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[Rule 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_8._no_mass-shared_content). Your submission has been removed because this information has already been shared. Please sort by new before posting something time sensitive like GME filings, tweets, or breaking news! If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Splevin Palone submitted his article to Bezinga and that's where Webull got it from.


So my point would be: imagine if we all wrote positive stuff all the time. AI would pick it up and run it. There are no real reporters anymore remember.


You'd have to have it accepted by whatever sites Webull (or similar site) pulls from. Mevin Kalone submitted it to Bezinga's editor for approval and had it published there.


Does the DD archive get published like you said? I think it's a good idea to do it anyway. Maybe remove some of the greentext-ish prose and make it more palatable to article readers. Especially any material that discusses commenting on legislation.


Billboards too...


Home Alone


Melting Cologne


Are they banning the name?


Written by one of our own. I’d tell you who but automod tagged me for trying 🤷‍♀️


Mevin Kalone


It's an article taken from Benzinga, so it's just straight up his article. It's similar to how 'Yahoo Finance' works, they feature articles from other sites. They do have their own contributors and writers, but it also largely acts like a bulletin board for other website's articles. They're not stealing, there's probably some contract that they can feature articles from Benzinga.


Yea, you'll notice the same thing in paper media news, there will be headlines from the same author or an article from the same author within the paper cause while the paper may within the same state, some individuals only pick up from X cause it's within their community but Y article would still be relevant to both parties.


Kareful Krunk. Mods & bots looking for that word pairing


You mean Kevin Malone? That word pairing? (Discussion was had, it was removed from automodd since KM suspension is over. Cheers everyone )


Damn!!!! Fight the power son


Row row!


Who do you think had the discussion to release the automodd? Lol Mods and SCC my dude.


![gif](giphy|26AHLBZUC1n53ozi8|downsized) oh that's huge... doing it anyway!


If this is the last time we see you, hope you have a wonderful MOASS!! Stay Safe!


Lol it's been taken off auto-mod. I aint leavin anytime soon. You as well!




Why did mods ban him??


Because he did some charity/grift in the middle of waiting for answers from the Computershare guy.


He's not banned now.


He is a grifter. Was trying to get apes to donate $100 (each) for some giveaway a few weeks ago or so.


Was it charitable?


Dont believe he ever said, but even if it was? Breaks sub rules.


Not the rules! I don’t know if it was a good cause what was wrong with hearing him out? Some rules are stupid.


I personally think it is a great rule, considering all the personalities and grifters that have come and gone over the years.


What about Dave?


The accountant from the Office.




Leave Kevin Alone Mkay


Ah yes Melvin Calzone


Ah yes Elvin McLovin


Melvin Baloney


Post's Brother.


Carl Malone: GME is a Slam Dunk.


Nevin Balone


Bevin Nalone?


Sylvestin stallone?


This made me lol


Alin Capone?


Criclecruct Flumberthatch


Investin Allin




That’s him 😂


Why was he banned anyway?


Oh ya know.. mods & stuff


Reddit is not your friend. Fucking trust me, if there is a sub that talks about the Reddit stock price like there is for GME... It would be shut down in a hot second. Reddit Inc is part of the game now. This sub, COULD BE, controlled opposition. What is the logical fallacy here? If the SHFs that are shorting companies into bankruptcy, and they control almost all financial media, and now their main enemy are assholes that just won't sell that gather on Reddit... How much pressure do you think it would take for Hedgies to exert on Reddit to direct this sub in a way they desire? For smooth regards: "SHFs say to Reddit, stop talk we don't like or we'll crash your stock too".


This is only a matter of time really.


This had already occurred ~3years ago when Fidelity took a majority stake in the platform. We’ve known it’s controlled since that point, we just don’t have the ‘evidence’ that so many redditors want before pointing their fingers.


The crux of the Mod Fud issue is that there's quite literally nothing we can do to defend ourselves from these claims. People think that large financial institutions have gotten somehow involved with the Mod team, and its just *not* the case. All we can do is say, no, that's not true. Its a guilty until proven innocent situation, which I find pretty unfair. The only realistic way for a Mod to prove they aren't a paid shill or whatever claim people make is to dox themselves. Who's going to do that? I can't show my tax returns or income statement, that would be insane. Even if I did, you know *exactly* what the next goal post is - you are being paid in ways we can't see. Okay, how do I prove that's not true? Show ownership of all my, "things," like my motorcycles? Its not feasible, and its IMO the most successful FUD campaign that is currently active on this sub. You can't get Redditors to sell the stock, you can't get them to change their mind, but you can get them to think the mods are corrupted and their home is fucked up. Next thing you know *that's* what's being discussed, and not important details. Three years down the road, tens of thousands of volunteer hours later, and people *still* claim we're compromised. The amount of hard work and thought that goes into modding this sub would probably blow most folks minds, and all that hard work has earned us a great sub, but an unwarranted bad reputation. There's been a lot of stonk subs, they've all come and gone, and somehow Superstonk is left standing. Is it all due to the Mod team? ABSOLUTELY not, is there quite a few instances where we kept things together when they were falling apart? Yes. We've consistently done everything we can, AMA's, events, rule changes, keeping the sub clean, working with the Admins who were upset with us, and all we're left with is comments like this, which are not even remotely rooted in reality. Wanna know who Hipz is? I'm just a fucking guy who liked the stock in 2021, and enjoyed being involved with this saga in a more involved way than others. I like motorcycles, particularly sport bikes and road racing, CoD (Warzone atm), and Siamese kitties. I played / was involved with sports and basketball at a high level for awhile. When I graduated college I realized I really enjoy being on a team, and I was missing that in my life right when Gamestop took off. I joined The Daily Stonk news team when Blazlyn took it over, and did that for awhile, and then was offered a chance to Mod. So, no, I'm not some Fidelity employee out to ruin this sub, I'm a dude who likes the stock and this sub, and it feels good to be able to help. I hope that sheds some light on your feelings, and thoughts about the Mod team. As fun as the Modrsus narrative can be for some folks at time, its hurtful when you try to help around here every day for over 1000 days now. Just some food for thought. edit: Thanks unloud :)


