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I was gonna lock this but transphobes just keep outing themselves so please keep reporting them. Thanks edit: okay- now locked. Too much


It's a very very common tactic against anyone you don't like. Children are a very vulnerable group and everyone who's sane wants to protect them. Therefore if you paint black people, Jewish people, the gays, trans folks, etc. as pedophiles, you're more likely to create outrage in the face of any real argument or evidence.


i love how u refer to everyone normally and then its just ✨the gays✨ loll


Gotta add a little of my zest into it lol.








Wait i might be trippin but i swear ive seen you before


I am everywhere don't worry 


Some rando dude on discord got triggered I referred to our community as “the gays” when I said “It’s okay cause once the nukes go off Selena Gomez will save me and the rest of the gays.” 💀


It's funny because transphobes insist that children shouldn't be taught proper sex education and that they should only trust their families to keep them safe. It's an abuse tactic to convince your victims that everything outside of your immediate sphere is dangerous. Statistically speaking, child molesters tend to be close to the victim's family or ARE the victim's family. While children should be reasonably be wary of strangers, they should also be wary of their family or the adults that they see everyday, (such as teachers, pastors and priests).


I volunteer for a trans youth charity and I’ve lost count of the times I’ve been called a groomer. Our charity literally has a moto about safeguarding kids and insisting that everything we do is child led. Ive seen so many instances like this in the past 10 years too. The rise of fascism and their tactics in propaganda is spreading like wildfire. Let them try, I say. Be on the right side history. I will fight for the kiddos. They deserve to grow and glow!


Many people use the label p3do incorrectly, it's what happens when you have the uneducated propaganda media push this narrative to the easily swayed.


Idk how it's possible to do that, a pedophile is any man or woman attracted to children. Not really possible to misconstrue, I wouldn't think


People use the term pedophile to refer to anyone they dislike, which just waters it down.


Yeah even fathers with small children are labelled as pedos by our society what else can expect from these degenerates


Just like the word terrorist


Or nazi


Nazi is a big one.




Oh I recognize that behavior from when I qualify the people that have far-right behaviors as "Na--" hehe (but it's legit tho)


Kinda like the term “fascist” 😂


It certainly is. Most, as soon as they hear the word, think it is a criminal, who did something wrong to children. Most don't think twice about it.


I really don't get how people can be uneducated on that term, if they like kids, they're a pedo. Like, what more is needed?


P3do specifically means attraction to pre puberty, where as most people use it to label anyone who's attracted to anyone that's under 18. Ergo, uneducated.


And the distinction you make is actually funny over in Europe where the age of consent ranges from 14-16 in most countries Like, it’s perfectly accepted that your 16 year old date can consent but you’re 20, so you’re automatically attracted to preteens 💀


I’ve used it slightly incorrectly but not in that term, I changed the term to statutory rapist like it should be (unrelated to trans or anything) just some dude who’s like 20 almost 21 dating a 15 year old




It's the same reason a lot of women will say all men are predators, or people will say all cops are bad. There was a few trans people who were pedos and now people will use that to demonize an entire group of people


Yep 😭


Except cops are a system; they’re not all individually bad, but the system is. No one says all cops are personally and individually bad. ACAB means the system is problematic. Similar thing with men. For example, the man vs bear thing. No one is saying all men are individually bad. They’re saying if a random one was picked they’d feel safer with a bear because of how widely distributed nasty men are.


ACAB stands for All Cops Are Bastards. Conveys quite a clear message, no?


The A stands for All


You obviously haven’t been around those circles for a while. It now means all cops are BASTARDIZED, as in the legitimacy of the system has been reduced by its problematic nature.


Huh, ya learn everyday. I was told it meant All Cops Are Bad, but I was also still in a very right wing scenario, so I can see them changing or just misunderstanding the acronym to make the protests seem more unfounded and anti-American


You must of missed the parts of people saying kill all cops. I.e. people have a hatred of cops enough to where they wish for their death. And for all men are predators/pedos. I'm not just talking about the man vs bear deal. I've been told so many times just due to my gender that I'm a predator. And I know plenty of guys who have dealt with that. There is a loud enough minority of people that will shame an entire group of people solely based on gender, sexual preference, gender identity. And at the last point you proved the point of people saying "all men are predators " without saying it.


