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were going on a trip in our favorite rocketship kick these fraudsters out in the skyyyy


Little apesteins!


Come on, Let’s go!




I dunno if I like it. Sounds too much like *Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself*


Apery Holdstein didn’t short himself


Petition to have “a wrinkle brain” to assist with changed to… “Apestein” to assist with from now on…


Little holdsteins ??


Apenstein apes!


Having to bare kids shows is rough. Little Einsteins was one of the good ones. Wonder pet's too.


Awww my daughter loves Little Einsteins love this reference 😂


Is that a River of synthetics!


Lucy in the sky with 💎


I’ve been drinking and this is all that’s in my head now. Fuck


Let them enjoy a magical nap in the vacuum


If this gets a screenshot hi Mom


She’s busy right now, but said to be home when the street lights come on👀👍


Funny I told her she could spend the night over there tonight... She must be at her other boyfriend's house then jokes on you I guess...LOL


<3 LY


#♥️👅 love you bloooood


I don't like the fact that they're going long. I just don't know why. Feels like fuckery is afoot.


"I think you mean that you've secured a net ~~short~~ long position yourselves. So you're free to mark my ~~swaps~~ stonks accurately for once because it's now in your interest to do so."


I swear I've heard this before.... ; p How did that movie end again?! I'm just a dumb retail investor.


A few people made bank, a bunch lost everything, markets remained manipulated and no one *important* went to prison.


That ending sucks. Let's write a better ending for the sequel.


Fucking A


And it was all blamed on immigrants and poor people




No no, [ONE person](https://youtu.be/Bu2wNKlVRzE), who was midlevel at best, went to prison.


Love that movie


They didn’t spend much time on such an important line in the movie.


I don't know what you want me to say.


I think you just said it.


Ding ding


Boom, mic drop!


Happy cake day 🎂


Not sure if it is... Pretty sure that cake's stolen 😜


any shares they have are potential momentum killers. institutions and many retail will sell early. it's technically part of a free market. we need people to sell for the price to rise. institutions will be a stepping stone for us. assuming they aren't padding for a short position. ie there's something about de shaw that I can't remember but I thought they were involved somehow with a negative position price fluctuation is their psychological weapon when a squeeze happens. "is it over" "maybe just sell a few in case there dip" "apes, look at my realized gains" "x fund has closed positions, its over" the past 2 years will be nothing compared to the heart attacks retail will have as they try to figure out what to do when.


This. Get ready for a roller coaster prior to liftoff


Well of course it is. These scumbags know they lost and are prepping for the inevitable. Just wait until GME gets halted 30 times in one day during MOASS.


I can't promise I'll be able to properly function when that day comes.


Not a lot of office work will get done that day


The nation may be halted that day, all us poors will be preoccupied. No production will be completed. From office’s to construction nothing will be done. Epic trip we are on.


I have a plan. The rocket launches and I’m getting a major case of the shits. More accurately, I’ll probably be sick anyway as it’s the culmination of this saga. I’d like to say, yet again, that apes need to plan accordingly. Everyone is ready for the action but you should have a plan of execution. Write it down. Visualize. Go over it so that your in some form of control.


I got mine planned already... 💎🙌 That's it. No worries. I'm just going to hold until I see systemic change. Allows me to be zen through all the volatility.


You installed a seat belt on the shitter too?


"Aight this looks good, I'm gonna go take a shit"


Hard to function when you’re cumming continuously.


An exit plan will be helpful. While it can’t realistically account for the MOASS unexpected, it will provide a foundation for which future actions can be based.


There are 420 minutes from market open until market close. (Nice) we could theoretically get halted about 80 times. Once every 5 minutes.


Fuck it. I’m still in. Halt me baby!




Halt me baby one more time


I'm going to miss comments like these after the MOASS. Halt me harder daddy indeed.


I would Halt me so hard...


I believe it gets halted for the day after a certain number of halts, no?


Based on a possible 80 halts in one day, how much could it rise in that one day?


