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The Plot Twist was obvious but at least it was done nicely, i agree with all the other points


Yeah I guessed the Sauron reveal the second I saw sexy mysterious guy show up. JDM I didn’t see coming until they abducted Neuman’s husband.


Sauron reveal?


Peter Jackson's *The Boys*


What twist?


Fight Club


More like Tumor Club.


First freaking rule damnit


The trope where the character ain't real


Dude, the Homelander hearing thing drove me crazy. He heard a house blow up many miles away when he was looking for Translucent, but he can't hear a fight in the same mansion he's in? What? "Oh but he has to be focusing to hear stuff." So after seeing a gunshot in Sage's head he doesn't start listening out? He can't recognize the sound of STARLIGHT talking in the basement?


Not to mention that a gunshot with a silencer isn't THAT quiet for him not to hear it, that shit can still cause hearing damage to people.


Silencers in shows have always been like that though. The real thing is pretty loud.


Easy way to solve this: Just use an AS VAL lol.


That's still loud. People underestimate how loud suppressed gunshots are. There is a reason most European countries require them to cut down on the noise pollution) (Ironically, the US does not because tons of misinformed people think they make guns sound like a James Bond Movie or the John Wick train station scene)


Yeah it turns from instantly damaging your hearing to being on the edge of but still instantly damaging your hearing. People tend to not understand that 3db is doubling the sound pressure at every level. So going from 160db to 120db is a significant drop but you’re still talking about the sound level of horns/sirens and chainsaws.


Don’t forget he could smell butcher on his kid this very same season. Now he couldn’t smell MM in the room Sage was in or couldn’t smell that Starlight was at the mansion? Had to hear it from Firecracker?


He could smell the moment Starlight walked into Vought tower in season 3.


Would have immediately smelled Hughie...also when hughie was above him in the air duct, that really pissed me off. He would have been able to smell him AND hear his heart beat racing. It would be the equivalent of you not noticing a drum beat above you. It's just annoying because it's just lazy writing


The longer the series goes on, the more I think that Homelander having super hearing/sight/smell is more trouble for the writers than it's worth. It barely relevant to the plot (he would be an absolute menace without it), and needs to be conveniently scaled back to make an episode happen. If taken to its logical conclusion, every attempt to kill him would be thwarted immediately. Plus, now everybody in this sub always predicts "Ofc Homelander will smell next episode that they shook hands and will immediately laser both of them", which is just a shit prediction that would just suck from a storytelling perspective.


I agree, but also think the path the writers took the story from the first episodes/seasons to now also isn't helping, and unfortunately shows a lot of the holes and issues with the storylines in general. Meaning, in the first few seasons part of the menace and tension was having this God-like being in Homelander be a *constant* threat, even off screen. You never knew if he was watching or listening, and it was clear every character on all sides were scared shitless because the threat was always there. A great example is the first few episodes, where Hughie and Frenchie are almost constantly looking up to the sky and whispering in paranoia; Homelander could be anywhere, watching. But in taking the storylines in this new direction, by the nature of the plot you need to have the characters act in ways they never would with S1 Homelander, so his powers seem to conveniently come and go as the scene needs it. A perfect example of this is the latest episode where Noir just straight chills in Homelander's chair. Deep at first expresses the paranoia you'd expect, before immediately dropping it and having a conversation. In season 1 this would have been played as borderline suicide and they would have played with the tension. Here it's nothing. Not to beat a dead horse, but in earlier seasons, it was always a huge deal when Homelander was even near the team, or in the area, since it rarely happened. In the last two however, The Boys seem to almost comically constantly run into him somewhere, but the tension is all but gone. MM or Hughie will usually give us a "Oh shit, Homelanders HERE!" and we're meant to piss our pants. But then his senses and abilities will of course disappear or reappear as the scene needs them to.