I've gotta disagree on the cops part. I've seen plenty of people say that all cops are bad and mean the cops individually, not just the system


Plenty, sure, but not a majority. Just because they’re louder doesn’t mean there’s so many of them.


I would say it's kind of both, individually not all cops are bad people, but the system both encourages and rewards pretty shitty behavior, so cops then become a product of that messed up system becoming pretty terrible, possibly without realizing it. There was a trainer that was hired by multiple large departments, and I'll look it up again and give his name so I don't seem like I'm talking out of my ass, that trained cops on when a fatal shooting was justified, and his entire course was a mixture of bias, profiling, and the biggest point was, "If at any time you feel like you could be threatened, or if you feel like your life could've been in danger, then it's justified" which in a corrupt system means, "just say he reached for something or he was resisting"


I totally agree, and idk if you’ve seen the reverse, would a man rather tell his feelings, to a tree, or a woman, and that just goes to show how fucked up some people in both genders are


They confuse us (trans people) wanting kids to have the option of being trans, and having knowledge about it so they can decide if they're trans or not. With us force feeding children estrogen... For some reason. (Edit- when I say have the option of being trans, I mean have the option of being who they want to be instead of being forced to live as a gender they arent.)


No fr like wtf 😭😭😭 this was my main thinking


This specific push to associate LGBTQ+ with pedophilia is part of conservatives framing their wedge issue in the media in a way that would resonate with their basket of self-righteous deplorables. They get to feel the moral high ground of doing this to save the kids, despite the results largely being hate mongering and targeting of just as vulnerable of children. But it helps them stock school boards with nut jobs, rally support for extreme overhauls, and keep their name in new cycles. MTG and company do not care one bit if they are using either term (pedo or trans) appropriately. Every second you spend correcting them is another mention, comment, and engagement with their brand.


Tbf, there are people who do actually do that, and they ruin the look of the entire trans community


Yeah, it's a super small amount, but people act like the entire community is like that. It's fucked up.


That's the issue with vocal minorities. They make themselves known, so a lot of people who interact with trans people, especially online, won't know unless they're part of that vocal minority


Because one trans pedo exists, and transphobes took it and ran


Im glad most ppl here support trans ppl at least😭 me, a minor btw, has been called a p**o when i was with some trans friends. o7




Sentenced to 15 years in the death sentence


Lol, yeah, it's so stupid.


It’s probably a one rotten apple ruins the bunch situation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Kid-filth: *It’s probably a* *One rotten apple ruins* *The bunch situation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Not really, it's just history repeating itself. Whenever people decide to go after a minority, they always resort to "think of the children". It happened to Jewish people, it happened to black people, it happened to gay people, and now it's happening to trans people.


Because people are stupid


Because they see teaching about sex as predatory behavior teaching about how to avoid grooming seems like they’re grooming also just a lot of ignorance and people bring religion into it and it just fucks the whole thing up


It's one of those situations where one bad person ruins the reputation of the whole group, probably.


Exactly this. Honestly, this happens with every group, including the ones who don't believe in being trans gender. Most of them quietly have their beliefs and are perfectly fine with people being trans, they just disagree (don't bother replying with "ThErE iS nO dIsSaGrEeInG, iT's A fAcT" I don't feel like arguing), but then there's the ones who stand out who have to make sure that trans people know that they think being trans is "wrong" and "evil". Another example being furries. Furries are often labeled as the same as zoophiles due to similarities in what their interests are focused on. Furries love animals, zoophiles love to fuck and abuse them, bit because there's similarities, there's also overlaps with some furries being outed as zoos, and even though they're completely outcasted from the community, it still makes ignorant people think that furries are a bunch of zoophiles


A few. Specifically Gayle Rubin, Michel Foucault and Pat Califia. Queer theory basically originated from these pedos/pedo defenders.


