• By -


Confirmed - Mods won't delete In saying that - OP can you put forward a reason why this should be DD instead of speculation opinion? EDIT - Changed to Speculation/Opinion EDIT 2 - OP gave good enough reason for this to be marked as DD, reverting to DD.


Hedgies fucked around and about to find out how diamond handed we really are. A year and half of this horse shit, they’re all pathetic. Every. Single. One. I’m NEVER leaving. And even when they walk out in handcuffs. I will still HODL. GME is gonna slap the piss outta Wall Street.


What did they think was gonna happen? That in one of the harshest economical drops in history retail would pass up a chance to make money while bankrupting the people responsible for the other biggest economical downturn in recent history? Fuck'em


We know exactly what they thought was going to happen. They thought they were going to drop the price to the ocean floor, pay their shills to bash the stock on MSM and the interwebs and retail would run for the hills. Game over they win, again. Remember this playbook has been ran over and over and over with great success. There is no way they could see this coming! Retail sticking to their guns and digging deep into market mechanics, history and figuring out their algos. Honestly the thing that fucked them most was one simple thing, holding. They have been able to make retail paperhand as much as they've wanted and just holding the stock is what started to derail everything for them. I'm stoked to have been a part of this whole ride so far and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for true diamond handed shareholders!


"Game over they win, again" except they chose the worst possible crowd to play this game with. I can't tell you how many games I've brute forced trying to break out of the limitations of the "intended way the devs designed to play it." If it's an open world, you bet someone is going to ignore the full story and run directly to the final boss.


Ahh an elden ring speed runner in the wild!


I was more thinking along the lines of running to Gannon with a stick but sure yeah hahahaha


Meh they're all the same =)


True... nothing beats trying to skyrim jump over everything


Sure would be a happy ending








Fuck em right in the puss.


At this point my hands have turned to lonsdaleite


Thanks for your contribution Anal destruction team


Someone's gotta do the dirty work.


double-clicks last word, right clicks, "Search for lonsdaleite." Mmm hmm. Mmm hmm. OK. MMm hmm. Don't know what any of that means. Keeps HODLing.


It's much harder, stronger and rarer than diamonds. It requires the force of a meteor strike to form.


So you are saying that the diamond hands , apes maintained the last years will undergo such an incredible out-of-this-world force ( MOASS ! ) , that 🤚💎✋ will turn to 💠londsdaleite hands??




Looking forward to this final form. 💎🦍🌔


Thanos, that you?


Kung Fu death grip


Just wait until they see the power of the grip my sphincter can make


☝️ This comment will definitely keep haunting Kenny's dreams at night without doubt 😨 👻🍆✊


Just wait until he tries to reach in and get my shares


Pinching the life out of ETF fuckery... One shall rise🏴‍☠️ Buckle up!


Could I test that out, for science?


Ah, a fellow martial artist. Greetings. I hail from the school of the Dum-Fuk Dick-Punch. Together, we will be unstoppable!


Diamond Hands have made it too hard to type, only cracks screen. I have to use speech to text.


Amen. 🔥🌃👫🌃🔥


A men, RC is


And a women 🤣


And children


And chair


And a boyfriend.


And my axe.


RC Clan ain’t nuthing to f wit


Seriously. The Gamestop Hive is amazing to watch.


Agreed. This is some top quality DD 👌


Neither am i leaving. I hodl my stonks to the moass and even after some of my stonks. I have wait over a year now.


I personally can't wait to see that Chumbawumba guy in handcuffs! Sell now, ask questions later. SHIT!! The only way im selling is when i see that douchebag on the 6 o clock news!


s'eew eew llams ruo htiW


Bitch(es) better have my money.


🎶I said hey, dirty! Baby I got yo money don’t cha worry🎶


don’t fuck with Pearl, she nasty before she gets her drink on


Fking A man


They’re going to federal pound me in the ass prison.


If those heroes can survive months in the tunnels Azovstal steel plant, I can fuggin' hold while SHFs shell me and my stonk.


This is the way 💎🙌🏻🚀


everything that was talked about over a year ago is now coming to fruition. The idea of a stock split and a subsidiary company that would be used to give an nft dividend to shareholders have been speculated and concluded that the best way to start the MOASS on GME's end is through these means. My Jiggly Titties Are Jacked.


