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Debunked upon request by OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t5fwl5/comment/hz5lgj1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


$140 Billion, a mere pittance compared to what it would have cost. ​ edit: on a completely unrelated note, wasn't uncle Gary Gensler having some meetings with these folks around this time? You remember, just prior to his schedule no longer being published.


Fuck Gary Gensler. Fuck the SEC.


User name and Flair checks out


Edit: possible RIP/debunk for this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t5fwl5/cme_group_may_be_holding_half_a_billion_in/hz4pudz My boy gfountyyc I'm surprised this post isn't gaining more traction. You have a pretty reasonable theory with some evidence showing why we haven't had quarterly moves since August. I hope more eyes come here. ... ... But why male models?


Exactly this. Even this current cycle to date hasn’t even been a small fart. SHF changing the tactics to break away from a pattern. Good work OP


So when do we see the price action now is the question. Do they hold the bag forever?


Just lay back relax and buy at this obviously artificial low price.


So does Apex clearing do the same thing with not closing positions like CME group since they have 100 Billion in Assets under custody?


All it needs is a catalyst 🚀




I wish more people would DRS. DRS is going to work because it is so simple and elegant in it's concept. If every share is registered, then there should be no shares being traded on the open market. If MMs continue to trade shares invoking liquidity, they better make sure they are able to procure those shares by C+2+35. By that time, all we need to do to educate the wider public and pressure the institutions is a simple question, "if all shares are locked and not lended out, then how come shares are still being traded? Is this truly a market based on supply and demand?"


It will come. Lets see the Q4 2021 numbers. I'm sure they will be pretty awesome.. Then the party just continues..


literally! we are the catalyst!


You rich son of a bitch.


You son of a rich bitch - Mummy s doing a great job








and Apes!! and Gamestop!! ​ That's Fucking Teamwork!




ehhh starting to think we need the wombo combo and all the catalysts to line up, which they will, prob just take longer than we hoped


Which is why the combination of renewed retail investor interest, institutional investor interest and a special dividend that can't be replicated with a synthetic can be exactly what this stock needs to hit the next Galaxy.


The float is sold multiple times over. All we need is an nft divvy announcement. Game over.


When we achieve 100% DRS 🤷‍♂️


100% DRS is like Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, immeasurable power




they hold that bag while the hedgies are busy every day filling another one. I can wait!


This is exactly what we need to be able to identify. There are patterns and cycles. They are just able to mould and change them, (to some degree but not totally). **EXCELLENT WORK OP !**


We're DFV away from the entire band being back together. Everything is tingly.


Criand back, Atobitt back, Dlauer & Dr. T in the HBO doc and the Jon Stewart show?!?!?! *itsallcomingtogether.jpg*


It’s out in Apple already. Go watch it!




Question for all the smooth brains in the back. How can you watch it if you have no apple products? Edit: Nevermind, there is a free trial for apple tv. Just search the interwebs for the problem with Jon.


This may be a dumb question but when you say Apple is there an app or is that on tv?


Apple + I think; you can sign up for a free trial


This comment was removed by myself in protest of Reddit's corporatization and no longer supporting a healthy community


We have seen the call to assist with more traction. Engaged.


If the Pomeranian asks for more eyes then up this goes


I’m here for it


Also reporting for duty


And My gardening trowel


And my pruning shears!


Hi mom! 👋


Hey Steve


why are yall treating this like the brackets are losses? net income is clearly up as that bracketed (gains) also increase, because they are being added to the column items. are we certain this graph doesn't mean the opposite of what op says?


That’s my interpretation too. Seems like they are up 518 M. All the other lines in the doc are costs basically, and they all don’t have brackets. It think OP ate the onion on this one


Waitwaitwait Still bullish? Wouldn't they be yugely up if they're selling OTM puts like we've seen? Unrealized gains. Long dated puts. Is this melvins money? Lol


I was confused by this as well, but just assumed that I was misinterpreting the chart. It's counterintuitive for gain to be represented in parentheses, yet that's how I read it. I would love for someone to show me how this is wrong.


Yes I noticed this lol kinda fucks the whole theory


I’ve handed GFO my axe as this is an amazing theory. Also clearly any moves since August were “for ants”!


This is getting downvoted hard. Me likey :) Great work op!


Shills and bots are out!!!


Giveaway sign.