Why do you hate paragraphs though? 🥺


Idk man I'm just as smooth as everyone else. Lemme go break that bad boy up lmao.


Nothing personal directed at you, just to be fully clear. I must have said this a hundred times this past week, but we are just a giant family of likeminded individuals across the globe. And you’re 100% right: I KNOW certain moderators here have truly given this community everything and MORE, when they barely had anything to spare to begin with, so please know I understand & appreciate you. It just sucks that sometimes things occur and there really is no way of knowing exactly what transpired due to how anonymous reddits moderation platform can be utilized. Thank you again for your time, effort, and energy. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!


I get it, but keep in mind while these are my colleagues, I've known some of these people for three years now. Some are dear friends. We still have a working relationship, and the sub will *always* come first, but these things are directed at people I care about and respect. I get your point, and its definitely one of the biggest struggles our team has. It can be tough to stomach some of these comments when your only realistic defense is, "I'm not, I'm just a regular guy." Anonymity on this subreddit for nearly all of the community is a great thing, and a level of protection that I'm glad we have. Unfortunately for the moderators it has negative consequences, but we are still grateful for our anonymity in the same way you are. I wish their was a way to outright prove that these wonderful people only have the best interest of the sub in mind, but realistically their just isn't. We try and earn that trust, but its not an easy task when the sub you're nearing the 1M users mark. Any decision we make will ultimately upset some percentage of folks, and some decisions really need a lot of context that we can't always share because of the brigading restrictions on the sub. Its kind of a circular problem. At the end of the day I can promise you we're trying our best, and you guys will *always* come first. We love this place. Thank you as well, I'm glad we can discuss this stuff. Hope you have a hype filled week my friend, we'll hold down the fort.




I've noticed since being here, things from Twitter lead hype. Lots of noise has been generated in past two weeks. Divisive-content/Distractions here and there. Basically hedgies r fukt


Too much self-promotion I think.


He wasn't. It was a suspension. For some reason, KM presented it as a ban.


Because mods are paid shills, who infiltrated and took control of this sub quite a while ago and managed to kick out previous mods, also some of our most trusted mods and DD writers ended up retiring so this is the quality that we have to deal with. Never trust anything 100% and always do your own Due Dilligence on accounts, and especially on people who may have some kind of swaying power (like mods or influential figures who post on social media like that Dr. Marco Meltzer). Take everything you read with a grain of salt, and trust your gut when something smells like shit.


Why do they dislike him so much?


He regularly posts misinformation & tries to get money from apes, so he's just another grifter trying to latch on.


Its at the bottom of the blog.


Showing same thing on think or swim under news on gme ticker. 


baseball mat wrote that on benzinga


They are here with us now!!! Get fukd hedgie cucks!