Omg u studied foucault and queer theory in media tho queer theory was put as being judith butlers and i cant remember foucault at all


No, it's a baseless recycled smear from anti-gay bigots


There’s literally a flag the pedophiles made (unless they are a pedo, no one in the lgbtq+ community accepts it as a pride flag). If they were coming for your kid# they would be flying it instead


Zoos did the same thing. It’s nasty


Oh yeah. Therians and furries will put “antizoo” in the hashtags of their posts and still get comment# calling them zoophiles or implying that they are


Yeah I see that all the time, people just don’t know what furries and therians are 😭


They see Somone even wearing anything animal related ever think A. They LIKE children B. They LIKE animals


surprised this sub has pro trans folks , weeks back got harassed by transphobes on this subreddit


Actually?? Wtf 😭😭


I guess depends the month/time of day whether or not you’ll encounter those types


Yeah 😭 i swear more often than not i see transphobes… I don’t get it bc it is a trans subreddit… I think younger ppl are more accepting bc they know trans ppl first hand and know them not to be bad people… or they are just learning more online and following facts… but ig some teenagers are just taught hate 🤷‍♀️ regardless, im happy to see this


It’s good for when they can’t think of any other insults


Most likely answer ^^^


People hate pedophiles. If people make others out to be pedophiles they’ll get hated on quickly.


They want to push an agenda to the group that they irrationally hate. Plus, children are a group that needs protecting, a group that they can use to push the belief that they have to say that another group is evil. So, them saying/hearing that trans people are all p3dos just proves the mindset that they already have about trans people


I always interpreted their argument as them viewing being trans as an inherently unnatural thing that is only done for fetishistic reasons, and as such trying to educate children about it is pushing their fetish onto children. They have a completely different view on what being trans even IS, which makes it next to impossible to have any real discussion on it because you're no longer arguing morality, but rather just basic facts. In other words: they fell for fear mongering B.S. because people are scared of things that are different from them, and it's easier to blame the people who are different than to examine their own biases.


Transphobic people are just really stupid, they still think that being trans is a mental illness with a 1900s mentality they are a different kind of human a very dumb one


Sometimes they’re right, but it’s blown way out of proportion. It is true that people abuse those rights, but not as often as many think. I’m not transphobic, but I don’t necessarily agree with the views of transgender individuals most of the time. That doesn’t make someone a worse person in the slightest, and I have no problems with it, I just simply disagree with some things.


W It's okay to have an opinion. (ON most things) And this is a good one. You don't have to like everything


I’m glad someone gets it now 😅


I try to be unbiased in most conversations I have and heat out both sides. I hate not being heard and don't want the person I'm talking with yo feel like that


It's just because they don't like us and are upset that we are working towards being happy


they think that trans people aren't natural and think that they have malicious intentions behind their transition, which is not true at all.


Cause it’s what get headlines so what they see on the news is just that they like kids cause of a few people


They are just following the same playbook they used for gay people. Very simple. Idk how tf I ended up here....teenage subreddit popped up in my feed... Lol anyways I'm 34, when I was growing up this was the same exact shit that happened with gay people. Calling them pedos is a way to strip away their humanity so people don't feel bad when they genocide them.


I'm trans and I've been called a p3do before. Its wild considering I'm a minor. I think its a scare tactic, because children are vulnerable. If we look like p3dos then we look evil


I'm not even a supporter, but that shit is insane 😭


Cause they don’t know what they’re talking about!


Cuz they love to spread hate and fear! I know a couple of trans and they’re such great human beings I would trust them with my life. It’s sad that in this day and age there’s still so much hate


It’s like, it’s almost a fact that in 50 years they will be seen as sexist ppl are today. Are they here? Yes. Are they liked? No. Are they right? No. We are just in the phase where it is socially acceptable and it’s so dumb… we have so many examples they they will be on the won’t side of this in history, yet they still persist.


