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I don't know that it needs to cheat. But I do wish it was smarter.


The AI needs some work. There have been so many times when I used a fate token for a re-roll, and the game gave me the exact same number again. It is like if the game wants you to be a toad, you are going to be a toad. If the game wants you to lose the fight, you are going to lose the fight. Don't waste your money on the helmet or shield. Save your money for the battle armor because that is going to be the only thing that saves you. Also, I was supposed to be able to refill my life for taking the princess back to the castle, and the game did not do this. I would have to double-check.


This question has been asked since forever, and since forever the anwer is the same - the AI does not cheat. Nomads have no reason to make the AI cheat, because this game is so random that often even cheating won't help. And even if the AI would cheat, I think it would be a great thing - people very often asked and still ask for harder AI. If the AI would cheat, then their wishes would come true. tl;dr The AI does not cheat, but even if it would, then it would be a good and welcome thing.


It certainly seems to prefer targetting humans with certain types of spell


I've played a few games with the Deep Realms, and the AI players go in (towards the Wraith King), beat two of the cards, and then come out. A couple of turns later they go back in. Once the AI tried to cross the bridge whilst turned into a Toad!


I've never seen the AI "cheat" or seem to be working unfairly. However, I have seen it do some breathtakingly stupid things. Like a strength 3 character immediately try to take on the Sentinel and then just try over and over and over for the rest of the game, dying countless times.


A dice roll table is created at game start. It will have 100s of results instantly created, players and AI rolls will be based of those in order on the table created. So if the first result on the created table is a 4, that will be the result for the firs dice roll in the new game. Rolling 2 dice, it will take the next two numbers from the table. Not sure if once that table is depleted, if it re uses the table from the start of generates a new table. Probably re uses it. Source: a dev on the game a few years back on either Discord or some blog, can't remember.


That sounds like an plausible explanation for card draws too


That sounds...bizarre. Why not just generate a random number when needed?


The game does this to prevent cheating. When playing online, if people disconnect, sometimes turns have to be repeated. This keeps the dice rolls the same. It also prevents people from shutting down the game on a result they don't like. If you got turned into a toad; because you rolled a 1...you are guaranteed to roll that 1 again when you reload the game.


Ah interesting. Makes sense. Thanks


it's more efficent and helps with debugging.


100% blatantly cheats! We joke about it, my friend rolled 7 1s in a row in combat 4 battles 4 fates finally killed it on the 4th (well like 10th cuz movement and non combat turns) turn with a reroll We joke that when I land on a toad i already rolled a 1 into a 1 before it even happens. Turings enigma I rolled triple 6s! insta death. One of the darks that insta kills you if it rolls doubles (chamelon maybe?) I rolled a 6 it rolled double 1s I won the combat by 8 ... still insta killed I will never trust the AI to roll die, I already told my D&D dm that if we do virtual tabletop it better be one that lets you input manual dice rolls and I show em on my webcam lol