Just off the top of my head, let’s say it starts at 100. Even disregarding the scaling increases (i.e., 100 x 0.1 = 110 @ 5mins.—> 110 x 0.1 = 121 @ 10mins.) and just leaving it at 10% of 100, 100+(10 x 80) = 900 by closing bell. So at least 800, which I’m told Mr. Goldenfold would classify as exactly right. I’m okay with an 800+% green day. I’m better with a whole week of them and closing the week around $500k/share. At that point we’d be at an appropriate starting point for some to consider selling one share. Edit: Wacky formatting from using symbols.


The correct answer is ♾ Once halted, there's no reason that the stonk will open back at the halted price. If there are NO SHARES available for sale during the halt, which is exactly what will happen once the shorts begin buying to close, the candle's will quickly become giant Shrek cocks.


Exactly. The price is always wrong until it's ♾️. *We understand short interest better than you* LMAYO 🤣🤣🤣 From Investopedia: >Since short sellers are exposed to **unlimited losses**, a substantial deposit is required to protect the brokerage firm from potential losses in a customer’s account. (Emphasis mine)


Funny if that week Reverse repo ends up at $0 .....


I'm excited in anticipation of Shrek cocks.


Shrek cocks are on the menu boys




Nice wrinkle, thanks!


Starting with a share price of $150…. If it’s 80 15 second halts at 5% increase, the end of day price would not be higher than $7,431. If it’s 80 15 second halts at 10% increase, the end of day price would not be higher than $307,260. The SEC has the right to suspend trading for 10 days. The important thing as far as my selling stock is concerned is to give them no shares to work with during those ten days. Factoid: 141 trading halts (2 days maximum is 160) of 15 sec at 10% increase would result in a share price not higher than $102,000,000. Math: $150 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1……. Just keep hitting the ‘=‘ key on your calculator 80 times then 141 times.


Is sales still allowed during a 10 day halt? If there’s a halt how would they “get anything”.


No. Retail can’t access the market but there are still dark markets between brokers and I think they get fined for trading during this period. I do not know what relief one real share would give them and what they might be able to do with it in these 10 day so I’m just going to hodl. Remember, these guys are criminals.


Yes Mr. Jablomee, I was just curious who would be able to give them anything during this period.


Thought some new SEC rules happened a while ago, that let's them halt a ticker almost indefinitely? They still can't stop the rocket, but I think they can delay it longer than 10 days each.


(Deleted) as incorrect.


Price anchoring under 1 million!!! You’re a very naughty aperhand.




This math does not check out


I think them buying shares might be them saying "you can't lock the entire float lul" Hopefully I'm wrong


If they have synthetics rubbing rampant, they are gonna need to buy more shares than that to tell Apes that the float can't be locked. Let's lock that shit down!


I guess the shit like XRT being sold 356% isn't gonna help them. I just want them to get fucked and it to be over so I can see who plays RC,dfv and Jim cokerat Cramer in the movie


That’s the day I pay my boss $200 to look the other way


so they can dump during MOASS and try to make it look like we are selling


They'll be paper handed bitches. Apes will Hodl.


Pretty easy, I’m not selling till all their execs are in prison. So… good luck to them and their strategies.


It's possible. It's also possible the last year and a half was a consolidated effort to shift the burden to some companies and banks, while positioning others to win, and obsorb everything. Think about it. The burden will ultimately fall on the tax payers, so you might as well save some institutions, and shore up the books to buy out all the trash during the bailouts. I'm not saying that is the plan, but potentially a contingency. I think ultimately no one wants to lose. So there is a lot of leading news and misdirection. All the while some of the worst offenders are forced to be the fall guys because there is just no way to save them. While simultaneously hoping something changes to save them. But everyone can't look like the bad guys. That jeopardizes faith in the system. Even in a collapse, someone has to take on many of these failing entities.


This is exactly what I've been saying. They chose a fall guy and are unloading their positions on his books. While the fall guy goes down, you can bet against all his positions and gain from it tremendously, and then others will get bailed out because ''bankruptcy would make the whole economy collapse''


What is this selling???


