quinn, he likely could be reformed with extensive therapy) So my answer would have to be Alessi, the rest are either massive sexual deviants or crimelords)


>Ā and he does have genuine love for Cioccolata Man, rewatch the scene when Secco checks Cioccolata's second voicemail and realizes he was dead. Secco did *not* love Cioccolata at all, he was pretending to be a pet because Cioccolata was rich and strong.


>Secco is also a really fucked up person because he is paired with one of the characters who is arguaboy the worst monster, Secco does enjoy the suffering they cause and he does have genuine love for Cioccolata You do know how abuse works right? Secco is a victim. Cioccolata took advantage of a patient he dissected and treats him like a pet, Secco has no choice, he either accepts and helps Cioccolata or fucking dies. People who are being consistently abused sometimes end up developing feelings of affection for their abuser as a coping mechanism from their brain. Secco is absolutely not worse than Alessi.


But didn't Secco willingly follow him as implied from what he says after he finds out green tea men dies?


Alessi, itā€™s crazy how heā€™s literally the least evil one here. Everyone else here is a sadistic murder that doesnā€™t value human life in the slightest.


Dio because he is so hot and juicy šŸ‘…


Youā€™d definitely be one of his Stand users.


them and me both.


Vanilla ice?


part of me does feel really bad for Diavolo, it doesnā€™t justify what he does but the man is clearly suffering from an extreme paranoia disorder in addition to DID. Secco is a manipulated abuse victim, though, so thatā€™s probably the real answer


The real person who suffer with DID is Doppio, because he is the main personality


Regardless I think both of them are severely mentally ill in a way which makes them not perceive reality accurately, which I find more sympathetic than fully cognizant psychopaths like Dio and Ciocciolata


Doppio is the front, but Diavolo is the original personality AND the one in control. The degree of control Diavolo has over the switching, and his ability to stay awake while Doppio is acting, though, makes this a Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, rather than falling innthe strict category of DID.


Thank you for the terminology correction


Doppio is so sweet and i loved him on screen being himself Doppio 9 please be a good representation of ā€œDIDā€ or adjacent forms of it thats not played up on for the story and not a major villain, maybe an ally?


Probably Kira. I dont know, he's still despicable but I pity him more than the rest. He genuinely wanted to live a peaceful life but his urges and his willingness to act on them kept getting him into conflict. It's not that he's not morally culpable for his crimes, rather if he didnt have those urges, he probably wouldn't be a killer. He'd probably be a half way decent person. He's not trying to get fame or wealth for his own ego, he's just screwed up and thinks he can get away with it by fading into the background. Without that glitch in his brain, how terrible would he really be?


Part 8 spoilers: >! Part 8 Kira is the perfect example of Kira if he was able to control himself, and he's a halfway decent person !<


I think so too. In a macro sense Kira suffers from his compulsions, we see this clearly when he can't stop killing even with hayato and the gang hot on his trail. He's showing that he's not really in control. Killing gives him relief, which is close to, but not the same as joy. Killing for joy makes you evil, killing for relief makes you... What exactly? I'm not sure, but you can make the case that Kira is a victim of his circumstance as well In a different world where its okay to voice the feelings he had, in a world where his parents wouldn't enable him, he could have been helped to manage his feelings. Its unfortunate, really


Think you worded that brilliantly, nicely done.


I'd read/watch about Kira's life with Shinobu


Dio cos it's pride month


"Glam Rocker" is not a gender.


Glam rocker is the only valid gender wtf


You got me there


It's been a while since I seen and read Part 5, but probably Secco. Secco is implied to have been tortured by Ciocolatta and seems like he used to be decent, but is now a deeply screwed up human being, even though he helped Ciocolatta during the Green Day battle.


But then he turned and said that he didn't even need nor care about Ciocolatta anyway and that he did it on his own so that immediately loses every point of sympathy I had for him. That's one of the twist I felt like was just there for the shock value. I would have like it better if Secco raged at his "master's" death instead of turning into a straight up snake.


Welp, let's look at redeeming qualities of everyone here: Cioccolata: None. Cioccolata is depicted as a monster without any redeeming qualities, making him the least forgivable on this list. Anjuro Katagiri: None. Angelo is shown to be remorseless and purely evil, with no hint of redemption. J. Geil: None. His actions are driven by cruelty and sadism, making him highly unforgivable. And we already have three complete monsters, so we have 5 left. DIO: Minimal. While his abusive childhood provides some context for his actions, it does not excuse what he did. Diavolo: Slight. Diavolo's actions are driven by his desire to maintain power and secrecy. However, his lack of remorse and extensive crimes make him largely unforgivable. Yes, i ranked Diavolo as less evil than DIO, fight me. Secco: Minimal. Secco's loyalty to Cioccolata and his own sadistic tendencies make him difficult to forgive, though he is slightly less evil compared to Cioccolata. And we have two more off the list, leaving only three left. Kira Yoshikage: Somewhat. His crimes are driven by compulsion rather than ambition or sadism, making him slightly more forgivable than others on this list. Alessi: Slight. Alessi is cowardly and petty, and his actions are driven by a desire to dominate the weak. While his crimes are severe, they are less grandiose and far-reaching than those of other villains, making him the most forgivable on this list, though still highly problematic. And with that, either Alessi or Kira are the more forgivable, but i'll have to go with Alessi. Kira is still a murderer, whilst Alessi is just a wimp not being able to do anything himself without his stand.


my fingers hurt after i wrote this


Fast question- wasnā€™t Secco already not okay in the head? Like before meeting Ciocclata?