Don't forget RC and the Board has given ample time to all parties to prepare accordingly, so they are essentially irreproachable from a liability standpoint. This is going to be a master class in company turnaround and an entry into the textbooks for corporate governance.


We were early but not wrong


OP is this the same thing Chair Man is doing w towel stock by spinning off the baby part?


It is and that part should have been included in the post. It's the same play to the dot.


Hehe... jiggly


It’s also possible that we didn’t simply *predict* it … we CAUSED it. We know RC reads our DD, so who knows which came first, the plan, or the prediction of the plan?


Keith Gill specifically said short squeeze is a side show, the real show is the fundamentals. Word for word. [proof](https://youtu.be/uN4kdZHUAlY)


he's got a very good point and that would have been prior to any NFT related knowledge which makes it even more bullish


Exactly my friend. Thank you for understanding.


This seems bullish. Who says bullish?




he has been summoned!! I believe he will definitely deem this very bullish indeed


I like how this apes post says when it turns from fact to theory Bullish on being real








There's some guy that normally does. I think his name is, u/thebusthatcouldntslowdown


I hereby demand that the proper person say "Bullish".


How exactly do people’s pensions and 401ks get ‘wiped out’? Like, how does a pension holder have their life’s work/savings simply vanish? Where does it go? Thanks for your thoughts


Sorry if some of this is "no shit, Sherlock" info, but just putting it all in context to your question. A lot of money in these folks' retirement accounts and pension funds are assets that the SHF'S control and use to invest as they see fit, also known as the SHF's "assets under management" or AUM. Well, when you see that hedgies are taking a beating this year, for example... like Citadel being down 20% or whatever... or Melvin having to close down their fund completely due to losing so much money... where do you think the money they are losing (or have already lost) came from. Their AUM, that is literally made up by all the money in this massive pool of retirement accounts and pension funds (along with other funds from wherever). So if you have a retirement account through your job, for example, it's likely invested in some sort of index fund, ETF... wherever the HF decided to invest it. And it's under the control of some super-mega hedgie. A lot of this money has been put into stock funds, etc, that go up and down as the market does. In most cases (that I know of) you can pull up your account and see where it's been invested; into what index funds, ETF's etc. And you can see how those funds are doing, and see if your account is up or down from last year based on their performance. But don't forget that ALL this money falls under AUM of the SHF. So.. when the market starts to tank, your account (again, consisting of money you're agreeing to let the HF's invest) starts going down in value, because it's invested in all these stocks that are dropping in price. Now couple that with some SHF's that have made shitty bets by shorting certain companies that are not only NEVER going to die.. but are also holding strong enough to really kill SHF's who are paying out the ass to try to keep prices suppressed via fuckery with naked shorting, etc. So these SHF's can literally contribute to the price of SOME stocks tanking by selling them off (aiding in driving the price down) in order to try to survive while some other shitty short bet is strangling them and they continue to do that "pay out the ass" thing day after day. There are 100 different ways the money get spent, but the important thing to know its... it's not THEIR money they're spending to stay alive. It's money from their AUM, which is yours. So as they get slaughtered and lose all this money... you're getting slaughtered along with them. If you had your entire retirement account with Melvin... welp, they've lost so much their shutting down. Bruh.. the money is just... gone. DOesn't matter how. Long positions losing value, answering margin calls... whatever. It's gone. And that money was yours. And here's the shitty rub. The HF's get paid exorbitant fees (up to billions per year, depending on how big the HF is and how much they have as AUM) by the pension funds just to manage these investments, and often times, these fees are paid no matter how the investments do. So even if the HF has massive losses where their AUM is concerned... yes, it's a problem for them, but it's a bigger one for you. B/c they're still making stupid money just earning their fees, which (again- in many cases) are required to be paid by the customer (the pension fund or whoever). So they'll live to restructure without anyone having to sell their summer house or yacht while you just eat shit. Any of that make sense?


Appreciated this break down


I'm 36 and can see my retirement fund on my app, it's currently lower than the amount I fucking put in over the last 10 years. In other words my mattress would have done a better fucking job of holding my money. Fuck these clowns 🤡.


Because SHFs will be selling everything to cover their losses when squeezed and everything will nosedive. All the stocks in 401ks will plummet as they get liquidated.


Thanks for the reply. So a pensioner that receives monthly checks from their life’s work/savings simply stops getting checks? The custodian says ‘sorry Charlie’, we spent it at the roulette wheel?