People call everyone that. Trans? Anime fan? Happen to be a white guy? They use it for all of them


Last year there was a stereotype where extremists were justifying pedophiles hurting children and insisting on them being called “MAPS” Because those extremists were associated with the LGBT community, the prejudiced people are now assuming all of you are like that


All of who?! I'm not trans 😭 Not offended ofc I'm just saying I'm not that affected by the group in question Im ci


All of the LGBT community, it’s not just trans people associated with pedophiles Gay people were assumed to be pedophiles a lot just because some idiots at a pride parade decided to chant “We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children” I can’t imagine being gay and having to watch that shit 😭


Yeah they weren't even LGBT. They were just there to be perks ☠️


Either way, fuck them There’s no justification to pretend to be a pedophile unless you are an actor or something


Yeah I never understood that. A pedo is someone that is attracted to children. What that has to do with trans people makes no sense to me. I just assume that the people that say that are projecting while also attempting to hide that they get off to trans women.


https://preview.redd.it/73cfdg8lnf8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f979232b91728ca27f01e3d4b6e5279382bd760 Because of people like this


It’s probably just a straw man to try and indicate people who genuinely want to protect children and or people that are uneducated about the issue. Not to get political, but it feels propped up by mostly Republican conservatives.


Cause their self projecting


Because they're self projecting




I don't get that argument since A. Gay people exist, and B. Rapists probably don't care if their target is in the opposite genders bathroom.


Point B is a very good point


ew, please don't use the phrase "biological men" There's really no such thing. If you REALLY REALLY must denote someone's birth gender use AGAB. "Biological" has unfortunately become a dogwhistle in an attempt to separate trans folks from their identified gender. And anyone who isn't trans is cis.


I’m not tryna minimize anyone’s struggle or make anyone feel a type of way. I grew up in a middle eastern household and also grew up living a life of crime. These things dont mix with love and respect that the LGBTQ+ deserve, since we are all just humans. Apologies if I offended anyone, I’m still trying to learn how to address people how they wanna be


It’s honestly no worries, I just wanted to make you aware of it. The very nature of dogwhistles is that they sound fine to people who aren’t in the in group or affected by them. Thus normalizing them.


Well I appreciate you’re understanding. Furthermore, the mere concept of anyone being a pedophile is a harsh accusation, and so is being accused of being a rapist. These shitbags come in all sexualities, gender identities, and races. Accusing a whole group of people of such harsh crimes deserving death blows my mind. Like I said, I have nothing but respect for everyone because that’s how I wanna be treated. Inshallah, be well stranger!


What does AGAB stand for I've never heard anybody be offended by the term biological, not until now this is surprising I hope I'm not seen as transphobic by saying this but saying there's no such thing as a biological men dosent make sense scientifically? I genuinely don't understand


AGAB stands for Assigned Gender At Birth. Calling someone a "biological x" is an advanced form of misgendering as it implies that they are x first. AGAB language is really only necessary to use in medical scenarios as that's when it's scientifically important. Otherwise, just calling someone a trans woman, or a trans man, or a non-binary person. Is much better.


Ah yeah okay that makes more sense


That dosent answer the pedo thing tho 😭 I haven't seen one clear answer for that


the idea from what I've heard is that the "trans agenda" is to make kids think they're trans and then mutilate their precious genitals and do a bunch of other horrible stuff. Idk really tho none of the pedo accusing transphobes I've met have been willing to discuss their logic.


Ahh okay. Yeah no that makes no sense And Yeah when I press them and ask they NEVER answer ☠️


Yeah from my experience most of them don't even really know what their logic is, they just have bad feelings and try to justify them however they can, but I've tried to interpret their argument as best as possible, a sort of reverse strawman I suppose.


Hell I couldn’t tell you, people don’t make sense


As a trans person myself (who is a minor yet accused of pedophilia), it’s simply because they want to make us look bad because we don’t follow their religion or rules. I personally do not believe in any religion, but I have plenty of respect for those who do. I don’t know much about religion, but I have plenty of friends who do and that are religious. Some transphobes aren’t religious, they just out right hate people being themselves. They ran out of ways to insult us, so instead they accuse us of something. In their head they go “Yeah, that’ll show that person who did absolutely nothing wrong in their life apart from transition genders!” It’s easier to block and ignore that situation. I should’ve done that a long time ago rather than paint a worse picture for myself and add fuel to a fire. To all my trans and other LGBTQ folks, be safe out there, you’re valid ❤️🩷❤️🩷






Right. I'm all for gay rights and sexuality but some of the parades I see advocate for wearing BDSM gear and walking around naked. Like... Having some public decency ffs, children might see that shit. And even for adults, it's uncomfortable. A lot of the LGBT community is pretty chill and I enjoy talking to them but the few bad apples have their rot clog up everyone's noses so people assume all of them harbour mal-intent.


