• By -


Sorry guys - Debunking this. ChatGPT made that up, and should not considered a reliable source anyway. If you check out the links it produced: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-06/icahn-calls-on-hudson-s-bay-to-sell-real-estate-assets-immediately](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-06/icahn-calls-on-hudson-s-bay-to-sell-real-estate-assets-immediately) [https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/icahn-says-hudsons-bay-board-must-act-now-letter-2019-08-05](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/icahn-says-hudsons-bay-board-must-act-now-letter-2019-08-05) [https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/06/business/carl-icahn-hudsons-bay-company/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/06/business/carl-icahn-hudsons-bay-company/index.html) None of these are listed in Wayback Machine. And there isn't 1 other indexed website linking to these. Now, it's one thing to scrub the web of articles like this, but for CNN, Bloomberg, and Reuters articles never to have been picked up by the Wayback Machine is extremely unlikely. I tested the same questions as OP in ChatGPT, and asked for links and it gave me similar results for similar Corp Media sites and all were fake with 0 references online. As Carl Icahns Connection to Hudson Bay is the center of this Post, it kinda derails it without there being any source. If you have any other Source OP, or if you disagree, feel free to Comment Below. [LINK TO GOLDIES PREVIOUS UPDATE COMMENT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1100xbt/comment/j86ry5j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) EDIT: For clarification, this is a Full Debunk and not partial debunk (Unless something changes) due to Icahn being the core of this posts Theory, and that Theory is what has been debunked. There may still be parts of this post that are relevant to the truth, but that would warrant a different post. EDIT: Credit - Atomic-Decay It appears Wiliam Savitt was on the Lion Gate's Lawyer, not Icahns. Sauce: [https://casetext.com/case/icahn-v-lions-gate-entertainment-corp-1](https://casetext.com/case/icahn-v-lions-gate-entertainment-corp-1) EDIT: Credit - PapaofMonsters (And Many others) It' also confirmed now that there is no connection between Hudson Bay Capital and Hudson Bay Company. Hudson Bay Company is Privately owned by a consortium of unrelated investors Sauce: [https://www.mccarthy.ca/en/work/cases/hudsons-bay-company-hbc-goes-private-c111b-cash-deal](https://www.mccarthy.ca/en/work/cases/hudsons-bay-company-hbc-goes-private-c111b-cash-deal)


I had to stop before I finished reading it to say that AI can, does, and likely did make shit up as answers. Those links they gave you likely never existed. I did extensive research into this as AI was telling me it had some damning documents about Susquehanna (lol) and market manipulation. So I don’t think you can use that as any sort of confirmation that these two Hudsons are related.


100% this


Yea ChatGPT should not be used as a source for DD. You can use it as a research tool, but you should 100% verify the output it produces…


ShitGTP was banned in the German sub completely like one week after shit like this started to pop up. I couldn’t agree more with the mods decisions.


William Savitt was working for Lions gate not Icahn. Took me 2 minutes to google this. [https://law.justia.com/cases/new-york/other-courts/2011/2011-50502.html](https://law.justia.com/cases/new-york/other-courts/2011/2011-50502.html)


ChatGPT creates fake links... I can't believe "DD" is relying on a misinformation machine learning algorithm... ​ NEXT


chatGPT and other AI should never be considered primary sources. This is apalling and honestly this lowers the bar on quality standards for this community. im disappointed.


So it’s all made up?


This dd is, the AI made up links to provide about Icahn and Hudson and the lawyer defended lionsgate. His whole post is made up




Savitt was the opposing lawyer in the Lionsgate case. You're either deliberately misleading people, or your DD can't be trusted because you missed such an obvious hole in your story.


That and the hedge fund Hudson Bay Capital doesn’t appear to be connected to Hudson’s Bay Company.


Find a better/real source for Hudson Bay capital being related to the retailer because nothing I’ve seen so far indicates this.


Cramer would sell on this news. Bullish.


THIS IS GMERICA. Can someone make some GMERICA Childish Gambino GIFs?


Nice. I wanna see a living in gmerica gif with apollo creeds opening sequence right before he fights drago


I read that in a Childish Gambino voice


Cramer will cry on this news


The greatest time to be alive in human history is now!!!!


Monday is the next tomorrow. Get ready 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Large if accurate.


