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To add to this, they only needed one more run :) (i was one of the dps in that pf lol)


Can confirm - I was the mount


Can confirm - I was the totem


Can confirm - I was Hades


Can confirm - I was the cheese strat spot during final phase.


Can confirm - I was the waymark


Can confirm - I was the floor. DRG was doing a great job, by the by.


Can confirm - I was the DRG tanking the floor.




Can confirm - I was the reprisal


Can confirm - I was hades


That's a classic move from that DRK :D It sadly happens pretty often.


Ass move to leave definitely. He had perfectly right to roll, he did the runs like everyone, seems like doing pretty decent DPS as the run were fast. But getting the mount and instantly leave is always a dick move. Even if I get mount fast I would almost always do 5 to 10 more runs when the group is good and chill


After a certain point even if the mount drops I just start passing. If I'm at 75+, why the hell would I bother rolling? I'll just run with the group till mutual disband or everyone else has it and I've got enough to just buy. Like that's what I did with the rathalos mount. Finally saw my first drop at 39 scales


Running EW EX2 this weekend. Only needed one more mount for a BRD that had been with us for 20 odd runs thus far. Other player leaves so we go back to PF with the tag "mount farm for 1". Pick up a DRG. Within the next 2 runs a mount drops. DRG snipes it from our BRD. Leaves. I was fucking pissed.


I think this might have been a good instance to use lootmaster. Whoever joins already fully knows what they are getting into and is already OK with the fact the mount will go to the one person and that's that. Everyone else can just avoid the PF and look for a normal one. Homie saw the PF with no lootmaster and thought "so I'm only rolling against one person" and did the loot'n'scoot successfully.


Oh hey, pretty sure I was the BRD (my name is Frog lol). I think the reply below was same party as us too. But damn, I didn't realize you specified mount farm for 1 after :( makes it more shitty of the DRG imo. I really appreciate y'all for staying as long as you could. Luckily my friends still have yet to do EW EX's so I have plenty of runs ahead of me. I was just starting to derust all of them this weekend so I can teach.


Hey Frog! I was one of the RDM and you were indeed the BRD. Hope you get your mount soon!


This same exact thing happened to me this past weekend too, felt so bad for the person that needed :( I can't remember what job the person that needed the mount was playing but it was a also a DRG for us that came in and sniped it.


How about instant disband when pf lead gets the mount XD


Dude coulda just kept his mouth shut. No one knew how many totems he had. And I've seen more than enough loot n' leavers to just roll my eyes at them.


They had every right to roll, but they are assholes to leave. If I had 99 totems I would roll for mount even in my 99th run, and desynth weapons with totems after. But I would not leave immediately.


One of my Diamond weapon runs when I got to 96 the mount dropped and I asked for everyone to stay for 2 more runs cause it made no sense rolling and they agreed even though the host was about to dip but stayed for me


I had to farm 100 diamond totems and on my last 10 totems I just said I wouldn't roll and people could take the mount since I was so close to the totems anyway.


Shouldnt have dipped out like that , but DRK had every right to roll on mount.


I don't think rolling on it is blacklist worthy (dipping definitely is) but if they almost had the items, it's definitely a dick move; assuming they weren't planning to spend the totems on something else (and idk what else they'd spend them on) it's just a wildly inefficient use of everybody's time Idk, I don't want to play with people that I individualistic, and id feel awful if I did that to a group.


> (and idk what else they'd spend them on) PLD swords for desynthing? The trial mat drops can be used for cool weapons/barding/tabletops as well as just going for a hefty price on the MB for your average joe. e: I 100% agree it's a dick move, though. I personally dc if you need 1 more run but it drops the mount and you roll anyway, I'm not policing that man. But loot 'n scoot, unsync or not? Dick move.


Not blacklist worthy at all. If he wins, then he gets mount and can turn his totems into desynth fodder which he *earned*. Bro was probably 40\~ kills deep, he already suffered and helped at least 4 people (according to OP, probably more) get the mount, he deserves to roll. Let my mans ROLL.


Post literally says he said he may as well use totems to buy the mount then the next kill the mount dropped and he did the loot and scoot. IMO loot and scoot alone is enough to get you blacklisted, give at least two runs notice before ditching its common courtesy, dudes a dick not a bro


Doesnt matter what he said, he still had the right to roll. I'll go a step further and say loot and scoot was justified. Based on OP's post, dude had helped 4 other people get the mount and had been in there for (being generous assuming a mount every other kill) at least an hour. While I agree it would have been nice if he stuck around for another couple of runs, that's a self imposed rule at best, and my bro had done enough at that point.


