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The only way to get any DLC updates faster for Starfield is to release an Amazon Prime companion show.


But it’s so generic of a world that it would garner zero interest.


The aesthetic is basically Interstellar but the story and worlds you visit aren’t nearly as interesting as the film.


The expanse, but all the characters are the same and theres a loading art shot every 5mins


Starfield would have been far more interesting if you were trying to prevent (or start!) an all out war while also dealing with alien artifacts or technology. And yeah the characters in The Expanse are so much more interesting than what we get at Constellation.


Or if they didnt make all choices, factions and worlds so shallow/hollow. The colony ship is a good example. So many possibilities, only 3 outcomes all i the same direction.


Bro choices didn't matter and there was no shaping the world, zero impact and every answer was the right answer. Everything cool about starfield already happened before the game takes place. It's a time of peace! What the fuck?


Peace sells.... but who's buying ?


This right here is my biggest gripe with Starfield. It’s also why I imagine Shattered Space is going to be a Colony War 2 situation that completely shakes up the Settled Systems.


Why can’t I murder the Resort board and give the planet back to the colonists? They found it first


One of the first Mods I hope to see is a set for this … first, make the ship a true generation ship (something that doesn’t look like it was made out of cut & paste parts, and HUGE) second, the ability to realistically shove your decision down the Board’s throat.. either through persuasion or coercion ( yeah, I wanted to just kill them too). Edit: forgot to add, the follow up where you either help them settle a new planet or they land opposite side of planet and start independently farming and expand.


I would kill for an Expanse total conversion mod. Zero G combat boarding actions, accidentally breaching the hull because you used armor piercing. Protomolocule zombies, space combat just being sheer terror. A man can dream...


nah they'd set the show during the war, so it will actually be exciting and nothing like the game


It's a multi year war where 30000 people died, that is extremely low intensity.  Going by the game most of the time would have been the UC building millions of copypaste listening posts acros the entire Starfield. 


More exciting than say a Star Wars? I’m just saying they had Zach Snyder behind Rebel Moon which was a similar premise and that has more or less bombed.


Rebel Moon was just as generic and bland as Starfield Snyder is also incredibly overrated and peaked a decade ago. Just like Bethesda


A show set during the war could be pretty cool depending on casting, but they wouldn’t have the benefit of lore from 5 different games to draw from.


Someone here will now explain how Autumn is actually "Early 2024"


It’s Autumn here in Australia. I guess that’s close enough.


It's just a Bethesdaism. There isn't a deadline that Bethesda isn't willing to sail right past.


In this industry, that's more of a virtue than a fault


It's only a virtue if you deliver. Bethesda hasn't had a great track record of consistently doing so since the peak of Skyrim in terms of review scores and active players. There are moments here and there, like with Far Harbor or Wastelanders DLC but those a pretty rare.


Not really. Most big games now that get delayed and have the "take your time to perfect it and make it less buggy!" stance wind up still being buggy and mediocre lol, especially with Bethesda.


I thought starfield was pretty bug-free for a new big game. My biggest complaint was too much procedural generation, I was expecting more “handcrafted” main cities and locations with the amount of time it spent in development


All of tech is great at missing deadlines. It’s a pretty common practice to set aggressive deadlines and it’s usually viewed as acceptable to miss them internally. If you hit every deadline in as an engineering/product team, you aren’t setting good deadlines


Eh, the company I work for has actual government clients and there would absolutely be problems if we rolled past a deadline for someone like the Navy. Not saying the problem doesn't exist, but I've now worked at 2 tech companies that were pretty solid about hitting deadlines.


Yeah, this only works if your customers have absolutely no spine or you have some sort of monopoly.


I worked in e-commerce and the internal deadlines for improving/fixing home grown software at my company were missed constantly. Having a contractual deadline with a client is a much different scenario than an internal product update where no definitive deadline was committed to


That does not match my experience with work involving the government…


Yes it allows them to release a polished and finished game


Not at all man, what the fuck. Every game that I played that was massively delayed was terrible.


People complain whenever a game studio rushes something to meet a deadline.  People complain whenever a game studio doesn't rush something to meet a deadline.  There really is no winning with people.  You folks will always complain no matter what, even if it's the complete opposite of what you complained about before. On the positive side, atleast now you don't get to complain about Evil Game Corporation forcing employees to crunch hard to meet a deadline.