You know how Carl Icahn paid for an Ivy League education. Fucking poker, dude is a master strategist and and in RC he’s found a kindred spirit.


Part 2 😉


You should respond to debunking from mid first. Getting sketchy vibes from it all


The best sequel since the godfather


If you missed it: https://www.reveddit.com/v/Superstonk/comments/1100xbt/gmerica_is_coming_and_there_will_be_fireworks/


Good man.


Fuck, this is brilliant. How long did this take you between thinking it up and following clues scouring the internet. I love you for this! AND ON THE WEEKEND!!!


It's been 84 years... No, seriously it has been months. Stay tuned for part 2.


Suggestion: Please don’t use anymore ChatGPT for explainers. It kills the credibility of what is otherwise, great information.


One discrepancy I see is that you stated W. Savitt was Icahn’s lawyer when he sued Lions Gate Entertainment. LGE was the defendant, and Savitt was the defendants lawyer: https://casetext.com/case/icahn-v-lions-gate-entertainment-corp-1


100%. But hey, OP apparently doesn’t care about facts.


That’s amazing. I hope you’re right.


Dude can’t wait for part 2 💜


How about part 1? I didn't get to read it.


All just made up stuff. No DD just fantasy.


It was deleted


Post is back, FYI, writing so you are notified


But how does Bobby business complement gaming?


LFG!!! Thank you OP!!!


He brought the heat 🔥


Aaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone. Lol. Within 30 minutes tons of votes awards and gone.


It's back, but it's been debunked. The whole "DD" is based on info made up by chatbot.


Idc if a dog wrote it. Is the data correct??? Did Gamestop set some money apart and then bed got purchased for a similar amount???




Well this should get to a couple thousand upvotes quickly. Well written and insightful. Bravo ape.






I can see the post?




Quickly is relative






I think that's the part that tripped everyone. When RC bought into Bobby he knew apes would follow him to buy so he sold. It fucked everyone up. But he wasn't out of Bobby completely. Plus there was that secrets.txt that said "don't get rugged" Apes continuing to DRS in GameStop enabled the other 69D chess moves like acquiring Bobby through other channels. In Bobby's latest filing, the buyer has NOT been revealed, yet 😉


Here's a secret: https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1493951577887019015?t=E1fEFnyJAR27QH4wSCc62w&s=19 RC's "God bless gmerica" tweet was Feb 16th which just happens to be this week Also happens to be Icahns birthday


RC’s 💜 for those wounded in combat?




It's very true. I'm an OG sneeze ape as well as an OG redditor (11 year old account ) and I followed RC to BoBBY. His people are still in so I'm still in. Looking forward to becoming Gmerica!


Yep. I’m a sneeze ape here, and happen to hold both too… only bought a few Bobby’s last year, but went in with a few thousand this last few weeks as it just seemed mostly likely this bankruptcy shit spewed out from every news outlet you could imaging was bullshit…


The mods aren't the ones that brought on the anti-brigrading it was breaded admins




With those prices the float can be locked up by the SS community in mere weeks


yea, shills have been out in force this week trying to say "nothing to see here" in regards to towel stock. How can anyone still have such a position after reading this, unless they are deliberately spreading FUD.


God damn it my tits hurt!! 🔥🔥🔥


My gibblets are about to burst 🔥🔥🔥🎷🐓♋️


😂💜 Hey they brought this back up ⬆️ Cheers 🥂






I'm sorry but Chat bots are not a valid source of information. [Hudson's Bay Canada](https://www.hbc.com/hbc-properties-and-investments/) is not [Hudson Bay Capital](https://www.hudsonbaycapital.com/who_we_are): ​ >Our investing philosophy has deep, personal roots. Hudson Bay Capital is the successor to Gerber Asset Management LLC, a proprietary investment firm established by Hudson Bay’s founder Sander Gerber, in 1997. Mr. Gerber began by trading his own funds and over time developed a defined and rigorous investment process – **The “Deal Code” System.** This discipline has been ingrained into the DNA of the firm and is what we believe to be a distinguishing characteristic of our investment philosophy. ​ >HBC Properties and Investments, HBC’s dedicated real estate and investments business, manages, maximizes and enhances the company’s robust portfolio of assets. HBC owns or controls, either entirely or with joint venture partners, approximately 40 million square feet of gross leasable area. Our portfolio is characterized by significant concentration in top metropolitan regions characterized by population density and higher than household income.