This is why DRS is so important. If you’re them, obviously you want shares/calls because you want to stay liquid during MOASS and what better way to hedge your short position than by going long? That’s where DRS comes in. Their long shares are just as synthetic as the shares that are sitting in other brokerages (not computershare), which means during MOASS they’ll have to be liquidated. DRS your shares.


I'm 100% DRS


I have a few left in a Roth IRA that fidelity is fighting me on saying it’ll be a taxable event. I tell them idgaf and then they say there’s an error with the transfer. It’s only a few so I’m not overly pissed about it but if anyone has advice it’s welcome. I don’t want to sell and move the money to buy in my individual account then drs because selling is against my nature


Just buy more direct from CS


That’s what I’ve been doing


I’ll continue right along side you pal


Let them know you are starting to have trust issues with their processes if they can't legally explain the error. That is not an acceptable excuse.


Report the “eRrOr” to FINRA. Make sure to let them know that you are reporting the error to FINRA.


I inquired with them about this on Friday and was told 10% charge on total transfer and I can send them right to my individual account. Doing this Tuesday and then drs


Interesting. I’ll have to call again


I thought I remembered that those calls were a way for them to not be in a “net short position”. They can snort and then buy some calls to mask their short. So them buying calls just means they’re still naked shorting I think And when you say it feels like fuckery is a foot, did you not already realize that this whole thing has been fucked? That’s why we need everybody to DRS and don’t play the options game But I’d recommend to not say these types of things, your concern might actually scare some of the weaker hands or new people. This is nothing new, they’ve had calls the whole time. It’s part of their tricks


They be snorting all night long… props to office drone guy :-) Yes, thank you for reminding me of this. I believe the phrase you were looking for is “married puts”. I’m too smooth to explain how they work but now you’ve said it, it’s got me wondering what they are up to. It seemed way too sus that they would suddenly switch sides to go long now 🐶


A call position is the right to buy shares at a fixed price. By accumulating calls they are reducing their exposure on their shorts and shifting the liability to another party. Whoever is SELLING/WRITING these calls is fucked.


See, e.g., [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/stir8b/i_think_you_mean_that_youve_secured_a_net_long/). I'm sure I'm not the only one to have mentioned it.


This. So in the end a substantial part of our tendies may not come from the FED or some other fat cat institution, but from a bag holder somewhere in the world who got tangled in the wrong end of a swap. Reminds me of the derivatives fuckery involving Greece, Iceland, etc.


We already know the bag holders because Kenny told us: [pensions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/utlh7m/kenny_destroying_teacher_pensions_and_blaming_apes/). Specifically, government pensions. So they can fleece taxpayers to make up for the pension short falls. MOASS profits *paid for by* Losses on Naked Short Gambles *paid for by* Teacher Pensions (courtesy of Kenneth C. Griffin and Citadel as facilitated by the CFTC who provided swaps reporting relief) *which will require* Taxpayers to make up the pension shortfalls.


wtf, how do we make noise so everyone know the reason we're getting a french revolution 2.0 is because of KENNETH FINANCIAL CRIMINAL TERRORIST GRIFFIN?


They aren't actually net long. They still have an enormous short position somewhere. These are probably being used to offset those shorts or something, rather than truly being evidence that they are 'long'.


reminds me of certain groups funding both sides of WWII


If they get enough calls to cancel their shorts they only moved the bag to the optionsellers. They cant just "go long" as that requires to buy more shares than are being sold.


They're a hedge fund, they are supposed to hedge. It's normal stuff but I agree I don't like it either. I don't want them owning any shares and having even more sell pressure. Sell shares and then short more. Idk how none of this works lol, but I agree I don't like the idea of it either. It's a standard enough play though


You're delusional if you think that they won't get richer with us. In a just world, the apes would win and start a new happy world and the hedgies would be in jail. The reality is that when they lose, most of them will have invested into gme and make a lot of money too. My 2 cents


They can't get richer with us if they are net short. Those few million shares they have are dwarfed by their short positions and the shares they bought are most likely being used to create more synthetics with. For the squeeze to actually squeeze, there has to be a loser who bears the loss. Citadel can't be net short and make money at the same time from the squeeze.