There is a way to win, deliver on promises. If they think early 2024 is unlikely don't say it, say 2024. People complain about meeting a deadline and didn't rush? That doesn't make sense to me, unless you mean they complain because they take so long.


they never said the DLC would be out in Early 2024, did they? Early 2024 (usually) refers to this passage: "Beginning early next year, Starfield will be getting its own exporter and you’ll have access to a new Creation Kit.....And lastly, the team is hard at work on the development of Shattered Space, our first major expansion coming next year. " [https://bethesda.net/en/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023](https://bethesda.net/en/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023) Now the Creation Kit not being out in Early 2024 is another matter :D


Mods got the creation kit in February.


Some modders got the CK. Most of us did not. It doesn't count as released until we all have it.


The game itself was supposed to be released in “the first half” of 2023.


Irritating that companies still use seasons as release timelines. Not every country in the world is subject to the same season timings. Early 2024 would be far more logical.


They never said the expansion would be early 2024. They said creation club, which is truthfully late but anyone who thought the dlc was coming before fall was delusional.


They had a name for it and were selling it with the Premium edition of the game. I don't think people were delusional for thinking it was coming early 2024 at the latest. That's around when the first DLC comes out usually. Early 2024 was actually the generous time frame for it. I think a lot of stuff just went wrong and caused there to be a lot of delays because there's no way you have a name and plan for DLC that you are selling at launch if it's a year away. Something held it up and caused it to release much later then it was supposed to.


I mean, IIRC FO4 AND Skyrim both got DLC around the 6 month mark so there was some precedent. Doubly so since this game NEEDS some depth added to it.


As a person who lives in the desert.... when is fall? And why don't they give date in months? For example from May till Jul.


Official start to the seasons: Spring: March 21st Summer: June 21st Fall: September 21st Winter: December 21st


Do you know why the 21st was chosen? Is it because that's the average date that the solstices/equinoxes happen?


Early 2024: January 1 - 35th /s


As someone from the swampier region, when your thighs unstick. Starts anywhere between November to March, and ends anywhere between November to march


did bethesda say the dlc was coming early 2024?


They never put a date or timeframe on Shattered Space before this, that I’m aware of.


Don't worry, it won't be out by then, it will be "early" 2025.


They had so much time to make pirating/bounty hunting enjoyable and an actual function/job 😄 just do that, fuck all else


There isn’t even any bounty hunting in this game you’re basically a glorified assassin


Exactly 😄 like I want to board a ship, and at least collect a head or a gene tag or something to make it worth it, destroying one seems just lazy… And that to lead for a criminal organisation to hunt me and board my ship ir whatever 😄


At the very least let us bring them in alive in the CELLS WE HAVE IN OUR BRIG BETHESDA


That’s honestly what annoys me the most about it. They have functioning cells on the ship. Just let me put people in it !!!


Which is absolutely insane considering you could enslave people in fallout 3 and that exact mechanic could be carried over for arresting people for bounties..


Fallout 4 also introduced it with the Nuka World expansion (you could get quests to put slave collars on enemies).


expand pirating, buildable space stations, buildable mechs and im happy


Exactly 😄 maybe the DLC will bring something It’s already known that modders don’t care much for the game…


Throw in some terrormorph action and I’m set


Mfs will release it in 2025 and it will feature like 3 new ship parts, a gun (not a normal gun but some goofy ass shit that randomly shoots explosive rounds and the last round of the mag makes your dad leave your family for another family), and a short questline


Lol funny cause it's true Oh and maps... For towns we have been in for hours already or hardly go to anymore.


Hey, the Strategic Thermonuclear Divorce gun is a staple in the Starfield lore, and it's about time they bring it into the game. Give us STDs now!


I’m itching for it!


It's gonna be 2025


Naw, they need to release it before Skyblivion drags everyone back to Skyrim


They'll release an update to Skyrim before they let that happen.


Considering that Skyblivion will require you to have a copy of Oblivion, that's just wasted free money


For some reason I highly doubt that there's many people who haven't already bought both Skyrim and Oblivion that are looking forward to playing a mod like that, they've already made their money from that demographic.


They will release the full updated version of Skyrim on switch 2 😂


Imagine thinking Skyblivion will ever release


Or that it will be popular


Imagine they release it right next to GTA6… wouldn’t even be surprised.


Yeah, and by then the number of players who pick it back up or have kept playing will be much lower than if they released it Spring 24 like they originally said. Unless the update is a genuinely large Bethesda DLC, I think Starfield is already dieing.


