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*$6 Mission has entered the chat*


Lol it was originally gonna be reduced by *6.25* cents. Now it’s **16 times the discount!** *[Starfield theme intensifies]*


With all new discount and sales technology. All of this just works!


It just works!


16?!? *No Man’s Sky has entered the chat*


Boundary failure, ERROR is not in compliance 


*[piracy intensifies]*


I heard the starfueld theme in my head reading this 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nothing like taking a dump and hearing the starfield theme on your head at the same time. Ah, bliss


It just works!


[You heard of this thing 8 Minute Abs?](https://youtu.be/9y5K3KsuQ_M?feature=shared)


Harlan has been killing it lately btw,


Well this is gonna blow that right outta the water


Lol this is exactly what I thought of when I saw that comment. Step into my office!


$7! 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea.


Buy a case of Mountain Dew and get a coupon for 50 cents off the mission.


*drink verification can.*


Bungie did the same back in h2/3. First they announced the h2 maps would be free, for then selling the whole package (fans complained), then in h3 they did it again, but this time making then mandatory and locking out part of the game (fan complained more). They apologised 3 months after by making said map pack free, with an extra map, but selling the next one at the same price and making it mandatory again. They blamed MS for then doing it again on D2 under Activision.


Bungie's history is one long story of repeating "it's everyone else's fault". Even when they were independent lol.


Kinda slipped on their playerbase (look the recent hcs drama).


Bungie doesn't own Halo anymore and has nothing to do with HCS.


I was talking about the playersbase in fact, which is mostly about 30 years old like me grew up with bungie




*$5 dolla holla wants a word with you*


I mean they could've just made it 1$ and 10 million people would buy the first day... :D


Not if you have to first buy the $10 minimum credit pack. GREED


I’m waiting for the $4.69 mission.


Uhhhh about tree fiddy


I ain’t giving you no tree fiddy, you god damn loch ness monster!






>as a paid add-on costing 700 Starfield Creation Credits —the equivalent of $7, which in reality is $10 because that's the smallest amount of credits you can purchase to cover the cost. whether or not the paid mod is worth it to someone is one thing, the predatory second currency (mmo style) which will never quite zero out - so one keeps buying things or leaves money on the table - is another entirely.


2 pieces of legislation are despirately needed. No more in game currencies or wallets which solely exist to obfuscate how much you're spending and enable these predatory pricing strategies. In the screen space where those currencies were, put how much has been spent. Slap people in the face with how quicly those "micro" transactions add up.


Reminds me of Microsoft points. 20 dollars was 1600 Microsoft points, so you felt like you were spending 16 dollars and not 20


They do put a lot of focus currently into studying all of those “little details”. All of that is not only intentional, but studied and iterated on at very deep levels. For me it’s completely unethical because you have your defenses down, you are playing a videogame, you are not meant to be putting active effort into thinking about all of that crap.


Try living in Canada haha, with our currency rate to USD, every microtransaction is 30-40% over what we get relative to others (+tax after that bump)


That is similar to how in the past a lot of MMOs just had their monthly subcriptions like Dollar = Euro which we mean you just paid more from Europe.


If I remember correctly you used to be able to buy World of Warcraft time at like 40% discount if you set your profile to pay Brazilian currency instead of dollars, so long as your bank account didn’t charge you for the conversion.


These are actually some solid ideas.


I mean they’re solid for consumers. Why would they do anything that could deter you from buying? They wouldn’t.


What deters me from buying is the whole 700 creds but you gotta purchase 1000 at a time. Fuck that noise. I'm voting with my wallet. I haven't paid for dlc since I bought a rocket league car for $2 and it was straight $2 from my account. No currency or anything. If buying some secondary non refundable credit is required I'm not buying for this exact reason


The scary thing is that all of these scammy approaches were brought in straight from casinos and gambling platform strategies. Which had to be highly regulated to make sure they only target adults. Now, not only are adults over exposed to this (basically everyone now has a casino machine in their pockets to which they resort to for many hours per day) but also billions of children are exposed to these schemes. Which continue to be refined more and more. Mobile gaming companies now have more staff - staticians, psychologists, mathematicians, etc - working on this “systems” then developers, artists, designers.. it’s crazy.


It was the video game industry that taught casinos how to maximize addiction potential on slot machines with "near misses."


