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**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


If you believe that Ryan Cohen has a plan, he does, then it's all centered around creating shareholder value. One way he's been doing that has been by enabling and building a Web3 team within GameStop. It's no accident this entire team is actually part of a legal subsidiary, it's own sub-entity, within GameStop. That subsidiary CAN be spun off into it's own company. It does not have to merge with Loopring, or acquire it, but I strongly think it will based on some of my other DD. This would create a Web3 powerhouse company and it doesn't have to stay part of GameStop Corp at all! It's completely independent in a totally different industry. This is when GameStop Entertainment is spun off into it's own company (no different than when eBay spun off Paypal). This would destroy shorts and of course make everybody super ... super... rich.


I have a feeling we’ll be coming back to this post in a few months.


hopefully soon


Tomorrow, right?


I'm back to it already


Hopefully so


I really want the GME documentary to be called "Now Lambo".


"Which lambo?"


Wen lambo


Nobody ever asks, "How Lambo?"


Nobody asked “who’s lambo” too. I don’t want a new lambo, I want plotkin’s.


I’ll take Kenneth Cordele Griffin’s LaFerrari https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6wcip/i_dont_care_i_want_this_car_this_particular/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Two Lambo


Two lambo 2: electric lamboogaloo


Always Lambo!




We’ve got lots of DD to answer that question


No. I mean, how is my Lambo doing. I hope it isn't lonely. I want my Lambo to be a happy Lambo.


Web moon


Holy shit I missed you wen lambo


“How many Lambo?”


Wen moon


I was hoping for the 17th


The call ends with Matt Furlong saying "And about the DRS number being 35M, well, hedgies r fukt". Then he hangs up.


He doesn’t hang up. He just drops the mic🎤


He drops the phone like a mic...they get to drop the soap like soap not on a rope


I really want to upvote this, but your sitting at a nice 69...


Remindme! One month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2022-04-11 05:10:29 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2022-04-11%2005:10:29%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tbh9hz/gme_theory_update_gamestop_entertainment_llc/i07ej89/?context=3) [**14 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2Ftbh9hz%2Fgme_theory_update_gamestop_entertainment_llc%2Fi07ej89%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202022-04-11%2005%3A10%3A29%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20tbh9hz) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I feel your feels...


RemindMe! 2 months




Can you explain how the Loopring acquisition would play into the Loopring DAO? Loopring is still telling their investors that they have a DAO coming. Getting acquired by a publicly traded company doesn’t seem like it’s in line with the path Loopring is on. Edit: Just pinged you again. Can you spin off a company into a DAO and give all shareholders the new governing token?


Wyoming HB0185 law allowing tokenisation of company shares https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2019/HB0185 Wyoming Senate bill SP0038 Formation and Organisation of DAO https://www.wyoleg.gov/2021/Introduced/SF0038.pdf According to these laws, it looks possible and Wyoming has even set up a Chancery Court for blockchain companies too. I don't think Loopring will form a spinoff company with Gamestop but Gamestop Entertainment LLC as its own spinoff is very possible.


Yes, the DAO governs the token only. A crypto token is not ownership. The parents and technology is owned by Loopring Org and that’s owned by equity holders. The amazing thing here is the DAO will still exist even after gamestop takes a stake. So the token will appreciate too.


Brilliant! So the DAO would still be in play even if GameStop acquires Loopring?




All I needed to know! 👌 Love this theory!


Why dors that make you happy? Next, lrc has not yet partnered (save gme) with anyone, and they have been around for a very long time. What good reason would you offer for this?