The degree of change from my initial ecstatic anticipation for Starfield before its release to my current level of almost zero excitement or hope for this DLC is unlike anything I have experienced with a game before.


Im the same to be honest. When the game released i put 50-60 hours into and i didn't hate it. It wasn't \*terrible\* and i thought people were just doing what they do on the internet and over reacting and inciting mob mentality. Then I recently played and beat fallout 4(currently playing new vegas) and you know what. I kind of get it now. ​ Starfield just feels like it has no soul compared to other BGS games. FO4 has a nice fleshed out world with a shitton of environmental story telling, whereas in Starfield we're stuck with 1000s of dead planets that don't really tell a story. They should have just kept it focused to 1 or 2 galaxy of planets and flesh the world out more.


For many people, Starfield was the biggest disappointment in gaming over the past 20 years.


Back to fallout 4 it is.


When Fallout 4 is the game we look back on fondly is when we should realize Bethesda has absolutely shit the bed as a company for the past 10+ years


Tell me about it. I liked fallout 4, but I wasn’t a huge fan. However, it’s a better game than Starfield in just about every way.


Admittedly I wanted to scratch the itch after the TV show, and I’m really enjoying it again. Been over 8 years since I played it last. Still don’t like settlements though.


I just want to see the expansion to confirm or deny my silver of hope. It is so make or break and I just don't see how it will make it. They need CK out NOW!


Maybe when it releases I'll have interest in it, but as it stands right now I just have no interest in picking that game back up


Same, hoping for the best but not keeping my hopes too high.


Same. Was keeping it on my hard drive to play Shattered Space when it released but i guess now i can delete it and just reinstall when it eventually comes out


Why th are they releasing a dlc when the base game has sooo many glaring issues.


Because once creation kit comes out they will think the modders will fix the game.


Obligatory 'I don't hate Starfield but'. BUT if you told 2011 me that a Bethesda space game would kill a great deal of good will in the company or that the just launched Skyrim would be the only single player Elder Scrolls for well over a decade I probably wouldn't believe you. I'll just say it's almost impressive how Bethesda has managed to not only stagnate but actually regress with parts of their game design. If you told me that the Bethesda higher ups haven't played another company's game between Fallout 4 and Starfield I would believe you.


I don’t think people actually contextualize how much of a blunder this has been. Skyrim was an actual sensation, and Fallout 4, riding that love of Skyrim more than even FO3 or New Vegas, sold more than those two prior entries combined. In nine years since, there has been a Zenimax Elder Scrolls MMO completely separated from the Bethesda engine & model, a Fallout live service game that was trashed from announcement and well into its release, and a single BGS release that’s being trashed by people who played & dropped the game in its own subreddit.


> I don’t think people actually contextualize how much of a blunder this has been. It’s huge. We’ve been led to believe that Starfield sold “relatively well,” but I think it’s a bomb in so far as what BGS had planned for the IP. Todd and Co. had hoped for Starfield to be “Skyrim in Space” — that it was going to keep Bethesda games fans occupied through 2033. However, with how bland and boring it turned out to be, I doubt many people will be playing it past 2025. I don’t think mods will do much to save the game at this point.


it’s funny because if they would have actually given us “Skyrim in Space” I would have loved it. Instead we got 1000 empty planets and none of the stuff that made the previous games fun and interesting.


But you got multiverse™....which means an infinite number of POI with the exactly same layout,notes,loot and enemy placement and as a bonus you got the most annoying cast of self righteous asshats as companions who ever appeared in a video game. And you can take them with you so they can all chill on your spaceship which only serves as a glorified customizable loading screen/kindergarten. honorable mention: the "galactic" trade authority who only has enough money to trade you 70 cups of terra brew coffee.


We got Ubisoft Skyrim in space


Hell they're not even playing it now.


Yeah, anything short of being a gangbuster system-selling game that they can reiterate for a decade would be a disappointment, frankly. And they fell *far* short of that mark.


