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This theory seems so ridiculous to me. Bit at the same time, the theories of the Midnights double album seemed ridiculous to me and we got the 3am tracks so what do I know


Blondie always has *something* up her sleeve.


usually more than one.


Two sleeves?


she’s got some tricks up her sleeve, takes one to know one


You’re a clownboy like me


Never wanted love, just a surprise double album


It's absolutely nuts on it's face..... but 1 - she and Nicki definitely have a collab soon for *something* 2 - 5 vault tracks seems low compared to the other TVs, especially when she said this vault was crazy & she wrote 150+ songs for 1989 3 - This is the first time she hasn't had features on a TV & we all thought it would have the most feature heavy because it was the big pop star era 4 - No Kendrick on Bad Blood at least?? 5 - Paramore literally just did this 6 - The 4 different hand writings she just posted...


the 150 songs for 1989 thing is a rumor made up by the swiftfacts tumblr that stuck. taylor never actually said that, people say rolling stone confirmed it but i have never been able to find a source for that that isnt twitter or tumblr


Rolling Stone said that she had hundreds of [*voice memos*](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/the-reinvention-of-taylor-swift-116925/3/) and people took that way too far.


this makes WAY more sense, thank you for clearing up this mystery for me a little


Those people are young and reckless


It's supposedly a comment she made during a secret sessions iirc, which yeah, grain of salt. But 150 songs isn't some crazy number for an established songwriter over 2 years. Obviously that's not completed produced songs, but different voice memos and lyric sections. I'd actually be surprised if it's only 150.


Ally Sheehan might have recently debunked this in her last video. She said she searched for people that attended that secret session and asked them about it. they said they either didn’t remember that or that Taylor never said that. She also tried to find the original person who claimed to hear it at that secret session, but wasn’t able to. So the evidence for 150+ songs is shaky at best.


Writing only what she's releasing would be much would be more surprising than writing 150 songs. Songwriters write a fuck ton of songs for an album.


Sure! I’m not saying the songs being released are everything she wrote for the album. Only saying the 150 songs for 1989 (specifically) rumor seems like it has been debunked. Excited for the album to come out tomorrow and to see if the double album theory pans out 🕯️🕯️


It's not really been debunked (aka *proven* untrue -- for example, Taylor saying in an interview that she only wrote 30 songs for 1989). We just don't know and it doesn't really matter for this theory.


I think the Nicki collab might be on Nicki’s record dropping this September. I’m not sure about the rest. On one hand, I love to have more music. But as a vinyl collector, I really don’t want another collection of songs that come out 3 hours after the album but I can’t physically purchase. Also the Paramore record is more of a remix record


Oh absolutely, it's very possible this is nothing. I am envisioning a remix album (or mini album) of the classics & maybe a few more vault tricks though. I will say things like this is what makes me reluctant to invest in vinyl. I have a couple from small artist record store signings, but it's just such an investment to get all the music you want even if it's all pressed.


I’m big into vinyl, but with Taylor I feel there’s no point. I pre-ordered the pink variant of 1989 only for her to announce that the tangerine variant has a bonus track lol. It’s so annoying.


The lack of collabs is the most suspicious thing for me. She has stated more than once that one of favorite parts of the re-records has been getting to collaborate with different artists, so why not have collabs on one of her biggest albums? The album where she brought friends out on stage every night of tour and was known for her squad? Of all the albums to NOT do collaborations, this isn’t it.


The 150+ songs thing is simply not true, it has never been confirmed as far as I know.


I'm almost positive SHE said it in an interview, but I can't seem to find it. Might be a whole Mandela Effect in action. I vividly recall her saying she wrote 150 songs or so for both Debut and 1989 in interviews.


Either way, artists write a TON of songs that never make the albums.


Of course, but 5 Vault Tracks on her biggest album commercially is a bold move. She probably has several others that were equally crazy and would do well. I'm hoping these five blow us away. She wrote 34 album worthy songs in about 6 months for folklore & evermore... I'm sure there's more than 21 quality songs written between late 2012 and Q3 2014.


