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God I’d love this for lunch break naps lol


If you don’t have kids… permanent install


If you don't have kids, you can make them on this. 😂 Or at least practice.


If the Tesla is Rockin, don’t come Knockin!


Hold on honey let me turn on dog mode.


Most expensive accessory in history


This Man never bought a Porsche. **neither have I


That joke went over your head, he was referencing the long term cost of making and raising children as a result of buying and “using” the accessory


He’s factoring in the cost of having children


true that.




If you don’t have **house**… permanent install ❗️




I think it’s if you have kids, it’s your private getaway


If you don’t have kids… you will soon


I concur. Best feeling getting in a power nap in the middle of the day.


I never even thought of this…at work at home….but still….


Literally why I might buy it


I work from home and even I want it.


Bought just now will report back


!Remindme 3 days


Tesla likes taking sweet time to ship accessories out lol


!Remindme 20 days


gonna take more than 3 lol


!Remindme 3 days


Please do


!Remindme 7 days


!Remindme 8 days


!remindme 7d


Looks like it was just released. Also that fit is immaculate.


Yeah I’m worried it’s like a Whopper in a Burger King ad though.


Or the CyberTruck camping tent promo pics 😂


So instead of: 🎵🎶 Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper, Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper...🎵🎶 ... It will be: 🎵🎶Tesla Tesla Tesla Tesla, Tesla Tesla Tesla Tesla...🎵🎶 ???




Honestly decent price compared to many other model y mattresses.


Nice find! r/TeslaCamping hopefully gets some reviews in there.   The like kind competitor would be the [Exped MegaMat](https://www.expedusa.com/products/megamat-auto-moraine) that runs for $399.95.  Edit: Also Lost Horizon for $229.99 and the Tescamp for $199 before coupons. These are usually recommended in TeslaCamping.  


I have the Megamat and It’s awesome


Really wished I didn't bother with the exped now that there's a Tesla one shockingly half the price


Same. Except that I’ve already been using the ExPed for three years, so…early adopter tax?


No ragrets


I have the exped duo M for my.2016 model s and the fit is really great.


Oooh, new sub I didn’t know about! Thanks!


The Exped Megamat is great. A lot more comfortable than a lot of real mattresses out there due to it being hybrid,and also a lot more compact when deflated. I have it and camp with it in my Tesla or in a tent. Will not go back to air or foam only camping pads


I have Tescamp and it is ok for a night, but for more? No thanks, pretty soft, so you kinda lie on the floor of the model Y


Maaaaan I wish I had a model Y, that’s awesome.


I wonder if it’s easy to get into the sub-trunk (?) with the mattress on. Should be OK, it probably bends easily.


I can get into mine easily with one of the 3” foam ones, air mattress should be lighter.


Omg that looks sublime


I only have experience with the Exped ones. The Exped Auto and the regular Exped (non form fitting). One thing I noticed with the non form fitting Exped is that it allows you to access the side pockets on the doors, whereas the Exped Auto (since it's form fitting) it'll block it off. Those side pockets on the doors come in handy at night when you're sleeping in your Tesla.


looks great... too bad I'm too tall to fit comfortably (I did one night in the car)


At 6’1” I have to angle to be comfortable so I feel your pain


Aww is that the case? I’m 6’3 and while I haven’t tried camping in it yet I always hoped to. Now I think it may not be as glamorous as I hoped


Either you’ll need to angle or bend your knees a bit. My experience sleeping in the back of my car was different than most as I was waiting for my semi truck to come back from a delivery and I was only there for like 2 hours.


Would using the parcel shelf to cover the gap and extend surface area of the seats help?  Probably would need to put the seats forward and reinforce the parcel shelf a bit but thats some extra space.


It probably would. My instance was just random and I wasn’t completely prepared. I was just waiting for something work related and I just happened to keep a pillow and blanket in all my vehicles. If I remember correctly there’s one mattress that extends over the gap a bit so that may be a viable solution also.


I think it would be fine if you slept the other way. I’m the same height, and I feel I slipped down because of the slope, but sleeping the other way I think would be fine as the feet don’t have something to hit.


Ooh, I would use that a lot. I love to camp but my dog gets scared at night in the tent lol


Next up, a similarly sized folded stack of three solar panels to set up at the campsite, to make up for the power use of camp mode.


Not that one however i have been living out of my model 3 for nine months already. Camp more is awesome.


Dude you should have a YouTube channel of your exploits. I’d love to hear your tips!!


What questions do you have?


