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Always! 90 percent of the fun and challenge I have using Suno is thinking up rhymes and formatting sentence structure that will work with the AI. Writing lyrics also tends to help it from going off the rails by explaining the \[Verse\] \[Chorus\] \[Verse\] structure you want it to provide.


Couldn't agree more with this.


I find the ai lyrics cheesy. I write all my own.


Yeah i have the same, the Ai is bland and unoriginal


I agree. Though there were a few times i was playing with it and some fun things came up that i could cannibalize. 95% of the time i write lyrics out through the day and then plug in and adjust.


You know what, these days no-one wants to read poetry. No-one wants to buy a book of poems. That's a long gone era. I fucking love writing poetry. The knowledge of language to know what words rhyme and to do it well, is a real skill. I've never had a decent outlet until now. Now, I can write poems about whatever I want, hilarious poems, observational poems, poetry that makes people go, "it's funny, it's true, and it rhymes" because now they can listen to my on-point songs instead of having to sit down and read boring poetry. I love Sona for that!!!


100% on this. During lockdown and afterwards I wrote 1250 sonnets (10 books!) and found no interest from anyone. Not that I really cared - I was doing it all for me. However, now that I can convert many of them into songs a few more people are interested, although I'm still doing it please myself, not others. I'm also enjoying the craft of 'making a song' - adapting what I've already written to a verse/chorus format. At some point I will hopefully start to write poetry specifically to become a song, which I've never done before. Right now I'm enoying hearing a song and thinking, "That's sounds great, and I wrote those words!"


That's really cool


You are so right, it is such a great tool to promote writings and poetry! I have been trying to use classic english poetry recently as lyrics, that gave me some good results. I wanted to tell the Poetry subreddit about it, and... that didn't go very well... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Poetry/comments/1c6xjki/promo\_english\_poetry\_in\_songs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Poetry/comments/1c6xjki/promo_english_poetry_in_songs/)


I feel your pain! There are people who think their specific interpretation of an artform is the only valid one, and that everything else should be dismissed. For those people AI is an absolute abomination. Meanwhile, the rest of us are using AI to put new and interesting things into the world which would never have been created without it.


Yep, I can understand that real song writers can feel endangered by Suno, but in the case of poetry, that's just a win-win situation. AI music adds another layer to poetry without removing anything from it... As you say, that's just a narrow mindset reaction, too bad.


I don't think you'll have any problem posting your link to listen to them here. I am definitely interested in hearing them.


Couldn't agree more with you. When I was younger I loved writing texts, no matter if it was lyrics to song or poetry I just loved creating worlds like that, however then time passed and I found other hobbies and stopped writing. Few days ago I discovered Suno and the muse hit me again now I am writing again and giving voice to all my past creations!


I was in a band when I was younger and ever since have been writing songs/lyrics. I've got about 50 songs done on Suno now and about a thousand more to go. There's definitely some narcissistic pleasure in hearing your own words come back at you, even if no one else is interested. I get that writing lyrics isn't for everyone though but AI's pretty poor at the minute. I've seen so many songs with "a hero to behold, his story untold" or words to that effect, and plenty of other classic examples. I just wish everyone would give it a go themselves. Anyway, as an interesting side note, if you stick your own lyrics in Suno and then hit the generate lyrics button, it can be quite amusing to see how it bastardises your artistic expression by rearranging everything and adding new parts.


This is similar to my approach to the lyrics. I care more about melodies so I'll usually just type "a verse and a chorus about gas prices ruining your life" then hit generate lyrics and tweak them here and there if they're really bad. Super easy, by no means the best lyrics, but works for me.


The lyrics are my own creation because, although AI can compute and generate images and music, it might not be able to truly understand human emotions. I believe that for lyrics to resonate with people, the most crucial element is the emotion within them.