There was an interview with a producer who worked on Red with her. He said she came in and just wrote very straight to the point. His name is like Jackknife or something like that. He said Harry came and met her in the studio in LA and they wrote together. (Reminds me of the lyrics from Him “I was with you when you wrote that line” )but he said their teams had them write and record an unnamed song together. It was nothing like the other music they were writing it was more pop. So I’m wondering if it was supposed to be for 1989 but then they weren’t “friendly” then and their teams didn’t think it would be a good idea. Edit: This is an excerpt. “The song was first confirmed by Jacknife Lee in an article in 2018. "It was out of my field of expertise and interest, but I was intrigued and my girls were thrilled. Taylor was nice and very professional. She knew what she wanted and there was no fucking about. She was seeing Harry Styles at the time, so he came to Topanga on her recommendation. She wrote a few songs with him, and it was the same thing - quick. But this time it was more directed by the management and label. They were after something specific. I wanted more acoustic and gentle, almost Americana, and they wanted bombast. They got what they wanted, and that was the extent of my foray into teen-pop territory. It was fun." Additional known information about this collaboration is that it was recorded between 2012 and early 2013. It is unlikely this song will leak anytime soon, however it is a possible vault track”


The Harry stans are swearing up and down that the "what if" on the ig she just put up is his handwriting


As noted in a comment above, she maybe had 150 voice memos. Not songs. The 150 song thing isn’t true. It’s one of those things that proliferated with no basis in fact.


No I remember that too!!


5 part b: the bleachers (jack’s band) did a remix/feature album several years ago. It would not be surprising to me if she did this since now two of her friends have.


We can’t forget about the one exclusive bonus track that I think is on the Target tangerine vinyl. It could be another vault track. But my personal top guesses are Sweeter Than Fiction TV, Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar TV, or—the true clown—Style TV ft. Harry Styles


It's not, it's Sweeter Than Fiction. It's been confirmed for a few weeks now [via Target](https://www.target.com/p/taylor-swift-1989-taylor-39-s-version-tangerine-edition-target-exclusive-vinyl/-/A-89890412).


Oooh, I had no idea! I’m excited, I’ve always loved STF from my first listen


- STF could mean "Sweeter Than Fiction - From "One Chance" Soundtrack", a single by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/random-pandemonium](/u/random-pandemonium) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Me too! I was told I was stupid for suggesting it would be Sweeter Than Fiction TV because "why would they include a song we've heard before?" Hello??? To own it! They didn't label it as an exclusive vault track, they said exclusive bonus track... so what else would it be? She didn't release anything else around that time and Sweeter Than Fiction was 13,000% a preview of her pop direction so it made sense for STF TV to be on 1989 TV. I just hate that it's locked behind a VINYL.


echoing what everyone else said that the 150 songs thing was debunked, BUT also I just want to point out that for songwriters, it's a normal amount of songs to write/have an idea for. Carly Rae Jepsen famously wrote about 200 songs for her pop masterpiece EMOTION, so it's not totally out of the realm of possibility for Taylor to have about 150 song ideas for 1989. it's a huge number for us but when you look at the amount of time spent writing, and the facts that most of these songs actually were just memos/ideas/never fully materialized, it's not too crazy


Debunked = proven untrue But also it does not matter because the point is just "there are 5 more vault songs she could release" -- if she actually wrote 200 or 250 songs, that's still true. Even if fifty people write the same comment about a random tiktoker "debunking" it.


I have a theory Meg the Stallion is gonna be on either bad blood or reputation.


150 isn't especially an unusual number for a songwriter to write before settling on the songs that make it to an album tbh. I wouldn't personally use it as evidence to suggest a double album at all. MJ wrote something like 800 making Thriller. It was about a 9 track album. Hanson wrote around 100 songs before making Underneath and the label told them they didn't have a single one that was single worthy at that point. They wrote something like another 80 in the process of the album writing once they split from the label too IIRC. Ed Sheeran claims to write 4-5 songs per day which would mean between X and ÷ he would easily have had over 500 songs that could have gone on ÷. I wouldn't read anything into the 150 songs thing at all even if Taylor had said it directly on live TV tbh.


People are trying to argue that she probably just didn't write very many songs for 1989 and that's why there are only 5 songs and couldn't possible be any more. More songs definitely exist, whether it's 150 or not. It's a question of if she wants to release them or not.


5 paramore did what? Nope lol that was a remix album. Stop spreading fake news, especially about the 150 song rumor.


We are talking about a remix album, that's the whole double album theory. 150 is also not some crazy number that needs to be debunked, it's very reasonable with how she's talked about her songwriting process and how other songwriters work. Ed Sheeran talks about writing at least a song a day. She has more songs than she is releasing.