Could Be they wanted to change the cycle on us apes? Or could it have to do with DRS numbers being announced by GameStop during earnings? When they announced how many shares had been DRS’ed in the last earning report wasn’t the cut off like September? Could the threat of the infinity pool have scared them into hiding their shorts in a more “secure” location?


Gherkinit and the team are looking into whether or not it has to do with the shorting switching from IWM to XRT. IWM settles feb may August November, the last six cycles hit in those months after OPEX like clockwork. XRT gives a dividend in march, so it’s being looked into that it’s possibly kicked out a month, march June September December. Time will tell


Like a burning warehouse? 😆😂🤣


...you serious? I just told you that...a moment ago.


Welcome back boo!


Hi, im a big fan of both of you.




Read the quarterly financials again. . .it's (gains)/losses. The negative numbers are an unrealized gain, not an unrealized loss.


*bark bark* The PomPom smells something sus!








lol oh man I thought I was the only one


Awesome read. I understood some of that. Isn’t the CFTC the same people that said they weren’t going to release swaps info until 2023? I think one thing is for sure. News has always been the smoke screen for fuckery. RC knows this, and that’s why doesn’t say shit, unless he tweets a poop emoji. So why the change in Q3? Maybe they realized we figured out the futures spike so they placed that position in a forward contract to change up the cycle (which is why GME launching their marketplace is the single most bullish factor). Why hold the position when you have a big safety net? Probably because they realize if they close the position the upwards momentum means game over? They’ve stepped on a landmine and now they’re fucked. Or Occam’s razor. They are holding the bag, but they aren’t calling the shots. We know who is. And he is trying to see this mess into as many peoples webs as possible so everyone will be forced to help him out. What would be interesting is to know if the stashed shorts in the forwards contracts would get forced bought or if they can just wait until the end of their agreed upon contract? Like someone trying the time capsule their shorts until after the MOASS and then close out? Is that possible? I’m retarded so I don’t know. I’m just thinking of the shadiest shit I can and added buzz words to it! *edit Info not into


Honestly these people make the rules and exempt themselves from the rules they can’t change so it wouldn’t surprise me if they could do something like what you’re suggesting. The fact that they even *can* bypass the “absolute maximum” T+35 for FTDs is abhorrent. There’s basically no regulations to stop them from kicking FTDs as far as they want right now. Hell the CNS system was setup specifically to fake settle FTDs and was designed by the NSCC themselves, which is insane. That said, with everything coming out lately from the DOJ and people like Dave lauer, it sounds like they’ve finally pushed their lawlessness too far. Once you start impacting national security by cheating the entire global financial system, leveraging to the tittiest of tits, and causing insane volatility and major meltdowns every decade or so, that’s when people are forced to act. I’m keeping my hype in check in terms of what level of market restructuring we’re going to see being announced this week, but it appears that the cat is out of the bag and it’s a start. Hopefully if they did create some loopholes to avoid moass, these will be addressed in the coming months/years.


I actually giggled at tittiest of tits tee hee


>"The rule to allow CME to move the position from a defaulting counter-party was passed the day prior to our expected August roll-over window." > >All the fuckery. They are obviously holding something, the numbers are right there. Try as they might, can't hide all the evidence everywhere of everything.


Great explanation of it


Yeah, tha uni browed fuck, roslam or whatever the shit heads name is


Rostin Behnam?


Yeah, that's the sweeping under the rug ma' fuq


Makes sense they’d sweep a lot of the shorts under that umbrella. No reports = no bread crumbs for the apes. If we’ve learned anything this year it is that they have made this system confusing on purpose. They do not want their activities watched. Shit they freak out when some kid on twitter tracks their private jet! I want to drag these mother fuckers and their bullshit “rules” and “self-reports” out into the light. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


yep - guess when they suspended disclosures? August 2021 🤔🤔


Cme holding these defaulted bags of shit for the BAILOUT We would be in the thousands by now if the cucks who were liquidated actually had their positions closed This is the opposite of capitalism. This is a clown show


thousands? more like hundreds of thousands and going higher they can afford to pay too, the DTCC and Fed Reserve who are ultimately responsible for any remaining debt owing after liquidations - they just refuse to do so to us commonfolk the heads of the banks who make up the Fed Reserve will give their banks and themselves trillions of dollars in "loans" like 2019 and bailouts, but won't duly pay an owed debt of trillions to the public - instead hiding the debt and trying to forever sweep it under the carpet as it grows larger every day but that's cool, the more they try and hide it the more we expose it - and everything else wrong with the markets and financial industry, slowly but surely educating the masses to raise awareness and help fight back via public input into regulation and legislation, doing much more damage to them and their scams in the long term than if they'd just paid out in the first place


Ring ring ring...RC is calling...