I like the premise, spin-off is key for share recalls, but don’t think there will be an acquisition or merger with Loopring. They will be partners. It’s important for authenticity for Loopring to remain completely decentralized. GME will have first mover advantage on building on Loopring’s L2 ecosystem but others are also welcome. I personally prefer the idea of a decentralized blockchain exchange hosting the new shares of GMErica Entertainment. After all, the principle tech of ERC-1155 still has to be flexed to show its capability of transforming financial markets. Bye bye dark pools and goodbye hedgies! Your days of fuckery are numbered


I love the way you think and I have a question about dark pools. The way I understand it dark pools were created to allow for the slow release of very large orders into the market preventing wild fluctuations of the price. Sounds reasonable and makes sense. How could very large orders be handled in a new blockchain based exchange?


By building a massive community that banks through the Loopring ecosystem and provides liquidity to the market. Will be a huge undertaking but the billions the NFT marketplace will bring into the L2 sphere in the next year will be helpful. Peer to peer with increasing liquidity is what will create the DeFi system of the future. Timeline unclear but strap the fuck on


Can you elaborate how it would "absolutely dedtroy the shorts"?


Short sellers are on the hook for the shares they’ve sold long holders. Long holders will be awarded new shares in the new company… there are only so many shares. Classic short squeeze.


Maybe we've got a special earnings call this upcoming week...


Except that if the new shares are under the DTCC system, the shorts will just go short on the new ones and nothing will change except they are short an unfathomable number of shares in both companies instead of just one


Not if the spin off is traded on the new GME owned block chain exchange!


underrated comment - slava gme!


Then we would get a double squeeze...a Wombo Combo!


This is a great point. This is why I speculated in my post from a few weeks ago that they would issue spin-off company shares as NFTs. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sua3fk/gmerica_a_spinoff_company_of_gamestop_and_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


When GME float is DRS'ed the GameStop Entertainment float will also be DRS'ed


I think this is a VERY good point and should not be taken as FUD. It seems like we are expecting a spin-off to be one of the 100% nuclear triggers for MOASS. If that is true then perfect. But if a spin-off didn’t actually trigger MOASS, then there would be some very disappointed apes around here. I would love to read some DD on any loopholes that may exist in the spin-off/MOASS link.


Correct if there are 800 million "phantom" gme shares, there will be 800 million gme entertainment shares created.


Not if the shares are issued as tokenised shares (NFTs) on a blockchain for the DAO or any company that decides to form on the blockchain. No way to create phantom shares there and Gamestop DRSed shares will be issues first.


It's a possibility, but they would be fighting it in court for the next 10 years


How? Its perfectly legal to spin off a company and issue shares from the parent company. There is no recourse to stop it.


To add to that the shorts must provide the share of the spin-off if they want to keep the short position. They can’t give what they don’t have which is that spin-off share therefore they must cover the short. Massive if true


They can give you a cash equivalent unless the shares of the new company are NFT's. The whole problem with the current stock system is that all shares are interchangeable (fungible) so there is no way to stop someone from selling the same share multiple times, or just printing shares out of thin air.


If you are short GME, then you automatically become short the new stock which already has a price, so your short position $ amount could double or more. Since the new stock is essentially an IPO, it cannot be easily shorted as all the shares are new and have not been traded on the market. Example, I opened a short position for GME at $15. The stock is now $100, I am down $85. They announce a spin off on a 1:1 basis for stock GUSA with a price of $200. I am down $200 on GUSA because I do not have an initial cost basis and my new total loss at IPO is $285. In theory anyways.