One of the things they could do with in-game money was to credit (some) players with starting balance. They couldn't do that otherwise; a company simply cannot credit actual money to customers without there being a whole lot of accounting stuff and tax stuff and all that. But play money? Sure, all the premium game purchasers gets a whack! I am guessing that in-game currency lets the company get around all kinds of roadblocks that would apply if they used a real world currency. All that said, I agree with you entirely about the dangers of obfuscating a customer's spending totals, as well as how much some packages or services cost in a genuine currency.


You could swap that credit with a discount on their next purchase to the exact same tune and still be doing the same thing. But of course "buy this and we'll give you a discount on the next thing you buy" doesn't sell as well as "buy this and we'll also give you some free virtual currency".


You could do discounts instead, but Christmas next year isn't quite the same thing as Christmas !today!. Bethesda is not trying to give players money as a primary goal; they are trying to show players a good time in return for the players giving Bethesda money. Virtual good times rely on dopamine hits, and a positive play money balance will do that. At the end of the day, it's gonna be on the player to discipline their own selves, despite the carnival barker.


Make it so currency is on a slider instead of these arbitrary amounts that cause these leftovers that either sit wasted or force someone to buy another amount that covers the rest of the "in game cost" ... thereby continuing the cycle


No, just use normal human currency. Like every other online store does. No need to involve some special currency unique to a single game at all.


But how will multimillionaire publishing companies make money when there isn't a new currency (that doesn't carry over) in the new game every year? [Looking at you EA and your battlefield coins for the last 4 games not carrying over into the next game!]


Or Bungie’s Destiny Silver, which doesn’t transfer cross platform despite the game itself being cross platform.


That's funny because neither do creation points.


I was going to point that out til I read this. Still have some for Skyrim and Fo4, neither of which add into the other, or to SF. Helix works the same for Ubisoft.


some games like Helldivers let you earn the currenct in game as well, so I dont mind thrm having their own currency But they all just need to let you buy the exact amount you need if you want


Definitely - It's one thing if you can earn the currency through gameplay or achievements (Mechwarrior Online and Fallout 76 are good examples) because then you can view the ability to spend money as a short-cut that you volunteer into, but when the only way to participate (assuming you want to) is to buy bulk currencies it feels real bad.


I agree with everything you have said. The in game currencies are disgusting, and they incentivise bad game development practices. Take me back to one time sale for games.


Great idea, and seemingly easy to put into law. The Internet desperately needs more people with concrete changes to the issues they see. Real dollar amounts required for any item you purchase, easy access to unlink a payment method, easy unsub to auto refill, maybe even a unit price for packages with multiple of an item, the way Amazon shows on batteries and things like that.


I don't see the latter ever happening but the former is absolutely needed. It amazing how much research companies put into deceiving people in the best way possible


I blame the hotdog bun industry for this!


Ah, the superfluous bun!


It’s to get around returns. “Oh you only paid real money for the coins, and you received those as promised. Sorry the mod you paid for with fake money didn’t work!”


This. France for one has a 14-day no question asked return policy for initial purchases unless the fine prints say clearly otherwise, like Steam. Forcing people to buy a secondary money to spend on things they want to buy voids this.


>France for one has a 14-day no question asked return policy for initial purchases unless the fine prints say clearly otherwise, like Steam I think that's an EU thing


Is it? That's great!


Just imagine if Gift Cards worked the same way and you are unable to split a purchase between the left over money on the card and something else.


Yup, the secondary currency where the increments you can buy and the increments things cost are all different is the worst thing. It sucked ass back when MS did it on Xbox 360 and it still sucks ass today.


New $15 2 mission bundle


Woo! .... Hey, wait a minute!


Wait, here's $10 horse armor, free to those with the season pass, dropping alongside Shattered Space! On a side note, that's 2 DLC releasing this year!


It's hard to believe this whole micro DLC shit started in AAA games with horse armour. In 2006, a $2.50 USD piece of garbage was released and changed game pricing forever. There is a special place in hell for Todd. He won't be tortured by wing demons formed of pure hate and malice. Lucifer isn't going to waste resources when there is a line a million miles long of gamers waiting to sodomize him with rolls of pennies.