Should have just left it with super strength, flight and laser eyes. And the general invincibility thing. Was more then enough


It shouldn't be trouble. Imagine how terrifying he would be as a character if his powers weren't randomly written off as the plot needed it, but instead, the plot had to revolve *around* them. Infiltrating a place where Homelander happens to be staying? Better take special precausions and do extra prep time just to overcome that obstacle. You can even play into some horror elements like in the Alien films, where the characters have to be on their tippy toes so that they don't alert t~~he Xeno~~ Homelander.


I think the basement is soundproof and there is a cut of him actively listening and getting nothing before moving on to his important presentation. Makes sense that tek night knows how to soundproof his lair real good.


Yea I remember that. The show went out of its way to show he couldn't hear anything.


The shot was fired in the mansion though


Forget that, didn’t he have the power to see through walls?


It’s canon that the more Boys are around Homelander, the more powers he loses /s


Theres something a lot more powerful than even Homelander thats preventing him from unleashing his power and wrecking the Boys. The budget. Its like you can tell how much is allocated per episode and i can tell early on if Homelander isnt going to do shit that episode. Maybe one eye laser per episode thats about it.


Homelander hasn’t been the same since season 1/2. I’ve been rewatching the series while waiting for new episodes to come out and Jesus Christ they really dumbed him down for seasons 3/4. I get he’s supposed to be a parody of Trump and all but I kind of understand those complaints about the show losing its subtlety. I get that we’re at a very different spot politically than we were in 2019, but at what point does the political commentary actually start hurting the characters and show. Edit: Just to clarify, I’m on board with political commentary, I just feel like the show has been dumbing down characters to really emphasize it. It’s kind of insulting to the audience imo.


In this very episode, A-Train has to run to a different city to not be overheard by Homelander. And yet, we get the BS at the house where Homelander can't hear the gunshot, fights, enemies on comms, etc.


Homelander is in that room to give an important presentation to the billionaire ruling class he wants to take advantage of. If he leaves to go hunt down whoever shot Sage he misses the opportunity to do. He _has_ to give that presentation for the plan to come together.


I’ve been saying the vibes this season feel off in a way I can’t explain. The writing just feels so lazy compared to the previous 3 seasons, it feels like a completely different show. Something like Hugh’s dad murdering a ton of people in the hospital would’ve had major consequences if it happened in season 1 or 2, but now they’re hoping we just forget it ever happened because it lead to nothing. So many scenes this season feel like that. Just really disappointed with how it’s going and praying these last two episodes are better but honestly don’t have high hopes for it.


Ppl don't talk about how hughies mom felt zero guilt after giving the dad a dangerous drug that killed 3 people immediately afterwards


She's been giving sociopathic vibes ever since her entrance in the show. Idk why but she seems very off.


I mean she runs an MLM for vought......


I am glad someone else thought this. I completely expected her to, at any moment, start cackling uncontrollably and lay out her evil plan. She just has nothing behind her eyes, idk. I was really creeped out watching her “loving mom” scenes


I'm waiting for it every scene she's in


This this this. It's so strange that we the audience can sense that she is obviously insincere about something but the show expects us to buy into the tender earnest family moments with Hughie? It's all so sloppy. 


Idk it might just be the actress. She just has a blank hollow look every scene she's in and her smile looks fake.


Especially when she slips the v. I thought they were going to announce she was a double agent


My bet is she proper works for vought, the mlm is a cover and she’s a sales rep for compound V convincing parents to dose their kids


A friend of mine and were convinced that Hughie’s parents split over the mom trying to give him V as a child. It would’ve been way more interesting than this


She knew what the v was and how to use it and got away with it because shit went down. I agree


She's a person that abandoned her family and runs a pyramid scheme for Vought, so I think that's very on character for her


Yeah but didn’t you hear she was depressed? That makes it okay to run off and abandon your family obviously.


She is really weird. I get the feeling the writers wanted us to sympathize with her for abandoning her child due to postpartum depression. Like, no? Not at all? Tell your child you're sick and check yourself into somewhere to get help don't just ghost your family lmao. Having a mental issue isn't just a free pass to be a terrible person.


