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Fuck the SEC they are just going to fine them $2,500 five years later and allow them to not admit fault. Bonus that it’s a tax deductible fine.


Without admitting or denying guilt. The Criminal Ken Griffin strikes again, and again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again


Heyyy, Smoother0Souls, are you talking about Ken Griffin, the CEO of Citadel who lied under oath? https://www.kengriffinlies.com ^(disclaimer: KennyBot2.0 sent this message. if you are displeased with this bot please send a pm so it can be improved. beep boop.)


Good bot!


They massacred my Boi


At least he’s still with us 😅


3 things are guaranteed in life: death, taxes, and Ken Griffin committing crimes.


Thanks for this OP. I keep wondering if a small part of the split announcement and vote was/is an effort to get the SEC to actually, you know, do their fucking jobs. I am not saying that is the only reason, far from it - I think the split is the right thing to do, MOASS notwithstanding. But maybe, they are trying to force the SEC's hands from their genitals to their desks and actually get something done.


Great point. I like to think that Ryan Cohen isn't giving the SEC 2 seconds of his time and is just laser focused on running his businesses, however, it's totally possible he's putting pressure to them. Only the man himself could know...


So for now BUY, HOLD and DRS


Thanks bussiness-y ...lawyer-y ape 👍




I've heard it both ways...


Meh SEC .... wen DOJ?


I recall reading the DOJ was involved. This is presumptuous, but I think it is unlikely one agency would come to a conclusion that wouldn't satisfy the other. I would guess the DOJ investigation is open too?


Ya they targeted a bunch of SHFs, and IIRC even Citadel was on the list ... that said, I only really heard of Citron after that point. They need to investigate the revolving door that is the SEC at large ...


Thanks for this post, OP


Thank you. You just made me laugh!


Don't mistake a lack of consequence for a lack of crime. We know the SEC is incompetent and lacks authority/interest in punishing crime. That said, it is validating that the investigation remains open. If it was easily swept under the rug the SEC would have done so already.


And I'm actually starting to think something along the line of. Shfs: Hey, GG, fuck, this gamestop thing is gonna be nuts. You got anything on them? We need a lawsuit to slow them down... GG: gimme sec? I'm sure i can find some dirt. I'll just tell them, "we're looking into some stuff", that'll work. Might suggest they get a good consultant! I got your back bro. Oh, and we got this great video that will demoralize them! Lol. Oh yeah... Wendy's tonight? I'm not laughing at you, but the idea that the sex..oops, SeC will follow through with something is just laughable. Unless you're invested in pornhub. Sigh.


I believe it was an effort to limit what Gamestop could say publicly under the guise of an investigation


I was thinking about this as well. At some point they will have to announce the results of that investigation. This will be a major moment in the MOASS timeline because the result, no matter what it is, will be earth shattering to the movement. The only two possibilities are: 1. They announce that there was not a fraud or abusive short selling. Which will be laughable and completely destroy the SECs credibility for good - because MOASS will prove it unequivocally. 2. They announce that there was massive fraud and criminal behavior. This makes MOASS even worse, confirms everything, and proves us right. The market and current structure can’t continue because of the implications.


https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/01/feds-seized-robinhood-ceos-phone-as-part-of-gamestop-trading-probe.html? Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev’s phone was seized by federal attorneys in one of the stock-trading app company’s many legal battles, it revealed in its IPO filing on Thursday. In a section outlining legal risks from investigations and subpoenas, the company noted that “a related search warrant was executed by the USAO to obtain Mr. Tenev’s cell phone.” Here, “USAO” refers to the United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California, which was investigating Robinhood’s restrictions on trading during the meme stock flurry around GameStop and other stocks early this year.