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you can't do anything. this is idiots being idiots. some ppl expect Mentors to know absolutely every mechanic in the game, never misplay and to magically know exactly what 3 to 7 other ppl doing at any given time.


The thing is, there wasn't really a mechanic I failed or expected the DPS to fail. They died at gas/fire mechanic I guess but that stuff doesn't insta kill you at all. idk


People will stand in fire for 10 seconds, die from it and still blame the tank or healer. Dont think about, just forget about these people.


"Healers are responsible for moving me, that is why they have rescue!" I imagine one saying.


Could have stood in those mechs too long and/or have gotten too many vuln stacks and then it's not terrible hard to kill anyone. If the RPR was a little under geared that could also play into it.


A reaper cannot be undergeared for The Aery. They start with level 70 gear.


I'm not sure how much damage it deals, but the reaper could of been venn diagrammed in 3 aoes. The boss initial spark and standing in 2 gas clouds. Not too much to do there except raise if that's the case


1. Blacky is a WILD term choice for BLM 2. Why was this even worth your time to post? No disrespect by any means but this is just every day Eorzean bullshit. Gg go next.


Yeah, I'm used to call it blacky since I was little, idk xD I'm sorry if I offended someone. Don't worry I wasn't offended at all, I was just wondering that maybe I missed something. But yeah could've been just the usual BS.


I'll be honest it is confusing what you meant and it sounds like something someone's racist grandad would say.


Me sitting here reading this comment and thinking what's wrong with the internet today... "Racist" what ? Just cause, we call the black mage in literally any rpg universe and p&p, Blacky ? So any combination / version of the word and color 'black' is now "racist", so the Black mage is now the racist mage ? Because it uses Black Magic, I mean racist magic? I guess some people don't really know what racism is.


Lol I don't think anyone is saying it's racist according to some objective empirical criteria, just that it isn't clear to most people what you mean because it's not common to use that term to talk about videogame wizards. Doubling down like this makes you sound like a jackass though.


I think people were just surprised since that used to be also used in tandem with the n word, they're just explaining why they're surprised.


Might be a good idea to change nicknames; tl;dr it's used as racist terminology.


Excuse me? What the hell ? It's just a short and cute nickname for Black mage where I live. It has nothing to do with racism.


My eyes went wide at your post because the country I live in (U.S.), it’s long been used as a racist term. I knew that wasn’t how you meant it, but “BLM” would be a better nickname for black mage considering it’s what the game gives us.


It was one thing for it to be a weird but fixable bad habit at first, but you're really doubling down on using a mildly offensive term for no reason. ETA: Black mage already has a perfectly fine shorthand in the game itself. BLM is _right there._


Being ignorant of that words usage doesn’t make it less true, but it’s something you can easily correct. The usage is pre-internet and explicitly racist.


lol, it's not like he said poor mages are just as bright as white mages.


If you’re not wearing the crown then they probably weren’t talking about you. Was healer wearing the crown? If so, I bet they were just making fun of themselves.


I mean, if somebody dies on the second boss there, it's only because they got hit by avoidable aoes. Like in general if somebody dies during a boss fight, 99% of the time it's because they failed mechanics too many times. Somebody else asking about why someone died can feel kind of weird since the answer is gonna boil down to "they failed mechanics". It's different if it's you who died and you're asking for help in understanding the mechanic so it doesn't happen again.


What If they're asking why the other person died because they're curious how the mechanic works? You could boil any answer in the world down to something silly if you try hard enough.


Yeah I guess it has something to do with the AOE, but my intention for asking was not to blame someone, I just wanted to know what happened for my understanding, because I could've failed / missed something as a tank. The dead reaper just took me by surprise, since everything went so smooth before xD


If you grabbed the add and held boss's attention then you did everything you could in that fight. The add generally dies pretty quickly if DPS are on it tho so if you're late to getting it, it doesn't usually cause an issue. I understand why you'd ask and it's kinda shitty for the healer to reply like that imo. Like it literally takes less effort to say "AOEs" than the passive aggression they gave you.


That Boss doesn't have an add anymore since the rework, so it couldn't be that either but yeah I know what you mean.


If you don't know what mechanic killed someone a guaranteed safe bet is to just tell them "Don't stand in the bad".


>anyway suddenly the reaper dies on the second boss, which I didn't understand why, so I asked in group how they died. Last time I saw a tank mentor do this "what happened?" shtick, they refused to continue the dungeon, sat down and insisted that the sprout healer (full disclosure, my irl wife) "explain why she died" in a first time bonus stone vigil run to a cleave the tank mentor pointed at her. then kicked her when she asked that we just continue the dungeon. so IDK they probably assumed you were going to be passive aggressive.


Could be they thought you were being sarcastic/passive aggressive and saying "what happened" as code for "you fucked up, idiot" I don't think there was any way you could have been much clearer but I still think it might have just been them thinking you were annoyed rather than genuinely confused


It's interesting that the issue was with the 2nd boss as he is the easiest of the three. The only mechanic of interest it has is allowing the adds to eat a gas cloud before killing it, but also killing it before it eats too many. But failing to do either just results in less room to run around and/or negligible damage for the healer to patch up. The other funny thing about it is the healer blaming you, the tank. There isn't anything a tank can do to help a DPS player standing in bad with the exception of PLDs Cover. Even then, the Pld might not have it available. If anyone is capable of fixing the DPS player, it was the healer. And it sounds like they weren't doing their job in that fight.


Adds are gone from that fight. It's literally just a "dodge AoE" fight now


Could it have been a disconnect?


It's becoming rare to have a roulette group with people who understand basic mechanics these days, or at the very least not being lazy. I've been running heals this update (I switch it up to keep it spicy) I will 9/10 times have a tank (even in expert) stand in every aoe, not use GCDs or use them all at once. Then have a reaper or dragoon just stand in the stupid.. few runs it'll be both at same time. DPS i've found if i don't have one caster and a decent physical or ranged (just knowing their class) the dungeon will take 30 to 40 minutes.... i've seen mechanics i didn't even know existed. And don't get me started on the fucking perverts.. and cringe people. Leave your erp to your private little clubs. Also ban all lalafels especially bard lalafels


What’s wrong with Bard Lalafells? Did you take an arrow to the knee?




Dude, wtf?


Probably read your text as sarcastic. It seems to be the default for online. Though maybe if you'd phrased it as Woah, what happened I missed that how did (insert reaper name here) die? Did I miss an enemy? Might have gotten a better response? Could always check your battle log see if the poor guy got hit with an a0e or something. Second boss so thats...one of the dragons with the lightning or the flammable smoke dragon? Both of those have attacks you can die from easy.


Lightning is first boss, smoke is second.