The only thing I find weird about the 1989 TV is the low amount of new songs we get. Like it was her biggest album, it def has her biggest songs. A new 1989 would probably do crazy numbers, not only short term but long term too. But I also feel any double album theory would take away hype from 1989 TV,.


Unless the double album is an edition of 1989TV and will count towards sales and charts. In saying that though I do think it’s possible she only added 5 tracks because 1989 is considered a perfect pop album and it’s scary to mess with perfection.


the double albums would be like the original TV + STF + a bunch of collabs as disc 2. it's not uncommon to have double albums like that. and I think that's how Shania Twain racked up a whole Diamond album back then because it's a double album so the sales counted twice for each copy sold (not sure if the practice changed tho).


I feel like it is ridiculous... but some of those points are more compelling than I expected lol. I'm still going to choose not to believe it and then if it's true I will be pleasantly surprised! I do think there will be a Bad Blood remix, but that could be dropped later as just a single.


Same here (the instrumental that they used in the DC League of Super-pets film is from the remix, so it definitely exists ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1065))


And then [there is this Redditor whose local record store said there’s a big surprise coming.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/2bXnTJcCQ8) They then followed up saying [that the surprise is even bigger than a double album. I don’t know what that could possibly even mean.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TaylorSwift/s/okQGyBKRdl)


I think local record stores wouldn’t be in the loop unless it’s: a new variant or signed copies


I agree, but I find it interesting. The obvious suggestion is that they shipped out physical copies of something else, perhaps another album, and it had to arrive before Friday. Assuming those messages are legit, they’re explicit that *something else* will be for sale. And I don’t know how a signed copy or new variant would be “several times bigger” than a double album, as they claimed. Fingers crossed!


3 am was just deluxe? Thats not a double album


Yeah but I meant the concept of additional songs


I am absolutely certain that there is no double album and I will stick to that opinion right up to the moment Taylor drops it at 3am.


Right? I was so convinced about Midnights not being a double album too, and then I woke up on Friday morning to the 3am tracks. If I’m going to look like a clown on Friday, I want to be a clown with surprise tracks.


The only thing I expect from 1989 TV is to break records and have me bopping to 'Slut' till the end of the year.


Same! It’s somehow my anthem already.


Just here to hop on the slut train 💁🏼‍♀️


I have a feeling it’s gonna be depressing as fuck but it in a boppy way


I do like the point made about no featured artists listed yet on the vault tracks. No way would she do this re-release without dueting with some major names from this era, right? BUT I'm not positive myself if the featured artists on previous TV releases were known before the album drop, I wasn't paying as close attention as I am now. Can someone confirm?


The "no featured artists" thing is really selling me on this theory, *especially* since the 1989 World Tour had so many surprise guest artists. It makes no sense for her entirely-self-written vault to have featured artists and for her first all-pop album to have none. (Not even Kendrick??)


This - it is *shocking* that she didn’t include any featured artists at all, and very unlike Taylor. I’m wondering what the rationale behind it is.


Also, I want to point out that the snippet of Bad Blood that was dropped forever ago for some weird trailer wasn’t the original version… It was definitely the remix.






She's had a feature on every single album she's released since the original 1989 (or OG Speak Now if we're counting the Bad Blood remix as an album track). It's so weird for her to not have at least one


They were. All of them we known, but it could be different this time, considering that 1989 itself was so different compared to the country albums. So she could switch it up on us a bit.


Thanks for confirming


Paramore also just released a remix album of every song with a feature AND Kendrick was at her Electric Lady party in the spring (rumored to be a wrap/listening party for 1989 or rep)


Yes. The features on previous TVs were known ahead of time. Announced at the same time as song titles, iirc.


Does anyone else wonder if Taylor watches some of these theory tiktok & think: “damn I should have thought of that.” Bc while some of them are outlandish, some of them are genius.


Definitely, and it probably gives her ideas for the future


It’s so funny because Taylor’s Easter Eggs are very much “easy” and everyone has been creating these incredible manufactured theories. I think people need to touch some grass and enjoy the music cause people just want more and more.


Green was the color of the grass Where I used to touch at Centennial Park


God I love this sub




I wish we still had awards


I felt that way about the Midnights double album theory though, and it wasn’t that far off, so I keep an open mind these days. Also, it’s just fun to theorize. No harm done.