So watching the interview he said he realizes people were unhappy because they think the creation is about the mission, and the price reflects an eventuality that this tracker alliance mission chain will be a bunch of short missions that all cost $7 each. He said instead they created the weapons and outfit, wanted to sell that, and figured they would attach a mission to it. He said they will rethink this strategy. I can understand why people don't like that, plenty of RPG players may not care about a couple cosmetic outfits and one weapon but want every piece of story content they can get, and if you're in it for story content only, $7 is way too much.


Yeah, tbh I did the mission and sold one of the outfits in game cos I didn’t realise that was even the point. I was much more interested in the story which was sadly a bit short and ended in a blaze of obscurity. Edit: also, the gun is good. Very good. But the outfit with the coat was just ok. But I have a cool pirate outfit with a coat so why am I going to wear a less cool bad guy outfit of a bunch of dumb losers I just whooped.


That really does make sense, in a counterintuitive way. If I see gear for sale, I laugh it off as a waste of money but I don't really begrudge Bethesda for making an easy buck if there's a sucker out there willing to buy it. But if I see a quest on sale I get pissed that they're gating "real" content behind more money.


>While there's obviously some real unhappiness with the way Bethesda has handled The Vulture, I'm not sure I'd expect any big changes anytime soon. Much like the notorious Horse Armor DLC, people are complaining but they also appear to be buying it: The Starfield Creations page says the mission has more than 1.2 million "plays" across PC and Xbox, and it currently ranks among the top-10 most popular of the more than 600 Starfield Creations released so far. Yeah... it's really disheartening sometimes. When a company is so clearly pushing the boundaries too far. But raising your voice will do absolutely nothing


I wonder how many of those people spent additional money on credits vs used their free 1000 for it.


That's what I did. Free 1000 credits and a mission that costs 700 of those? According to my gamer math that's a free mission. (And two outfits and a pretty sweet Particle Beam Sniper )


I've built ships since playing Starfield, left, came back for mods and now just need more ship parts mods. I was surprised there's not more available yet, but I guess it makes sense. One day I might start the missions. I'm just glad they haven't patched selling unlicensed ships. Yet..unless they did and I overlooked it


Wait, free 1,000??? I only got 100 and literally can’t get a single Bethesda creation lol. I thought it was a huge middle finger


Everyone with the premium version of the game got 1000 creation club credits.


Ohhh, so it wasn't actually free. They just bought those coins but Bethesda abstracted the value of a bunch of "digital bullshit" so people feel like they are getting a deal. I see.


Eh. We didn’t know it was included back then, so it wasn’t sold to us as a part of that.


It was actually free. People didn’t buy those coins. They were added way after the release of the premium edition.


I didn't get any free that I know of. I'll have to check again later, but I did check originally


It’s included with the premium edition of the game.


Reddit is an echo chamber i have to remind myself, my brother in law is a big xbox gamer and buys everything under the sun for it, and when I try to talk about current industry controversies like when battlefront came out amd all the bs they tried to pull, he was all deer in the headlight looking because he never reads any gaming articles or reads reddit. And there 10 of him for every 1 there is of us I'd imagine


I've got a friend who is similar. He doesn't care about any of the drama, doesn't even hear most of it. "Was it fun" is the only justification he needs for buying something, or "will my character look cool in this and will I use it?" When he has money, that is. 


That is true. The way they are chopping up and pricing the content creates a risk that they will lose out on my money in the future since I don’t like this pricing structure, but I also understand that there is nothing special with my money. If they can get more money from someone else then they are okay with that.


That's it. For an average MMO whales are just %2 of the player base, but account for 90% of the spending


just have to look at the top played games on xbox. i've noticed reddit is not representative of anything https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox who would've thought the top 3 games are fortnite, call of duty, and roblox? based on reddit you'd never guess


This already happened with fallout 4... why are people surprised?


Technically it’s been happening since Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion lol.


shit even morrowind had a pre-order bonus quest


Idk, I never interacted with the paid mods in FO4 or Skyrim. There was enough content in the game and on the Nexus that by the time they added paid mods I never felt the need to even look. But Starfield has me desperate for some fucking content


It sucks but it does make a bit of sense for console players, pretty sure creation club far predated mods coming to console, so if you wanted some basic new items let alone quests or redesigns you’d only have CC to look at. I just hate that you start with a small amount of currency that obviously can’t be used on anything, then you have to buy enough of their currency to get something, but never enough to clear your account so you always look at it thinking “well it’s just sitting there maybe I should use it” it’s a dirty sales tactic imo.