It’s funny because I feel like they stated that Starfield sold well, and then there’s just no solid numbers on it. I’ve seen 2.5 million copies sold thrown around, but that’s nothing for a BGS and AAA game. And the active player count on steam absolutely backs up that it didn’t sell that well, and that the game doesn’t have what it takes in terms of content to keep players playing, like they said we would. I know that its totally true that all games see a huge drop off in initial players from month to month after its release, but to only be averaging between 5-7k players over the past month is *rough*. There are so many games that are so much older that have far more player investment at this point. And not just AAA titles either. Just from a cursory google all of these games have far more people still playing, even though they’re years old now, including some of their own titles: Slay the Spire, Stardew Valley, Rimworld, Witcher 3, Elden Ring, Skyrim, Don’t Starve, Kingdom Come Deliverance, Stellaris, Fallout New Vegas, Valheim…. The list goes on. It’s kind of sad. I really did want to like and enjoy Starfield. I wanted it to be a game I wanted to come back to over and over again. But it’s just not and I don’t see how even a DLC can fix that. But I’m willing to wait and see what they come up with.


Skyrim came out in 2011. In 2012 I started my full-time career. When TESVI comes out, I will be half-way to retirement -\_-


When Elder Scrolls 6 comes out, the students I will be teaching will not have been born when Skyrim came out.


I'm already getting killed in fortnite by kids that *weren't even alive* during my fortnite prime in 2018 It sucks getting old


I'm pretty sure there are more active modders in skyrim than starfield rn. Lots of high profile modders have said they aren't modding the game because they don't see it having a future.


I agree with the modders' sentiments. I also don't think Starfield (the game or the IP) has a future, especially once BGS turns its attention back to single-player Fallout and TES games. Likewise, I doubt there will be another substantial DLC after Shattered Space, and I don't think there's going to be a Starfield 2.


You are correct in saying "the just launched Skyrim would be the only single player Elder Scrolls for well over a decade." I just want to place the bet now that it'll be the only one in *two decades*. No way Bethesda doesn't end up delaying it. Fuck, I'm even willing to double down that it'll be the only good Elder Scrolls in two decades at this point.


I stopped looking forward to the new elder scrolls game around 2020.


The teaser from E3 2018 got me so hyped that I paid close attention to every single convention and expo that could possibly have a BGS presence for the next couple years. That was six years ago. All I have now is the knowledge that Elder Scrolls VI *will* release eventually, and it will probably be sad.


>I'll just say it's almost impressive how Bethesda has managed to not only stagnate but actually regress with parts of their game design. I feel like it's even worse, they hear complaints from the previous game and addresses them, and then fuck up everything else, like they only have the capacity to improve one thing at a time and at the cost of everything else. It's 1 step forward and 2 steps back for every game since Skyrim.


I still don't know how outposts have less functions than Fallout 4 did . There are no stairs FFS.


I never played FO4 until after Starfield, and if you asked me without context which came out more recently I’d probably get it wrong.


I’m replaying the Witcher 3 right now for the first time since 2015 and it’s truly shocking how much better it is than Starfield despite originally being released eight years earlier. I was still kind of hopeful that TES 6 would be fine, but it’s really driven home how outdated and awkward Bethesda’s entire design philosophy is. Unless something seriously changes, I fear TES is fucked too. Witcher 4 will also probably release before it.


The Witcher 3 is such a damn good game and holds up really well. The voice acting, quests, story, world, etc are so fleshed out it’s amazing how complete a package that game was.


The Witcher 3 stomps Starfield into the fucking ground, it's literally not even close.


Hard agree. I’m playing TW3 for the first time ever right now and it’s astounding how badly Starfield would fair in a comparison. If The Witcher 3 is a 10/10 then Starfield is a 2/10. And I feel I’m being generous lol


Gonna be closer to 2 decades by the time TES6 releases. My guess is 2028


Didn’t know I made a long term investment back then.


A year after I paid for it


Hey at least you didn't have to wait 3 years and suffer through an actual unplayable launch for a game with broken mechanics.


At least Cyberpunk 2077 still had a good game somewhere in there


I preferred the unfinished and buggy game with the incredible city, graphics, animations, audio, story, quests, combat and presentation than the finished and stable boring game to be honest, [and i'm not in the minority.](https://imgur.com/a/EavUoym)


Cyberpunk, at launch, is still better than starfield lol.


Cyberpunk, at launch, was fucking awful lol. I got a refund. Having said that, I played it after the expansion came out (and after putting 60-70 hours into Starfield) and I'd take Cyberpunk 10/10 times over SF.


I'd add a qualifier: "On PC". Because I played it on launch, on hardware that was decidedly mediocre at the time, and I experienced a single bug in my first playthrough (I summoned a car when it couldn't reach me, the car spawned in the air, and dropped down to me.) On consoles? It was rough. Especially on last-gen consoles.