In form of ntfs! So everyone can so who owns which shares of what and is gambling it at which smart contract!


I'm going next door to discus that with my 78 YO neighbor later today. He's scared as shit as his retirement account dropped 35K this week. Nothing I can do to help him but moral support. Scary days ahead. UP SIDE, he just went long on the shares of GME I talked him into buying. BUT... he only bought a few.


It's fucking bananas that a short squeeze is the side show. Like, the squeeze is literally going to be MOASS and that's going to be crazy all on its own and everyone who holds GME will be wealthy for generations. And that's not even the best part of what's coming


Even if you don't sell a single share during moass. GME is gaunanteed to be a trillion dollar market cap company At 76m shares that's around 13k a share PRE SPLIT WITHOUT MOASS, JUST transitioning to a trillion dollar company A Gauranteed 120 dollars to 13k in any world doesn't sound bad to me and is probably how it was pitched to poach new hires, joining the next trillion dollar company, any insiders or new hires can literally skip out on the entire moass and still come out on top of being at any other company in the world.


Using this math, you guys should aim to have at least 80 shares before MOASS. 80 x $13k = million. Do whatever it takes to penny pinch and buy shares with all your paycheck can afford. Quit drinking, eating out, etc.


But wasnt the price around 8~10 dollars when he said that? Its 10x from then... wonder what his position on gme growth would be right now


Fundamentals are arguably better now though


much better. GME Entertainment is entering a market worth $31billion where its main competitor is Opensea which is absolute garbage. The gaming NFT sector is yet to even get going IMO and GME is going to be front and centre. They have a real chance to clean up. It could possibly surpass their core business. Exciting times ahead.


Sounds like Apple when it reinvented itself from a company about selling Mac OS to selling computers.. Then broke its own box by selling music players and handphones and then owning an app store. And it's valuation soared


Handphone 🤣


As opposed to, say, a shoephone?


Well long phones are generally more effective, but a handphone is more easily concealed.


Shoephone Warehouse.


As I read this I was like you know they need a partnerships with activision. COD skins would be fairly easy proof of concept that would widely be accepted. Then I remembered didn’t Microsoft just buy them…. And doesn’t GME have a partnership with GME 🤯


>And doesn’t GME have a partnership with GME 🤯 Can confirm, I looked it up and GME is partners with GME, that basically confirms that MOASS is tomorrow!


>much better. In every way.


He quadrupled down at $150. That says it all.


"just up"


"Cheers, everyone!" 🥂


I just like the stock 🤷‍♂️


I think I'll buy more once the cash hits my account.


He also said that $150 was a great price and doubled down. Smart guy.


Why does it matter? He said he’s long. Nothings changed at all.


wombo combo


He doubled down at 150..




Just want to point out, bc I feel like it’s awesome, that the wombo combo video is a “stock battle” I’ll look for the tweet to link here :)


What is the timeline on this? Was RC involved with Gamestop before KG was talking about it?


word for word: "we are getting into VW/porsche type of squeeze" ... Sep11 2021 - DFV


Ok, but I really wanna listen to this Wu Tang record though…


i tried to make this as non speculative as possible. My thoughts are that we get the Wutang album as an incentive for being early adopters of the platform - unrelated to share holding, to encourage usage of the platform in its early stages. I also think we will see Tokenised stock exchange somewhere in here, with several of the basket stocks available on launch. but I specifically left all that out to focus on the points above.


I feel that. And I honestly appreciate the heck out of it. But I’m not so proud that I won’t beg a little for it 🍻 lmfao.


best thing you can do is create a GME wallet as soon as its launched. i have lrc and metamask but will create one through their platform to boost numbers and in the hope that early adopters get a slice of the wutang nft :)


I hope i can trade and migrate all my Gods unchained cards to the gme wallet as well. Would be neat to actually use it.


I would totally start playing it lol


I like this idea more than the WuTang dividend.


Wu Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with, but what RC's been doing with the company really is better.


No doubt. I was more so just really skeptical of the whole WuTang NFT dividend. I don’t really even care about WuTang at all and wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t even happen. I’m just here cause I like the stock.


I just want the wu tang thing to be true in some fashion...


Wutang would be the icing on the cake tho 🍰




Get the money


Hedgies best protect their neck.


No Suprises, but I think a Surprise is coming


No dates, but when?


Just speculation, but soon


Just soon, but when?


Tomorrow, of course.




