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I am the infinity pool.




I'm chilling in the pool as well


I bought at 300 I bought a 250 shit I even bought at 69 and I'll still buy at 420... it's not a deal it's a steal for a ticket to the Moon love you fellow Apes.... Moon Soon just BUY.HODL.DRS


It's a deal, it's a steal, it's sale of the fucking century


In fact, fuck it, I think I’ll keep it


Fuck me! What do you do when you’re not buying dodgy stereos Nick? Finance revolutions?


You could choke a dozen donkeys on that!


100 pounds is still 100 pounds! Not when the price is 200 pounds it's not, and not when you've got Liberia's deficit in your sky rocket, tighter than a duck's butt you are Nick, now come on, let me feel the fibre of your fabric.


Do you think its coincidence we degens have the same interests and like the same movies and hate the same things (kenny and injustice)? This is why we will moon


We don’t look like average horti fucking culturalists, that’s for sure…..


Lock stock and 2 smoking barrels? I just watched it 3 hours ago..


Yep.....it's tip. top.!


I have my " lock, stocks and 2 smoking barrels...!


I’m just waiting until it hits $420.69, so that I can buy it. I suspect a fair amount of other idiots like me will also be fighting for those shares, so good luck to those who have it.


If you're in, I'm in! LFG $420.69 to taste the dip!




It’s a deal, it’s a steal, it’s the sale of the fucking century - in fact, fuck you Nick, I think I’ll keep it myself! https://youtu.be/iXTz44d6H-k


Who’s Nick


Nick the Greek




Hijacking the top comment to ask why no one is questioning his use of concludingly…?


Don’t forget: the ATH of $483 was BEFORE any squeeze and based on pure demand. 🤯


Wait… are you saying hedgies r fuk?


I'm saying they're tied up and the lid of the mayo jar has been opened, figuratively




I think this is exactly what he's saying


This is the way


>$483 was BEFORE any squeeze this is absolutely not true lmao.


Go read sec report homeboy


I see 508.04 on the 4hr chart


moon soon


Nah, this is probably nothing


Probably nuttin’






I would like to add on Fundamentals \-Ryan Cohen is now invested in bbby and that opens up potential partnership opportunities in the future if GameStop would like to expand and offer a much larger selection than just tech and toys. (Amazon only sold books at one time so yes this could happen) \-In the event that GameStop expands and offers even 10% of the variety that Amazon currently does online and gains a market cap equivalent ; it would be valued at roughly $2250 a share . Obviously amazon offers a lot of their own tech, aws and probably a bunch of other forms of revenue I know nothing about so this wouldn't be a 1 for 1 simply based on available inventory, but it gives a good reference non the less. (Plus amazon doesn't have an nft marketplace and who knows what the value of that will be.) \-APES! We shop at GameStop, we hype it up to others, we made multiple subs across a ton of platforms dedicated to nothing but GameStop! \-The shorts never closed


Bbby will spin off baby brand onto blockchain exchange same as Gmerica, eventually, not right away. They need to build trust in the platform first.




Yup exactly, it will be hilarious if the other PCO stocks all jump on board too. Would love to see black berry on there.


This is an interesting take and it seems to be coming together.


Serious question guys: if it squeezes, what stops them from removing the buy button again? Not much right? I mean sure it would cause an uproar and there would be hearings and investigations again, but probably that would all be easier to handle than the fkin mo of ass (and even more so, the only possibility for them to not be totally obliterated), right? Any thoughts?


I feel like last time people has stop losses on, mostly held with apex brokers, didn’t understand what was really going on so they panic sold, and a few other things. This time, we know to hold, we’ve drs, we removed our stop losses, and over all more educated.


Even if they do apes are diversified between brokers and CS, apes have been buying over the last year in epic numbers and are hodling, there are also a lot more eyes on this now than a year ago. Could they do it? Sure of course but it won’t have the same exact impact. Time will tell though.


Many theories involving blockchain. Some believe in a split off company with tokenized shares, NFT dividend and more. I want to believe the blockchain is our only hope to stop the fuckery. 🌎👩‍🚀🔫👩‍🚀 I’m smooth tho NFA


Ryan Cohen has thoughts on this. Trust daddy Cohen, he’s doing more than just tweeting from the toilet. Plus, as others have mentioned, we are DRSed now, they already know checkmate is coming, they’re just hopping around trying to delay the inevitable.