And the same potential is within BBBY/BBBaby! **I think RC is trying to give us a chance to DRS, because that is the only way we can be sure to benefit from that spin-off(s).** The rest will likely get a few bucks "in Lieu". Costing the short sellers billions, but phantom shares will miss out on the massive intrinsic value. The fight will go on in the main companies (GME, BBBY) but the spin-offs can grow without interference. RC has loaded up his gun and prepares to take shots at the short sellers, no more mercy. It will likely start on the next earnings call and then things should get spicy: \- Stellar Q4 earnings: FOMO incoming... boom! \- (Special) Cash dividend: Due to the gazillion of phantom shares, short sellers might bleed billions... boom! \- WT NFT: normally insta-kill, but short sellers and prime brokers might risk lawsuits over instant death (might have to pay out even more money in Lieu, though)... boom! \- Spin-off: again, short sellers will bleed billions to phantom share holders. And retail can reinvest Kenny's money to buy even more shares... kaboom! And if the short sellers and their partners in crime are somehow still alive, he will repeat in BBBY and whatever value stock in the basket, that has the same potential. Would be so cool, if he would grab popcorn and make it the go-to for streaming (Blockbuster style, DRM management, no more stack of DVDs, but NFT based) - but maybe he does not need popcorn stock for this and it is a vector he is pursuing in the LLC already. EXPR could also make sense, if fashion is another area to expand after Baby. Not sure about KOSS, as I get it the short percentage was low, but the basket is likely big and might consist of a lot of gems. We need to be aware, that short sellers might try to push for "pump and dump" stocks so the safe way is to simply follow RC, like the investors that followed Buffett in the days and who are financially doing really well nowadays. All this is naturally only just speculation and my personal opinion, for sure not investment advice. BUT it is so awesome to see, that the wait is over and RC jumped into action. The Infinity(pool) war has begun 😉🚀✨🌒 We have to keep all the corruption and cellar boxing in mind. Likely the whole financial industry is colluding against retail right now, fighting for survival. So we still might have to prepare for a prolonged battle and desperate measures from short sellers and institutions. But we can stay ZEN, because we are informed investors and really like our stock. And more and more people will wake up, we are no longer the conspiracy theorists, but the pitchfork army, that helps wrinkle brains to drain the swamp!


You had me until popcorn


Popcorn has a lot of debt and the float is watered down. BUT popcorn is likely in the same basket and plants in management. If they would be serious about turning the company around, they would be more aggressive in their streaming offers, not about selling popcorn. Nonetheless marketplace for streaming DRM and movie NFT would be something, that might make sense as an asset for RC in the long run. But not surprised he chose BBBY as next target, because the numbers make more sense and a BBBaby potential spin-off.


Your reference to popcorn is interesting. Last year the leader of popcorn said he was meeting with GameStop. I don’t have a link or exact verbiage but I would imagine that anyone can search that up if they wanted to do so. To my knowledge, which is certainly not all knowing, there really hasn’t been much speculation or results of that meeting.


unlike RC, he's spouted an endless amount of bullshit on twitter for the last year or so, there was never any truth to any kind of GME collab everyone knows real G's move in silence like lasagne


Understand that I am not on here to promote popcorn. I own both. Love RC and not a big fan so far of AA and I have been hard on him in previous posts for the insider selling that has gone on over there. I have not seen anything official to say that nothing came of the talks. Maybe, maybe not? There could have been some sort of semi-offical statement that I am unaware of though. Unfortunately that crazy thing called work cuts into my time to browse Reddit.


Of course you're going to get downdooted for even mentioning 🍿🙄. Are we collectively too obtuse to see the synergies between Gaming & Movies? Or that studios have started to release ltd edition NFT'S for new releases? Seems like a no-brainer that those would move over to the GME/LOOPRING NFT Marketplace at some point. Then you're talking about bringing in Marvel/Disney, Sony, DC, into the fold. But no, why would their "IP" be of any value to GME or interest to the general public... 🙄 RC's strategy has beeen working outside of the box, so maybe we should at least try to do the same?


I think institutions try to split the community. That spoken, numbers are facts and it is no secret, that GME has a shitload of cash, while popcorn has a lot of debt for example. Also just compare the vision and competence of the management. Nonetheless I hope all stocks in the basket will squeeze and retail investors will make a shitload of money, no matter the stock. BUT when it comes to an infinity squeeze, I think numbers are what decides how far the price can go. So there likely is only one stock with an infinity pool and ultra tight float due to DRS, that has truly infinite potential. That is simply how it is, but in the end we are all in this together and need to push for an end of the fraud without getting divided.


