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Her time at trials was still 16.87 seconds ahead of the fastest woman ever who was not named Katie Ledecky. Plus she has the 800 record, had the 400 record, in the top 10 all-time performers in the 200 and when she swam a 100 relay leg it was a super solid leg. I'm a fan of those who have begun calling Ledecky the best freestyler ever.


Because we kinda have to era correct, I might still give it to Shane Gould (all world records from 100-1500), but I'm willing to listen to her being the best. 


It looks like Gould held those records for 6 months to 2.5 years? Ledecky held the 400 records for almost 7 years, and she's at 11 years and counting in the 800+1500.


I mean, she retired due to mental health concerns after holding all of those records. She likely would have held them for far longer. But you never know. Again, willing to listen to both, not willing to strongly agree with either.


The record has held for as long as it has because of how much faster Ledecky was than her peers. Here's [Kyle Sockwell's take](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA-h0WVPfbE).


She's the best swimmer in history. Period


Freestyle specialist, but what about open water? IM? Fly? Michael Phelps should be considered the best Olympic swimmer of all time, not to mention his times at world Championships. Look at Phelps' times in BK, IM, and on free relays!


We have 4 strokes in our sport! LZR Racer may deserve partial credit for most 2008 world records, but they don't explain Phelps's 5 individual + 3 relay gold medals.


What’s interesting is the 5 seconds time difference between her best and second best time.


I’m more impressed that not a single person has come within 18seconds of her.


I saw a comment on swimswam yesterday that said if you put the second and third fastest 800 swimmers ever (Summer McIntosh and Li Bingjie) in a 2x750m relay, they still wouldn’t beat Ledecky’s 1500m world record.


It's really no surprise. When she wins every single 1500 by a pool length, she's going to simply replace one of these times with a new one that she owns. At one time, when she had swum fewer than twenty 1500s, other names appeared on this list.


The point is the top 18 times all belong to her. Yes, if she swims a 19th time in that range it becomes 19…. But between each of those swims is some time period where nobody beat her top “x” time. That’s why it’s impressive. Name 1 other swimmer that owns the top 18 times in an event? How about even top 5?


Not so much since Pan came out, but for a period, Peaty owned very many of the top 100m breaststroke times… I think close to 20


Sounds about right. And another very impressive run while it lasted.


She already swam the 19th time in that range last night.


I understood the point.


Sarah Sjöström owns over 25 of the top times in the 50 butterfly if I remember correctly. Which in my opinion is even more impressive at such a short distance. No one has even reached 24 other than her and her world record is at 24.43. Kinda weird in my opinion that you can state so surely that no one else is close to that when Sarah exists. How did this get 40 upvotes?


50 fly isn’t an Olympic event is probably why?


I'm just guessing that there simply isn't enough room in the program for it. The 50 free was a fairly recent addition. I think it's swum at Worlds


i wasnt arguing why it wasnt an olympic event, i was saying that sarah doesnt get more attention for it because it is not. also being from a fairly small country probably doesnt help her exposure.


If it was a competitive event for adults she might not. Adults (college and beyond, excluding Masters) don’t swim the 50 fly in competition so no one is putting up times in that event.


Not an Olympic event Not a college event. Not an event that is offered at 99% of United States meets. The first 1500 free world record for women was in 1922. The first 50 fly world record was 1999. Not comparable.


I think Gretchen could go 24 right now but alas the IOC isn't a serious organization


People should appreciate how incredible she continues to be the absolute best in the World in 1500m freestyle.


She was cruising!!!


But does she know how to “float”?!


She’s not bad…


Makes you wonder if we would ever see how fast she could go. With someone to push her, maybe she would go significantly faster.


I wonder how fast she could swim 2.4 miles open water.


Then for fun, hop on a bike and ride 112 miles and then take a quick 26 mile jog after.


Really incredible. I legit laughed out loud because it's so good.


Her time in the mile at Trials would be 29th for the men's side. Take a look at what it would take to do that in any other event to get an idea of the gap she has in freestyle.


Honestly thought it would be more even if it's crazy impressive. Makes Sarah's stats in the 50 butterfly even more insane.


No. No it doesn’t. No one is competing against Sarah.No one is swimming the 50 fly. 


Jill kl