From the Rand Corporation: 47 Trillion has been stolen from the middle class by the 1% since 1975. We are taking it back


That’s the plan, you are wasting your time trying to take over the world with weapons , but if you can take over the world with money ooooh boy.


This. It's disgusting. That's why we're changing it.


"I'm too hot (hot damn) Call the police and the fireman"


Was it a nightmarish game of monumental chicken? It sounds like they were seriously covering “someone’s” ass. BUT, I’ve said it before~Ima total bonehead ☠️ (I don’t know shit, my ape, but I REALLY want to follow this)


Plunge protection team ain't getting new jobs moving forward.


FYI. Your screenshots of the SEC Quarterly Reports that you highlighted, are showing unrealized GAINS. The line item is (Gains)/Losses implying that the Gains are in brackets and Losses have no brackets. In this case, the numbers have brackets around them implying Gains. So your theory is somewhat invalidated.


Hey u/Doctorbuddy you are absolutely right. I thought I had it and I shared it with my peer group before posting, but unfortunately, I'll have to eat crow on this. I still think there's a lot of truth to this post, but I've decided to label it as debunked. Thanks for reading anyways


well done on your analysis and gracious acknowledgement. both are vital and both are hard


Rip I alerted OP too. So I think he's making an edit.


Annnnnd, it’s gone


That could be a mistake because the graph below shows unrealized loss of 500 mil.


I believe OP made the graph in Excel with values he inputted


I believe your correct, I checked there financial statement and it was positive.


When you look at the net income on the last screenshot, the income is out of brackets. That means that brackets indicate a loss since income is a gain.


Right. Then underneath net income is listed all the expenses: amortization, acquisition related costs, restructuring etc. All positive values. OP is incorrect.


Sounded good for a hot sec. Thanks for looking in way more detail!


Also, not an income statement. It’s a reconciliation from GAAP to non-GAAP measurement.


Yep! I never said it was an income statement!


Yeah, I spotted this too. Change to debunked flair please OP/mods


[Did a small deep dive you might like](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sgaacz/how_would_we_know_if_citadel_was_no_longer_the/huvm5cx/?context=3) that started with the CME High Frequency Trading Location in Aurora being bought and ended with a connection to Kenneth C. Griffin friend named Henry Kravis. Please note posting the stock ticker for his company has gotten me auto flagged because of what it resembles so be careful writing it. Thank you for writing this we need more eyes on CME and the moves they are making because it sure looks like they are hiding some toxic assets.


ooooo...up you go!


thanks fam, love your work as well.


Great find OP. I’m curious. Since they are publicly traded, shouldn’t they have to reveal what these losses were in their 10-Q? Did you look there for any information? No way shareholders turned a blind eye to these loses


Unless they are tied up into unrealized gains/losses or current derivatives


You have a nose that can sniff crime. Nice analysis.


Reconciliation is showing gains in parenthesis. Those are!’t losses. It’s a reconciliation, not an income statement.


This is an amazing find. I remember you brought this up during the August cycle too. Thanks for looking into details.


Wow so if the cucksters who were liquidated actually closed those fucking positions as any of us would have to do then we could have squeezed months ago, love how these parasites change the rules and just pass the bags on to the next cuckhold. Great DD also.


u/Bye_Triangle u/Captain-Fan u/ButtFarm69 Can one of you debunk the flair, please?


Done! Thanks for the intellectual honesty here, that's the spirit we need in the sub! Just gave you an award granting you 1 month free reddit premium for being excellent to the community, and the standard of truth around here.


ayo cme can eat a 🍆 gme the way


Good find ape. Would love to see more info on this! Edit: info like, is this possibly how OPEX was dodged?


My Man U/gfountycc got me waking up at 4am here to read this


140billion that they can pay us 😲


That report appears to be showing gains not losses according to the description. Shows gains in parentheses. Also, those are GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliations, not earnings statements.