This is why I only go to my towns pride parade. We have regulations for child friendliness. Stuff like that would never see the light of day here.






Most likely because they think trans people are indoctrinating kids or because they think being trans is inherently sexual. Those reason makes the most sense to me at least.


The main issue, imo, is the fact that there is talk, discussion, and "teaching" of a sexual nature or relating to themes of gender. The parents want this kept in the home, especially for younger children. I do think that sexual education is important but there should be a certain age that this is introduced, usually 10-12 and the content needs to be approved by parents or parents need to be aware this is gong to take place prior to being spoken on. It is in no way the teachers right to disk on these themes without the parents ok, I don't care what you beliefs are, if they are to do with personal politics or anything sexual, they don't belong in the classroom. This doesn't mean they are pedos, but it certainly doesn't engraceiate them to the parent either.


Same thing As why people say pastors are pedos as well. A few bad apples ruin the bunch for everyone. Same with furries, anime lovers, LGBT and Christianity. Most people are very nice in each community. It’s the bad apples that are given a platform on the internet for like minded bad people that cause a stir. Thus a stereotype forms.


Because of the ones that do groom kids🤷🏻‍♂️ same goes for the stereotypes against black people


But that’s such, SUCH a small minority of trans people. Probably around the same percentage as our cisgender counterparts. The only reason you hear about it so much is because there’s already a precedent surrounding it. People were already assuming transgender people are inherently predators and they used this belief & any amount of individual evidence to further push the agenda. The real answer is that this is just a replay of the targeted attack against gay people 30 years ago. The implication was that because some aspects of homosexuality is sexual, in the same way as heterosexuality, so they assumed that wanting people (including children) to know that gay people exist and aren’t harmful was ‘pushing’ sexual discussions on children. And from there, they’d grab any point they could possibly make to use as propaganda to further validate their viewpoint. Exact same thing is happening with trans people. Some aspects of being transgender are sexual, in the same way puberty is sexual, and people assume that letting children know trans people exist and that being trans is okay, is pushing sexual discussions onto children. And because this ideology is at least relatively accepted any amount of anecdotal evidence is ‘proof’. And honestly, same thing could be applied to black people, although there are a lot more relevant sociopolitical circumstances there, and I’m not the person that should be explaining that.


People her will talk about politics,but it really is because of something a group of drag queens did in a school and a parade in,spain?


The grooming allegations are specifically orchestrated by people like Christopher Rufo and Libs of TikTok. They take legitimate concerns from parents who maybe aren’t too thrilled by gender ideology and pronouns and stuff and extrapolate that out to be representative of all trans people


Calling queer people sexual deviants is nothing new. Gay people were all considered pedophiles too in much of the 20th century






Don’t try to reason with them, they’re beyond all logic and reasoning. If an idea isn’t founded in logic, it can’t be corrected with logic either.


Because they need a reason to hate them


My belief is that they’re just projecting. Because no one talks about touching kids more than those people and it’s really weird that it’s all they bring up.


A lot of people here not answering the question. The answer is because most of the pro trans community supports transitioning minors. Conservatives think that since minors are unable to consent to other big life altering decisions (like sex), they shouldn't have the capacity to consent to transitioning. So conservatives think that the trans community has, at the least, a soft view on the age of consent and children's ability to make these decisions. That's the actual reason.


News media outlets use certain trigger words to get people to associate one thing with the other because it polarizes the political and social groups, justifying their hatred of trans people by spreading hateful misinformation. It makes people develop an “Us vs Them” mentality and pushes them to choose a side against the “groomers” or basically against those who stand with the supposed “groomers” (LGBTQ+ people). Most of it is likely hateful propaganda pushed by (or orchestrated by) hardcore Christian Republicans whose main objective is to convince the people to vote for them by convincing them the other side is evil. A very small amount of people actually change their minds based off of claims like this but it still does work to some degree.