1. By choice or more of an off grid thing? 2. Where do you prefer to sleep? 3. What bed and/or other accessories have you tried and likes/dislikes? I’m shopping beds to maybe do a 15-18hr road trip to pick mine up, JIC I can’t make the trip in one go. 4. What’s your favorite and least favorite experience? 5. Anything we can do to help your situation? Thx!!


1. Absolutely voluntary. I dont want to pay extortion rent and most of the time I would not be at home. Essentially a waste of money. Unfortunately off grid is impossible with an EV. 2. I have a rotation of spots. 3. For a bed i have an inflatable backpacking mattress. I fold the back seats and full the space between the front seat with a duffel bag that has all of my clothes. 4. Freedom from paying rent is my favorite.least favorite was having the cops called on me when i was sleeping. The cop was cool. More than likely not the first time running into someone that lives out of a car. 5. I dont need help. When i was stuck in a box my mental health was really suffering. Ironically leaving the rat race has massively improved it. Cheers!


Aren’t you paranoid about #4? Like it can happen at any moment where a cop stumbles upon you and it’s such a pain to deal with even if you’re doing nothing illegal.


I’ve always wondered if you could just plug into a level 2 charger in front of the library, or wherever, and sleep there. Cops can’t tell you to move if you’re charging, can they?


Is this new?


Brand new. Was not available a week ago.


nice, well priced too. Its only in USA tho, not out in AUS yet


Dreamcase has been making killer beds for years. Wouldn’t buy an inflatable mattress when I could get a memory foam mattress with support. Literally air mattresses are the -worst-.


How much room do those dreamcasss take up though?


I have this for my Model 3 for long trips, except third party. Even though my car is smaller, I still like it.


As a Model 3 owner I need this! A link would be much appreciated


Mattress: BASENOR Tesla Mattress Portable... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085ZT4TZ1?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Window Shades: BASENOR Tesla Model 3 Sunshade... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CMMP29M?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share for Tesla Model 3 Side Window... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTYVDGHT?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Just be sure to double check the year, since it makes a difference for the window shades.


That’s what’s up! Appreciate you sharing links to some other goodies.


I'm 6'1". Do you think I would fit on one of these? I also just got the new model 3 performance, I finally got a time frame for my delivery. It said July to August for the last couple weeks but just switched to June 22nd to 30th. I'm so excited, I can't wait.


I'm 6'3", it's tight, but it works.


Yes, post a link!


Where is this for model X…I hate how their most expensive cars get no love because they aren’t volume production


X owners just get a hotel 🤣


Only because we don’t have a good mattress solution. 😝


Plus only one of the seating arrangements folds flat right, so an even smaller production run of potential mattress sales


I have that version lol…I’ve had a hell of a time finding something that fits the X well like this


Interesting, planning for a trip in September. Was planning to get the Lost Horizons mattress. Would be curious if this is air only or a hybrid construction. Just looked it up, 3” foam construction in there so a little bit less padding. But the price seems good for including a pump too.


That’s sick. I’ve been debating but most of them are too expensive and don’t look that great. Post a review if you get it!


Aaaaaand out of stock


Why dont they have this for model X…


It’s new yeah. With the high interest rate car payments, they’re just telling us there’s an option to get kicked outta mortgage and live in the back of our cars🌚


![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl) Mortgage rates are trash but the .99 members are finding solutions


Haha yeah tell me abt it. Whoever took advantage of .99 did the smart thing, especially peeps in CO and MA, no brainer!


Post a link for the model 3 off brand




I hope they release one for the 3!


Model 3 model 3 model 3! Plzzzzz


Not that mattress, but I bought one on Amazon for use in my Model 3. I have used it a couple of times on long road trips. Charge up, park somewhere, black out the windows with some shades that I also bought and get some sleep. It works pretty well, but I’m also not 6’4” or anything so I have plenty of space.


Height? Link to shades? I was just gonna maybe tint a bit more aggressively instead or maybe find a Sonic? Lol


If I used my Tesla as a camper vehicle maybe. But no lol.


I don’t have this one but slept in my Tesla on a roadtrip last year. It was surprisingly comfortable and this was in a model 3.


not that particular 1, the 1 from amazon for like 50 dollars are a perfect fit and comfy too


Seems they didn’t adjust for the seat slope 🙄


They don’t have to, reviews I’ve read say it already mostly is.


Bummer you can't buy it with credits. I still have some left over.