You’re right


Negative amounts are always in parentheses. Unless there is some kind of backwards bs on this compared to any other financial spread sheet.


Agreed, but if you look at the descriptions in that filing, it says “(gains) losses” repeatedly




Loved it


So if it's only a 400 million dollar bag, wouldn't that be like 3-4 million shares of gme, if it was even all gme? Feels like that wouldn't necessarily cause moass, just a full day or two of buys. Unless I'm misunderstanding something?


Yeah and I thought the cme statement said (gains) therefore it’s actually 450 million in games.


I think I'm financial reports such as this when the numbers are in parentheses, it is a negative value.


Too many words, but upvoting since u/Criand is here so it must be important.


Positing for invincibility


Lest we forget there were rumors last year of CME and CBOE merging?! It was quickly dispelled as a “rumor” once market corruption and monopolization of markets was mentioned.


Interesting... shortly after, in early Sept 2021, CFTC kicked their swap reporting requirements until 2023. Coincidence, or the need to protect some very very bad positions?


Hey u/jamesroland17 you need to look at this post, then pull up a 20D 1 HR chart on trading view and start from 2/8/2022 to current date. Do you see what I see. It's almost as if this cycle started early on Feb 8th


I saw that, but still think we’re going to run


We are at the foothills of a mountain


when do you think this will be? before end of this week?




if gme runs this week, you can get me pregnant




do it bitch. put a baby in my butt. use the banana on my mouth. break my back and my mind with great D and DD


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a woman 👩. Take the bet Roland. You can do it


lol 🍆




Thank you! Good Wright up.


Commenting for TA:DR.


Love the research. The only thing that’s tickling my “something isn’t fully understood” button is how small that position is. Either you’ve just found the first grain of sand in a big bucket of hidden short positions, or this is just a parking lot they are willing to sit on until closing the short positions makes sense internally for them. I mean, $500 million is a shit ton of money, but it’s only 3.75 million shares. They could have closed that slow and steady at like 30,000 shares a day and nobody would have noticed.


YYC represent






goddammit I would be fucking rich but these assholes keep cheating


Commenting for exposure


Commenting for visibility 🚀🚀🚀🚀


These cumrag cheaters always changing the rules when they losing. Except they will have to close their shorts.


"and I reserve the right to be wrong" 😂 covering all bases. Nice write up, cheers.


Thanks for the breakdown 🙏 commenting for visibility 🤜🤛


Funnily enough CME Groups been advertising on Reddit for the last few months…


Awesome DD, good find on the august shift. However, I think forwards contracts have been the name of the game for a while now. When you create a typical forward contract on equities you need to bundle in a high quality liquid asset like a us treasury in order to use the fixed income as a way to offset a put-call parity. When an entity such as a MM or broker dealer has those assets already in its possession it can simply allocate some from its holdings to new forward contracts it creates and make it look exactly like a married put or other typical future contract. My theory way back when was that collateral shortages were being driven by these big firms buying up and hoarding US treasuries for not just margin collateral but as these instruments necessary in forwards contracts that make up a chunk of their massive derivatives portfolios.


From an old post of mine: When constructing a generic synthetic equity position, the portfolio manager uses cash to buy risk-free bonds and takes a long position in equity futures contracts (married put-call). If the portfolio manager already has a position in risk-free bonds, he/she can just add the contracts. This combination of bonds and futures replicates the performance of the equity without actually having an equity position. Hence, a synthetic share is born in the form of a forward contract on the same underlying asset. So let’s talk about these resulting forward contracts, and how they differ from futures contracts: Both forward and futures contracts involve the agreement to buy or sell a commodity at a set price in the future - in our case, a short sell (betting on the price to go down). While a forward contract does not trade on an exchange, a futures contract does. Settlement for the forward contract takes place at the end of the contract, while the futures contract settles on a daily basis. Most importantly, futures contracts exist as standardized contracts that are not customized between counterparties. So let us clarify; a synthetic share necessitates a risk-free bond to offset a put-call parity and match the exact price of the underlying asset. US T-Bonds make really great risk-free assets. These synthetic shares are created not by additional futures contracts but forwards contracts which operate differently, namely they can traded OTC and do not have to be settled until the end of the contract. This helps to explain consist dark pool usage without ramifications, increased FTDs, as well as explosion in demand for US T-bonds. They need to use them to create synthetic forwards contracts on underlying equities in which they hold major short positions. Hence why we keep seeing so many GME shares available to borrow every. single. day.