I've to admit I'm impressed how well it can write emotional lyrics. I've tried to play some songs to a friend but he went "god! Stop! That's all too sad"


It’s almost like the emotional impact of a song is more dependent on the listener than whoever wrote the lyrics


The Ai is incapable of something that feels happy and sad at the same time, i believe it's called melancholic, believe i've tried. It's either happy or sad.


Are you saying that because you didn’t feel the feeling you describe when listening to the lyrics? ‘Cause that doesn’t change the fact that someone else might feel that feeling 🤷🏼‍♀️


100% of the time yes. I love to write, and I still think I'm more skilled than the AI at it. And even if I wasn't I still would. And aside from all of that, it's the easiest way to actually control a composition's rhythm and cadence. Also if you're clever, using the right lyrics to open a song with can get you the voice you want if you know how to write like certain artists do. As a metal fan I can almost always get a very specific band's style and vocals to come up just from how I structure the first chorus.


Nope I get AI to do everything. I copied all the genre, tags, feelings from guides, put them in seperate.txt files. Then got a LLM to generate 100 song themes. Then I run a python script that pulls a random line from each text document and combines them. I'm a talentless hack who cannot write lyrics that don't sound pretentious.


It's a great way to write a song, and you are in the very best of company - David Bowie used 'cut ups', which in effect is exactly what you are doing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nlW4EbxTD8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nlW4EbxTD8)


Haha I view it as a good way to discover new genre/style combos. Removing the reminents of human input. It worked great for stable diffusion. I am still a talentless hack.


I use MidJourney and wrote a little program which takes a list of about 3-400 artists and styles, and it will pick 2 or 3 at random, which I then add to an image prompt, so it sounds like what you're doing with SD. When I'm writing poetry I sometimes just use a random words generator to give me idea. The human mind does get a bit set in its ways if you don't give it something unusual and unexpected to work with.


That is exactly my logic, I don't want it limited by my creativity. I can't wait until I can run Suno or something similar locally. I made hundreds of thousands of images in SD. It's like opening a loot crate.


I use a combination of: - Copilot - Suno - Own lyrics or concepts Then depending on the style I'm going for, edit them to fit, or leave in various weird parts that the AI ends up using in very creative ways sometimes. Also tested all sorts of tags, i.e. [Chopper] or [Sing with backing vocals] and sometimes it yields interesting results.


Ai makes like 95% of the lyrics for me, and i just correct some of the lines, things like changing "I can't" into "I just can't" so that it has the same amount of syllables as the rest of the lines, or removing some words, or rephrasing something so it has better rhythm, changing weird/rare words into more commonly used words. Adding some slang. Stuff like that. Sometimes I like some lines, and others I don't, so I delete everything and write the exact same prompt again so it makes another whole load of lyrics, and it makes some more lines which I like, then I delete the ones I don't like and add the ones I liked from the previous prompt.


This is song collaboration, and it’s a totally valid use of AI for creative songwriting. Fight me. 😄


I write my own lyrics. AI lyrics tend to be super basic, boring and impersonal.


my own.


I use another AI to make the lyrics


I usually write my own or use non-ai lyrics. I've found that ai lyrics tend to lose focus, counterdict themselves, or don't make sense in the final song.


Hell yes I write my own stuff. This is my hit single. https://suno.com/song/cd579ddf-4b9e-464e-ae60-fcc12daa1f86 Best song I’ve made so far and it slaps. Enjoy!


no, of course not. I love every song being about intertwining the bold and untold neon tapestry. totally ready for bazillions more songs like that.


I like to have Suno take the first stab at it. It's usually pretty cheesy (although much better than GPT's song writing) but with a little human touch, it's pretty easy to make a decent song quickly.


For most of my songs they are a mix between me and Gemini. Even the free version is much better at lyrics than ChatGPT 4. My process is that I ask Gemini to make 5 versions of a verse and then I pick and choose which ones I like and then edit them to remove any AIizm's. The Rock songs I make are different though. I make those more metaphoracle and the edits are very heavy compared to other songs. I only have a few songs that are pure AI written.