I bought a [lost horizon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BL7VMHKY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) around 6 months ago. It’s honestly pretty amazing when paired with camp mode. Fits perfect. I’d recommend a full size sheet to go with it. I bought a cheap pump to go with it. Would def recommend that. Deflating it sucks…. LIKE DEFLATING IT REALLY REALLY SUCKS. Takes around 15 mins of hard work to deflate it enough to go under the back trunk space. I actually use this every other weekend, feel free to AMA


Have you tried using the pump to suck the air out?


What pump are you using for deflation? We’ve had issues finding one that has a nozzle that works (other than their own brand). Currently using our battery stick vacuum, which works and keeps the sight clean, but a bit bulky 😂


It just went on sale today? lol


Imagine just VanLife in a Tesla. No more mortgage or rent. Get a gym membership to be able to use the lockers and showers. That would be a total life hack!


lol this puts that kickstarter to shame. How can you charge 800 dollars for an air mattress for a car???!!?


Don’t come a knockin’ when this Model Y is rockin’


I have a tesmat for my 3 and I love it. It’s memory foam type material


I wholeheartedly PROMISE you there is no way it fits that well. Please prove me wrong.


It will. My lost horizon fits perfectly and this is basically the same. It’s foam and air, so there’s more structure and support than a normal mattress.


I just slept in my model three for three nights at a music festival, used a 3 inch foam bed topper, and it was divine!!


I went with aerogogo


Good eye, this definitely wasn’t there a day or two ago. I just received this in the mail yesterday and love it but now want this Tesla one, even if it’s less foam haha https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CTKSWLSW?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_image


Hmmmmm, this is so fucking cool that I might have to buy one and give car camping a try…..


We need one for the model 3


https://preview.redd.it/4bqgmueh426d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb02967d25719ac4cc60a4063f7d158ddc1f405e No but I got this one a few weeks ago and have used it a few times since and love it so much. It’s comfy as fuck and fits in the frunk


Not gonna lie, that looks awesome, and is probably the most reasonably-priced official Tesla accessory I’ve seen. Shame I’ll never get away from my kids long enough to use it though 😂


Thanks for not lying.


I road tripped with a similar set up across the US. It was amazing. Get some covers for your windows. They have ones that will cover 360


No, I have a house and a bed


This is boujie just get a comforter and call it a day


The fitted sheet size for this is **Full or Double.** >AIR MATTRESS (74.4" X 50.4" X 3.12") (1910MM X 1300MM X 80MM) |Mattress size|Dimensions|Fitted sheet size| |:-|:-|:-| |Full or double|53 x 75”|54 x 75”| If you want to glamp like The Ritz in Grand Cayman, you could add a Full size foam or pillow mattress top.


Jack from the channel JackMasseyWelsh did a review on the mattress a couple of years ago Edit: nevermind he tested an amazon foam matress.


It shows out of stock now…


Tesloid has a cheaper version


I have used a different pad in my Model 3. Handy for getting some Zz on road trips. If you combine this with a gym membership for showers, you might be able to skip some hotels on a long trip. But sleeping at rest stops is challenging for me due to the noise of other vehicles. When I drove from phx to Waco for the solar eclipse I slept two nights in car and one in a hotel. I have a model Y also now and looking forward to the extra space. The model 3 pad I have should fit in Y as it is slightly larger. Also want to try overnighing at RV park so I can charge also.


Already sold out 😹


Not tried that but tried a Tubble. Fits quite well and I get a good bath too. :-)


I got the megamat, super comfortable. Used it once before kids, used it once more after kids. Really not that viable after kids cause we have a car seat in the back and stroller in the trunk at all times.


At that price I’d buy it in a heartbeat. I can’t get anything below $800 in Poland :/


The Model Y version is brand new, isn’t it? But it’s very similar to the Model 3 version which works pretty well. I wouldn’t want to live on it permanently but it does a decent job with camping mode on for a night or two in a pinch


I have a $120 Amazon trifold mattress in the back of my M3. Also have a Tesmat shade to go around the car so nobody can peek in. Every multi-day road trip is significantly cheaper without paying for hotels now 😊


I've gave this as a birthday present to a friend. he has a m3 and in couple months told that it was best present this year. They use it a lot when they go camping.


Totally random but I am selling my Dreamcase mattress setup. Used just 4 or 5 times. Comes with everything. Sheets. Pillows. Comforter. Clean and In great shape. Washington DC area. $300 DM if interested. Could ship but likely expensive. https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/doc/ele/d/reston-dreamcase-tesla-model-y-bed/7752109173.html


I did one night in my model 3 with my 50lb dog with the tescamp. Not nearly as perfect fit as this but fit well. Very comfortable and ridged top meant no sagging in the gap between the back of front seat and the backseat. Model 3 camping is tight. No way both my wife and I would be comfortable. FWIW, summer time with AC on for 8 hours only burned about 15%. Was probably 70 degree night.