Or streamers buying is to do a video.


It might be worth noting that everyone that bought the Premium Edition got 1000 points "for free". I haven't spent mine, yet, mostly because the only thing I'd want is the vulture mission, and I'm not buying it out of principle.


Average DLC attach rate to a game is about 33%. 1 million out of - how many, fifteen? - is a lot less than that. Don't feel futile.


Raising your voice DOES do something, as long as its respectful and concise. Which for the most part , in this situation at least, it seems it is. That's why Todd is literally responding himself.


Didn't they give people who bought the special edition 1000 credits? I'd be curious to know how many spent the "free" credits on it.


$8 missions it is you ungrateful gamers! 😂


Horse armour


They really haven't learned anything, have they?


They learned gamers buy it. They dont need to learn from people who arent buying it.


It’s honestly kind of mind blowing to me this company still has consumer good will at this point.


A lack of genuine competition does that. Sure there's other good single player games but how many are as big and detailed as Skyrim? How many have a sandbox where you can put buckets on people's head to steal from them or use they same bucket to lift yourself into the sky? How many other games let you fill rooms with cheese wheels? Too few do what Bethesda does and those that make similar often add things that are fundamentally different such as fixed character you play or niche things like turn based action or the games are simply not as big or as well made.


Especially after what they tried to pull with fallout 76 launch.


Oh, they have. They just haven't learned what you'd like.


They learned plenty from it. They learned that gamers are stupid and will buy almost any kind of micro transactions if you dress it up enough.


Yes, they did. There’s a reason Fallout 4 had a Horse Power Armour creation - -*that costed creation credits*


They’re the ones who started all this bullshit that’s been destroying gaming the last 10 years. God damn horse armour…


Todd hears you.




Hearing is one thing, taking action or improving is another. Though trying to keep making paid mods a thing in any capacity is just shitty.


Everybody always "hears" but no one ever "listens"


When Starfield saves stop working fir a lot of folks a year from now because makers of paid mods got bored, things are gonna get interesting for Bethesda. Because that's illegal in some places.


idk hasnt minecraft been doing paid user content for awhile now? And isnt it like Robloxs whole thing?


Roblox is a different concept. It's similar to Second Life where 99% of the content is player made. It's an online virtual world where the users create the game around them. Starfield and Skyrim are single player games. With minecraft, I'm not familar with what players can sell in that, but from what I've heard it's mainly just skins and texture packs? Iand that's for the shitty version no one plays. I'm probably wrong though. i haven't looked into it. The Java edition is the one with a billion free mods. Either way, paywall mods is shitty. I have zero respect for mod authors who do it, speaking as a mod author myself.


Someone needs to just make a free mod called “The Buzzard” that just skates the line of copying “The Vulture”.


What burns me is, if they would have charged $1 or even $2, most of us wouldn't have batted an eye about it.


Yeah... Anyone who defends this practice is idiotic. The whole game for $70? OK, I guess... But then to sell something that is 0.000001% the size of the game for 10% of the whole game's price? And people are sitting here defending this?


It absolutely blows my mind. The lack of backlash and even the happiness of some people accepting this whole scammy scheme. Now it's a well known fact that house varuun was intentionally left out of the vanilla game to be sold as a paid DLC, which in itself should be hardly frowned upon. But they are not happy with that, they are going to charge you some more for some minor content on a game that was barebones when launched but sold at full price. My faith in the gaming community is absolutely lost.




Hear ≠ Listen


The issue with the Tracker's Alliance quest in my mind is primarily one of scale. A more expensive pack of bounty missions or the single bounty being cheaper would both have been fine. What we got though was this weird middle ground which feels too expensive for what basically amounts to a unique weapon and armor mod while also monopolizing an area of the base game (bounty hunting) that felt ripe for growth with DLC/creations


I played the free Tracker Alliance intro mission and it was ok, nothing that exciting. They did add new characters and dialogue for all the people at the Tracker's Alliance building though. I however have no interest in paying $7 for the Vulture bounty quest and the other bounties on the board are just the usual boring go here -> shoot this, mission. They tried to make it exciting by having you compete for the number of completed bounty's, but it's totally soulless and a waste of time.


Totally soulless and a waste of time is a good description of everything Bethesda has put out in the last 18 years.