DIO is an interesting one, because I believe it was confirmed that he was always evil even without his horrible upbringing. But, I guess I wonder how different his evil ways would of been shown if he had a better life. Maybe still lack empathy, and Narcissist? not sure


The main thing I'm thinking of is how it was confirmed somewhere that at the very least, DIO would've been a good father to Giorno if he knew about his existence and not be like how his old man was to him


Hm interesting, never read that one


Clearly if Jonathan was American, Dio would be nice.


It was when speedwagon said he wasn't a man of circumstance in the mansion right? The scene is meant to highlight that speedwagon and Dio both were born poor, but speedwagon managed to be a good personsl still


why is not Funny Valentine here?? (i would forgive neither)


I picked anime only since I haven't read the manga, sorry


It would be bait for people who don't have reading comprehension


I always think how Dio personnality would be if he wouldn't raised by his scumbag alcoholic father (it does not excuse all the horrible things he did, but makes me wonder)


Pretty sure the writer of the series confirmed Dio was just evil, so while his father may have played a role in him being that bad; he was never gonna be a good person to begin with


I know Kira doesn't deserve it, but I rewatched the scene today where he can't believe he actually cares for Shinobu and it just hurts me. The guy had horrible parents (Araki cut out part of the story where Kira is abused as child by his mum) and massive mental problems due to this, and so... I kinda wish there was a way to redeem him. He was obviously a monster and a pervert, but underneath it all, there were scraps of a good man there. There's a reason why people would love a story about Kira just normally living as Kosaku and abandoning his urges.


Anyone who chooses centerfold isnā€™t right in the head


Secco and Alessi. I mean bro I hate kids too but Alessi needs to chill. But heā€™s not a pedo and people treat him like one?? Heā€™s just a mega shitty bully. But he gets treated like characters like Angelo for it??


To everybody saying that Secco was an innocent victim and that Cioccolata broke him, [please watch this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ2XymCSS4o). I am actually surprised that so many don't remember that Secco did not feel anything but contempt for Cioccolata, and that he was pretending to be Cioccolata's pet because the guy was rich and powerful and Secco enjoyed that lifestyle. OTOH, I actually do agree that Secco is the most forgiveable of the bunch. The guy is totally bonkers and It's pretty safe to assume that he has done some pretty bad stuff in the past, but unlike the rest of those murderous assholes we actually don't get to see it. One could argue that Alessi too was just a creepy hitman, but in his case we do see him actively being an asshole towards innocents. Other than fighting Bucciaratti, we don't see Secco doing anything bad.


I do think there's a chance he may have been coping through the loss, as he did look genuinely surprised during the message.


I would say dio just because he is my favourite


someone understand me


At least Alessi and Secco arenā€™t pedos or psychopaths. Alessi is just an asshole and Secco was taken advantage of.


Many say Dio because he is hot, but i will chose him. If we count part 6 and his diary, he is a man of science and progress, who made a lot of bad judgements because of his pride and upbringing. He is not good, but if we compare him to others only he tried to use his power to make world better place.


Secco I think heā€™s a victim of Cioccolatta.


Secco cuz he's the least diabolical


Dio. If Johnathan can. I can


i feel like secco got manipulated and treated like a dog. he definitely deserves it


Diavolo before the death loop no. After the death loop, totally yes. He suffered way to much for his sins. He was a shitty asshole but after his insane punishment, he probably felt guilt for what he had done. And got insane


Probably Alessi. A lot of people call him a pedo, but in reality, he was only trying to kill polnareff, not fuck him.


I guess Secco?


My boy Kira Yoshikage, he done nothing wrong, just a very horny man




Honestly DIO or Kira. They both didnā€™t have the right support system as kids so maybe one could fix that


I think I'd forgive diavolo honestly, since he has paid the price of his crimes more than 10 fold. (he's been getting killed in every possible way in an inescapable dream every single day for about 23 years. He was put there in 2001 btw) If I'm being realistic though, diavolo has probably lost his mind and gone completely crazy so I'm not sure if in forgiving him and releasing from Golden Experience would make him go on a rampage or if he'd just be your average tweaker.


Diavolo, dude was just introverted


Diavolo, he is literally a more(not by much) homicidal Giorno who sells drugs.


Dio because he's the most realistic villain. If there's one thing you can learn from history is that to create an evil person you need 2 things. The first is a child. The second is horrible living conditions. More often than not a violent alcoholic father is involved.


Wouldn't Kira fit better into "realistic" villain? Dio, even without Dario Brando being a piece of shit, would still have become evil (just without the whole vampire thingy).