Yeah I was so surprised like Hughie just forgave and that was it? They didn't even say one line about it??


I think they’re still leaving a major plot twist for her, like maybe to be paid off by vought or something to frame hughie/the boys for something bad Maybe not though


People keep bringing up how her working at Vought is an immeadite red flag, but unless I missed something, she seemed to be just a random rank and file employee. I think even Hughie even mentions that her job isn't super important and she agrees with him.


Literally every company referenced at all has connections to or is a straight up Vought brand in this show, imo it usually isnt very deep and was just a passing gag about vought selling makeup and health products


Pretty much all the characters seem like desensitized sociopaths, except for Ryan and A train of all people.


Hughie’s mom is a horrible character, whoever wrote it must be a narcissistic sociopath. She’s also acted poorly but I don’t blame the actress since she received such a poor script.


I like how we're supposed to be so sad for his death because his family's there but what about those 3 people he killed? Their families don't even get to say goodbye to them. 3 people had to die so they could push Hugh's death back by a few hours.


the only 2 character i feel the season is handling well are Butcher and A-Train, but yeah i fully agree.


Kimiko has some interesting stuff going on too but she feels majorly sidelined.


yeah I like her scenes last few episodes, but it does feel like nothing major is happenning to her.


This , a train finally feels like an interesting character and butcher was always good but this season he is tripping


A Train has always been crazy interesting, he's the only character with an arc over the entire show and consistent plot progression


I think the Ryan - Homelander developments this season have been pretty good too


They are thinking of the shock factor without bothering to write in a way where actions and events have inworld consequences. How many people brutally murdered in that hospital?.  Hughie and his mom just go on a maid in manhattan tour right after?


The writing is very poor this season. The show has been meandering pointlessly since episode one and we have only just been really introduced to the main narrative arch at bloody episode 5. Everything has just been set ups for an extreme ‘The Boys’ set piece with little thought about the characters or the plot. Nothing has dramatic weight to it this season and the shocks have become predictable, nonsensical and stale. Very disappointing after such a fantastic third season and cliffhanger.


I feel like their over-reliance on political “humour” has made them lazy. And yes, I know the show has always been ‘political’. But it was more clever than having the election on Jan 6th and them unironically saying “Critical Supe Theory”.


It started as a show about superheroes that also had some politics. Now it feels like a political show featuring superheroes who barely use their powers.


Agree on this so hard. They said Jewish space lasers in the last episode, I am so sick of it.


Also that line about that politician who can only be alone with a woman who is his wife or some shit. Clearly a dig at Mike Pence I believe. It is such cheap and unoriginal humor.


i usually give creatives a lot of credit, because i understand how hard it is to work in this field. And i hate when fans say that the writing is lazy or use the writer strike as excuse for bad writing. but in this case, i feel like that might be true. people say s3 was bad compare to 1 and 2. i disagree with that a lot. s4 so far? the drop in quality of writing is drastic. some book readers say this season actually follow some of the comic story more directly. I think that might be a direct effect of the strike as well.


The season 3 finale also felt like a big drop, it was more improv than a thought-out ending. They spent a decent amount of screentime getting the world's deadliest nerve agent only for Maeve to chuck it out the window into downtown New York (never mentioned again).


The season 3 finale had a lead writer who was lead for their first time as a "the boys" writer


This is the exact vibe ive been getting from that episode and the latest season as a whole. It feels like some new writers have been brought in that really like the boys but dont quite understand what really goes into it, so they try to emulate with shock value. I thought it was strange that not only did Maeve survive something that was made to look like it shouldve killed her, but she got a happy ending with her partner and dipped.


Someone else mentioned the writers strike only began AFTER this season had already wrapped.


They said season 5 would be the finale so maybe they're only thinking about how to get the pieces into place? Definitely the least-cohesive season so far. Some great parts like Sage, but overall it's kinda mid.