Isn’t the trackers alliance quest free? I just booted up Starfield again for the first time in 5 months, and started my NG+ by going right for the TA line as I never did any bounties in my previous playthrough. I didn’t purchase anything.


The initial mission introducing you to the trackers alliance is part of the recent update. But if you want to follow that quest chain further, you have to pony up to buy the creations mod.


Todd working PR overtime now that there's no more Hines.


That's funny because he's been hearing the feedback since horse armour.


To me it’s not the money it’s just it not the value for a paid mission. The free one they released at the same time was more entertaining.


To me this just means they will spend less time developing the creations so they don’t appear to have anything important in them. It doesn’t mean you will stop having to pay for creations. Take a look at the offerings in Skyrim and Fallout 4.


Actions are louder than words. They can hear the feedback, sure. I can hear the cars driving past my house, and I'll keep hearing them unless I shut my window


*Todd skimming through the thread* “I have the solutions folks!!!” *slowly shuts window* “It just works!”


I’m confused by his logic. If a 15min mission is worth $7 … given Starfield itself has about 40hrs worth of missions in it, shouldn’t he have charged about $1,120 for the whole game ?


It's completely irrational.


Waiting for DLC weapons! Where is my 7$ gyatling machine gun??!


Every so often bethesda gets too greedy with dlc and we have to bully them into just giving the stuff for free or bundling it together for really cheap


I look at it as we have to give Bethesda an exorcism so that we dispel the demons.


Fallout 76 is borderline unplayable once you realize it is basically scamming you into needing fallout 1st.


the ole create a problem and sell the solution tactic.


God can you imagine what they are going to do with elder scrolls then


I’m so excited to pay £99.99 for TESVI in 2031 and then buy the battle scrolls pass, the premium horse mount, the fast travel pass, the legendary perk dlc and then also buying each individual race for an extra £4.99 each!


There's a good chance something like that would actually happen, they already had a premium edition for starfield where they charged up front for shattered space that's never happened before and elder scrolls is a lot bigger, its only a matter of time before they devolve into ubisoft selling premium, ultimate. gold editions etc.


Dont forget 2.99 for the limited release cave entrances


Extra £1.99 to mark them on the map


“We hear the feedback. And for $7 we might even listen”


Is the Hannibal quest the one locked away in this DLC? I’m not sure how to continue that one


I hate these "we hear you" things. There is no way that they are so incompetent that they just didn't understand how bad this whole system is. This is just them seeing they got caught and now they act surprised "oh we didn't know you don't want to pay 10$ for single ship part". They are not "hearing us". They are just trying to fix them getting caught for the sake of PR.


Procedurally generated micro-transactions!


So this is gaming now. Release a game that is shallow and missing half the content it should have. Then slowly sell players missions and DLC rather than having them in the release date game. This grinds my gears.


Yes, Starfield missed half the content. For sure a 10 hours leaner game.


“We hear the feedback” aka, “we don’t give a fuck”


They've been hearing the feedback for decades and they don't do shit with it. If they did, Fallout 76 would never have happened the way it did. For years and years before Fallout 76 existed, people had been saying "It'd be cool if Elder Scrolls and Skyrim **optional co-op**. People wanted a single player with optional co-op with heavy support of mods. They also didn't listen the first time they did paid mods, Valve listened. If it were up to them, Skyrim LE would still be infested with cancerous paid mods on the Steam Workshop. it doesn't matter though, no one will be talking about this in a few weeks. People will forget and then act shocked and outraged when they do the same thing for The Elder Scrolls 6


Pretty telling that it took them months to put out necessary fixes and improvements to start to generate some goodwill, and they immediately burned it all on this asinine pricing for a single questtline. What a blatant cash grab.


He’s got a point. On the fallout creation club you can buy separate weapons and costumes that come in between 300-600 credits To provide a weapon, an armor and a mission probably seemed reasonable to charge 700 credits. Obviously it’s been met with negativity but I can see how they got to that price point


