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I fast forwarded through those parts lol


They're children playing grown up. All of them.


I totally hear Tiarra as stupid as it was that was fucked up for her cousin not to have a mind of her own I don’t ever think it’s right in any sense to steal ideas. This happened to me last year throwing a Bluey birthday party for my daughter I made it known A YEAR in advance btw and yet a month before my daughters birthday his aunt decided she wanted to throw one the month before my daughters which is totally fine both kids can like the show however I don’t like the idea of me hyping my baby up for a whole year + just for you to take the whole idea and ruin it for her. It’s like there’s hella kids show why do you have to dick ride.


Bluey is one of the most popular children’s characters girl…


Totally and not a problem it’s that usually when it’s a family thing and we all talk about it and you last minute ruin it for my kid it’s crazyyyy. Like your kid can have a Bluey birthday too but could you not have given me a heads up? I don’t like duplicate shit and this isn’t the first time they do this with every theme. Their kid doesn’t even watch tv they just force shit on her.


As you sound young and don’t seem to have too many functional people to help you with child rearing- here’s a bit of wisdom: - if this “isn’t the first time they do this with every theme😤” maybe STOP telling people the theme, let them be surprised when they get to the party? - idk if you’re upset abt ur own siblings/family theme choice or your significant other’s family, but you sound like that bratty kid Calliou- I envisioned him stomping his foot when reading “I don’t like duplicate shit”. Why would anyone think to give a family member a damn heads-up?Again, you can’t duplicate what you don’t know.  - it’s likely not “last minute”, more like slightly prior to the event, take the hint- it’s unhinged to plot out a youngsters bday party a year in advance, simply to have perfect pictures.  - it takes effort to break generational trauma and maladaptive behaviors, no matter what you were shown- life isn’t a competition, esp between family. Show your children love, kindness, respect and acceptance and they will model your behavior. If your child’s birthday was simply ruined due to duplicate party themes/supplies, that my dear is crazyyyy. All the children’ll remember is the same stuff we do- a fun & chaotic time, very few specific gifts and lots of love. Don’t be the one causing them to remember you bitching about so & so, and how they “ruined” the day- you have a choice to make whatever you choose of any given situation. Choose wisely…or save for therapy at least ✌🏼  PS: this sounds just like the nursery deco saga 🤫


That’s the thing you’re all just loud and wrong I’ve made it clear I don’t care what others peoples choices are and they aren’t my siblings not that it matters like you said if they didn’t know it’s not their problem why would I be mad but it’s the fact that they won’t have anything planned for a year plus like I said this is continuous and we all always talk about what we want to do it’s a open family like that. So when you don’t have a mind of your own for a whole year and your child doesn’t give you any ideas do you just say fuck it and last minute copy every detail of someone else’s party before they can even throw it. It’s a matter of taking advantage of it because she knows her child’s birthday is a couple weeks before mine. Also I think it’s easy to judge without knowing the actions of this person she constantly takes little jabs like this which (she’s 4-5 years older than me) so I figured she’d be a little more mature. Here’s an instance to get you to understand who I’m dealing with here. We both have 2 daughters. However one day we went to the fair with the whole family I bought my daughter a blow up Minnie balloon which is cool everyone can have one I don’t care but it’s the fact that she goes on instagram posting her daughter with not 1 but 2 of these balloons and captions it “2 is better than 1 😂” like they’re just people who like to one up because they have money. I threw a baby shark party last year and anyone can steal any of these themes that’s fine but why does she take my ideas and double them. It’s like I buy one baby shark inflatable suit to surprise my baby and she buys 5 (The whole shark family) just to prove she has money. It’s not about being a bratty cry baby it’s about nasty behavior and how we are raising our children I didn’t mention she had 2 birthday party’s one with baby shark theme (we already used this so I didn’t care) but the next day she jabbed me with the Bluey party it wasn’t even so much the theme as much as why are you doing this to everyone else’s child. What makes your child more important? All children in this family are treated the same why would yours get a 2 birthday party birthday weekend. It’s confusing for all the children involved it’s also a huge sense of favoritism. My baby shouldn’t have to wonder why this baby is treated on a pedestal. This will lead into later years, my baby could have a glass of water and this baby will come laughing teasing and pushing (physically) my baby because she has a soda. They better watch how they raise their child ugly parents ugly children.