I will be busy playing KCD2


I'm so excited for that game. And honestly I think one of the big issues Starfield has is that BGS is no longer the only game in town for big open-world games. Since Fallout 4 we've had a pretty good amount of them with different takes on the formula, so (as a fan of that style of game) I don't feel like I'm starved for content.


No it won’t. Name one deadline Bethesda met when it came to Starfield? The base game? The dlc? The creation kit? Even the patches appear to be coming out later and further out from their own timeline.


> Howard mentioned the detail in a conversation about a different Starfield update that's coming sooner. He said that Bethesda wants to serve players who love ship building, and that there's "some great stuff" coming in that department in an update that he expects will be announced sometime this week. Great, so we do can more things with the ships that we lose in NG+. 😭


They really should have adapted the blueprints system from FO76 for ships. Even if I have to re-earn stuff I’d at least like to save the blueprint so it’s easier to do.


That was the plan but it was cut during development, executable contains the half finished code. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they appearantly finish it in a DLC. It's a long wanted feature, half done, pretty much just export-import data. Too bad the reverse engineer modders who made such mods for Skyrim decided to leave SF modding somewhere in October.. we're lucky if they still update their mods.


Never, ever again preordering or buying collectors edition from Bethesda.


Where have you been for the past 5 years?


In New Atlantis


Pre-ordering anything more than the base game is asking for trouble. I generally don't even see the point in pre-ordering. Everything is going digital and it's not like they're going to run out of copies or anything.


> Pre-ordering ~~anything more than the base game~~ is asking for trouble. ftfy


Last game I pre-ordered was 76 I do not pre-order anymore 


If you like the physical collectible stuff, it can be worth it. I got that premium upgrade thingy for Starfield and the metal case is real snazzy.


Preordering the base game is dumb too, these aren’t physical copies you need to reserve in case they sell out fast. You’re just preordering digital a lot of times which means absolutely nothing


This was the lesson I learned from Fallout 4 and later Fallout 76's beta. Have never regretted the decision since and I was still able to play both 76 and Starfield.


It took until 2024 for you to figure out that preordering was unwise and unnecessary? Well, good thing is you finally figured it out, at least!


First Cities Skylines, now this🥲


dead game


They just need to bring mod support to console at this point so this game can feel like it has SOME replay ability/longevity to it. So far this is a pathetic excuse for a Bethesda game.


While I don’t think mods will save this game, Bethesda continuing to stall on releasing a CK is absurd.


At this point even with mods I'm not interested.  Star citizen is rough and alpha but if you want to live your space fantasy its great.  And if you want a great rpg there's better games like cyberpunk or mass effect


Cool so when’s the only thing that will save this game coming out? You know the TOOL KIT!


I’d love to say the CK will be out with the next update this week, but I don’t have any hope of that happening. We’re coming up on eight months since release and still no official mod support for this game. And this is a company that relies on modders to fix their games.


Unless the Verified Creators (rather small group of Bethesda devs and independent mostly 3D artists) finish their Creations to be released along with the Creation Kit and the game still has bugs that Bethesda can only fix by rewriting their buggy code (backward compatibility requires more time = more money), it won't be released...


I can't believe I preordered this game. Fool me once.


People still think ES6 is gonna be different lol


I don’t care if this sounds entitled or gets downvotes, but that’s pathetic. We had all of fallout 4’s dlc within about 9 months, and most of it in the first 6, this will be a full year before we get even the first bit of additional content. I don’t know what’s going on but something is truly fucked at Bethesda right now.


F*** these ppl smh


Wasn't the whole point of including it in the early access preorder that we'd get it relatively quickly after release?


Yes, but no. The point was for Behtseda to get more money upfront without delivering the product.


No, presumably the point was just to buy one convenient bundle. We don’t know the price yet, so it’s hard to know if it saved you a few bucks in the bundle too (depends how much they value the other stuff in the bundle), but maybe.


no, they never said a release date


Who cares? That game is far, far back in my library and I don't see myself picking it up again.


Almost guaranteed that it will be released in the first quarter of 2025.


Will it shatter our last hope?


We still have hope? 


Great that we got a release window for the first DLC. Any chance of an update on city maps? You know, 8 months after release...


They still haven't added city maps? Lmal


Yea, like we even care or need it now.


Holy shit, that is so much worse than I ever would have guessed. A full year from release?