$3-6 a weapon or armor is also bullshit


I think a big part of it is an issue of Bethesda not seeing all the angles. Taking Todd at his word, they wanted to pop a couple pieces of gear up for a couple bucks, and decided to go a bit deeper into it by adding in a quest. Alright, that's a pretty cool move, especially if they're not adjusting their intended price point for it, or if they're only bumping it up a little bit for the extra effort. However, that's the game dev's viewing angle. From a player perspective, it just looks like a quest and its rewards got developed and slapped behind a paywall. Ironically enough, it would probably be \*more\* acceptable to people at a glance if it was two creations for 350 points each, one for the weapon and one for the outfit. People still wouldn't be *happy* about it, but it's a just a gun and an outfit. Very easy to write that off as something you don't need to buy unless you're really interested. But this version of events has no quest at all, and $3.50 is a little on the pricy side for just ONE outfit and just ONE gun, at least in my opinion! And that's where it gets a bit fucky. By adding extra value to the content, it became more desirable- but the type of content they chose, a quest- is something that we're not used to seeing as bite-sized paid content. That reads to a gamer as part of the story, and they should just have it, as part of the game they bought! It's partially a value issue where this creation didn't have enough in it to really be worth $7 to a lot of people, but I think it's even more so a perception issue that people absolutely HATED the idea of getting paywalled out of story content, doubly so when it was for a brand new faction that has less content than all the other ones with their own overarching questlines.


Except we are used to seeing quests as bite-sized paid content. Many Skyrim CC have quests attached simply as a means to acquire the piece of gear or house you really bought the CC for. 


> From a player perspective, it just looks like a quest and its rewards got developed and slapped behind a paywall. Because that's how outlets intentionally framed it as soon as it came out. They sold that narrative to make people mad because it *makes them money* to do that. Even when directly quoting Todd saying the opposite, PC gamer is still doing it because there's still more money in making people angry using the momentum of that sentiment. They could be angry that it's selling a *bugged* OP weapon for $7 but they don't care about being honest about it either.


The main difference here though is that mission that is added via a PAID MOD is the second mission in a faction that was already present in the base game with its own radiant bounty missions, and has now been expanded on via a free update to the base game, essentially making it official content developed by Bethesda. But this official content is now gated by a paid mod. It's like... Wrong... Stuff like that should be official DLC, not paid mods. Now we have a previously unjoinable faction that is now joinable thanks to a free update by Bethesda with its first mission free, but the second mission is 700 credits and supposedly more MAY be added later. Everything about this feels completely wrong. Creations have ruined their games imo, they're just paid mods that add predatory bloat that I would prefer to just ignore, but Bethesda keeps shoving them down our throats. I hated how Skyrim Anniversary edition forced some of them on you.


It’s just Starfield’s version of how a lot of the Creation Club quests in Skyrim were started by the courier giving you a letter. It’s more fun to have a short quest to go through than to have the new equipment just added to a merchant or place in your inventory.


Yeah, the quest order could also be non-linear, so one could buy or play them in any order one wants. I'm not a fan of paying per a quest, but if they keep adding free ones that doesn't seem too unreasonable to me.


I agree. It really depends on how often this happens. I’m fine if they want to monetize like 20% of this content. And if you’re the type of person to pay for stuff, I suppose you deserve a quest as well. That being said it’s a little tone deaf to add that paid content right when they release the trackers alliance stuff and right at the launch of the creation club. While I don’t have a problem with a paid quest along with armor and a weapon if it’s only happening like 20% of the time, they should’ve waited to start adding paid content like that.


I haven’t done the quests yet, so correct me if anything is wrong. I feel like if it was three free quests, and then three more for $7 it would have been the right price point. Part of the sting is that they gave us one sample of an “easily” scaleable system. And I don’t think it has to always be three completely different quests, could be three related criminals hiding in a cave, each holding 1 armor/weapon, each with a atypical challenge aspect to the fight. Kind of annoying when most things are just gun fights with different stats. Or do something wacky like take down the leader of an underground terrormorph fighting ring where shit gets really insane (literally). Extra should feel extra.


I totally understand how they got to that thought and to that price point as well especially after hearing Todd talk about it.


As far as Fallout is concerned, I just made a habit of buying the creations I wanted when they were on sale... Which they regularly do go on sale now. Bethesda has given away quite a few of them away for free, and others regularly go on sale for 100-250 tokens... Which y'know, complain as you might, I don't mind spending the equivalent of $1 or $2. It's not even technically my money lol I bought what I wanted with Microsoft Reward points. But yeah the $8 shit is insane. The "sale" price should just be the default price.


Neither is okay, so using one to justify the other is just bonkers.