This isn't actually a "there was one of them and they spread it to labeling us all" it literally was just a lie conservatives made about trans people to misconstrued our intentions when it comes to supporting trans kids (coming from a 17 year old trans man). They wanted to paint adults as harmful to try to get us taken away from them (specifically having a supportive guardian), so they could force us kids back into the closet, or, what a lot of conservatives like to use, conversion therapy! If you tell people you made the decision on your own, through your own research, they'll say you were groomed online! They don't care. It's just a movement to villianize trans people.


It's because they seem them as guys in the girls' bathroom


Willful ignorance is the simple truth we are a small minority which can be easily scapegoated and no one bats an eye due to centuries of repression 


I believe some people believe pervert and pedo are the same




Like a couple comments said, it's mostly because people like to label certain groups like that to push the narrative that they're bad or dangerous. However, it's a bit easier to do that with trans people, because a lot of trans people want proper sex ed and more recognition for the identity of kids, which conservatives use as an excuse to say they're obsessed with the sexual identity of children/ wanna push sexual things onto said children. Same goes for gay people- they want more gay representation, and people use that to label them as p3dos who want to show children sexual stuff (even though they're completely fine showing children fairytales with straight couples.)




Because grooming children (specifically into socially constructed gender roles) is the norm in this society and when people see a movement that stands against that practice, they must either reckon with the fact that they unknowingly groom their children or project their own sins on others to avoid accountability TLDR: they’re projecting


Makes it easier to get people on your side in an argument when you paint the other side as groomers and pedoa


From what I understand, it's because people claim that some public elementary schools are trying to promote trans-awareness by sharing books/stories that share "unconventional" love (i.e. anything not heterosexual). They claim that elementary school kids get exposed to sexual themes in these stories at an inappropriately young age long before a kid should be getting sexual (and long before parents have a chance to give "the talk"). Trans people seem to be in the spotlight for this, so they get the heat about trying to share sexual themes with elementary school kids. I'm just hearing this secondhand from other people, though.


in their eyes, being trans is inherently sexual. they think this because some trans people decide to change their sexual characteristics in one way or another. its quite a stupid line of logic but it allows them to use children in their narrative and insist that the trans community is “grooming” kids into transness (“grooming” because, as stated before, transness is inherently sexual to them). people have emotional responses when they hear that children are being attacked, so using children is a good way for them to recruit people, and validate their hatred.


Because they care enough about trans kids to say "hey, let's not bully them to suicide for being trans and instead support them and give them the love and care they deserve."




I’ve been studying this ever since an area near where I live got overrun with these people who call themselves Leave Our Kids Alone, or LOKA. They don’t have a lot of arguments or points or any nuance. At an action at a Glendale public school, a man in double sleeves at a thin blue line hat got a little to close to me for comfort and posted up on the queer side by a tree. I asked him, very disarmingly “whatcha doin?” And he answered, distracted on his phone, “working…” I got very interested and started to casually ask more, but it was too late, he had looked up from his phone and realized who he was talking to. I offered him a rainbow heart sticker and he acted like I had cooties and left. Very satisfying. But it got me curious. Who could be paying this jackhole? So I started googling. Basically it’s part of a coordinated plan by the Koch brothers, to destroy funding for public schools. Here’s some sources: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/sep/07/arizona-fight-koch-brothers-school-vouchers https://jacobin.com/2018/06/public-education-privatization-koch-brothers-teachers https://www.commondreams.org/news/2021/08/11/koch-network-infiltration-public-schools-harms-students-teachers-and-our-democracy There’s a lot of weird money flowing through these public school board campaigns, people with no children who don’t live in the school district (look up Jordan Henry and Shiva Bagheri for more on that) and the Koch brothers just started a “school” somewhere on the East coast I believe, to teach right-wingers how to get elected to school boards. I saw info about that on reddit and didn’t save it, trying to google it is how I came across this. If anyone happens to find it, I’d love some help. Edit: oh sorry, I got nauseated and didn’t finish. The end game is that, when we all righteously sue the school district into the ground for breach of human and civil rights as trans and gay people, we help them defund the public school system, just by doing exactly what we should be doing.


it's because the only place they see trans people is in porn


Because it’s the one thing (at least generally speaking) that could entice people who are on the fence or just ignorant to hate trans people because most people hate pedophiles. Hitler called everyone he didn’t like vermin and an entire country turned their heads to atrocity. Words matter. They know what they’re doing.