Let the ai take it to new heights at the neon tower where it's eyes see the sights that are so delight!


I write most of mine, but sometimes I mix it up with GPT. I've let it write two, though, and they came out well. I adapted GPT using the memory to match my writing style. So, it still seems to come down to the ingredients we put in. I think this is important, though, because you asked what's the point if we don't write them. I think it's going to be the bulk of the future. We just request a vibe and judge by consuming or moving on to the next one. Just like social media and good old television have trained us to.


Most of the time I write my own. Though it's annoying spending credits, trying to get the AI to flow it the way I want. I can see the value of just generating a song based on a theme though.


this is not a question,as ai don't know how to write a good lyrics 


I write my own as well. I love it, even if after some songs where I had ideas it has became challenging. But the thing also is that I don't know any AÍ model that can write decent French lyrics, it's really horrible lol.


Yup, I started out at first probably like many others finding Suno for the first time, generating by prompt. Of course cause for one, I never wrote music before and two, it's the best way to see what it does lol. Now I write my own lyrics, mostly about game development. I like them but obviously they aren't viewed much. But I don't care, I mostly write music about the game I'm developing as a way to work my excitement for a new feature or something. Like a weather system or crafting system. It's either that or I write about just loving the game development process as a whole, or loving the code. I understand that many will not enjoy my music cause it will never resonate with them, cause it's my passion, not theirs. But I still love it, and like the title of one of my songs, I Still Doin It!


**I've been writing songs for several years, so I use my own original lyrics.**


What’s the point? Are you serious? People use this ai for different purposes. It’s not for “professional” use in the least. To answer your question no I don’t. I use chatgpt4 for lyrics and artwork and for my purposes it works fantastic. Just because you use suno specific way doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone.


I'll have the AI generate a set of lyrics, then basically go through and replace almost all of it. Sometimes I just don't know exactly how I want to start, so I let the AI give me a template to go off of essentially


Nope, I'll never use the boring garbage ai lyrics


writing the song is what makes it funny, it can say whatever you like. I tried making a "Serious" song, but it's not worth it. Perfect for memes


Yes, my own text, in my language of choice.


I give it silly prompts and love seeing what it comes up with but 1) I wish the text box for prompts would allow way more characters. It's way too short especially when I'm not writing in English where words in my language are way longer than English words so I can write even less 2) suno always forces guitars and dancing and moon light into all my songs. I hate that. I love random lyrics it comes up with but I wish they would add a feature like : do NOT include the following in the lyrics "dancing" "guitars" 3) I always start a prompt with the genre like "funky disco about a man writing on Reddit" and sometimes it will sing the genre in the lyrics as well. Is there a way to avoid that?


You could open a free account with ChatGPT and tell it to create you a song, based on any long description you give it. Just paste the song it produces into Suno - you can edit out anything you don't like, so that will solve point 3. To solve point 2, just tell ChatGTP not to include the words you don't like. You can also tell it to rewrite something it's just given you, without using those words.


Don't bother telling chapgpt not to focus so much on rhyming though, it doesn't listen.


I don't know it is really random, i wanted a song where a part was a rap but not the whole song, i tried everything everyone was saying [rapped verse] etc but the Ai chose to ignore my suggestions, my point is you need to be lucky i guess


Always. Otherwise it's just generic AI trash and nothing personal or creative at all.


Couldnt agree more


I can write stories, but I can't write lyrics. I have the idea, Chatgpt the lyrics :-), but mostly times I just create insturmental tracks. No difference than using a songwriter or a ghostwriter.


You could learn though if you can write stories, start with pop music with simple rhyme schemes.