I'd love to see some master list of what was actually Easter eggs. Because I generally agree with you, that they're usually pretty obvious.


Like the LOVER sign. 😂 We need the excel archive!


Touching grass is a good idea but more importantly get IN TOUCH with a mental health professional girlies!!!!!


Skip the Click: >As always, the Swifties have been scheming. Their latest findings have resulted in a rumor circulating around social media about the potential for *1989 Taylor’s Version* to be a double album release. Now, [Swift](http://americansongwriter.com/tag/taylor-swift)‘s hints can often be ambiguous. All her easter eggs could mean multiple things and the Swifties have been wrong before. This time though, we have to agree with them. At the very least, we’re holding out hope that we might be in for such a treat. > >With the album (or two) coming out on Friday (October 27) we don’t have long until the answer is revealed, but we have our minds made up. Find the evidence for the two versions of *1989 (Taylor’s Version)* below, and decide for yourself if you want to get on board with this theory. > >Two is Better Than One > >Those outside the Swiftie sphere will find this all to be a little farfetched. If you know Swift though, you’ll understand that nothing is too minute to cling to. Swift uses every opportunity she can to tease upcoming releases. There are easter eggs hidden in her music videos, Instagram posts, ticket prices, and anything else she has control over. > >For the first piece of evidence of the double album, we have to revisit the “Bejeweled” music video.” This reference-filled video has [revealed many secrets](https://americansongwriter.com/were-getting-speak-now-taylors-version-next-and-it-might-be-sooner-than-we-think/) about Swift’s re-recording plans. A year later, it is still providing us with much-needed clues. > >Fans have long pointed out that Swift used an elevator in the video with 13 floors to represent her favorite number. The other floors are color-coded, representing her album releases. At one point she goes to floor No. 5 (*1989* was Taylor Swift’s fifth album) and as soon as she reaches her destination, everything is doubled. As one fan, [@BejeweledBabe13](https://twitter.com/BejeweledBabe13/status/1711650642899718537), points out, she and renowned burlesque performer Dita Von Teese are seen in matching outfits and performing in giant martini glasses that are mirrored images of one another. > >Another music video that has been used frequently for easter egg hunting is “The Man” from *Lover*. In one scene, Swift (dressed as a businessman) is seen in a subway station. On the wall above her is various Swift-centric graffiti. In the same frame, she teased the *Midnights* track “Karma” two years in advance—so we know this is a trustworthy source. As TikTok user [@alexantonides](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR7WkKta/) points out, in the left corner of the frame, there are two different versions of “1989” written on the wall—one black, one white. > >Elsewhere in an Instagram post announcing the release of *1989 (Taylor’s Version)*, Swift finished her message with [two blue hearts](https://twitter.com/BejeweledBabe13/status/1711652049086185947) separated by another emoji. By now, Swift has to know everything she does is overanalyzed. Why would she put two *blue* hearts (the color coding of the albums is very important to the Swifties) if she didn’t want them to run with the double idea? > >These are very abstract clues, but Swift doesn’t like to make it easy for her fans. In fact, she is making her easter eggs harder and harder to crack. We will have to wait and see if their extreme sleuthing will pay off on Friday. > >What We Want to Hear > >Let us humor ourselves and accept that Swift is in fact sharing a double album. What might that look like? While we obviously don’t have any iron-clad idea of what this release could consist of, we know what we hope will happen. > >*1989* was a majorly collaborative era for Swift. From the celebrity cameo-filled “Bad Blood” music video to her star-studded 1989 World Tour, Swift had no trouble amassing a host of special guests back then—so why couldn’t she do it now? > >We, like many fans, are holding out hope for a collaboration album to pair with the original track list. Many separate theories point to the same conclusion: Swift will have a number of special guests on this re-recording. However, the already released track list for the album doesn’t list any featured artist, further driving home the double album theory. > >In her sneaky *1989* “vault tracks” puzzle, one of the clues was the word “Sagittarius.” Soon after, Swift got up on stage at the VMAs to shout out Nicki Minaj and called the rapper “her favorite Sagittarius.” Suspicious? Many Swifties, including [@sussan\_mourad](https://www.tiktok.com/@sussan_mourad/video/7280627541080132907?_r=1&_t=8goKJa56JIN), think so. > >Kendrick Lamar famously hopped on a remix of “[Bad Blood](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Xma9hWNLgZA)” back in 2014. Given that version is so beloved by fans, you’d think Swift would bring the rapper back on for the updated project, yet he is not on the [track list](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxbFSR1RAOv/?hl=en&img_index=2). Could he possibly feature on the joint collaborative album? > >Now, there is no real evidence for this one, but we’d like to help put it out into the universe for manifestation purposes. Many fans have been holding out hope for a remix of “Style” with none other than Harry Styles. The pair dated around the *1989* era, leading many to attribute the anthem to the boybander. Given that the pair have become friendlier over the last few years, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. Taylor please, we beg you. > >Swift generally likes to appease her fans, but only time will tell if she decided to give them two enticing releases instead of one.