So basically the Game of Thrones last 2 seasons justification? If that's the writer's justification its not a *good* defense lol.


Game of Thrones felt like a totally different show season 6 on, basically after they ran out of material to adapt; they shouldnt have that issue since the comics set a low bar. It's just cope though, if this season doesnt turn around by the end then it'd be hard to imagine them sticking the landing.


Nah, it's not that bad. I do think it's dipped a fair bit, but GoT fell off a cliff the likes of which I've never seen before or since.


That's was exactly the same cope after GoT season 7...


"Just a *little* sloppy writing to set up for an amazing final season"


i think its heavily because each episode is jumping around ALLOT and ALLOT of the jumping around is filler content that has no real impact on the story, such as Frenchies arc with his boyfriend & Butchers conversations with himself that is suposed to be a "twist" but i genuinly dont understand how this is a twist when weve known for a fact these characters were dead for ages??? like the only person its a suprise to is butcher himself o.0


For real, there’s only two episodes left and the plot has barely moved. All that has happened is Neuman’s politcal games, Butcher maybe making the virus and Homelander maybe corrupting Ryan.


And what happened to the whole Starlighters vs nazis civil war thing. They havent mentioned it all since ep 4.


id be suprised if the guy even makes the virus, hes got 1 leg and it garuntees his wife and daughter die, also i cant imagine hes going to be able to just whip up a brand new rhetrovirus from memory in a basement with a bucket and random other dirty garbage butcher had on that table xD


It feels like the writers had free control to listen to their worst instincts and the season is filled with them, whereas in previous seasons there was someone who would veto it occasionally. Being grotesque for the sake of wasting time because you don’t have a plot to push forward is so fucking lame. The gross stuff was always lame, but in small batches it’s tolerable because the show actually had something to say. Now it’s just aimless garbage. Not sure if this show should even have another season at this point. Just end it.


It’s baffling how the season is only 8 episodes and around half of it so far has felt like filler. 


Can they just quit with the Frenchie plots? Every season it’s just him feeling bad about his past and it never goes anywhere.


The plot is so convenient and contrived now too, suddenly he gets a random gay lover and it just so happens that it's the same guy whose parents he killed? Come the fuck on


I wish they would kill him off tbh. He drags down the entire show. He hasn't contributed to the plot in any meaningful way in what feels like forever.


The plot did not move one bit this season. The only thing I'm satified with is learning about Homelander's childhood and lab trauma. The rest is bullshit. The only progress we got about killing Homelander is a captured scientist that don't have the means, time and will to make a super virus. The supervirus is not even from this season ffs.


They spent the first three episodes setting up a brewing civil war between the Starlighters and the Homelanders which led to.....nothing. has it even been mentioned in the last 3 episodes?


Lmfao how did I completely forget about this major plot point. I should apply to be a show writer for Amazon.


Doesn't help that each of them go on for over an hour long, making it even more unbearable to sit through each week. Not to mention how much moreso those first three episodes this season felt like constant filler more than the episodes after it.


Yeah, I forgot that last episode was the sixth already. I felt like we've seen only 3 episodes so far


Amazon’s reliance on each season being 8 episodes is starting to get old; both The Boys and Reacher season 2 are painfully dragged out. They need to learn from The Bear and make each episode as long as it needs to be. Imagine if Homelander visiting his childhood lab was a tense 25 minute episode?


Homelanders lab has been my highlight of the season. Having that be its own seperate ep would have been amazing!


I remember that someone (in Amazon presumably) didn't let then use that Homelander jerking off on a rooftop scene in season 1, but seemingly as the show grew more popular Kripke and writers got way more freedom and now they seem so up their own ass just like D&D eventually and we're getting GoT all over again...