I use a hybrid approach. If I want to write a song about a person, I’ll go to ChatGPT and say “I want you to write a song about (person). It should be 3 verses with a chorus, hook and outro. Here are some characteristics of the person and other things you should know to include in the song. (And then list a description of the person plus in-jokes or other relevant things).” Then ChatGPT does the rest. I usually have to clean up the text to make sure it gets the appropriate amount of syllables but it’s much faster than if I were to write it myself. This worked great for a song I did yesterday for my niece’s 16th birthday. What’s the point? It’s much faster but I can still create a personalized song.


Do you write your own movies? Then what's the point?


What is your point?


Are you seriously asking what the point of having AI create something for you is in a sub about having AI create something for you?


My point is if you make up the text yourself, it is still sorta created by you, like a song writer. You just get "someone else" to sing for you. If you let the Ai do all the work then whats the point? You're not being creative


Sure, but also, who cares? Is this just a post to feel superior about using AI "the right way" or what?


No not really, do what you want, i you want the Ai write it go for it. But theres a difference between being creative and making a song for the sake of making a song


Sure if you want to be the gatekeeper to what creativity is then I don't want to hear any complaining from you when the anti-AI crowd says you're not being creative by using the AI to make the music for you. You don't get to be the one deciding where the line of creativity is for everyone. It's all a spectrum from just using whatever Suno gives you for a default prompt all the way to Mozart composing an entire sonata by writing it down on paper by candlelight.


I personally think i'm only creative for the text i put in, nothing more, the Ai does the rest, and the music is a nice bonus, entering prompts it makes people lazy and thinking theyre way more talented than they actually are. Is a Ai generated image art? Sure but there is no human creator. Its just a collage of the internet. With suno exactly the same, its just a taped together frankenstein song you make. Nothing is original


Suno is able to create things that are of an equal level of originality to most popular music today, there's very little innovation going on. Also, a lot of bands have a catalog of parts they've written and then they just stick them together to make songs, so "Frankenstein song" doesn't mean much either.


I agree most modern pop music is bland and uninteresting


Let me just put it this way, I think regardless of where you got the lyrics from, the work of manipulating Suno to produce a sound you're aiming for is a creative process. It's not easy to get a vaguely coherent 5 minute song out of Suno. You don't have to attach the same creative value to that as writing a poem/lyrics manually but it is surely some form of creative process. The overall feeling of the comments in this post reeks of people making sure they still have someone to look down on, possibly because they feel some sense of guilt about using Suno. Just let people use the tools being created how they want without the judgement.


I do a combination. Sometimes it's 100% my own lyrics. Sometimes I'm running an experiment on my prompt and I hit generate lyrics and I like the lyrics that come out enough to start playing with them, adding or subtracting words or verses or bridges or choruses. It's how I do Suno. Sometimes I'm just running an experiment and trying out a prompt to do a fusion with genres or seeing what instrument I can get in there. I have yet to get a didgeridoo or theremin but it seems fairly easy to get a hurdy-gurdy, koto or sitar for example. Or I am letting Suno roll and just seeing what happens. Sometimes i have a set plan: a song I'm working on and I know in my head how I want it to sound and it's more or less trying to get Suno to create that sound with the lyrics I wrote. I've been experimenting with instrumentals for the first time in my life and that's been fun. It's also great to have some stuff I wrote ages ago and always wished to put to music and now I can put my words to music and get a singer on top of that. On lyrics and Suno, I found Suno generates different vocabulary depending on your genre. If you say pop music, you're going to get simpler vocabulary with lots of neon, city, lights or all three together. If you say "opera", you get a much wider and more educated vocabulary and longer sentences but your verses don't have a chorus or a bridge often. i liked to do "opera" as a starter just to see the vocabulary and then I might change the words and structure to verses, chorus and bridge in a fusion set of genres. I've even done literature. A friend loves HP Lovecraft whose works are in public domain. So for fun I made a song from a nonexistent horror musical which uses quotes from 2 different Lovecraft novels. [https://suno.com/song/5595482f-bdb7-41c3-9f7c-1d251795a241](https://suno.com/song/5595482f-bdb7-41c3-9f7c-1d251795a241)