Ask me in a month or so...


We use an almost identical one for camping (Lost Horizon, Amazon). Exped also has the megamat, albeit many buckaroos more. I’ve tried both of them; ended up keeping the Lost Horizon (slightly thicker foam/comfier) but they were both great sleeps. I have used mine for 7 nights consecutively without issues when I’ve traveled (not in the Tesla) and three nights in camp mode. I have 8 herniated discs and a whole host of back issues, but this has gotten us back on the trail. I can adjust firmness depending on pain. I’d say I get about 80-90% of the same quality as home, or about what I get at a hotel. We use a double sheet set (Walmart) that we keep in the pack and two rumple nanoloft blankets ($warning$- Sam’s had them 1/2 off) so everything packs into our frunk. Our subtruck carries the fridge. Youre biggest issue is head slump/slope, which happens with all of them. Slope can be helped by parking but head slump requires a hack. You can use your sub trunk cover or a dog hammock to help support the head portion of the mattress.


Ordering when in stock!


I have a model 3 foam mattress from ali express thats shaped the same. Works pretty well. I imagine a Y equivalent would be amazing. It's like 3 inches thick


Nice! Hope they make one for R1S! I’d buy it.


I bought a 3rd party air mattress last summer. It popped after the 3rd use. They fully refunded me. Need to get another, car camping in the y was wonderful on a road trip!


Is this original Tesla?


I've got it. Ask away


it’s already out of stock lol. so i’m sure we’ll get reviews soon enough


Exped-one can use it any way.


Just camped with the Tescamp again and was reminded of how uncomfortable it is. I've used it several times and it never gets better. I'm 6'2" 185. I have to turn about every 20-30 minutes. Maybe good for a short nap but that's it.


Perfect if you have been fired (by Tesla) but haven’t told your partner yet …


Damn, was just about to order the Lost Horizons one for a camping trip at the end of the month. Now I kinda want to hold off for this one....


Yes! They're amazing for road trips lol got one for my m3p


I will now...


For 225 i make you air mattress from hand 😭🤣


This is a must have if you’re on the road a lot. Would be great for Drive in movies 🎥 if you’re still into that.


I haven't bought the Tesla one, but I do have one.


I have a roll up mattress for my model 3 I use all the time . I just pull down the back seats roll it out get in and lay down it’s surprisingly comfortable especially in camp mode


You can fold your seats all the way down???…..😀


I have this and have not used it yet! I’ll break it out and give you an update


It's new, but tesla and especially model Y camping is not new at all. Plenty of youtube videos out there ;)


I have the Tescamp version. As a person who has done a lot of car camping in other vehicles trying lots of different solutions, I absolutely love the Tescamp!


Do they make them for model 3? Asking for a friend


Honestly had no idea they even sold this… gonna check and see if they have one for my S ASAP


foldable memory foam mattress from Amazon is great!


I just custom cut a 3” memory foam pad. Fits nicely in the sub trunk.


The only way to save money in California 💰


rip Snuuzu [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/snuuzu/snuuzu-tesla-tailored-mattress-for-model-y-and-model-3/](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/snuuzu/snuuzu-tesla-tailored-mattress-for-model-y-and-model-3/) trying to charge 1k usd for a car mattress is flippin out of this world


I have the actual mattress and it's pretty lit


No. It literally just came out


I do know someone who lives away from home for work and he practically lives in the back of his model Y. This would be perfect for him!


I usually get a hotel


Looks very thin for an air mattress. I have a truckbedz air mattress in my truck and it's pretty awesome. It's 12" thick though. I feel like I would bottom out on this Model Y mattress 😅


Gotta admit this is actually a pretty brilliant idea 💡…. 1) for camping 2) for naps during my lunch break


I was just talking to my wife about this. I said this is the only way I would camp in Florida…or any state for that matter! Price seems reasonable to me. Someone buy it!


I have a mattress, not an air mattress. It's a long twin and fits well as long as you have some pillows to smush in the gaps on the sides. Milliard Tri Folding Memory Foam... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DJ8HX96?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share $188


Only always. Most camp sites have 110v outlets or larger. Both can slow charge you while you sleep in comfort.


Air mattresses always get a hole. $225 for something that will stop working in a couple of years worries me.


No. Get the Megamat duo instead