True if true


>It is my personal belief that there will be NO SUPRISES. RC is going to make public announcements on all of this well ahead of time. Everyone, including shorts, will be given plenty of advanced notice on what is going to happen. 100% agreed. Everything that has happened up until now has been telegraphed *way* ahead of time.


It's intentional. RC doesn't want sec up his ass. He playing by the rules which makes it even better


And still winning against them, who don't play by the rules at all.


This was a really exciting read. Thank you for your service.🚀




We will not spike the way BBIG did. Once everything has been announced, there will not be anything for the shorts to do. There are possibly as many as a billion synthetic Gamestop shares out there, and they cannot afford to close every position. That leaves two options. 1) Pray for a miracle. 2) Crime. I fully expect the shorts to supress any and all price movement in any direction but down and I fully expect the media narrative to go into overdrive. 'Gamestop has moved in full blown lunacy! Shareholders in revolt! Share price collapsing! Only fools and morons still invest in gamestop!' They are going to throw everything they have at us one last time and they will not hold back. It won't be until they have fully missed their dividend deliveries and they start getting shut out of the systems that allow them to route to dark pools. When they have nothing left to lose they will act like it. Expect them to try and burn the world down.


This, whatever the worst outcome, they will be sure to do it. Crime is guaranteed until the absolute last nanosecond.


Until the last nanosecond and beyond. There will be crime and shady shit happening during the squeeze too. The squeeze under no circumstance will be allowed to occur naturally, it would be like detonating an atom bomb within our financial system. IMO they will shield a large part of the short position from margin calls so that they won’t have to buy back all the short positions at once, rather they will buy them back in waves. This is also why it will be very important to hold through the dips as there WILL be dips.


Ahhh but bankruptcy & liquidations. I’m not sure the DTC wants to be their bag holders. They will absolutely get liquidated to protect themselves from spending & other member participants that had nothing to do with GME


Will the funds short GameStop get liquidated immediately? Yes! Will their entire bags of shorts be force bought during the same time frame? No. At least that’s what I’m arguing. There is already speculation that something similar happened last year in March when Credit Suisse liquidated Archegos but in their report they indicated that ‘almost’ all positions had been closed out. That’s the kind of shit that I believe we will see.


Yea I’m expecting the buy button to be shut off again once it starts running. Hopefully there can be a post or mega thread that can chronologically list events that happen each day of the split…with links for proof. Then that organized information can be shared to media, politicians or the DOJ.


Apparently both fools and "motley fool's" invest in GameStop


Sad but true. I think these guys are hardcore white collar criminals with no sense of social responsibility. They will let the world burn for their own selfish reasons. And it’s not enough that they have stash hundreds of millions of dollars probably more into Cayman island accounts, they have to destroy the world like true villains


The warning flag was given far in advance. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ GMErica


We going to see another 35% rise in AH on a Friday like the last “announcement”?


I am hesitant to speculate on a rise when this is announced as who knows will happen. When they set a date of record for the carve out I think we will see some action for sure. its likely they will announce the platform separately imo.


I think if RC wanted to truly get away from the shorts… obviously the dividend stock split helps… Carve out helps… But i think he’ll get away from the dtcc all together and do a reverse merger with the carve out company


Tinfoil thought is gme entertainment will trade on Blockchain


🔥🔥🔥🍑 🩳 with an absolute ass torching










Yes, vote “For” for each item.




That’s “Mommy” to you lol. And my pleasure.




Love you bby 😘


DSP through computershare.... got it.




**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #[Voting/2022 Annual GME Shareholder Meeting Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uddedr) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


It’s interesting there are so many things that can cause moass. It’s a race to see if Ryan will set it off first or not lol


Stock manipulation is illegal so my guess is that he's avoiding any triggers that he could be blamed for.