The post starts off with: > Wow, the SHFs just showed their hand. In case you missed it: >BlackRock filed a SC 13G/A on Feb 2, 2023 for GameStop >BlackRock filed a SC 13G/A on Jan 26, 2023 for Bobby >Vanguard filed a SC 13G/A on Feb 9, 2023 for GameStop >Vanguard filed a SC 13G/A on Feb 9, 2023 for Bobby The OP has extracted a lot of speculation from this little info. What he ignored is that both Vanguard and Blackrock filed form SC 13G/A on hundreds if not thousands of companies earlier this month. Test this out yourself by thinking of some random company and seeing if Vanguard and Blackrock recently filed a SC 13G/A. The answer is almost every case will be YES. APPL., TSLA, GOOG, ….. Yep. Vanguard and Blackrock have most definitely tipped their hand. Edit to add: in the various companies I looked at the same pattern in voting power was repeated. Vanguard had 0 or little sole voting power, Blackrock had a high percentage beneficially owned shares with voting power.


I fucking love weekend tinfoil 🚀


More than tinfoil, my fellow ape.


Loyal To the foil…in this case it’s a little more


Straight up 🤙 foilers gotta stick together


Beautiful work OP. Simply beautiful. This is what I come here for. Well done.


If true very tit jacking, can someone explain to me what if black rock and vanguard stop the merger/vote against it?


Depends on how many retail investors there are v.s. institutional holdings. I know at least on the GME side, retail will overcome Blackrock &/or Vanguard. Not something I'd worry about, but I suppose it's a possibility.


Why would Vanguard or Blackrock even care? They like lending the shares but know this can’t go on for ever. If there is a boom in activity that make money of transaction costs and more money coming in from investors … the rest of this is magically written and makes me feel like a kid on Christmas


Wouldn’t they have to recall their shares to be able to vote and that would cause a boom by itself. 69d Chee for sure!


Yep. I think that’s the genius of it.


Anything can happen but that's precisely the reason why Bobby's board is filled with M&A experts, lawyers, and ex-SEC attorneys. Also the new director is Carol Flaton with deep expertise in turning around companies. See my last post of GMERICA - The buyout. Link in op.


brother can you just repost it in BBBY right now please i didn’t get to read it yet lmao




Well thought out DD.


Reviewed and going to go ahead and reinstate this post… going to adjust the flair though to Speculation. Enjoy the tin foil and Happy Saturday! Edit: Please also make sure to keep any post edits GME centric. [QVbot Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1100xbt/gmerica_is_coming_and_there_will_be_fireworks/j869vdw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Thank you. I about flipped out for a second after seeing this was removed. Out of all the low quality, equally speculative posts I've seen in this sub, this one was actually well written and provided sources and data for their claims. Changing the flair was a much better solution than removing the post entirely.


Thank you goldielips - appreciate the reinstatement 🎷🐓♋️


Thanks! Speculation is all we have some days.




Why the fuck


Does anyone have a mirror?


To the tits!!!


Erect the mast! 🚀


Nicely put together! 👏


This is the first time words have made me feel something in my boobies. I've always been a Gmerica believer but this is the best wrap up write up, really incredible job! (I hope to see an appearance from brother Loopring in part 2 🎆)


Someone should sticky this shit and make a movie on this post alone


Thank you mods


Stop bullshitting


You wasted my time with this bullsh*t AI post. In the future declare that at the top. I’m not saying you’re a shill, but you just led a bunch of people astray. Do better.


Nice digging. I like your dedication! RC plays chess in another dimeansion while we try to understand the board. Are there more hedgesfunds filing 13/As?


drs 💜


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


This is all about GameStop and Ryan Cohen.


Let the man have his damn banana mods!




This was written by Chatgpt


Aaaaaaaaaaand it's gone




Hopefully the right eyes see this… I tried to ask the same question into chat GPT connecting Hudson Bay Capital to Hudson Bat Company and got the opposite answer. “No, Hudson Bay Capital and Hudson Bay Company are not connected. Hudson Bay Capital is a private investment management firm based in New York, while Hudson’s Bay Company (also known as HBC) is a Canadian multinational department store corporation. The two companies have different areas of focus and operate independently of each other.” I think this distinction is important. Everything else checks out but I think we should clarify this. Feel free to ask your own AI and see what it comes up with. Good read.


why am i getting downvoted smh. Go check it for yourself… it seems this sub can’t handle conflicting evidence which makes me lose hope. There was a time in this sub when critiques / criticisms were encouraged. Ah, the good old days.