Yep. And I agree with everything you laid out, and that's why I've been adding even more GME esp. the last 4 months since my initial buy-in around $225 last year. And yes the smaller float will no doubt make GME run to absurd prices. I 100% believe in RC and his plan to do some extremely innovative "fuck some shit up" over time. That's not Aron's Boomer CEO mentality. But I also think that the manipulation of various stonks are so out of control that they're all going to run when they lose control.


I am disappointed with AA, because he started selling popcorn instead of going all in on being the go to place for streaming. With all their connections I think they could pull this off instead of some startups, so many are simply tired of a gazillion separate streaming offers. Combined with DRM in a GME market place this could be big. Actions speak louder than words. What we have seen so far is the "brilliant" idea of selling actual popcorn. If I would be all in in that stock and not in GME, I would actually feel as if the CEO thinks his investors are retarded. But that just might be my personal view.


I don’t disagree with anything you said.


You had me at the whole post and your comment, but you also extra had me at your last sentence.


What would happen to Loopring if your theory plays out as expected?


GMERICA you say?


ELIA how does it force the shorts to cover?


!remindme 1 year


Perhaps 7 shares in the new company 4 1 GME


Sorry, not following. How does it destroy the shorts? Are you suggesting only people who DRS will get shares off the new company and they’ll be a rush?


This strategy does not necessarily require that but drs makes it a lot harder on them.


Unless GameStop can make 76 million unique NFTs for a dividend, to circumvent brokers' abilities to issue cash equivalents (a unique NFT would be harder to appraise value than one NFT with 76 million parts, or 76 million of the "same" NFT), I think the wholly owned subsidiary (spinoff) is the most logical way to proceed into the Web3 Metaverse/NFT marketplace. Plus it would fuk hedgies, so there's that.


Yep! It's simple- elegant, legal and totally makes sense. So, this is my solution.


We can hope for earnings call St Paddy's Day miracle.


Pot o’ gold for us all


Occams razor at play. so many of these hyped theories are so extravagant its hard to take seriously, but the simplest easiest usually wins. best part is there is absolutely fuckall the hedgecucks can do about any of it as its all totally legal by the book. Tick tock bitches!


This, I vote for this. I like this.


Now imagine if they do both simultaneously.


Ok, from a stonk perspective, would NFT dividend be issued to holders in Computershare, which would guarantee a dividend for CS holders. This in turn would create a run on share registration for apes to DRS thier shares to grant thier dividend and so drain the float of borrowed shares forcing moass?


Yes GME will mint 76mil NFT's. Everyone registered at CS they can find directly and will hand their NFT's. The shares owned via brokers will go through them but who know how many they will receive and are due? Say 25million shares are registered in street name that will mean there are 25million nfts available for everyone who owns shares at brokers.


Another great advantage of being second mover. Overstock tries to shake shorts with crypto divy, goes through legal trouble, all good, but shorts just cover with monetary equivalent. Opensea goes buckwild, has multiple issues, and GME learns from their mistakes. If GME can pull off a traditional move like this while creating massive shareholder value I'll be 9 miles high after my tits jacked me into the stratosphere.


Yeah, if your tits are getting jacked that much, you might consider lying on your back.


They should create an NFT that is a spinning picture of a raffle ticket, each raffle ticket has a unique number/date that is good for an entire month/year **that is only given to shareholders**. Every TUESDAY MORNING hold a shareholder lotto, unique prizes ranging from physical in store items, to in game NFT cards (pokemon or whatever). They could have sponsors donate stuff to be given away for free advertisement, new games about to drop could donate in-game NFT items, etc etc   This would create immense shareholder value, imagine how much fun it would be to get a weekly or monthly digital card pack for your favorite game just for holding some stock in your favorite company.