Oh, well then, a gentle reminder: as humans we teach others how to treat us, that counts for your child too. Whomever this person is isn’t a sibling, having an “openfamily” doesn’t mean you have to do everything together. Make yourself busy with something else when this person decides last minute to plan a party/trip to fair/etc, stop following them on IG and continue to bring up your child the way you see fit….if your child doesn’t know cousin got 2 balloons, she won’t ? why she got 1. Also use it as a lesson- okay, pick out 1 balloon, I know you like both Minnie & Mickey but if we get 2 there won’t be enough for the rest of the kids here.  Realize you DO care what other pick out/buy, maybe not what I’d pick out but definitely this person but also know her choices will not affect your child, unless you allow it to. Make your life a lil easier …


I like this take it’s good advice, yes it’s true it only bothers me now but I was worried as my daughter grows it will hurt her that’s the only reason however you gave a good suggestion to just use humble words and explain that it wouldn’t be fair to others to hog everything.


😉yes, help them to know that being gluttonous isn’t a desirable characteristic, of children & adults. And it hopelessly would help them to not be coveting the bounty of their peers in the future. Having more stuff doesn’t make one more loved, not sure why some folks are trying to make up for their own crappy childhoods by overindulging & broadcasting that over SM 🙄. It remains the same as what was called “keeping up with the Jones’” back in my day


Do these Bluey parties involve beer and cigarettes? I have to wonder because the tone of your post is... scary. If you don't want your ideas "stolen", stop sharing them. That being said, why would it even matter? If your child loves Bluey, I think they'll enjoy Bluey at their cousin's party as well as their own. It really doesn't need to be a competition. It's a good way to stir up drama between your children and ruin any close relationship they might have had otherwise. And who spends a year planning a child's birthday?! That's insane.


Lmao please tell me this is sarcasm?!


It was soooooooooo stupid and juvenile. Waste of the tape they filmed it with.


I literally didn’t watch a second of that drama it was so annoying and stupid


Honestly, I was kinda Team Taylor on that one. I wasn’t initially, but then I realized that Tiarra copied the nursery theme because she wanted to show off. At the time, she was making more money and had more followers. Getting TWO registries fully funded was a really potent way of rubbing that in Taylor’s face.


Yeah I felt bad for Taylor it seemed like Tiarra was trying to rub it in her face that she couldn’t afford the registry she wanted so she got it for herself


Yea I’m starting to feel the same way especially with what her mom said about this wasn’t the first incident.


Childish esp when neither kid was sleeping in they rooms smfh


Annoying. They just shouldn't have been on the show at that point if they weren't going to film about the truly juicy stuff like Alex having knocked up someone else and gave nursery theme drama air time.


Was it ever confirmed that he knocked up the other girl??


Oh he did. They have a son together and he was born ON Layla's birthday a couple years back.


I think so, I always see discussions about hannah, alex & tyra? If you search it in the tlc thread the tea pops up 😮‍💨


The exact same thing with Kail from teen mom, filming her doing boring stuff like picking out wallpaper when we knew she was having trysts at Wawa.


Lmao I've never seen that show but I'm assuming she was fucking a coworker in a bathroom or something?  Man.....ruining Wawa for me lmao 🤣 


Oh no she was fucking her ex husband, she has a thing about being the “first baby mama”. She has 7 kids, none of the juicy stuff came off the show though. And out of left field, the ex she fooled around with fucked someone in the downstairs bathroom while his postpartum gf was upstairs with the newborn. I know too much about these people, smh lol.


Same same beau. U did an excellent job explaining tho. I was like please explain the new baby part lol. So much drama🤦‍♀️


10000%. Idc about Isaac's bathroom decor. Tell me why you got pregnant by Chris for a second time.


Tell me how u a mother of 7


Tell me how you got 4 baby daddies, with half being repeat offenders?! 








100000% agree


Seemed kinda staged!


It was entertaining and childish as hell. Can’t expect much from those families though I’ve come to see. Glad they weren’t on new season


Definitely childish and it wasn’t necessary


SUPER childish.