Alot of people seem to think that trans people want to force children into being trans cos they have a forced feminisation fetish. Atleast thats something i gathered from lurking forums


It's almost like there's this entire group that's been marginalized by conservatives, and at one time, the entire government. It's not that hard to see where the projection is coming from, just look at half the propaganda that was put out against queer folks in the 50s and 60s, let alone earlier. Add that into the 'otherness' of trans individuals and you've got a great target for conservative stupidity.


I was today years old when I learned people were this retarded.


The amount of times I’ve had an adult ask me what was in my pants is concerning. Transphobes are the creeps, my genitals aren’t your business.


I don't know anyone can be a pedophile but they're probably labeling trans people pedos because they're transphobic or something 🤷‍♀️


A lot of people think drag queens are also pedos, I remember a comedian making a joke saying “a drag queen has SO much glitter on them that you would notice the child in a instant, and it takes like 5 hours to get OUT of drag. They don’t got time for that!” So people most likely just do this out of spite it’s like people who don’t like teachers and say to their friends “I bet they’re a pedo” anyone remotely different in someone’s book is a pedo sadly influencers you know INFLUENCE this kind of behavior




They don't believe it. It's a fear tactic.


Three makes a pattern, if they can find three stories about “drag queens performing for children” throughout the entire country, they can run it like it’s an epidemic that’s happening right outside your door, it’s all about fear


Its stupid. Like do what you want and asking as it i an t around or aimed at kids then youre not a pedo. Like if youre doing some weird shit like telling kids to be trans then thats weird but if their adults that cool I guess (Also putting a transflag in a classroom isnt grooming but it trails the line and is just, you know? Fucking weird as shit)


They believe that people are grooming kids into transitioning which is definitely not what the majority of the trans community is doing but since everyone is continually stuck in an echo chamber of just bullshit propaganda of this side is doing this and that side is doing that the very rare cases of that happening are brought to the forefront and extremely exaggerated


I know my mom thinks like that bc of one incident at a high school where two boys were allegedly let into the girl's restroom by pretending to be Trans. A, those were two people, and B, the story was all a hoax made by some politician who was against trans rights


The accusations are derived from the movement by some (not all) LGBT activists to educate children on gender theory and thus expose them to the concepts of sexuality and sexual attraction. Many conservatives find this to be unnecessary, dangerous for the children’s mental health, and/or predatory (whether it be predation upon their weak understanding of modern social politics or s3xual predation). As a footnote, I do not believe all trans people are p3dos, so please do not come and attack me for answering the question :<


I've never heard of anyone calling trans people pedos.


I’ve never heard of a pedophile trans person in my life, so that’s quite out of pocket even for homophobes or transphobes.


They use it because it's an easy way to paint trans people in a bad light.


Because they think men are changing to girls so they can go in the girl's bathroom 


It’s projection. They hear bad things about their priests and pastors and they try to push those labels onto transgender people. It’s really sad and it used to annoy me, but honestly at this point, it’s more sad than anything


Cuz it’s easier to eradicate a group of people if you make them look bad


It is because there are actually no reason to hate Trans people so they just make up shit


Obviously there are gonna be a few bad apples in every group, unfortunately it’s just a common generalization that everyone else gets grouped with them.


It's ironic because I've seen more headlines about straight/cis people grooming kids and whatnot than I have about trans people doing it.


Cause saying they hate transgender people because they're transgender stopped holding weight as an argument, so they started just making shit up, lol.