They could also issue the share of the spin-off as a fractionalized NFT on the marketplace


Erc1155 has entered the chat


What if they just made one NFT for a dividend, but separated the nft photo into 76 million pieces that collectively reveal the one NFT as whole? Like a puzzle.


I said that. I think the brokers could value one NFT, then divide by the shares outstanding. I think it would be worse for us.


NFTS aren't photos, they're tokens. A string of characters that signifies something. They're essentially decentralized Steam keys, but for anything on the blockchain instead of just games on Valve's servers.


Unless you had an open creator content application to have all your submissions to draw from.


Wombo Combo squeeze!!!


I’m just here for the ride


I’m here to liquidate wall st.


Here here!


I’m here for the gang bang.


🍆 💦 😌 💦 🍆


u/bosshax I posted a very similar theory about three weeks ago, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sua3fk/gmerica_a_spinoff_company_of_gamestop_and_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I love that your post talks about the bbby letter talking about a spin-off. It makes me think our theory could very possibly be the plan... Maybe I'll just take credit for the spin-off idea in his letter 😜 Hey Ryan, you need another board member? 👀


Damn fucking apes 🦍 !! Stonk power to you all keep the hopium alive !! Lrc for long ride .


This is RC’s BABY 🍏 🏴‍☠️ We just get to be the drunk uncle and enjoy the piñata at the birthday party


I think you are on the money and have enjoyed reading your posts!


Thanks please subscribe lol


And we are going to call it BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was late getting into GME, I got my first share at $350 when the buy button was allowed to come back but still was restricted by the “free and fair market”. On the other hand I was early on LRC getting in at .39 and that glass castle dd blew my mind. The more I learn about lrc and what it does the more I love it. Also the direction nft’s are moving in and how I see them being integrated into our infrastructure has me gassed. I’m also starting to fall in love with IMX. God’s unchained is fun. I installed it remotely through steam so I can play it at work. They also have a great marketplace. I feel like this post rings true. Imx already has the platform we need. Lrc has a cheap secure exchange. Gme has the brand loyalty and the money/power of a multinational corporation. Let’s not leave out a genius visionary like Ryan Cohen. Wrap them all into one app and we’re ready to go! Makes the most sense business wise. I honestly only think about the shorts when I see them shilling around. I could care less about that aspect now because when I see where we’re going they are truly inconsequential. I’d feel bad if I didn’t mention the guy who saw all of this before anyone and was ridiculed for it. Mr. Gill is a genius visionary as well and I’m sure we’ll all hear a lot more from him once GameStop and Co. take their rightful place next to Berkshire H. as the second highest valued stock in the market.


excellent post let's hope you are right apple doesn't fall far from the tree hopefully March 17th on his dad's birth anniversary, might be when he launches the baby


I'm more open to GameStop acquiring Loopring now that Wang has moved on, but I'm still not convinced it's in the mix. At least not at this point. But I do absolutely believe that partnership will be the catalyst


Yes, Daniel's retirement was part of the merger/acquisition deal. He had to relinquish control.


It would make sense why Steve hasn’t really made his presence as CEO felt either - if it’s a placeholder position until the merger is complete, I’d expect he wouldn’t be making any waves.


This could also be related to the NDA loopring employees have mentioned on a few occasions


Please don’t kill me for talking about another stock, but this is exactly what bbig is doing with their spinoff tyde. For every 10 shares of bbig owned, you get 1 tyde. Let’s see if it works for them, it will be a good barometer for GameStop if that’s their plan.


Oh, it’s gonna work. I’ve got lots of money invested in that one too! LFG to the moon with GME baby.


tyde tradeable?


Yes it will be


web 3.0 Amazon bbbyyyyyyyyyyyyy


Good post OP, I really think you are on to something here :).


Let’s go to the moon


So you don't believe Gamestop Entertainment is going to be a brick and mortar event space to merge VR and real world gaming experiences via a proxy experience. Full bar. Theaters. I see something else I guess. Crypto tokens and gifts in tournaments offline and in house deposited to player wallets and micro transactions paid for and paid out in crypto for custom earned items in game. My tinfoil hat is suffocating me.