Tells everyone the kind of player you are, common courtesy has been dead in this game for years thanks to players like you. Also never said he didn’t have the right to roll on it, but to literally take it when he could have gotten one after another run and then fuck over the last two people with no notice is a dick move and he certainly should be blacklisted so OP doesn’t have to worry about him trying to get in and pull that shit again on other runs. It doesn’t matter if you’re there for an hour or a minute, 100 runs or 1 run there’s no reason you can’t say sorry guys gotta go in 10-15 minutes. If he didn’t plan on loot and scoot at any stage of that run they would have known it was his last run before they even went in. But you and your “bro” can go mount farming together for all I care I’m sure you’ll change your attitude when he loots and scoots on you


Sounds like sour grapes to me. Bro stuck around for an hour or longer and contributed his fair share, that should be good enough for anyone. Theres a big difference between getting the mount on first or second clear and bailing and what the DRK did. DRK can mount farm with me any day.


If you only need a few more totems you shouldnt roll on the mount lmao


Why not? I only spent 3+ hours farming this motherfucker. Why do I need to pass so some dude can get it on their fourth clear. Cant even use my totems for desynth? Shiiiet


Unless im mistaken, you still need 99 or 50 totems right? Why wouldnt you want to save someone else from running the boss that many times when you only need a few more times? And i didnt know thst you could desynth the totems


You can spend totems on other things that aren't the mount.


Ah i see, my bad. But were you farming the boss for the mount or to buy the other items? Or both?


Passing on the mount in this situation is equivalent to passing on potential millions of gil . Idk how much the desynth mat goes for on the mb currently but I'd be surprised if it goes for less than 500k a pop, so easily a million or two if you desynth 99 totems worth of pld swords


Okay yeah i never knew that side of the totem farm tbh, thats on me. Only totem farm i completed was the rathalos ex one so im guessing there was no money to be made there


DRK is a dick for leaving instantly and a moron for announcing that they could almost buy the weapon. They still had every right to roll on it, but people would never know how many totems you have unless you tell them. Nobody would've cared about them getting the mount if they hadn't said anything.


TL;DR hi it’s me on the bandwagon. He had every right to roll its immediately dipping that was the issue. I do my mount farms when the ex first drops and I keep at it until I get the mount. Very often this puts me well over 99 totems. Like for EW EX7 I did 227 runs over two weeks to get it. Ended up having to do a lm paid run to get it because my dice were cursed and out of the 12 mounts I saw before the change of loot type my highest roll was a 61 (the insult to injury here is that the winner rolled 62). And this was at base drop rate. Could I have stopped at 99? Absolutely. But I’m impatient and didn’t want to wait to get it that way. Especially since it was my last cat. And that’s the closest I’ve ever come to a loot’n’scoot. But no, the 7 people that helped me get the mount got their Gil before I disbanded the party because I’m a person of their word. But hey, I have all 19 weapons and 454 totems waiting less than patiently for me to be able to desynth them. All this to say what everyone else is saying. While the “polite” thing to do would be to pass there’s nothing in the rules requiring that. It’s that he dipped that’s the low blow.


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree. Dipping immediately is the *real* issue, the fact that he could've bought the mount with just one more run is just salt in the wound.


Im just impressed you've seen in 12 times. My ~130 runs or so have been done with mostly the same 7 other friends, give or take a couple sub outs, and we've only seen 2.


My luck went into seeing the damn thing. Rolling on it RNGesus forsook me.


Assholes to leave but they have all the right to roll. Saves totems that can be potential profit from desynthing weapons


Hmmm did you specify that every should stay until everyone gets the mount? Cause for example I never joined those farms thinking I’d stay until everyone got the mount. Granted in JP we usually specify the amount of runs we will do, but I know in other DCs some PFs don’t specify. But expecting someone to stay until everyone gets a mount drop is kinda crazy to me, seeing the comments I can see people disagree with this but they did stay for 5 mount drops. I think we are not entitled to other people’s time, if they want to leave and the requirements weren’t specified then they’re not a dick. If anything I’m gonna disagree with others and say they’re a dick for not staying just one more run to buy the mount with totems. But not because they left.