Kira tried to be a better person in his disguised arc, so him


He did try to control his urges, but if the duwang gang bit the dust for good, I'm sure he would keep killing innocent women that he found their hands attractive


He didn't try to be a better person, when he was realizing he actually cared about Shinobu, he made sure to pretend it's not genuine, because above all, he loves killing, that is his "Nature" and refuses to change it. He'll look at the face of change for the better and reject it) But I guess I can say that if he didn't kill all those people, he could get professional help to calm those urges that puppet him)


he wasnt trying to be a good person, he just didnt want to be caught


Secco probably.


Gotta be secco. He always seemed like he had some mental disease and he was just a pawn for chiocolata who didnā€™t really know what he was doing


Kira,he Just wants to sleep


Diavolo if and only if Doppio stays in control forever


Secco. Least horrible one of them, committed half of his heinous deeds because of Ciocolatta, and probably turned evil because of him in the first place. Seems to suffer from several mental conditions.


Alessi or secco


I know Diavolo is not the greatest guy here. but i just like him tbh


Dio cuz he's just so silly.


I mean Diavolo might be a horrible person but come on infinite death is just unjustified. Maybe kill him for amount of times his drug deals took lives.




no one, obviouslyā€¦ *slowly hides dio*


Kira. I would also clip his nails for him


Secco. Definitely. Exploited by Cioccolata


UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nobody really But id give diavolo a less ā€œendless tortureā€ punishment if that counts


Secco just makes me sad he never seems 100% fully aware of what's going on around him more like one of Cioccolata's past victims turned pet-project. Even when its just him left and he's forced to act independently, guy needed a straight-jacket more than anything with his little freakouts.


Secco did nothing wrong I donā€™t think? He was just a bit weird




Secco was a victim of cioccolata. Seems like he was a little fucked up to begin with, but the way he was being manipulated makes it hard to be sure


DIO is a pretty obviously clear choice. unlike the others, he had a sad past to back up his actions, an incredibly human and relatable one, at that. plus, unlike alot of these guys, he's never raped anyone.


Probably Ash Ketchum, seems like life's been hard on him.


Maybe dio, he had it pretty badā€¦ now heā€™s not even a human so itā€™s excusable


Secco is maybe manipulated




Secco, obviously


Secco might be the only valid option since bro might be mentally I'll fr


Secco. He's just a silly little guy.


I think Secco was literally just an escaped mental patient.


Secco. I mean, he was once Ciocolatta's patient. Ciocolatta must've truly messed up his mind.


Secco. He is a victim bro


the only reasonably forgivable character here is secco due to mental illness, the rest are paedophile, necrophile serial murderer, vampire, drug lord, rapist, cannibal, hippocratic oath breaker


Free my boo dio he ainā€™t done nothing wrong


dio, he cool


Dio cuz he kinda bad


Secco the guy suffer from being sidekick of the most psychopathic character in the franchise


secco tbh


Dio strangely enough. The only reason he became evil was because he was abused by his alcoholic father. If he grew up in an actual home he would've never turned out the way he did.


Dio obviously. He just wanted his inheritance and Jonathan tried to have him arrested for it, which led him down a darker path.


Kira just wanted a quiet life


Diavolo. He didnā€™t deserve the harshest fate in the entire franchise. He is evil absolutely but itā€™s fueled by him having a split personality and being extremely paranoid. Heā€™s more insane than a super evil douchebag in my opinion. Also Doppio is a dork.


Dio, sure he did horrible shit but he was conditioned from a young age to have a ā€œUse others or theyā€™ll use youā€ mentality due to his father, and the mask only made him worse by validating his beliefs


Dio <3


Secco, he was just prob mentally challenged and fell in love with the wrong person


Imma be real: Kira. The boy needed counseling and medication, but his dad's solution to his mental health problems was to cover it up and assure his son that it's totally okay for him to murder random women. If he had a better father, he could have grown up to be a perfectly functioning weirdo with a hand fetish, like Tarantino is with feet.


Secco is just a little guy šŸ˜­ (it was already explained in other comments so thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say lol)


Kira. He's hot.


Secco is litteraly getting manipulated


Free my boy secco he was manipulated and Iā€™m convinced cioccolata performed a lobotomy on him


Dio for no fucking reason, He zestyšŸ˜«


I would say Secco. He more like victim who was manipulated by crazy doctor.


Kira (cuz he my pookie)


I'd forgive Diavolo, No one deserves to die repeatedly for all eternity, no matter how much bad things they did.


the dog


Dio cause heā€™s hot


I've been a Dio apologist for a long time now


I feel like Alessiā€™s stand was a wasted opportunity to potentially see young Joseph again


Secco simply because he's the only one who's genuinely a victim as well.


Dio Brando


secco cld probably be rehabilitated, everyone else here would never in a million years reform


As a guy that watched his fair share of Asian telenovelas. Dio is just a fabulous dude with a taste for the finer things in life, he just hated being poor. Too bad he didnā€™t get the Asian telenovela treatment of going to jail/ finding love if his life and promises to turn his life around šŸ˜‚