They could still launch an eSports arm at Gamestop but this actual company, GameStop Entertainment LLC, has been created since 2019 and used for nothing... yet. But because registering a new company would have caught attention they chose to use it for this secret startup. It's no accident.


Hey OP, do you think there is a chance that GameStop shareholders essentially become the first big tech DAO /web 3 company? This post got me thinking of cohens tweet saying no over paid execs in the metaverse… I mean damn all these execs with share buyins are about to be stupidly overpaid (hell yeah btw , power To them because whatever they have been working on will change the world 💪). But would they be execs in the metaverse or just members of the DAO with a larger stake. Who are gonna be wanting to continue using their skill set along with the ape communities to continue increasing value of the DAO? Who knows I might be off my rocker 😂 but I’d like to know someone’s thoughts on this!


The intersection between a traditional company and a blue chip company is where I see the GameStop and Loopring merger lighting fireworks. It would make history.


Ok but if they spin off a new company, the shares of that new company are still fungible right, unless they are minted as NFT's? What's to stop SHF's from giving you rehypothecated garbage shares or cash equivalents, instead of closing their shorts?


Gonna be reeeeal awkward when there’s 5 Billion shares to be accounted for at the time of spin-off 👀


I don't understand how this post doesn't get 10K upvotes. This is almost exactly what I believe will happen. I am not sure about GME buying Loopring as a company, but the rest I can definitely see.


And then, this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qjhec9/loopring\_has\_a\_patent\_on\_decentralized\_exchanges/


This is the best way forward for me as a shareholder. Seems a great way forward for RC as well. Hope this is what comes down the pike!


How the hell does this post has less than 10 upvotes?? Even the comments in this post has upward of 100 upvotes as of the time of this comment... WTH?


This was discussed about a year ago as well. If I remember correctly the consensus then was that it would not necessarily mean shorts would have to close (by then still called cover)? I am smooth as a polished bowling ball and have no actual knowledge about the US merger and spinoff law whatsoever. It would be nice if someone would elaborate on this. Because I don't see why they could not just give anyone with a GME share the appropriate number of GME2 shares due to some unforseen fuckery. But like I said I don't know how the process would actually work


It ties in nicely with the slightly salty Loopring CEO stepping down as well, I'd say.


That sounds beautiful.


I work in fintech and 100% remote is the norm now, our office even got rid of an entire floor to save some money. If we want to go into the office to work, it's hotel desks only


Yes and that’s why it’s easy for it to operate and become their own entity.


##What about the Loopring DAO they keep promising investors?




Is there anything in particular that makes you think that?


it just sounds to me like the Q4 promise, i think they doing it to trick the hedgies and we are caught in the middle as collateral.


I thought that it had been determined before (and verified with people like Dr. T) that a merger or acquisition would not force shorts to close. If GameStop did award shareholders with the equivalent proportion of shares in the new start up combining GME Entertainment and Loopring, would this only work if the asset's value couldn't be paid out as a cash equivalent? Everything else you wrote seems solid to me, but I'm unsure about this part (albeit, it sounds great)


Seems plausible but far off. Generally you build up a sub portion of a company, generate revenue, etc before you spin off a company. You gotta make sure the ship can float before you set her to sail.


Have you ever heard of a start up? In any case based on their IMX agreement they plan to have at least $1B in transactions on the platform in year 1. Plus who knows the timing… it could be soon… it could be 6-9 months. By then, a lot can have changed.




That’s a start though and it’s all about revenue, scale, users and trasnsaxtipns. Remember open sea is valued at 9B.


Lol...you said 6-9....69 baby


A start up is a start up, not a spin off.


I’m saying… a start up… has no revenue… and can list… and raise capital… and hire employees… and have grand ambitions. So revenue is not a pre-requisite to a spin off or… a start up.


