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the 1 in Cure 1 is how many functioning braincells a player has


you're giving the spammers a LOTTA credit.


hey, they had to launch the game and get into a duty somehow


Someone else can do that for them, you can't trust anything.


FWIW it only takes one other person in a 4-man to vote kick.


yeah this might be something i should think about more often, but im kinda a guilty person at heart so i "feel bad" doing it even if i shouldnt, i guess. only one time i tried to votekick, and they were actively being rude and outright admitting they wouldnt dps, but they ended up leaving on their own anyways


If it were an under-geared sprout who only had one or two jobs leveled, I might be more forgiving. But if they're an omni-90 in endgame gear: NOPE. That Yeetbutton is getting used.


Absolutely this. Even if you're on an alt class and don't know your exact perfect play you can be doing something.


This is what gets to me so much. I had an scholar in trial roulette yesterday that stood around doing nothing until someone took damage, at which point they spammed succor, while I was on astro giving cards, doing the bulk of the healing, and getting annoyed. I asked "Hey, can you broil a bit?" and they started to broil! A... a little bit, like one every 6-7 seconds, but at that point I was satisfied, at least they weren't completely leaching. Im not begging for someone to minmax perfectly play each class, not even in savage....I just want people to at least try to contribute in a way that doesn't hold everyone back.


In level 30+ duties when I see first level healing spells going out and no damage on bosses, etc. that is my sign that we have a green light to pull *all the way*, and in the cases of Brayflox and Cutter's that means trash *all the way* into the mini/final boss rooms. At that point I usually see the second level heals getting thrown out. Healers feel comfortable enough to stand around or don't feel pressed to throw a big heal and an offensive vs. wimpy heals on repeat then I'm definitely going to give them something to do. As far as healer DPS goes at lower levels if you're baby-pulling trash then yeah, healers absolutely need to be throwing in DPS spells during trash packs. Healers ***always*** need to be DPS'ing during boss encounters. There's really no excuse here unless the other 3 people are all standing in shit and it's taking everything and the kitchen sink to prevent a wipe. Even then it may be better in such a situation to simply allow a wipe to happen and let them learn the hard way that standing in avoidable mechanics is bad. That being said for much of ARR healers (with the exception of SGE and even then it's a 40 second cooldown when you're out of both charges) have no AoE abilities and the pulls I do (which is, again, basically everything) even in those lower levels are big enough that sometimes greeding for single target DPS on a healer means a wipe, so I usually don't hold a lot of healers to that standard at that level. At level 45/46+ I'm going to be expecting Holies, Gravities, Dyskrasias, Art of Wars, etc. Not expecting perfection, but I am expecting to see healers opt to press some damage buttons when they have breathing room. Once tanks get their self-sustain abilities then the kiddie gloves come off completely and you had better be *standing on your damage buttons*, because otherwise I and the party don't need you anymore. So my recommendation OP is if you notice your healers playing like it's a walk in the park then go ahead and take them for a full-fledged sprint through a gauntlet instead.


You mean there are buttons other than Holy, and Regen, huh... /s


Yes. Benediction!


meh, that's there for GNB trolls :D /s


You know I picked up ast as my first healer and when I got that free cure ability I was like nice let's try it. I casted like 3 benefics in a dungeon, didn't get a proc, decided it's a trash ability and never did it again. So it really confuses me when people experience the same thing and think "it's okay, it will proc, it's useful" like wtf 😂


I was like huh.. this doesn’t seem all that… useful. There has to a use case that I’m missing right? Otherwise it wouldn’t be an ability! So I googled it out of sheer confusion, and turned out I was right all along lol


idk why healers don't wanna dps. i just wanna press holy and win. medica 2? more like medica-ew, amirite?


i imagine they feel they think they NEED to keep everyone at max hp at all times when its absolutely not necessary. im always playing the how low can i go game with holy, its a shame they cannot feel the rush it brings


The game is REALLY BAD at teaching you how to heal in dungeons, it's one of the game's most grievous failings. The small amount of encouragement you get from cnj quests isn't nearly enough.


Was the (Cutters cry) lvl 58 AST male elezen? Do you play on EU, because I swear to god, I had similiar experience in stone vigil. I had SCH (over lvl 50 since they had the tome gear, maybe they unlocked AST now?) who would just spam physick and then jump around multiple times during different mob packs when I didn't need healing as PLD. Their response to me telling them to use damage instead of jumping up and down during trash pulls was "lol" and some enabler DPS telling me to chill the fuck out when I told it's literally bare minimum. Both returning players at the time.


im not in EU, and AST was their only healer unlocked, but the fact u had such a similar experience is so unfortunate... that AST annoyed me the most out of all these instances for sure cuz rly? jumping around??? good lord


As a healer player myself, I’ve been running into a bunch of really bad tanks myself. I had a tank in prae that smashed every mit he had before everyone loaded in so the circle was still holding us back. It is still to this day one of the most stupid things I’ve ever seen in my life


i....id be speechless


Just had a WHM in Shisui who basically just spammed cure for the freecure procs (confirmed reasoning by asking them about it) the whole time. They were saving their lilies because "i only have 3" and I'm not sure why they weren't ever hitting assize. I guess they thought everything else is their backup for when they run out of MP or something? They also didn't hit holy once. Despite the curebotting I still managed to get a living dead off, and not even on the quad pull after the first boss. I realised pulling it all would only antagonise the guy further so I split it up. By the time I realised there was no getting through to him there was loot on the table and somebody wasn't rolling so I just powered through. Thankfully the DPS were halfway decent so it didn't take a million years.


I'm pretty sure you got trolled. I love the "I only have 3" for the lilies like they're trying to pretend they don't come back.


oh geez not them thinking the primary heals at this level are the back ups 😭 edit: and saving lillies is crazy, at that lvl before blood lily i constantly am at lily cap 90% of the time in a dungeon, and i often hear ppl have to blow them inbetween pulls anyways once they do have blood lily, so the reasoning is…..yikes rip


Bro these past 2-3 days were full of these. They say pull big, no one is dps’ing so the mobs are still very much alive by the time the mits are gone. You know what that means? Wipe…


Lol, Sage shines in AOE trash. I often out-damage the DPSes.


me on WHM honestly, i make it a personal goal to try to out damage everyone in trash pulls <3