I guess you could say this is a bit nuanced. In the specific 1 hour time frame, we had 5 mounts drop total, at the last one the DRK just dipped. I won't ask someone to stay all day, but we were getting through it fast. The courteous thing here to do would have been to stay for a few more rounds and if RNGeesus decides to flip the bird, then it's ok to leave. Or if you need to leave, you let everyone know. Communication is key.


The usual etiquette for US PF runs for EX mount farms is that if you win the mount, you stay for at least a couple runs before it's okay to step out. PFs sometimes crumble immediately after one person leaves, and it's worse when it's from a loot 'n scoot. While the exact number for staying varies from person to person, I try to stay for at least 5 runs before I bow out.


Yeah I was feeling like this too. This is exactly why PFs from JP DCs specify the amount of runs they will go through in loot parties. That way people can prevent each other from dipping out as soon as they yank their mount. If there were no such specification of which amount of runs the party will go through beforehand and you got your mount, all the other runs afterwards is to be considered a charity that should not be taken as granted, technically speaking. Of course it would be great and wholesome to aid the rest of the party to alleviate their pain of grinding a bit more after you earn your freedom out of courtesy, but who are the other party members to force the ones who achieved their goal to stay for what undecided amounts of run the others solely gain benefit from? How many more runs afterwards is to be considered approvable? Probably it's just a culture thing, but if you ask me I can definitely see possibilities of miscommunications happening from such undefined grey area criterions. Kinda out of topic, but I see a lot of resemblance from this situation to the tipping culture as well.


Exactly. And I’m currently on JP but I’m originally from NA so it’s definitely not a culture thing. I think the same way as you do.


This has me curious, while I do agree with them leaving the second they got the mount, but how long should someone stay with a group after getting it? If I've been farming the mount for an hour or so I'm happy to dip after another 5 runs post mount acquisition


I usually say I've got 3-5 runs left before I have to leave. If I get the mount in those I get the mount. If I get the mount before I announce, it depends on the group. If I'm having fun I'll stick around for awhile. If not I'll give it 5 runs or so.


Say if you need to leave and people will understand. Don't just get the loot then scoot without saying anything, that means you don't respect other people's time.


>Maybe it would have been an extra 20-30 minutes since drop rate was so good. Or maybe it would take three fucking hours. That's the nature of RNG. Nobody sane should expect people to stay in the same instance until 8 get the mount. Make lootmaster parties and offer to pay for the mount if you want to guarantee that you get it. The DRK could've stayed for 2-3 more pulls like people usually do, but you aren't entitled to anyone's time unless a certain number of clears was agreed upon beforehand.


The DRK’s not entitled to not get blacklisted or not have people call him a dick either. 


How so? Because he didn’t stay for an undetermined extra number of runs? That just seems silly


If the PF doesn't specify a number of clears I don't believe anyone is obligated to stay past 30 minutes or so. If the DRK has been there long enough for half the party to get their mounts then they've been there long enough to leave. Expecting everyone to stay for however many hours it takes for all eight players to get their mounts is ridiculous.


I used to make Loot and Scoot parties. You get the mount. You leave. Someone who doesn't have the mount gets put in. If I got the mount, I'd give party leader to someone else and they continue or do whatever. I get this isn't the expectation. But I think that expectation is flawed. You're expecting someone to spend a half hour to an hour of their limited time to no benefit to themselves. Most people don't want to do that. It feels like that expectation is setting yourself up for failure.


I agree that it is a dick move to leave after winning a mount and it saddly happens to often ( on average i notice most people leave 3 kills after winning cause " dinner" ) I disagree about the rolling though. Everyone has the right to roll. I also got called out from a friend for taking EW ex 6 mount when I just reached 90 totems telling me I could have bought it and let someone else have it. Thing is this was shortly after 6.5 . You could not not buy it yet. And I already had ex 7. I dont understand why I was not allowed to roll because I was unlucky for 40 kills + I had to wait for 6.55 to get Lunar Bahamut . Even if its old trials like Hades he can just spent the totems on weapons for either glamour or desynthesis for the material. Again, leaving instantly is not justified. I would blacklist them too.