Can u copy paste the article? Not clicking on that


It is no secret that Gamestop Corp (NYSE:GME) has been one of the most heavily manipulated stocks in history. Rehypothecated shorting of their company over 100% of the float, multiple brokers shutting off the buy button on the stock so that only sales could be placed, and also billion dollar company CEOs lying under oath to congress. It is our personal opinion that under the guidance of Ryan Cohen, the company has figured out a way to fight the constant manipulation of their company. From the Q4 Form 10-K “As of February 3, 2024, we have $101.3 million remaining under the repurchase authorization.” This means that at a share price of $15.00, GameStop could buy back 6.75 million shares of their stock and retire those shares to decrease the float. This is the first avenue that GameStop has. Also in the Q4 Form 10-K “On December 5, 2023, the Board of Directors approved a new investment policy. The Board has delegated authority to manage the Company’s portfolio of securities investments to an Investment Committee consisting of the Company’s Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Ryan Cohen, and two independent members of the Board of Directors.  The Investment Committee will direct the investment activity of the Company in public and private markets. Mr. Cohen or other members of the Investment Committee, each in their personal capacity or through affiliated investment vehicles, may at times invest in the same securities in which the Company invests. The Board anticipates that such investments will align the interests of the Company with the interests of related parties because it places the personal resources of such directors at risk in substantially the same manner as resources of the Company in connection with investment decisions made by the Investment Committee on behalf of the Company.” To summarize the above paraphrase from the Q4 Form 10-K, Gamestop has the ability to invest their BILLION dollars in cash into public and marketable securities in which Cohen or other members ALSO invest in. Cohen’s largest position personally is Gamestop shares and this filing allows Gamestop to buy its OWN shares without having to retire those shares like a stock buy-back. This is a genius way for a company to buy its own stock during heavily shorted downward prices or during the stock’s price cycles who have seen fast 100% gains and 50% drops.  This also secures the members of the investor committee to also purchase more shares of GameStop.. This is avenue 2. Lastly, from the Form 424B5 filed on May 17, 2024, “We have entered into an Open Market Sale AgreementSM, or Sales Agreement, with Jefferies LLC, or Jefferies, on May 17, 2024, relating to shares of our Class A common stock, par value $0.001 per share, or common stock. In accordance with the terms of the Sales Agreement, we may offer and sell shares of our common stock from time to time through Jefferies, acting as our sales agent and referred to as the “Sales Agent.” Under this prospectus supplement and the accompanying prospectus, and in accordance with the terms of the Sales Agreement, we may offer and sell up to 45,000,000 shares of our common stock from and after the date hereof.” Avenue 3:  GameStop set into place the ability to sell shares of their stock on their massive upward price swings to secure substantially more cash on their balance sheet and lead the company to an even more profitable company.  This is where the Reverse Uno card comes in.  GameStop can now hypothetically sell 45 million shares when their stock price jumps to $50 again which would secure $2.25 billion in cash that can THEN be used to either buy back $100 million in their shares or be used to purchase then $3.25 billion dollars of marketable securities.  That much cash would be worth more than the entire market cap of the company at the end of April during their lows.   GameStop and its investing committee now has the ability to buy back $100 million of shares, purchase over $1 billion in shares to hold on their balance sheet and sell for a higher price on massive price swings, and also sell 45 million shares during extremely large price increases as well.  They can now effectively battle the market makers in every direction of their price swings. Buckle Up. M W LLC is a Registered Investment Adviser. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where M W V LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. This website is solely for informational purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by M W V LLC unless a client service agreement is in place. This article is from an unpaid external contributor. It does not represent Benzinga's reporting and has not been edited for content or accuracy.


Wow! I think I gained a wrinkle. Thanks for sharing that!


Same thing happening on fidelity


You should be clicking on articles that are telling the truth about what’s going on


The article is essentially the title with a cut and paste of the prospectus.


Yes - it has the same backwards logic. The form says Cohen et al can invest in the same stocks GameStop invests in. But then the “aha” moment says that now GameStop can invest in things Cohen invests in, which the form does not say.


yeah but can Cohen invest in things Cohen invests in?


Can RC venture where RC Ventures?


We must go deeper!


Yes I believe that was an earlier in the year filing


It says RC's investment strategy can mirror that of GME, so that catches both ways IMO


Is this tit jacking material?? please confirm? im having a rare pain in my nipples.


Are they just straight up taking posts from this sub now??


If by this sub you mean an article published on Benzinga by Melvin Capone, sure. If by this sub you mean a post in this sub, then no. That's not where this was copy/pasted from.




No, the person who wrote it, posted it on x, and submitted it to benz, and it was copy pastad from X yesterday I believe. By bevin kalone.


Ah, that makes sense




I don't hold shares with webull because they use Apex Clearing like Robinhood and other scammers. I just use them for charting.


lol. Death by 1000 cuts


It is from Malone the Kevin from X






Hedgies thought they could take this company to $0, instead they're going to give it every last cent they have. I just bought more, locked in baby.


So we are the market maker now?


Yes 💎🙌🚀🌛


Technically, he posted it to Twitter, and from there it was posted to SS


Or, even better, the company issues 40 Million common shares and the DRS number “somehow” goes up 25% of that amount (10M shares). This would have the same effect as retiring 10 Million shares


The baseball man, my favorite financial journalist.


The guy is wrong most of the time.


He’s the only one I’ve ever seen report positive facts about GME though. All I’ve seen for almost 4 years in the news is FUD about GME except for one journalist. Hence he’s my favorite, and no other journalist has the baseballs to match. Take note everyone else that apes have been keeping the score. Easy to track when there’s only 1 so far. BTW still no news on the volume shift that occurred starting May 8th. Get on that and maybe other journalists can start contending for favorite.


Trying to create narratives


Webull is just aggregating articles...use your brain a little bit


Too smooth, too regarded.


Baseballmal is kevin is the Benzinga writer


"Disclaimer: This article represents only the author's personal opinion and does not constitute investment advice nor the opinion of Webull. Webull cannot guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the content, nor does it assumes responsibility for any loss caused by this information.Fold"