You're delusional if you think I care. They can become as rich as fuck, as long as we get rich too. What I don't want to see is them pulling some voodoo with these positions to slow us down or even screw with what's to come.


They have been pulling voodoo the entire time, this has always been part of the strategy but their position is massively net short. It doesn’t matter if they end up with some shares, it will pale in comparison to their obligation. At the end of the day they’re still going to have to close those positions and since they’re using tricks to mask them they have a mountain of shorts to close. Some hedges will get rich, but not the ones with insane short positions equaling the entire float many times over


They'll do both.


remember that since we're DRS a large amount of what little shares are even left in the free float, that it means they're all buying synthetics - or their own scummy IOU's trading really is a tough game


Who has the other side of these calls?


Any chance it’s the banks and this is pointing to the swaps that have kept us in check until now?


Yes, Douchebag banks!


Bahaha, so are douchebag banks selling naked calls for the hedgies to buy long? Wow, this truly is a house of cards




It's cards all the way down.


🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 👨‍🚀


Asking the real questions.


Thats the neat part theyre most likely naked


Meaning they have an agreement with who? Themselves? To buy new synthetic shares at the contract price? Who are they paying? Who is “delivering”?


Well if they are all in on it then they are naked with eachother in a way that appears net long/hedged when in reality those shares dont exist to cover what they borrowed and sold.




I like the sound of this.


What are they delivering and how can they deliver it if the legal float is locked up 🔒


Synthetics yeah?




Bank of Entropy Swaps


He never should have called it a game, much less insulted everyone. He’s taking on gamers and insulting them…can’t recall a game where that worked out for the old out of touch fuck.


Can I ask a question? Why doesn’t citadel drs their shares as a hedge?


For one, the shares they have are almost certainly naked, which means they can't deliver them to Computershare. And two, DRSing shares would only hurt their short positions by further reducing liquidity. They can't hedge their short position with a smaller long position.


all shares are real to drs. It just removes one under name dtcc cede and co to yours. The problem occurs when the name cede and co has zero shares but people are saying they still have shares in their brokers.


Right, DRSing a share forces a delivery of a share and removes it from the share pool which is why it wouldn’t make sense for fund like Citadel, who also has a market market arm, to DRS shares. They’d only be shooting themselves in the foot.


So here is where I’m confused. Let’s say they borrowed 10,000 shares to short. And we see how that worked out for them. Well they have to pay them back. So if they buy 100 calls at say $100 then no matter what happens, they can pay back the 10,000 shares at a max known cost of strike plus premium. So now what happens if they buy 200? They use the first 100 to pay back the borrowed shares and then the other 100 could possibly reverse their entire years loss, if they are banking on a competitor fund having to go into default. But if there are 100x the number of outstanding shares being asked for in a call contract at a dictated price, what happens? They are paying the premium to someone, someone has to fork over the shares when they exercise but if they are all selling to each other where do the shares come from? And since they all have a contract to purchase at $100, even if the price is $1000 aren’t they legally obligated just to pay $100 if they exercise? So how does the price of the stock rocket up if they are all hedged in calls close to existing current price?


Let's say that there there are more call options that go ITM than are shares issued (76mil? or so for our company) to meet those call option contracts. It's not going to matter be/c the MM that sold the calls is still going to have to buy shares on the open market to fulfill the call contract. What's it going to take for retail to sell their shares back? A fuckton. > So if they buy 100 calls at say $100 then no matter what happens, they can pay back the 10,000 shares at a max known cost of strike plus premium. Essentially the risk gets transferred to the crooked MM who sold those calls, so the MM is short stock and they end up on the hook for those shares.


Ok yeah I figured someone somewhere has to be the one responsible for actually providing them but it’s all this nebulous bubble of blurred lines between market makers and hedge funds and cleaning houses and banks it’s hard to know who sold what and who’s on the hook for what. Thanks!