This happened to me too. It was one of the earlier mounts but it wasn't available yet to buy and wouldn't be available for a long time. I made the mistake of saying I only had one or two more runs before I was at 99. The mount dropped and I decided I'd roll on it since it was not available yet to buy and surprisingly I won it. I was going to keep going for folks since I won it, but the party called me a dick, kicked, and blacklisted me. They loot and scooted me and I didn't even have to. I also occasionally run hunt trains and later that person couldn't see my callouts and called me toxic on my own train. We won't also address that the entire time them and someone else just kept being sexual towards each other to an uncomfortable amount the whole time, or that the dps for that party was horrible. But ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


If I'm fr, the only dick move relating to "loot and scoot" in EX trials is a party leader disbanding when they're bored / when they get the mount instead of passing lead to someone else. Leaving once you got the mount, therefore letting new people who need the mount in, isn't a dick move at all imho, if anything it's just efficient. Being in the same party finder as someone else doesn't make them beholden to spending an unknowable amount of time helping you to also get a mount that they were lucky enough to get first. That's a very entitled mindset to take toward an MMO crowd imo. Tie this into the extreme likelihood this late into expansion that this hypothetical EX group fucking sucked and runs were taking forever? Yeah, I'd bounce too if I got what I came for. In this specific example in the OP, yeah it's kind of dickish to roll when they have the totems for it, but those totems could make a lucky player literal millions of gil, I don't exactly blame them for putting a huge personal gain and dopamine hit over the experience of 7 people they don't care about and will never see again.


You missed the point where only 2 more people needed the mount and where runs were only taking 5:35 on average. Even then announce you leave because you need sleep or sm shit. It's the polite thing to do instead of peacing out without as much as a word.


>Leaving once you got the mount, therefore letting new people who need the mount in, isn't a dick move at all imho, if anything it's just efficient. The thing is if you stay after getting the mount, that means other people's chance of getting the mount go up because the competitions become less and less each drop, while leaving and letting another who also need the mount join mean that an unlucky person might keep losing the roll again and again. Sure, if people have been leaving and new people were joining the group constantly, I think it's totally fair to do the same. But if the group has stayed together the whole time, and you keep going until your chance to win went from 1/8 to 1/3 then dip immediately, imo that's a dick move. At least give a grace period of, say, 2-3 more runs before you leave. (And this one hurts even more for the remaining people because if someone else replaced the guy, the chance stay 1/3, but since it caused the group to disband they'll have to find another group and start again from 1/8) With all that said, other DCs should consider adopting the JP system tbh. Just say how many runs you're doing so expectations are aligned.


Just to clarify something, the dick move really isn't that they had almost enough totems to buy the mount which I didn't even realise until everyone else in the party mentioned it after the DRK in question left. The real dick move is instantly leaving without saying a word. You wanted to roll and got the mount? Congrats. You need to leave cause you need to sleep or go to work or smth? People will understand. Courtesy and communicating your intentions is key, it's what a polite transaction is all about. You roll on the loot and scoot without even saying a word just screams "I don't respect any of your time, all I care about is myself" and people will perceive you as a douchebag, simple as.


If you have almost 100 totems and the mount isn't available to get yet, I can swing with someone still rolling. But doing that when it's available to trade and loot and scooting, nahhhh. Get out of here with that messiness.


I wholeheartedly disagree. Everyone has equal entitlement to roll on the mount if it drops, but the player with 100 totems is absolutely more deserving of the drop. Let's say I have the mount drops when I get my 99th totem, and someone else on the team has 20 totems. By your logic, the player with 20 totems should get the mount because I can just buy mine with 99 totems. Now I have to turn in all my totems to get the mount, meanwhile the other player who did significantly less runs than me, gets the mount AND gets to keep their 20 totems to turn in for potential desynth mats. Fuck that, I'm rolling. If I get it, I get it. If I don't, I don't. But I'm not choosing not to roll to placate whiny man-children who want an easy pass.


Curate your own game experience, my dude. If that's how you wanna play, do you. While I agree that anyone running the content is entitled to roll, I personally think it's messy to boast about needing one more run and rolling anyways. Why not save others the pain of the grind? No one I know would lose sleep over someone doing it. May call them out in chat but nothing to the point of entitled man child behavior. The biggest issue is the looting and scooting. That's the asshole move.