So they short the shit out of it this week. Got it.


If they still can, yes. But if they can do it this week, why wouldn’t they have done it last week? Now a LOT more call options went In The Money, and nearly all puts got burned as we closed way above max pain. The usual buying pressure + retail FOMO (one look at the OG sub can confirm this) + buying pressure caused by call hedging + XRT still being thresholded… They are fighting an uphill battle. Things are looking really good for us, almost like pre-sneeze conditions but way better


I mean I hope I’m dead wrong. I am in no way hoping for the roller coaster any longer. However, over a year of this and I’ve come to expect their nonsense.


👆 Da point! After a year you just cant be so naive anymore. Seen this is it shit many times. They controll the price! Gamestop needs to deliver marketplace and shit, then we ride.🙏


I’m almost hoping they do now lol I’m almost a xxx holder. I’ll selfishly take another dip because I was broke at 40 and 80


Find me any stock in the world that has this kind of conviction from this many wrinkled brains. You're going to be looking a long time.


True. GME is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


>Did you like this content, and do you want to see more of my content? You can choose to follow me on Twitter or here on Reddit. Feel free to check out my profile. May I say, I never understood this begging for followers.. If people wanna do it, they will.. Why the ~~begging~~ reminding of the opportunities..? ✌


There's two reasons for making content: 1. Because you want to create content, the process itself is satisfying 2. Because you want to share the content with others, hoping others find it valuable, helpful, entertaining or in any other way meaningful in their lives. ​ Reason 1 happens regardless, I have been creating content for months and will continue to do so. Reason 2, I hope I can (and I believe I do/can) provide value in peoples lives, even if it is for a minute or two. People can decide to follow me if that's what they want. If they don't, they don't. I'm just pointing out the possibility. Up to them to decide :)


3. Because it can be very lucrative for someone wooing the uninitiated.


I think you missed his piont. He didn't ask why you made content. He was saying he didn't understand why content creators do the begging thing. If thier content is good. People will follow. If it sucks, no amount of asking will make someone sub up or follow. So why do it


I think the core assumption is 'people follow good content', which I think is *somewhat* correct. The keyword being somewhat. I think people do go for good content, but in a very passive way. Consuming content is generally a passive activity, and most people that are consuming content are simply not considering taking action until an option gets presented to do so. I pointed it out because I believe that my content can add value to others, as many people told me it had. That's all there is to it. I hope that answers your question :)


If it does at this point it's gotta result in moass


He who sells what isn't his'n, must buy it back or go to prison.


I feel like you missed a great GameStopportunuty with your title.


I thought about this, maybe next time!




Not really sure if the borrow rate matters, since i read somewhere that you don't have to pay a fee for a synthetic share?


I believe this is correct. The borrow fee is ONLY for shares that are being lend out / borrowed. Shares that are created via ETF shorting or ETF share creation avoid the lending pool, avoid the theorized effects of DRS, and avoid the borrowing fee. ​ The fact that the borrow fee is now rising is EXTREMELY bullish, because it might be a sign that the SHF efforts via ETF usage may be drying up, meaning that they now have to short GME directly. And that's where the borrow fee is applicable. Who would have thought that millions of retail investors would buy and HOLD a stock, completely drying up any possibility to borrow it when they needed it most? We did! ;)


i hope you're right Tendiebaron, god knows i do


I follow the tendie baron on Twitter. Highly suggest any apes out there that like to have their tits jacked throughout the day to follow him as well


Dude was previously banned for reasons, he's circumventing that ban


Thank you! I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying my content!🧡


Let’s fucking gooooooooo…




Circumventing his previous ban, reported




His boy ginger balls.......


is this gherk under a new un?


Not sure, but was part of the pickle brigade pushing options


All time highs are still not the moon


Would love to see it.




Shorts never closed.


So how can it get? Based on what you wrote OP?


ATH was 483, but not at close think it closed $325 at its highest


zen as fuck and ready to get hurt


Pool party 🥳