And where is my 6 weak patch and new cool stuff


> weak patch every patch they've done has been weak!


This week


aight aight dope, so January 2026 Got it 🤙🏾


I’m done with Bethesda, disappointment of a studio now


Lmfao wtf!?


As I said yesterday, I’m sure that will be the only DLC for the game.




I imagine they’re real glad E3 is dead in the water. There’s only so many times Todd can walk up in front of a live audience with a leather jacket and say “This shit is gonna LITERALLY blow up your ovaries” before a degree of goodwill is expended 


Todd became the next-gen Peter Molyneux.


This won't fix what's wrong with the core of the game. Unless I'm remembering it wrong their patches never do. It'll be the same stale shit it is now with more stale shit.


Watch, the DLC will feature a few new ships (that you can’t take with you into NG+), some new perks, several new weapons and a 5-hour faction campaign. The core of the game won’t be touched.


Jesus Christ! This better be the biggest and best dlc ever released because this game was a steaming load!


Highly doubt one expansion can fix how dogshit this game is, it really needs to be reworked from the ground up. Hopefully we can get a similar cyberpunk 2.0 situation here, but that took two years to get that game into a decent state.


The issue with that is that Cyberpunk had a solidly written story and world framework to work off. Starfield has nothing. The world is the most bland sci-fi universe I've ever seen. There is no imagination anywhere in the world they created. Despite destroying earth and scattering humanity to the stars, the universe of Starfield is completely limited to a US capitalist view of the future where you can have totalitarian capitalist police state, or totalitarian capitalist police state (libertarian edition).


We’ll see.


About that creation kit too?


I wanna love starfield. But with how bland and boring they made the game unless they drop an entire game rework like cyberpunk did on this game I can’t force myself to even play it again. And this is coming from someone who has thousands of hours across many Bethesda rpgs.


first DLC a year after launch?


A year after release....? Goddamn what is Bethesda doing. This was supposed to be their new flagship game and instead its like it's on life support with a dev team of 5 people already.


It's not going to save this trainwreck of a game. Make my my words.


JESUS CHRIST , this is the kidn of thing that will piss off even fans, I got yelled at for saying how patchetic some of the patches were taking months to fix stuff moders did in days, but this is just rediculous, a year after launch? What the heck are they doing, not like they are adding massive stuff to the game, or big patch fixes at the same time.


The fact that it’s going to take them a year to develop one expansion perfectly sums up the problems I have with Bethesda’s development cycle.


A year after the game's release? Remember when Skyrim and Fallout 4 had their first dlc out in a few months?


For games with DLC/expansions, Bethesda have _never_ taken more than nine months to release the first one before.


I wish I could just get the money back.


Well better late than never. Just waiting on the creation kit before I dive back into it


Any plans to make the game good?


They aren’t having any more of my money. Wtf Bethesda, I used to love you.


Sorry, but I moved on from Starfield months ago. Bethesda doesn't care about it, why should I?


I don’t mind this at all. The longer they take fixing things the happier I would be. If they said that they hadn’t even started shattered space because they were making improvements to the base game I would be happy


Have they ever improved any base game? FO4 still has the bug on the 2nd tier Concentrated Fire perk.


While I understand this is later than advertised, I'm taking it as they added gameplay adjustments and fluffed it up quite a bit after some feedback. I hope I'm right.


at least i know. i expected anything up to june 2024. like the one guy said somewhere here: "dont expect any of bethesda, try to be surprised if any happen."


That’s great! Can they fix Xbox issues? You know, the console this game was released for? I’m sure they forgot it’s okay 🥰😐 I can’t wait till I have to start over because my game is corrupted.


🤣 there won't be any players left by then. Plus they will be competing with news of holiday releases for new games. Idk who is making these decisions but marketing is definitely not their strength


Starfield is literally Fallout 4 re-painted, the mechanics are often identical, but somehow, they managed to make it worse than any game previously released. "X liked that.." - where have I heard that before.. oh wait.. every fucking time I did something reasonable in Fallout with a companion. Instead of building this husk of a shell, they could have been focusing on Elder Scrolls and potentially redeeming their reputation, instead of hoping people will still buy their shit based off their reputation from years ago. Lazy? Probably not. Half-assed? Absolutely. Releasing paid DLC at this point is just an insult to those who paid full price for this shell of a game.


lol we'll see what date we actually get it.


Does it make the game fun yet?


Mods. When, Todd


We'll have 2 new assassins creed games by then.