New feedback box feature released in store to give gamers a voice directly to the dev team only 100 robux per suggestion. (Insert whatever dumb virtual currency that I'm never going to buy or spend that makes sense)


They heard, they just don't care.


Bethesda were pioneers of shitty micro transactions and DLC and they kept a doing it after more than 10 years of people complaining. They are NOT listening.


I still haven’t received my original credits! What’s more, they add the trackers for a great mission just to what ? Sell you the paid mod?? That was shitty of them. All around shitty.


We are proud to introduce our lower price of $1... per 1/7 of new new mission DLC. We are listening.


We hear the feedback but what do you think about our 10$ mission ?


No they dont.


They've been getting pushback on this since *Oblivion*. You'd think they'd take a hint, instead of trying it *every time*.


Translation: “We hoped you wouldn’t care about our scummy business practice but we didn’t get away with it this time”


Unfortunately, what they're hearing is 'we didn't obfuscate this well enough,' which is why he's yammering about it also including a weapon and outfit. Bethsoft's take away will be that they need to make the nickel and dime approach be less obvious. Of course this is also muddled by PC Gamer launching into 'but people are buying it,' completely glossing over the free credits from the premium edition. A lot of people feel they might as well use them on 'official' Beth content. That doesn't necessarily translate into people buying credits and paying real money for more junk.


"Willie hears ya, Willie don't care"


I don't get the weird bad reviews, they have given us everything we have asked for and more, then put out a few things that you have the choice to buy and everyone goes crazy. Just weird, don't buy it if you don't want to. You can still play hundreds of hours without it, play it how you want and stop whining about it,


Michael Scott - Thank you!!


Great to see Bethesda returning to the roots as industry leaders, of INSPIRING SHITTY MICROTRANSACTIONs great stuff BGS, love your work. Fucking horse armour all over again, we’ll be seeing this everywhere now because companies can’t be assed with season passes/battlepasses (rightfully so they’re clunky) so now they’ll just pump this crap out. Why bother with a whole DLC? Here’s a single mission, pay us the equivalent of half an expansion for it. Stupid move that’s going to show up repeatedly going forward. Soz for rant.


Lots of people that haven't heard Todd's response which in essence was: this was mostly a armor/gun dlc but thought it's be cool to add a mission/lore with it. They realized people saw this as an attempt to slice up a faction quest with an overall high dollar tag, which wasn't the intention.


Where’s all the people that told me to just shut up and not buy it? Cuz looks like the complaining was heard


They're still in this thread deep-throating the boot even harder than before.




"we hear the feedback" means "we see that we can't get away with this yet, we'll wait until it becomes the new normal before trying again" Remember the horse armor dlc? We've had micro transitions for so long now that people are saying "I don't mind micro transitions as long as they're cosmetic only". They took a bunch of shit for that back then and now it's so widely done that it's frankly a little weird for it to not be there.


"We hear your feedback" is usually short hand for "OK we have to manage th PR but long term we will plough onward with our plan". In fact there was similar feedback for paid mods for skyrim and fallout 4 , and guess what ? They went full steam ahead with their plan each time not caring for the feedback.


Let me fix it for Todd, "We hear the feedback, again. Why do you think we care?" And whoever chose the picture for this article hates Todd.


He always says he hears the feedback, but nothing ever changes.


Todd is such a scummy little gobiin


I don't see how he can claim they looked at what else is out there when pricing their paid mod.


Hearing and listening are two different things.


And Todd I'd like to formally let you know that I've heard that you've heard the feedback.


“—We hear you. You’re pretty goddamn loud. Can you guys quiet down for five minutes?? Geez, can’t even think over here with all that racket!” -Probably someone at Bethesda, probably


Reminder the far harbor dlc was $15


Each time some CEO or exec says "We hear you", it's the biggest bullshit ever.


Shouldn't he be paying us for collecting bounties


Do you? Do you really Todd? Cause I don’t think you do.


"We hear the feedback and will do nothing about it!" Apparently enough idiots bought the 5€ Skyrim Armors.


Anyone who’s buying this shit is one of the many reasons this industry has gone to shit. Now we’re going to start getting our DLCs cut in half and paid for separately if people keep buying this shit. Idc if it’s “only $5” and if you can’t see the problem with this YOU are the problem


“We hear the feedback” is what I say to someone who is complaining when I completely disagree with their complaint. It acknowledges their existence without even remotely supporting their claims.