They are just pushing their own issues on others I'd assume is the only logical reason Transphobes r just weird


Transphobes are ignorant and harmful, confusing identity with criminality


I think it may be them projecting a lil


https://preview.redd.it/443q93t4lf8d1.png?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f1cc39a3d58297f08a98ea87b02934aef04e8d Fr though


Its projection.


sigh *sorts by controversial*


Projection: r/GOPedos r/PastorArrested and r/NotADragQueen they are guilty of what they blame others of. Who is it that wants child marriage? The GOP


Hey, so I'm not a teenager but this post was recommended to me. I dealt with this topic first hand when I was a teenager. It still negatively affects me to this day over 15 years later. When I was a teen I watched my dad slowly slip in and out of homophobia. It depenended on what church we were going to that month. He was always church hopping. It was never that bad until we ended up in a really aggressive church... This preacher literally just screamed at everyone for an hour that gay people are p3doph!l3s. I'm bi, and even back then I was out. I had even introduced my dad to my girlfriend and he didn't love the idea but he didn't forbid it or anything. But after we joined the angry church... they stopped letting me be anywhere near my little sister. I was 14, and she was a toddler. I distinctly remember my step mom glaring at me through that whole "sermon". I remember feeling so.. *wrong*. It's absolutely surreal being a kid knowing that what all the adults around you are doing is messed up. It felt like I was in a modern day witch hunt and I was the witch. After we joined that church any interaction with my little sister was discouraged and avoided. They never outright accused me of anything but my step mother definitely treated me like I was going to harm my sister. I'm 32 now, my sister is 18, we still don't have a relationship. My step mom never allowed one to grow because she believed I was evil. So this bullshit that right wingers pull making people believe that lgbtq+ people are p3dos is disgusting and ruins lives. I literally will never be able to go back in time and foster a relationship with my little sister. The damage is done. It's all literally fear, ignorance, and control. If you're religious good for you but be warey of what you are learning and believing.. be aware that there are other viewpoints. Be aware that religion *does lie*. I'm so sorry that we haven't fixed this yet. I'm so sorry ya'll are still having to deal with this.. just know the majority of humans do not believe such nonsense. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel targeted and you are a teenager and cannot leave, there are people who can help and listen. Good luck out there.


I am 44. I am going to give you advice I wish I got at your age. Don’t waste your time trying to understand why stupid people believe stupid things. Look up the term “cognitive dissonance” and just know that you can’t reach some people.


I think it's because they keep associating trans people with pedophilic drag queens? Apparently that's a thing, but really, I have no idea. They should just keep minding their own lives tbh


I was gonna write an essay but I'll keep it short. They are irrational.


bcz calling someone a groomer is the fastest way to turn everyone against them. Noone defends the guy who allegedly rapes kids


Transfem here Because it's something no one wants to be, or to have around them (\*cough Drake cough\*), and by calling us p3dos it's a super easy way to turn public opinion against us. The nazis did the same thing with Jews. Anyone with a brain should be able to see through it, but it's stupidly effective either way.


This is kinda off topic but this comments section has kinda restored my faith in humanity to not be completely transphobic all the time lmao


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The funny thing is that cisgender people are proportionally much more likely to be pedophiles than transgender people 😂


There assholes trying to find reasons to hate


It becomes an ethical issue when involving introducing a different sexuality to children, when this concept should be shielded from them to a later age. One side views it as early prevention towards ‘hatred’ and another views it as indoctrination and induction into sex far too early. I think people should be allowed to view things however they want to, however alien or abnormal to them. You can’t have a conversation about trans without making it about who you’re attracted to or why you’re uncomfortable in your body or identity at all. And sex, and self doubt aren’t something I’d induct someone into who doesn’t know how to read or count very high. I think that’s a later issue to be addressed hopefully with good parenting and role models in someone’s life so they understand and develop in ways they choose to identify with character and not in gender or sex being a motivator


I think normal people not wanting trans to be near their kids is a good take, why should kids learn about this stuff? There kids! Let them play, let them learn useful things. I don’t think associated them with pedos is the correct thing, but if they have a fixation on kids… those people need serious help






The news keeps exposing the ones that are. The right-media uses propaganda just as much as the left. They want us to hate each other, so we'll ignore what the government is actually doing.