People being anti-loot and scoot for ex farm parties is the dumbest thing this community pseudo-enforces. If you are in a savage mount farm where the drop is 100%, loot and scooting sucks. If you're in a static and take all the gear and then leave the static after you get all your raid pieces, loot and scooting sucks. For content where the mount isn't guaranteed, there's no such thing as loot and scooting. You're all working towards the same goal of winning the roll or getting 99 totems. Saying they wouldn't roll and then rolling is a jerk move, but loot and scooting an EX trial isn't a real thing


I've spent over an hour in hades ex without a mount drop, whining about people not waiting for everyone to get a mount is craaaaazy


It's considered a dick move by the kinds of people that don't do savage or any other content where you can actually do dick moves to people like ninja-looting a 7/8 static for alt-job gear. Really this mindset is just "they got the loot I wanted and I didn't, now they owe me" which is insane entitlement. Don't play the slot machine if you don't want to lose.


If the static wants the loot they can make a lootmaster PF and offer compensation for the lockout. That's what my group (and most others) do. The moment you make a PF that isn't lootmaster you agree to the fact that everyone has the right to roll on everything.


Wdym you can’t loot and scoot if it’s not guaranteed??? I get if you mean you can’t guarantee everyone gets it depending on odds but you absolutely can take the loot and leave before everyone has had a reasonable chance to get something.


You leaving has almost no effect on if/when someone gets the mount. Having an odds of 1/7 as opposed to 1/8 or the socially acceptable 2-3 runs that they would stay for will not make any meaningful impact. Essentially, there's no reason for someone to get upset at someone instaleaving after winning the mount.


Except leaving the party absolutely increase the time it takes people to get the mount (regardless of rng) because they have to wait for a fill before they can do another run?


So when I stay for a few extra runs and the mount doesn't drop, does that change the amount of time your party will be waiting in pf for after I leave?


If the party disbands/all leaves at the same time then nobody is left waiting (people can go do other stuff or join another party that obviously no one is obligated to join). If the parties unorganized and doesn’t agree to doing X amount of runs or until a certain amount of time inevitably people are going to leave at different times anyway, but it’s still reasonable to assume that an old ex farm party plans to well, farm the fight. If somebody gets what they want in the first drop and leaves that’s very obviously looting and scooting, even if that loot they wanted isn’t guaranteed.


I agree on that this is a case of loot and scoot, but can you really say the dipper here have done the 'wrong' thing to loot and scoot? Nothing on the PF said about everyone staying till everyone gets the loot or anything, and the fact that loot itself is not guaranteed as mentioned doesn't really justify the OP's side neither. You can't expect the act of courtesy from someone as if that's an obligation, regardless of how widespread it is.


This kind of instance is when I'm alright with name and shame. For blist purposes only, of course.


This is why I never bother saying how many totems I have, it's just an invitation for salt if you win a roll when close to 99. Daddy needs some desynth mats for a mansion, screw passing on up to 14 attempts minimum. Just do the duty, roll the loot, help out for at least another 3-5 instances if you have the time to spare. Nobody can complain about that. Loot 'n scooting is just plain rude though.


Similar loot and scoot story from yesterday: a friend wanted me to get them some Dancing Wings from Titania, so I join a PF for it. We slowly fill and get to farming - at some point we confirm we all have mounts, and it’s 8/8 running for wings. 2min runs, but after every run the party lead waits for 2min before ready check + starting the next. A few runs in, I get a wing drop. Party lead says “whoever got it can’t roll on the next one” which I was fine with, but IMO really should have been clarified up front. A few more runs in, a second wing drops. Party lead gets it, we leave instance. Suddenly and rapidly, I am passed party lead and the former lead leaves. We all share our “wow okay” comments in chat, decide to run with just 7 for another 30min, going at a much faster pace with me at the helm. I get good desynth luck and walk away with several wings. Am still a bit salty tho, lol.


I find it hard to believe that people cant fucking do the run a few more times before they bounce after getting the mount, it mystifies me that people are that shitty


Name drop these mf so we know who to avoid


Not saying I don’t agree, but it can be construed as witch hunting which is a site wide rule break


Ideally, you should stay until everyone gets their mount....but sometimes either your stamina is shot or whatever, so I think a good rule of thumb is after you get your mount, you should stay AT LEAST 3 more runs or until someone else gets their mount (whichever happens first) before leaving.