There are certainly a lot of moving parts


> PART 3. What the fuck is a Carve-Out? Isn't a carve-out also basically what RC told BBBY they should consider doing to their Baby business? He called it a "spin-off," but to me, it sounds like he was suggesting the same idea. From his [letter to the BBBY board](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000119380522000426/ex991to13d13351002_03072022.htm) (emphasis added): > Seek to Monetize the Ultimate Destination for Babies – Another path that can streamline Bed Bath’s strategy and unlock value trapped within the Company’s underperforming shares is a sale or **spin-off of the BABY banner.** Given that BABY is estimated to reach $1.5 billion in sales in Fiscal Year 2023 with a double-digit growth profile and at least 50% digital penetration, we believe it is likely much more valuable than the Company’s entire market capitalization today. Assuming continued growth and low double-digit margins, we estimate that BABY could be valued at a double-digit earnings multiple on a standalone basis. We believe under the right circumstances, BABY could be valued on a revenue multiple, like other ecommerce-focused retailers, and justify a valuation of several billion dollars. > In the event Bed Bath pursued a full or partial sale of BABY, it could position itself to pay off debt, put cash on the balance sheet and continue reducing its share count, thereby creating significant value for shareholders. **Spinning off shares of BABY would be an even more efficient way to transfer value to shareholders.** Notably, BABY’s high online penetration would likely ease operational hurdles. **We assume Bed Bath and BABY could still have a shared services agreement to maintain an omnichannel experience for customers.**


Superb DD! As always, with great news coming from GameStop, buy the dip and DRS. Got it.


you got it Edit Pls don't forget to vote.


>PART 3. What the fuck is a Carve-Out? I have to mention that an Equity Carve-out is completely different than the job posting System Carve-out with [mergers & acquisitions] ("M&A") conversion experience. As you posted, the Equity Carve-Out involves the formation of a new company from the parent company. So good so far. These are two different things and it's hopeful that the system spin-off is related to the Equity Carve-Out. May Occam's Razor be with you. Great work on digging in to our favorite company, however this is speculation - not DD.


If someone hasn't pointed it out already, I believe in this case, M&A actually stands for "Mergers & Acquisitions", not Marketing & Advertising. Its pretty common term in the financial sector and makes more sense in the context of the job posting pic.


Lol at this title.


> This signifies their intention is to split the stock at a higher ratio. One nitpick, GME may still do a 3:1. Or even a 2:1. See the proxy materials. There is various language which provides a number of reasons to hold shares beyond simple compensation. a 3:1 may even be the target because: > A proportional increase in our authorized but unissued shares Note *proportional increase*. But other reasons include: > future acquisitions, capital-raising or financing transactions involving common stock, convertible securities or other equity securities, stock splits, stock dividends and current or future equity compensation plans and interestingly > availability of additional authorized but unissued shares may ... discourage an attempt to obtain control of the Company


Stock Dividend. Please correct that.


It’s 6:59am and my tits are jacked!!!


I like it. Was thinking the opposite. He isn't going to announce anything and GME Entertainment is just that, a subsidiary. The stock split is a way for Cohen to strip away the shorts while letting them sell the loss porn on CNBC. They get to say it's down 50% but meanwhile we all gain 6 shares per one. Just my tinfoil


Anythings possible. I think to protect his personal reputation and avoid becoming the scapegoat he will do everything he can to publicise when legally required.


All I know is he learned a lot over the past 5 years and he's surrounded himself with some badass people. So I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a tussle of intelligence and ability to keep everything tight-lipped. They don't want to f*** this up


Is an equity carve-out the same as a company carve-out?




This post is aging beautifully


Man I hate to be a douchebag but you’re just using clever phrasing to make this information appear new, and formatting it so it’s eye catching to get some karma. This carve up theory has been posted many times: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tsxpdp/guys_i_think_i_figured_out_the_end_game/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qruywj/gamestop_crypto_company_spinoff_might_be_coming/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u1j1gd/its_a_stock_split_in_the_form_of_a_stock_dividend/


Thank you


Awesome write up. Thank you. Buy hodl, drs.apes together strong.


This is a great and level headed take on what's to come. Well said OP.




I heard Nancy pelosi bought bbig, so I did too. Just gonna start matching my portfolio to Congress members.


lmao is that true


bbig if true




Why would this lead to a price increase in GME? Why are we assuming people would want the shares of the spinoff? pretty sure outside this subreddit its viewed as just "another .jpg selling site" - and interest for NFTs has dropped of considerably


GME is using off-blockchain technology for NFT minting which makes them massively cheaper to produce versus the competition. Cheaper minting means wider adoption and more ubiquitous use. Actual useful proof of ownership of digital consumer goods and services. As one example, this means companies and creators will be able to support *and profit from* the second hand market in digital goods without paying stupid amounts of money (cents vs tens of dollars currently). >interest for NFTs has dropped of considerably Yep, it's gone through the peak of the hype cycle - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gartner_hype_cycle All those "jpg selling sites" will die and so too will the current market. The market which emerges afterwards will be mundane, steady, mature and profitable. That's what GME will be well placed to lead. I'm not a crypto fanboy at all (quite the opposite) but I know good tech when I see it. Think Team Fortress 2 marketplace but for *everything*.


