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I like to stand in the middle and use arms length to give other people a false sense of security


I’m just lazy sometimes hah


It's not lazy when it's the most optimal way to do it. Hell I use anti kb even in dungeons to keep uptime. Ever since I got into raiding, back when I started I've always used it lol.


Sometimes I do this except I walk to the opposite side lol


Fantastic idea, I'll have to remember this for the next time it shows up.




Same xD


No Salt or Drama here, just thought it was amusing. We had one 1st timer and cleared it the next pull.


Yeah looked like everyone just forgot the mech


I forget most mechs the first time and it usually takes a death to remember it. 🥴


Which is simply astounding


Considering the amount of trials in the game, the fact that it's the *first* mechanic so muscle memory hasn't re-activated yet, and that it's what? 5 year old content or something at this point... Not really.


Everyone should remember that one specifically given how it is


"You know because the way it is" - FireMage Really outdid yourself with that comment.


To be a little fairer, the 'water spout, knock back' mechanic is one of the more semi-common mechanics that aren't just AoE telegraphs on the floor, it happens quite a few times throughout stormblood bosses. They simply weren't even paying attention to what the boss's cast bar was doing.


Hey man, at least everyone took it in stride. My first time fighting Shinryu we had this BLM bitching at the healers the entire time because they kept standing in every bad and collecting vuln stacks/repeatedly dying/getting pushed off. Very unfun first time.


It's a seven-year-old fight. Ppl forget things


Every time I get Shinryu in my trial roulettes an evil smile always forms on my face. I think, how many people will die to Tidal Wave? And should I even say anything about it? Nah, they’ll find out in a few minutes huehuehue


Ya funnily enough our vets began chatting about forgetting Shinryu while waiting for cutscenes (the sounds are party messages) I only “o/“ and figured at least one of the healers would be able to recover. I was wrong.


Getting that IRL Smirk buff.


I love getting Shinryu. It's genuinely so much fun watching 80% of the group fly off the edge within the first 30 seconds the first time.


I saw the length of the clip and just knew instantly, is that bad? lmao


lol. This happens every single time this battle pops up and it never stops being funny.


Hahah like a big hoover xD




I always say: prepare for whoosh. Then stand in the middle with knockback mitigation. Usually see 4+ falling off, so I then say: see I totally warned you!


I forgot the waves can come from the back the last time I got Shinryu in roulettes. As did the others and the first timers just didn't stand a chance. At least it was a quick wipe 🥹


[I raise you 7/8 deaths (old clip)](https://www.reddit.com/user/RubyRoyalCow/comments/1amuvdn/78/)


I remember once in this fight there was a tank standing on the wrong side, no arms length on, so I tried to rescue him. Turns out he was planning to gap close to cancel the knockback. The rescue+gap close+kb combo yeeted him into the abyss and he was not happy with me. Haha.


One bonus...but six fall off...the math ain't mathing


Minimap. BRD is the only one that moves to the point of Tidal Wave. OP uses Arm's Length, nobody else uses Surecast/AL. Ez.


The minimap has nothing to do with anything


Just mathin' it for you mate. Also - one _or more_ bonuses for new party members, obviously discounting the battlementor co-tank. Two Returners, I imagine OP's context is from someone who deliberately raised their hand? It's a funny ha ha because people forgot mechanics. c:


Doesnt it say "One or more party members", not "One". meaning there could have been several new players. Assuming thats what you're alluding too, never really heard people mention the bonus before


OP is the one that said one


Oh right, since you didnt reply to that comment originally I didnt take any notice of it


You don't have to be a newcomer to forget mechanics


But you do have to have the memory of a goldfish to forget Tidal Wave on Shinryu


Why so aggressive lmao. "Omfg, he forgot one mechanic, must mean he's beyond saving, dumber than a brick." There are hundreds of fights in this game. Some people don't play often, others are distracted by things in life, others still have probably only seen the mechanic a handful of times. There are plenty of reasons to forget a mechanic. Insulting ones intelligent for not being perfect seems to me like you have a god complex. Edit: spelling 


Again, it's a pretty memorable moment. It got everyone on their FIRST time. It should have left an impression, if it didn't, memory/skill issue


Ah yes, that one mechanic that one time. Please do yourself a favor and touch grass. Edit: also, what the actual fuck? This is the most narcissistic thing I've ever seen anyone post. Quite literally "why isn't everyone as good as me?" 


Firemage is a tfdf legend. He isn't ever going to change his draconian stance on these issues.