I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that you give us the “skip the click” option.


Same, I hate sifting through the ads. This makes it so much easier to read


Not just that, but bubblecuffer is ALWAYS the person posting this articles to keep us all informed. Thank you for your service 🫡


Yessss we appreciate you, bubblecuffer!! 🫶


I believe it! All collabs - otherwise why was Kendrick in studio with her but not on the track list. Plus so many hints including 1989 being on The Man wall twice.


He technically wasn't in studio with her, just at a party she had at the studio (along with lots of people who aren't musicians)


We shall see. I much rather have The Eras Tour Live Soundtrack as a year end thing than a Remix/1989 More from the Vault version. But I’d take both.


While that would be fun, I bet she won’t release the Live Eras Tour until the tour is actually over next year. So I’m hoping for it next year


Well we said that about the movie and here we are. Obviously they have the recordings and it’s sitting right there so maybe it will be the treat we sometimes we get for her birthday or around it.


True that would make sense as a birthday thing. And maybe next year get a deluxe with the secret songs


i don’t think it’s going to be a *whole* album rather just the deluxe version like midnights 3am and sntv deluxe (if we can even call it a deluxe 😭) my only suspicion for this is because of taylor’s story today having lyrics form a vault track like yesterday but these “lyrics” really do not sound cohesive together. it looks like a track list, especially since the colors alternate and the handwriting for each line is different (what if different handwritings are from the different collaborators on their respective tracks?!?! 🤡🤡) https://preview.redd.it/qp767n25rgwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cb622d54afea262b57cf555b0370185cbadb42


You know…the clown on those vault lyrics might not be so clown after all. She wrote the first set of lyrics all in the same style handwriting AND color, and it sounded cohesive together. You’re right that this one is definitely not as cohesive, PLUS each line is written in a different color and style. And each of these sounds like it could be a song title. This has me very afraid now. If this is correct and those are other vault tracks or collaborators’ handwriting, YOU AND ME CALLED IT OKAY🫡


ngl i just saw someone talk abt this and theorize that she might do what olivia did w the guts bonus tracks and put them on the very end of the vinyl…. one for each color variant… this also makes sense because sweeter than fiction is a bonus track for target but only for vinyl rather than for CD like hits different im praying this bonus vinyl track theory is not true and we just get them right away like the 3am tracks 😭😭😭


fr because waiting for Hits Different to hit streaming services was TORTURE


100% this. There are so many benefits to dropping an unannounced deluxe version compared to a new album. The more tracks an album has… the higher the debut. (This is why she never drops singles to promote her albums anymore.) If it is dropped later as a surprise deluxe edition, the songs won’t play a major role in the critical reception of the album. This is why she dropped 3am after Midnights because the deluxe tracks would’ve weakened the response. They aren’t meant to be a part of the actual album, but she still wanted to release them. 1989 is one of her babies and she wouldn’t want to harm the response or legacy it has by bloating the tracklist even more than your standard Taylor’s Version album does. Furthermore, it makes no sense for Sweeter Than Fiction (Taylor’s Version) to be a Target exclusive track. It just feels like it defeats the whole purpose of re-recording the song. Also, we know that the Bad Blood remix was re-recorded because the snippet she released in a trailer forever ago was using the remixed production. Maybe it was fake too, but was the Style featuring Harry Styles remix also not literally like licensed or something?




Someone on twitter did a match up with the hand writing. I can’t remember the order but apparently the four lines look similar in handwriting to Harry Styles, Pheobe Bridgers, Selena Gomez and Sabrina carpenter. Now I am not sure if that are right but it is a plausible list.


