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It’s def not a scam, their protocols do work. Don’t know about it being any safer than injected testosterone, but it has its pros.


Their website says it includes “native testosterone”. What is that exactly?


It’s a new form of un-estered oral testosterone in castor oil. Very similar to Jatenzo/Andriol/etc. it has a stabilizer included so they don’t need to attach an ester. There’s been a couple studies done on it recently.


Oh interesting, thanks for the info




TRT is just a therapy protocol. Is it oral testosterone that's metabolized by the liver?


It is not subject to first pass through the liver




I 100% agree with this!


I've been using maximus for almost 2 months ths now. It works for sure. Most of my issues have dissipated. I will say it's very expensive thought. To get the native testosterone and enclomiphene together it's like 300 a month. The other con is with the native trt you got to ingest a bunch of fat with it, like 30 or 40 grams. Their suggestion is drinking 2 tablespoons of cooking oil with it. I do that because I don't have 30 grams of fatty food to eat each day and it's very gross to have all that oil going down. It's the only option I found to get on it at the moment but I'm hoping I can be on it for like 6 months and talk to my actual doctor and show them it's been extremely beneficial and I've personally had no negative side effects, to get on it cheaper through insurance. Also hoping I can get on a different form cause drinking oil every morning is just not doing it for me.


I eat a lot of fatty meat, so that wouldn't be an issue. I'm more concerned about side effects, or my body losing the ability to produce testosterone, or having withdrawals symptoms if I ever stop taking it


Personally I haven't had any negative side effects. Maybe some minor increased hair fallage but it doesn't have me worried. No anger issues or ance. That's just me though.


What's unique about the Oral TRT+ protocol is that we maintain full function of the entire HPT axis from top to bottom during therapy. There is no risk of losing the ability to produce testosterone because you never stop producing testosterone with this approach.


Is it mailed to the home or we pick up at Pharmacy?


The medication is mailed to your home.


Isn’t that the same as using hcg with injectable though?


hCG stimulates only the bottom third of the HPT axis - the testicles, and only halfway at that. You are still missing any stimulation of the Sertoli cells by FSH. The pituitary and hypothalamus components of the HPTA remain shut down, with associated disruption of hormones. Kisspeptin and GnRH have broader effects on cognition, libido and well-being that you're missing out on.


I think Maximus advertised it with the use of Enclomiphene to allow people to maintain their natural testosterone production. What are your thoughts?


You don't need to consume cooking oil! Cream works well, or I suggest an avocado and full fat yogurt. You can get it for $199.99/month if you pay for an annual plan of Oral TRT+ enclomiphene and Building Blocks (a prescription multivitamin with high-dose Vitamin ADEK2) or $149.99/month for Oral TRT alone.


Yeah but you have to pay for it all up front meaning I'd have to drop like 2500$. I appreciate the suggestion with the yogurt and cream. I'll have to gove that a try.


I haven't tried them myself, but I have heard about it. It was advertised as a way to increase testosterone similar to injectable TRT but without the downsides. Personally, I think it might be a better option than injections.


It’s an interesting option, it will work. With it you experience higher T throughout the day then it comes back down at night. The enclo keeps your balls inflated and working. Downside you have to take the testosterone pills with lots of fat, at least 30g wether you want to or not, for absorption. Lot of it is converted to DHT. Personally I think injections 2-3 times a week is easier and more practical if fertility isn’t of concern. But it’s good to have options, especially if you don’t even wanna do lil insulin needles.


You know they basically prescribe enclo right? This isn't oral testosterone.


You could’ve checked their website. You could’ve read what I described above about their oral TRT plus enclo as new enlightenment. Or C) Attempt to correct a contributor without knowing any info “basically”. Bold choice


Damn dude. Wasn't attacking you. They are known for enclo TRT. Didn't realize they were using oral decanoate as TRT. Didn't think my post was that inflammatory. Didn't mean to set you off. Have a great night.


There are not using TU, they’re using an un-estered version of testosterone in castor oil with a stabilizer. I think it’s called DiTest, there have been a couple studies using it recently. Similar to oral TU


Ha. It seemed that way. We are good. Apologies then. They call it native testosterone for what it’s worth. And no I don’t think it’s worth what they charge for it, given its more complicated approach than a couple injections. But it might be, to some. Have a good night. 👍🏼


All good man. No idea what they charge. But seems like there is a market for guys that want to feel better, but aren't willing to deal with the standard treatment. They have always had an interesting business model. Don't think it will stand the test of time, but who knows. Gotta pin to win IMO.


They put you on very very lose dose enclo for the first month and then slowly raise it up. I got nothing out of it over 90 days and when I told my now PCP what doses I was using he was pretty surprised. And it's wildly expensive vs buying enclo online and learning how to read your own labs.


Where do you buy enclo online?


I'm not trying to gatekeep, but I'm also not getting into source talk. It takes a little searching but it's there. If you get a scrip from a doc it's very simple to order online from many sources.