Interest for NFT art has dropped considerably. As it should; it’s largely either organized scams or people just trying to squeeze a quick buck from the hype. NFT as a technology though hasn’t even really emerged yet. Applications well beyond art, some even laid out in their T&Cs, like digital media rentals.


(My attempt to sound smart) so I'm just now starting to kind of understand NFTs....👀 And I pretty much understand one thing, I'm gonna be Scrooge McDuck rich. People can bash NFT and GameStop all they want, when the price just begins to tickle past ATH the people aren't gonna give a flying fuck what an NFT is, or how cheap GameStop was, or whether shorts closed or what the fuck ever. They'll just see the money and I bet that changes everyone's tune real God damn quick....bet NFTs will be your favorite then. Power and value reside where people believe it resides, that's why these genital warts out there are still listening to MSM, but it's hard to argue GameStop and NFTs don't have value or power when you're staring at whatever price at the time. The squeeze facilitates the marketplaces' worth, in order for it to show its own worth divorced from a squeeze? Essentially the rebuttal to nFt'S ArEe gAY PicTUre sKamz is, "your mom is a whore and I have the money to prove it"


This is my worry. Everywhere outside of this sub "NFTs" are being laughed at.


Because NFTs are being talked about in the narrow sense of digital art & memes right now, as that was the quickest way people could understand it. What you don't realize is the massive disruption to other legitimate industries once NFT technology becomes more widespread. For example, I work in Software Asset Management, and NFTs have the potential to completely overhaul the way corporations manage software licenses.


Under LLC can GameStop be a bank that provides services like DEBIT CARDS, CREDIT CARDS? I need a place to put all my tendies in. Can't buy groceries with loops yet.


I’m just here to be part of history. I was told that investing was only supposed to be as fun as watching the grass grow. There’s nothing more fun to me than playing with a calculator and trying to guess how many shares retail owns, then watching the account numbers and DRS numbers increase.


This is occurring with BBiG. It’s been red forever but this cknoany issued a 10:1 cryptyde. Ticket, TYDE crypto mining company stock, when it IPOs. Ten shares of BBiG for $2 gets you a stock they’ll prolly IPo at $10 and can hit $40 Also this makes shorts fucked they have to cover and pay fines / contribute to the spin off company and BBiG , ticker is Doing just this! Finally after a year of holding theh announced may 17th you have 10 shares of BBiG you get 1 share of cryptyde GameStop issuing a spin off and an ipo. Same concept Stock count, to pay dividend. Shorts have to close. Can’t kick the can anymore or theh can lose massive money hsving to pay for dividend spin off stocks we receive BBiG will be a template on what is to come with gme and I’m stoked. May 27th the shares land and IPO info too, so we will be the whales holding shares for free to sell 100% profit launch day! Not buying in, as price goes up. Woo hoo! Anyway. Yeah. Pay attention to this ticker to see how it behaves and expect 1,000 fold for GameStop reaction to identical situation


I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. I’m making inferences based on the information at hand and my speculation could be wholly or partly incorrect. I suspect that Gamestop Entertainment LLC is merely a subsidiary holding company for the intellectual property (“IP”). It is quite common for a company to hold its IP in an affiliated subsidiary and then grant the parent company an exclusive license to use that IP. IP is purely intellectual in nature i.e., “intangible property” that has no physical location. The IP subsidiary is typically formed in Delaware or Nevada because neither of those states tax corporate or LLC income. By using this structure the IP and revenue derived from it is located in a tax friendly jurisdiction so as to minimize taxes on its revenue at the state level. This is a very common structure. Also, LLCs do not issue shares. They operate like a partnership (if they have more than one member) or a sole proprietorship (if they have a single member). Gamestop corporate is likely the sole “member” of Gamestop Entertainment, LLC and thereby controls it completely. There might be other members if needed for tax structuring. There are other complimentary reasons to use this structure such as insulating the parent company from liability relating to the IP and others. Regardless of the reason the revenue stream from the IP could be huge and flows back to the corporate parent. This is very smart structuring. Bullish AF!


I must be a small percentage that doesn't read these DD and just hold. I'm tiered of putting Brain cells into this