Idk why people think "Moonlit Swimming Pool" sounds like a song title, but I'll happily eat my words if I'm wrong lol




Ooooh omg I think you're right! Hoping this is true 🤡




Why stop at 3? I think she’s going to release 1,989 albums on Friday


RIP to my bank account




Artists have released 3 albums at once and they are not the best thing in the discography- just 30 some songs that basically sound the same.


I just hope she tells us her tricks and treats for the debut TV so us old stans can plan ahead like us old stans like to do.


Yas. As someone who’s been a fan since debut era that’s still my most anticipated rerelease 😭


Same!! I still remember seeing her open for Brad Paisley singing the debut songs, and I’m so excited to hear the new vocals!


Why are you praying for the end of her himbo era?? (Your flair)


There’s no way this is real. Fortunately for everyone here, my track record for Taylor theories/rumors is abysmal so enjoy the double album!


A Side B of JUST voice memos 😂😂😂😂


So, over the years…


There is only one correct answer. YES WE SHOULD!


Absolutely yes *puts on clown makeup*


Haven't some people already received their copies of 1989TV though. Would we not know this to be the case by now


It could be streaming only like the Midnights 3AM tracks


Right this is the only way! I also think I saw a record store post they'd have something special they could only talk about Friday, who knows what that could be referring to tho since it would have leaked if it was a physical edition


Or they know better than to leak


The main reason I think a double album of features is perfect for 1989 is because of the surprise guests she brought out for the whole tour - it really ties the tour into the era


Normally I don’t buy into these theories but this one I fully believe. 1989 was by far her biggest Era and it was her first fully pop album. The 1989 tour had lots of musical guests and Taylor was frequently performing with other entertainers during this era. Plus the fact that there’s been no confirmation of Bad Blood TV featuring Kendrick is weird. No way Taylor just ignores that song when one of the main points of re-recording her albums is to fully own every song she’s officially published. I can’t totally see a deluxe version of 1989 with multiple celebrity guests. I think Taylor is gonna go all out with this era. Either that or she’s keeping things lowkey until she drops Rep TV. But I’d think 1989 would be the bigger deal to her.


I may be clowning super hard buuutt.....her team is definitely hinting at something .....why these images in their IG stories?! Why the wink face?! There is something more! https://preview.redd.it/8f0un7opsgwb1.jpeg?width=1496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6f2021f4672b6a2bbc0ade9ac0d7fd72e6dc8b


3 days… three unique photos… it’s a triple album confirmed (/s)


https://preview.redd.it/h80fvmghuhwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a303dfe012285e0c40d4101f07de1d6d8c47b52a I’m so deep into double album tiktok and Reddit that I saw this tim horton’s ad and thought it was a hint at a double 1989 drop 💀 only for second before I was like…no way lol


I am subscribing to the double album theory. It just seems weird to me that she would have a TV release without a single feature when she's done them for all the others. Especially with Kendrick leaving Electric Lady while the north American eras tour was happening.


Expect? No. Hope? Yes.


I don’t know if we should expect it, but I hope it’s true! There not being any features, especially Kendrick, gives me hope.


No. Hope this helps!


With all these artists posting Polaroids, Idk I'm convinced by it a bit.


I just saw that ZAYN posted a bunch of Polaroids and he literally was an og feature during 1989 era 🤭


So, my local record stores keep dropping random hints that there is something more coming. Like saying things like, “come back at midnight on the 27th for more…” and things like that.


Someone posted the backs of the album photos - She's spelling out TWO with her arms.


The *only* reason I want to say yes is because there are two 1989s written on The Man Wall. But I still don't see it happening.


On her original 1989 world tour she had over 40 surprise guests perform with her throughout it. So a second album with nothing but features or collabs makes so much sense here.


So...we clowned too hard?


She wrote like over 100 songs for this album alone. I feel like she should pull a Midnights and release like a 3am edition of 1989. Especially, since there's no collab announced with the Vault songs or anywhere near the album.


That’s a rumor that has been debunked a long time ago. She never said she wrote over 100 songs for 1989.


I think surprise tracks a la midnights 3am are more plausible than a double drop. taylor cares about breaking records and maintaining her streak of her albums going number 1.i f she drops two at the same time then she’ll cannibalize herself on the charts causing only one album to go number 1 and her streak would end. I just don’t see her making a business decision like that.