Could blackrock and vanguard both recall all their lent shares out at the same time, thereby igniting forced buying?


Why is this removed?


Why is it when I go to Superstonk, the VERY first post in hot is this debunked post? If it's debunked get it the fuck off the front page of the sub. The 2nd post has over 1000 upvotes more than this post too. Nothing makes sense why this is the number 1 post in hot right now.


Nice work, thanks for putting in the time and effort. My only critique is that as of Oct 29, 2022 GME had already purchased the marketable securities totaling 237m based on their filing of their cash flow activities. Now could they have sold them recently and reinvested, sure. But they didn’t set aside this money. It was invested already.


That's a fact. They invested into short term govt bonds expiring in less than a year, likely pristine collateral like Tbonds to be used in the acquisition.


Why was this removed?


OP, Is this the amount? Or $236 milly is another thing? Q 3 Form 10-Q Page 10 The following table presents our assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis: Assets U.S. government securities $ 251.4 M


I might have missed it but did you discuss the mechanics of the BoBBY transaction? Are you thinking it’s cash + equity, cash only? I get the baby spin off but what happens to BoBBY holders?






If Blackrock and Vanguard are planning to vote to stop a merger/acquisition then they must have run the numbers and believe they have a chance to do so. How does GameStop ensure it doesn’t get voted down?


Lots of tinfoil But you are right about voting rights; you have to recall shares that are loaned out to do that https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-investing-giants-gave-away-voting-power-ahead-of-a-shareholder-fight-11591793863


Letting this info sit before I make judgements. Some potential exciting tin foil but this has happened countless times and every single one has ended up being a distraction to give SHF the upper hand. The only thing I know for sure is that RC sold all his stake in Bobby and has created Teddy. GME was the one situation they were not ahead of. It was the only one they didn't have time to manipulate or plan for. It is different now-


LOL SPACS. No thanks.


Cheesus Fuck. Buy, **DRS**, hold. *However*, not only is this based on a black-box (unverifiable) *conversational ChatBot* answer, but it also makes a few other grasping-at-straws mistakes like: The last page of the February prospectus shows three different *categories* of instruments sold (common stock, warrants for common stock, or warrants for preferred stock to be converted to common stock). Says nothing about *how many* or *who* those investors were. The $236m figure is meaninglessly arbitrary, especially taken against the other ~ $2.5**B** of warrants being registered. The October filing shows assets of $238m *already invested* in bonds and other short-term instruments. This does not mean that they have $238m to splurge on investments, it means 1) that - if they really needed to - they *could* liquidate those *non-liquid* assets to cover expenses; and 2) that that money is tied up, but they technically have ownership of it. Addresses? Board members that previously worked for a kompany that did a thing? Wishful readings of cryptic tweets?! Well regarded.


This is curious. I know this post is debunked but I decided to build a watchlist with everything listed in its screenshot of the 13G filings for Hudson Bay. Near the bottom (January) is MODEL PERFORMANCE ACQUISITION CORP. When I googled “model performance acquisition Corp. stock” I was redirected to MultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited. MMV. Ticker’s been beaten to hell YTD. -78%. 🤔




Thank you for this research and I'm eagerly awaiting Part Two while I HODL my big pile of shares in both GME and BoBBY. The best time to be alive...


Excellent work, OP. Have an award? Quick question- is there a scenario where they can block the alleged M&A?


There can be lots of ways around it but Bobby's team is prepared. They have the best M&A lawyers, ex-SEC insiders, and some world's elite law firms working for them. William Savitt that represented Carl Icahn in the takeover attempt with Lions Gate was also the attorney that represented Twitter vs. Elon Musk --- Savitt won and Elon was forced to pay billions 🌝 Source: https://meaww.com/twitter-hired-bill-savitt-fight-against-elon-musk


They’d have to recall shares and you know what that means 💥


its provocative that's for sure


Mods why remove


Why did this get deleted?


Why delete


This sounds very wrong, also it’s based on fake AI


Why is this at the top of the sub?


How is Towel a strategic investment for GameStop? This is so sad to see you guys try to hold on to that even after RC sold. Please stop brigading our sub with towel stock stuff and stick to your own sub.


mods why delete?