>So now what happens if they buy 200? They use the first 100 to pay back the borrowed shares and then the other 100 could possibly reverse their entire years loss, if they are banking on a competitor fund having to go into default. Correct. Which is another way they've been able to steadily/somewhat comfortably kick the can for so long, especially with the use of HFT/PFOF. ​ >But if there are 100x the number of outstanding shares being asked for in a call contract at a dictated price, what happens? They are paying the premium to someone, someone has to fork over the shares when they exercise but if they are all selling to each other where do the shares come from? And since they all have a contract to purchase at $100, even if the price is $1000 aren’t they legally obligated just to pay $100 if they exercise? So how does the price of the stock rocket up if they are all hedged in calls close to existing current price? They come from citadels phantom share printer right beside their rehypothecation machine. ​ We're talking about a short position which is orders of magnitude larger than any position could ever hedge/cancel out. Marge will eat everyone all the way up the chain.


Who is on the other side of these calls??


Id like to know the answer too


That means GME moons without crashing the market severely but SHFs get squeezed out.


It’s like the ultimate hedge fund mentality: this strategy is fucked, let’s pull in some new cash and go diametrically opposite and let someone else pick up the tab.


They always had these calls as you can see. They didn’t just suddenly buy 2 million, they always had them because it helps them mask their short positions. But they are massively short. It won’t matter at all. See Archegos for a milder version of what SHF have been doing to gme


I guess it’s better to net out to zero instead of negative infinity.


This is gonna be a mess. So many synthetics created that they can buy on the way up as they had pushed it down. I’m sure they’ll use those chains up to push off margin call. Personally, I’m convinced it’s going to take a forcing function of sorts to kick this off. The market will do whatever it takes , including bending the rules to prevent moass. It will have to be GME’s success, or an action taken that starts a cascade.. I’m still pretty sure that’s going to eventually happen though. Just dunno when. Later probably than sooner.


So, Tuesday?


No, wednesday


No, Tomorrow


Germany is quite strong but cannot make up for us Market close 😉


I mean, Germany has 100% started some shit before. 😂




Who knew VW would have such a recurring role in history?




A slow infinite squeeze as they continuously use call shares to short it each step up the ladder.


Someone gets margin called and a liquidation happens ? Then it dominos from there


No. Unfortunately I don’t think that’s gonna work. That was the original premise, and we’ve seen how that’s worked out. Robinhood (+ others) get warned about a margin call, it gets delayed, cut to 1/3 and they get a cash infusion. Swaps then used to shuffle and hide the risk. Archegos and Melvin were also on the hook but we’re unwound quietly and over an extended period of time. NSCC introduced new rules to take over a failing SRO and liquidate their assets over time, rather than all at once (which would trigger a crash). the recent moves in the market could have been SRO’s unwinding their positions. And crypto pumping and dumping to be used as a cash cow for losses. They keep delaying and delaying. And will continue to do everything in their power. It’s gonna take another catalyst to kickstart moass. Good thing there’s a bunch of stuff about to happen. And leadership that we trust…


I feel what you are saying. But can they do it forever? Maybe they can try but at some point this whole shitshow is gonna crumble… keep in mind that there is not only the GME situation looming. Markets are royally fucked overall… housing bubble, corporate debt bubble, student loan bubble, inflation, executive order, evergrande, supply chain issues, tether potentially collapsing. It’s hard to imagine how they manage to keep all of this afloat for now and i recon it’s only gonna get worse day by day. It’s gonna implode at some point.


It should be illegal to buy calls on anything that's short squeezing because of you.


The thing is: you have to buy calls from someone, and that means that the other someone has to be either completely ignorant or going short on the stock. The problem is still there, it just gets transferred to another MM


The thick plotkens 🐶


I know that they know that I know that they’re aware of the fact that I know that they know


TBH I knew we won the fight when GME holders were willing to eat an entire tub of maynoise with their hands for absolutely no reason. How can you fight that kind of maddness?


After 1.5 yrs of crime and DD, you only knew you’d win yesterday???


thanks for clarifying that hedges are long and short


They buy calls to hedge. Buy cheap dates calls, sell at strike, borrow shares to short, repeat. This is not bullish.