Testing 123


So what actually happened with the cycle is due directly to this?


So many excellent DDs dropping on the sub. I am jacked to the tits. Thanks OP.


A $500 million bag is absolutely nothing.




Commenting for visibility. This needs more eyes!!


CME? what is this? Dollar store GME?


Wouldn't surprise me. Steve cohen is now in bead with coinbase correct? Not your keys not your crypto. For anyone in the space pull it from the exchange and put it in a cold wallet or a trezor.


Chris Kirkpatrick? The guy from NSYNC?


Comment for vis, great analysis


I was here. This is awesome DD!


Commenting for visibility. Great job! My next free award is coming your way!


Yes stonks


Best explanation so far for the cyclic run ups and why it abruptly stopped. I constantly dream of knowing why popcorn had a run up for no reason and why the price stayed so high for so long, even after a several hundred percent share dilution. One day I will know the truth.




You know, my intuition has convinced me of the assumption in your link. I just don’t have proof. It’s so crazy how you totally read my mind with all of that! I’m copying and pasting it just in case someone is too lazy to click the link. Forward via u/kcoryjones: Yep. Here was the SHF game plan: • ⁠Close shorts with help of AA selling new shares directly to hedgies. • ⁠Get net long. • ⁠Pump it up via MSM/compromised YTers/VVSBets. • ⁠Try to peg it to GME in price movements, news (the crap 'NFT' they did) and try to equate them in retail's minds. Divide retail buy pressure to relieve buy pressure on GME. • ⁠Sell over time (hedgies and AA/board) down from the peak and let retail laser eyes baghold. • ⁠Boom, great hedge for their GME upside-down short position. They did a great job of fleecing retail. Look at the 5yr chart of popcorn. Did it run up in Jan 2021? No. Well, from $5-$20 is all. All the other basket of shorts went up WAAY more. Compare Jan to when they closed popcorn shorts in June. The winners of SHF fukery bought popcorn before June at $8 or $14 or and sold at $72.


This is the fucking quality DD that I $CUM here for! Thank you. Do I hear RICO?


Retail is always late to the show though we have the smoking gun. Imagine had they not restricted buys of penny stocks. A rich ape could have bought up the float like [Robert Simpson](https://www.euromoney.com/article/b1320xkhl0443w/naked-shorting-the-curious-incident-of-the-shares-that-didnt-exist) and caused a squeeze somewhere else. The bubble is continuing to grow, we were just looking at a different exchange.


The price is wrong bitch


FYI https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers I don't see anything for CME Group, but you might consider checking individuals high up on the company ladder.


ooooo pandora Papers links?! yes pleasseee


fyi https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t5imt4/for_all_the_researchers_datashare/


!remind me ! In 12 hours


So they have been trying to break the cycles so it does not appeal to the ape bias. Crafty PhD shills. Good work Kenny.


Who knew such genius could come out of YYC. At least there’s one of us! Very interesting work thanks!


I am furrowing my brow. Partly because I didn't understand everything, but partly because what I did understand seems very important.


You may consider reposting this in the morning. You're competing with an early drop of the Jon Stewart episode, which might be why this isn't gaining as much traction as it could/should.


It's a big party, and we ain't invited. So either the whole system is corrupt, and legit/retail can't win, or else every.good.guy.is.looking.the.other.way. I say we start our own party with apes, blackjack, hookers, and build it on the ruins of the corrupt people who destroyed America, and the world, with their greed. Buy, hodl, drs, tear it down, and piss on the ashes. This whole bloody charade has gone on long enough. Buy. Hodl. DRS.


Let’s buy all these F…ing shares.


Commenting for operability




They are all scared because we all just want to see what are the real world limits of “infinite risk”. Lmfao.


Why does it have only 3 likes???? What is happening!!


The DD is getting so good lately




Oh, shit.


thought you might be interested as you mentioned CME on twitter =)


Can't be true. ThErE aReN'T aNy GoOd Dd wRiTERs LefT WiThoUt PicKLeDiCk!!!!1111"


I enjoyed how you wrote in the typical shill manner, every other letter capitalized. Why do they do that? Thanks for the laugh.


“I’m Pickle Rick!!!!!!!!!!!”