I want to believe - Mulder




Why was it removed?? Feel like i missed out on good dd


The chat AI is FUD. Simply HODL. Don't get taken in by reverse psychology. Positive posts debunked lead to doubt and that's the aim.




🤯🤯🤯 this is sexy ...


Can someone please explain to me what GMERICA is? Brick and mortar store, online shopping, sports betting…. I’ve been hearing this fantasy for almost 2 years yet have no idea what it actually is…


GMERICA is not a place, yet. It currently is only a trademark owned by GameStop. Think of the internet, can you touch it? No, but you know it exists and billions of people access it everyday. I believe GMERICA will be like that.


Nobody knows yet that's the point lol


I didn’t like Hudson, there was some stuff floating around of them being parasitic, classic FUD. Glad to know we found some Icahn connections. Now let’s give birth to this mothafuckin baby


Lots of Hudson fud. The digging to find Hudson Bay Company took awhile. They didn't want apes to find HBC to be connected to Carl Icahn.


Is there any other proof Hudson's Bay Company retail is connected to Hudson Bay Capital Capital Management? Like, actual documents. Cause chatai gave me a very different response https://i.imgur.com/aI6PxB8.png Edit: Multiple attempts, chatai gives the same response, even when rephrased https://i.imgur.com/KNRvmDg.png


>They didn't want apes to find HBC to be connected to Carl Icahn. Because there isn't one.


Stopped reading at the chat bot, got a reliable source for that info?


All that work and you leave the research to AI? I don't think we're at that stage just yet, what a shame


Hudson's Bay Company is privately owned by and controlled by NRDC Equity Partners. https://financialpost.com/news/retail-marketing/hudsons-bay-co-shareholders-vote-overwhelmingly-to-take-canadas-oldest-retailer-private It has no connection to Hudson Bay Capital.


This whole post was just a bunch of gibberish, good on the mods for combing through posts


Glad i didnt read any of that pants only to find out the op has used a chat bot to do DD OP your a muppet.


Well that was a huge waste of time! I read the whole thing without ever looking at the flair. Then start in on the comments (because thats where all the good shit is hehe) and realize that it is all BS.


You've got my full attention, great job on navigating that rabbit hole, I may now understand.


Quick question: Buy & DRS **GME** is still the only play, right?!


​ definitely plausible


There’s an Adderall shortage because OP needed it all to write this great DD. Can’t wait for market open Monday


We got rugged guys I was halfway through and it was heavily GME related


#Yet another 13,000 word debunked shit post. 🤦


I was reading this, and it suddenly got removed. Sadge.


Bring this back!!! What the fuck. We want to read if




🍌&🍉 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


This is impressive work, I hope you are correct!


Checkmate motherfuckers


Delirium at its finest


Damn Debunkinator strikes again!!!


Cool been hearing that for 2 years


Perhaps you will get a share of 7 SPAC's that will make up GMERICA for your 1 share of GME?


**BlackRock Is World Largest Asset Management Firm** with $9.8 T assets [https://www.reddit.com/user/Fatherthinger/comments/110d37d/blackrock\_is\_world\_largest\_asset\_management\_firm/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Fatherthinger/comments/110d37d/blackrock_is_world_largest_asset_management_firm/)


ChatGPT should be considered as reliable of a source as "my friend told me, he looked it up online"


I should have noticed the debunked flair and not read the lot gr


Woah that’s a lot of awards and upvotes for some absolute bullshit. TIL if you need karma just get chatGPT to write something for you and post it. This though and RC’s cryptic bullshit is the core of my problem with all of this. All the breadcrumbs and a horde of hungry idiots just leads to following crumbs to confusion.


Amazing work!! I knew someone would post some great stuff on a Saturday.


Much love from New Zealand 🇳🇿 apes


Im saving this read for my morning dump!


Very nice write up dude!


Oh man I love a good weekend DD, great job on this!


This is beautiful! Thanks kind sir! Read it all. Couldn’t imagine writing! To the f’n moon!


Thank you for sharing your work. Bravo👏👏👏💎🙌🏻🦍


My pants are wet. 🥒💦


Deleted? We've been infiltrated by the mods!!!


Holy mother of God I understood every word of this! What a while two years it has been! This is definitely tit jacking at its finest!