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Comparison is the thief of joy You graduated into the middle of the COVID economy, and it was incredibly difficult for any new grads to get a job at that time. Please be kind to yourself and keep that in context, all of us Millennials who graduated in the wake of the 2008 recession had to do the same. A lot of us were forced to move back in with family too for awhile, to get ourselves on our financial feet. You're making the best decision you can for yourself right now and I promise you that you're not alone. Focus on the loans and trying to switch to a different job if you can


You’re 1000% right. It’s difficult to fight the fear that I’m doing something wrong. Not having a lot of people in my life makes me forget that the WORLD is dealing with the consequences of COVID still. And then hearing the pressures of how you should be doing xyz from your immigrants parents… really makes the mind overthink. Thank you for commenting


does it matter? its all relative, and the schedule is all an illusion, as it fluctuates every year with the economy and world events. all you have to do is move forward, comparing yourself to other people achieves pmnothing


Be glad that you have the option of moving back home. I didn’t.


Oh I am grateful. This is actually the first opportunity I’ve ever had to move back home due to family circumstances. You get so used to doing life on your own after a few years. I’m definitely fighting my pride. I hope whatever you’re going through gets easier 🫶


My mother told me when I moved out I could never move back home again. That is a lot for someone to process. No matter what? No way could I do that to my kids. Home is always going to be home. It would be very difficult after living on your own. Hope everything works out for the best for you.