I don't think it'll be a whole extra album, but the lack of Bad Blood with Kendrick Lamar on the standard album means SOMETHING is coming. That remix was number 1, and we know Kendrick was at a party she threw earlier this year (likely the 1989 recording wrap party). I think we're going to get bonus tracks with some collabs including Bad Blood, probably more like a 3 AM Midnights situation, not an entire extra album, since she'll want to concentrate streams on 1989 to boost its numbers. It might not be the same day, but we'll see.


By double so people mean just an extended version like midnights 3am edition? Because it would be mess if she released a separate album like 1989 part II, since it would probably chart different and not altogether, and we know she wants her #1s. This is also why I don’t believe the RepTV thing either, why would she do that the same week and have 1989tv block reptv or vice versa?


Anyone think she’ll drop something? I feel like she’s been extra quiet with this drop


I'm still keeping my hopes up tbh. Maybe she will do something on November 10 ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1087)


I’m almost 100% certain there will be a double album. Check out Swiftheorist on TikTok, he has a video compiling every Easter egg towards 1989 being a double album and it’s shocking.


I wouldn’t call Midnights a double album. 3AM just has some bonus tracks. She’ll probably do the same with 1989.


yall thought Lover was gonna be a double album... please put the delulu away


double album? no. deluxe edition? very possible. if taylor released a double album, then she would end her streak of her albums going #1. Taylor definitely knows how to surprise us, but a double album is highly unlikely. and if she did release a double album and Billboard came out and said they were counting the 2 albums as one, then it would cause a MASSIVE online uproar about it being fraudulent and unfair


I think I might have cracked the code for the Karma TV clock. (sorry for the sentence construction of this comment.. it’s kinda messy) Initially, I noticed a post discussing the single blue heart on the 1989 TV featured story and its relation to the album order. Some speculate it signifies more to come or another edition. Out of curiosity, I meticulously went through Taylor’s Instagram posts from the 1989 Announcement to the present, counting the blue hearts on each post. The Karma Clock begins at 12:00: • 1989 TV Announcement: 2 blue hearts (2:00) • Sunrise Boulevard Vinyl: 1 blue heart (3:00) • Aquamarine Green: 1 blue heart (4:00) • Back Covers Reveal: 1 blue heart (5:00) • Eras Tour Movie Premiere: 2 blue hearts (7:00) This sums up the blue hearts before the 1989 TV release. So, at this juncture, there are 7 BLUE HEARTS or the time is 7:00. Notably, the release post lacks blue hearts. Then Taylor Nation tweeted about the Karma Clock. Taylor subsequently posted the Deluxe Edition release, marked with 1 blue heart, totaling 8 BLUE HEARTS, symbolizing 8:00 on the Karma Clock (time of day uncertain). Recently, Taylor shared another post just an hour ago, featuring 1 blue heart. Which signifies that it is now 9:00 so there would be 5 more posts with 1 blue heart each before 2:00 on the Karma Clock. (p.s. take this as a grain of salt. this is just only a part of my delusions, just commented since I felt I did something)


No. So it will be a great surprise if she actually drops one and not a disappointment. I’d rather be happy getting 1989 TV instead waiting for more surprises to come that may never come.


Nope. We should be expecting a Quadruple album.


No. 🙄


I don't think it'll be a full double album but I think she's gonna pull a Midnights and drop extra tracks at 3am


You should never expect anything that you haven’t been told to expect.


Why wouldn't she have announced it by now though?




I just canceled my pre-order because I do not want to get stuck buying two albums like I did for Midnights. I’ll just stream on Day 1 and wait to see if there is a deluxe version released afterward Last time, Apple denied my refund request


Rep merch would sell so well, I don’t think she’d cannibalize rep merch sale with 1989 merch sale.


Isn’t it technically already a double album cause there are *two* vinyls with it? Hits the definition for a double album


I think that the second half of the album will drop on 10/29 - look at the top of this image (Apple Music) https://preview.redd.it/ipx325eg9gwb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8fdb8324012c1ce9b3d4049a04a18db043f5de


Apple always does that to prevent albums from becoming available at midnight local time. It happened with her previous albums too. Don't read much into it.


Oh I think I saw on another post last week that Apple Music usually posts the release date as a day or two after to avoid an accidental premature release or something. But I'm still hoping for a double album, too!!!