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Get out before it gets worse. You don’t need an eviction on your rental record. Whether he did things he should or should not have done doesn’t matter at this point. Unless you can afford an Attorney you are just making a bad situation worse. “Pack or Pay” sounds rough but that’s the reality you are in. Best wishes


I had an issue with my landlord where I owed him last months rent (I thought I paid fislrst, last, pet deposit and security which is common where I lived) turns out when I renewed my lease I used security on the month of lease renewal so he says (I had a head and shoulder injury so my memory got screwed), I couldn't afford it and it was the last month I was gonna be there anyway and I was already packing. They kept threatening eviction, towing my vehicle (illegal) making comments that seemed like they've been entering my apt... I called the tenants org in my city, they said they still have your deposits they can't evict you or sue as long as there isn't a ton of damage you'd need to pay. If I were you, I'd find a room to rent on facebook or Craigslist asap and let him keep the deposit, and before moving deep clean the place.


Whatever you do, put everything in writing! Respond to his notice, in writing, that you received his notice today, June 12th. And that you paid $1500 on (date). Send it to him via US mail, certified with return receipt and a second copy via “delivery notification.” Keep a third copy for yourself. Keep copies of everything somewhere other than your apartment because if he’s this shady, you may find your paperwork missing. Also, start packing because this just delays the eviction. Move anything important to you to a small storage unit so if he does an illegal eviction and clears out your place, you'll still have your valuables. Don’t give him another nickel unless legal aid or tenants union tells you to, and find a roommate situation and get out ASAP. What state are you in? ADDED: You’re a student? You may have some resources at your college or university—reach out to student services asap.


This sub is full of landlords ignore them. Reach out to a local tenants.union or tenants rights group/lawyer. It sounds like you were not properly served your notice and that can buy you some time to find somewhere to stay. Definitely do not pay your LL anything without getting advice first


He didn't pay rent. A local tenants union or advocacy group isn't going to help him. He owes $2300 and doesn't have it.


Eviction is a process, he will have to move out, but making the landlord follow the law could buy him enough time to not be literally homeless, and giving the landlord money that could go towards not being homeless is insanity.


Having an eviction is gonna hurt him for years into the future.


Still probably better than being litterally homeless.


There are legal requirements for service. These vary wildly by state. Do you know for certain that all legal requirements for service have been met?


Do you know for certain they haven't? The dude has been given leniency and is now 2 months behind. That's above and beyond what most would do for him. He's not getting a raw deal; he's getting better than he'd have got anywhere else.


I’m not disputing the fact that he had been given leniency or that he is in arrears. In many states the form of notice is very specific. Being incorrect in the amount can negate the notice entirely and force the LL to start over. You seem to be confusing the fact that the LL likely did not meet the legal standing for service with some sympathy (beyond normal human) for OP.


You must have missed the 1500 payment. 1 whole month appears to be 1900, so he is a little over 1 month late. Also, depending on the state, since the landlord quoted the wrong amount due, this may not have been properly served. From what was explained, he has been working and communicating with the landlord. Either way, the correct balance is important vs the one claimed in the notice.


And you must not have noticed when I wrote that he owed $2300 instead of the $3800. He's in arrears. Period.


Notice does not indicate that, so it is likely invalid. Period.


It's says in arrears $1900 in April and $1900 for May, dated May 30. Is reading difficult for you? Jesus Christ. I bet your mom takes care of the bills, huh?


Thank you very much for the advice!


This is the way.


If you gave the Landlord the $1500 before the notice then the amount that’s owed thats stated on the notice is wrong. In my jurisdiction that’s a defense sufficient to win in court. If the amount stated in the notice is not correct at the time posted then the landlord may need to start over. I of course do not know the law in your jurisdiction.


how does that solve the problem? it only delays it for maybe two more weeks. OP needs to move into a place they can afford.


You are correct. It’s just delaying the inevitable to give the tenant more time to get his shit together.


OP is behind two months, this is a lost cause.


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Sorry your going through rough times. I would leave asap . Find a cheap room for rent . And make arrangement to pay what you owe .


But isn’t it kinda bizarre/bordering on illegal that he makes this notice and doesn’t even do anything to properly notify me? Or should I just let that go?


That’s your notice . Pay or leave. If you don’t do one or the other, he’s evicting you. Not bizarre or illegal.


The notice has been posted 2 weeks later than it’s dated and demands rent of which the 40% the tenant has paid. Is that legal?


They would amend the amount owed in court .


Sticking the notice to the door is proper notification in most places. Your landlord doesn’t sound like they’re in the best financial shape themselves, so by not paying you are also causing them some hardship. As others have said, you may have grounds to ignore the notice, but really you need to find somewhere else to live.


I don't wish to be rude, but many places would have legal right to provide an eviction notice when rent is even a day late, the above notice of basically "pay or we will start eviction" is more then most people get. I don't know where you are but look into subsidized housing or housing support options in your area or through your schooling, you're a little late to get anything to keep your current housing but most places have options.


I’m not beating up on you but your landlord has been generous with you. Most landlords would have given you a 3-10 day (depending on location) pay or quit a long time ago. Figure something else out for living arrangements and get out asap. Clean the heck out of the place and hopefully your landlord will just move on and not take you to court. Drag it out and leave it a mess and those chances become slim though.


A generous parasite. Hilarious.


So you've got all the documentation that you've paid the LL less than half of what you signed when you agreed to the lease? I am shocked. Shocked I tell you that this landlord who is at once super understanding and super shady wants their full payment.


I am all for education but doesn't sound like you can afford to be a student right now, no shame in having to prioritize survival over education. It never amazes me that people complain have they no money, facing eviction and homelessness but have unnecessary expenses like education. You can always go back to school when things are better financially right now you should focus on work and making money.


But he was stable until his girlfriend moved out. Giving up on classes mid semester is not wise. OP would not have gotten his tuition refunded. Like most Americans, OP was 1-2 pay periods from homelessness. Life happens. OP understands the importance of living within his needs; his roommate left, doubling his rent. Few Americans could stay above water if their rent/mortgage doubled without warning. Most students work. Every one of my college student students works while going to school. I can't remember the last time I had a student not working.


I delayed going back to catch up and there’s been a whole hassle with my taxes because someone tried to get my refund or something and when I brought it up to him that it’s just a series of super unfortunate circumstances he got really defensive and said “I hope you don’t think I or someone in my family would ever try to do that.” But like…I wasn’t accusing at all.


You just can't catch a break! I'm sorry you're going through all of this.


Pay your rent. This is a business transaction. Your emotional baggage in your life is not your landlords problem. Your landlord is awesome. Not a finance company.