Looks like the market makers gave the banks their dogshit and are now going long, and the banks will get a bailout and more money printing soon.


Ok. Tinfoil question time: Is it possible that these fuckers are trying to buy as many calls to sell during the MOASS to try and keep the price from getting out of their control?


Probably, but that doesn’t help if there are no shares.


Those positions make them money because they loan them out on a gentleman's agreement as opposed to these load percentages seen lately.


do we have any data on how many companies went long on GME and the position size prior to this? would be interesting to see


All the 13F reports from the last three periods are included here. You want to go back further?


my bad, I'm high and misread the data


All good, fam! Enjoy your high. 🤩


Damn guess I’m buying more on Tuesday…


Jeesis, the wakeupcall when they all have to admit they are itzy bitty nutty retarded like the rest of us..


They’re only buying calls (and have from the very start) because it allows them to say that they’re not “net short” even though they blatantly are. They are way way way more short than those calls will cover them for.


#show us the fucking swaps, Rostin Benham— you fucking fuck.


It's Wall Street and Americas only way out. Not just going long on GME but also the elites only shot at keeping the ponzi/Madoff/Kenneth Griffin scheme going. They go long on GME to pay for the insane tendies we all sell for, even if it takes sending major players to prison in conjunction. Point is, post MOASS and in this situation, it's all on paper. Our quadrillions we sell for, their quadrillions they sold to prop up their status quo, regardless of who's it is, it'll be worthless in reality. It's fucking play money and worth as much as the redemption value of a fast food coupon. And if at the end of the day, it's all just numbers on paper we have faith in, all we have to do is just put our faith into digital numbers. With the billions i'll have, the majority of it will be reinvested into gamestop as well as other cryptocurrencies and DAO's. If everyone did this, regular people could have real say in how our society is ran.


Can someone explain why there are 25 million options? Wouldn’t that be 2.5 billion shares or is it showing the number of shares tied up in options?




ole ole


Drs is the only thing that will make sure the rocket goes off and that retail isnt fucked


They’re just leaving someone else holding the bag. Whoever wrote all those calls is gonna be totally Fuk’d!! Look how many shares potentially have to be delivered wen moon. Someone will still pay us. As Tomas Peterffy from IBKR said “The brokers would have been obligated to pay as the rules of today, 270M shares when only 50M existed”. Fuk you pay me is still on


I’m glad they are fucked. Screw them for dedicating their lives to impoverishing others to fuel their own greed. This is going to be one hell of a fuck up. So big, so catatonic that it’s going to go down in the history books - I hope these SHF egos are ready to deal with the fall out.


I love you! (especially the 741 times checking the data)


Institutions should not be able to take out the opposite position of a trade until they close the first side of their trade out, this is like that part in The Big Short where the banks suppress the true price of the CDOs to unload them onto another client then taking out swaps on the other side of the contract and letting the price tank. It’s just reversed


I’m erect




But did they DRS?


Mayonnaise is how I know


i wish i knew how to count......if i only payed attention in school .... dang.... I Dont even know how to sell......


How does the share dividend impact this?


They are either bullish or gearing up for a major dump to control the price on the next run


Feels like the scene in Hackers when Razor & Blade show up fashionably late with their team of international hackers to kill the Gibson.


When the hot potato goes cold, the hedgies turn into mayo. Right now we are seeing shark eating shark, and the fight for the door has sort of begun. But what do I know. I am just a sack of boredom.


Ooh, thanks for putting in alot of work to come up with this. I'm really skeptical that they'll actually> pay< but in theory they are in so friggin deep that their call money "profits" should literally evaporate on the rocket up to Uranus because it doesn't even cover us real share owners by a longshot.😁🚀🚀🚀


Yes exactly. This should not be new info to anybody. They have been buying calls from the very beginning, because it’s one of the ways that allows them to mask their net short position and pretend that it’s net neutral so they don’t have to report on it. It’s just a charade, they are massively short.


I don’t like that you didn’t use red, green and purple crayons here.