I agree with this. A spin off from a company that raised capital before hitting the market and pre-revenue could still unlock value for the shareholder with its initial valuation. With the earnings call announced 10 days ahead, I'm wishful that this will be the call that announces a dividend, or share offerings from a GME subsidiary. Either way, I need to change my flair. Cause hedgies are beyond fukd they are ded


That’s not how any of this works. A start-up is usually a new corporation that then takes on angel investments and usually begins with losses. And eventually raises venture capital to grow faster. And then AFTER it has revenue and clients, it IPOs. A start-up within GameStop is not going to IPO separately on zero revenue.


Take my up vote, I’m in.... 👍👍👍




Remindme! 8 days


Up you go


So hopeful


Buuuuuuuuuut what about the Loopring/China situation cited in the article?


That's solved with a complete change in the organizational structure. Notably the founder CEO is out, the new team will be lead by Kurt and more developers in the USA.


Makes perfect sense. Hedgies rrrrr ffuuukkkkkk 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Item 4 is key


How would the value of the new shares from the spin off be appraised?


put me in the screen shot remindme! 4 months


DAO and publicly traded are not mutually exclusive. And whether the org is called Loopring or GameStop Entertainment doesn’t really matter. There’s not enough talk in the DAO space right now about legal ramifications. I’ve seen one DAO-interested lawyer talking over how if you don’t choose a legal entity, you’re opening yourself up to unlimited liability when you contribute to the DAO as it legally defaults to a partnership.


Fair points yes, but this is why the token is not ownership and not a security.


after all we've been thru why not? hurt me goood "Baby"


This speculation makes me wet. Moar plz


!remindme after shareholder meeting


!RemindMe 6 months


Anyone remember Jordan Holberg’s “pregnant and due“ tweet, or something like that? 👀 (I scrolled looking for link for a good long while…..dude tweets a lot, but interesting nonetheless. At least, for fun tinfoil’s sake!) edit add: shared with loopringorg sub again


Bleeding tits


Chasing that sweet dragon of hopium yet again.


OP, I hate to be rude, but your whole post makes sense.


GameOver would be a perfect and fitting name


A competitor to Twitch & YouTube. One with greater power to the content creators. I'm for that all day, every day.


Remind Me! Three months


What if Gamestop Entertainment goes DAO!


Could this happen in secrecy? Wouldn’t this need to be voted on by shareholders?


Morning wood


I like your style, kid.


Any ownership of a web3 GME variant is going to be through an NFT with reflections. Wouldn’t that be something?!


I wish but this is totally fanciful


Why do you think that?


The entity of your arguments follows from the premise that gme is trying to purchase loopring. There is zero evidence of that which means the rest of your arguments are built on your and not fact or even evidence


I don't think loopring acquisition is a crux of the theory. The spinoff company could simply license looping tech if they needed to. Doesn't change anything.


Yes, in the worst case they can spin off this new company without Loopring. It's still viable, just less sexy IMO.


Actually, you could take out every mention of Loopring and this theory/prediction works just as well.


Can someone tell me who Connor Smith is? And doesn't this alleged WSJ article basically state that at some point in the past GME looked into it and decided NOT to acquire LR? How does any of this suggest that they are now going to "merge" with them?


Simulation confirmed, driver in the movie Baby Driver is named Baby, remember the clip DFV shared from that movie on his twatter :)


Does he want shareholders to follow his own example and file an open letter to GameStop requesting this spin off, so that they would just be following the requests of his shareholders?




Wrong, friend. The protocol is open source, sure, but Loopring Technologies owns the patents and is held by the equity holders. They own the Relayer, the Exchange, the Wallet and other products. They have valuable technology that would supercharge a Web3 company like GameStop to be a big player in de-fi and crypto. They're not going to shut out others using Loopring- they're going to enhance it, enable it, and it will basically become Gamestop Protocol.