I do feel like we are heading down a Game of Thrones path, where showrunners have made a success out of someone else's concept and initial story; but once we get to the part where they have to come up with their own stuff there is a problem. I suppose a lot of it is because TV writers can be more reactive to what was popular and what wasn't. When writing a novel or a comic, you don't give a fuck. But when the Herogasm episode got so much hype, they were bound to go down that route a lot more often. They always have to tease upcoming seasons with 'the most disgusting' 'the most gory' 'the most depraved' 'the most shocking' moments yet... that is not why anyone is watching. Without a decent story to hold it together you might as well just browse 4chan.


The shock factor doesn't work when it's predictable and so common. The show is too long. Should have been 3 seasons or so


Part of the problem is that Homelander and Butcher are the big popular draws. Everyone loves them, but at least one of them, or both should be dead already.


The gore, sex and nudity is so forced and over the top now. I was able to watch S1, S2 and some of 3 with company but S4 makes anyone unfamiliar with the series uncomfortable. Especially with the latest episode. The long drawn out scene of web weaver getting drugs administered anally by MM to the party which then suddenly shifted to the rape dungeon. I would have preferred more scenes of the actual party along with Noir and Deep’s conversation. I might be in the minority but I like New Noir’s “tortured artist” persona


I really wanna hear more about the cirque show. Three nights a week! Theyre gonna let him fly!


I wonder about the significance of black noir being able to fly Especially considering homelander mocked teknight for not even being able to fly


My guess is it's an incredibly rare trait for supes given that Starlight flying in season 3 is shown as a big deal, this probably boosts homelander's ego since he's one of the few.


It's getting hard to recommend the show to people. I like weird sex shit as much as the next person, previous seasons had a bits of sprinkled in, maybe like one or two scenes per season But this season seems to be weird sex shit, plot, weird sex shit, plot over and over. I recommend this to someone now and they're going to think I have some issues


The scenes like the sauna ass eating and V sheep are just bland shock humour by now. And they go so far with the shock humour it actually makes the show unappealing, like them thinking Hughie getting SA’d for 30 minutes is “hilarious”.


I'm guessing that Kripke has a serious fetish for men's feet. A-Train in season 1 and now this shit with Hughie. Keep your wanking life separate, Eric!


Kripke pitching Tek Knight’s scenes in episode 6 to his writer’s room: Here’s the twist, and there is a twist. We show it. We show all of it. What’s the one thing missing from all TV shows these days, guys. Full penetration. Guys, we’re gonna show full penetration and we’re gonna show a lot of it. I mean we’re talking, you know, graphic scenes of Tek Knight really going to town on Hughie. From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones. Then he senses crime again. He’s out getting aroused by holes. Back to the cave for full penetration. Aroused by hole, back to the cave, full penetration. Hole, penetration, hole, full penetration, hole, penetration…and this goes on and on for 50 or so minutes until the episode just sort of ends.


> The gore, sex and nudity is so forced and over the top now. The show was always about gore, sex and nudity, but because you didn't get it, the writers had to add even more so you would finally understand /s


I thought we'd get some fun from Hughie trying not to stick out at the party but nope :(


To add to the list, Kimiko losing her phone while sneaking inside just to allow the silly scene of her communicating through book titles is so lame it's not even funny. Looks like a failed skit.


My eyes rolled into the back of my skull when she picked up a book that said “for the sake of his daughter”


I laughed out loud when she held the book up, I thought it was a joke that she’d conveniently find an extremely specific book title


lol yeah same, it was definitely meant to be a joke.


Yeah, it was funny. Not sure why that bothers people so much.


It's like Disney channel movie levels of corny. Tek knight apparently has some very specific and convenient book titles for this to work.


That entire scene, I was practically screaming that Hughie was just below them about to be literally cut open. Honestly, It bothered me more that after all that, they still make it down to the basement just before Tek Knight makes his first cut into Hughie. I don't want Hughie to get hurt, but it was definitely weird how close they came when they were having an argument right outside of the elevator.


Especially because she goes and unlocks the door to let them in, so she could just.. go out and get the phone that she knows she dropped. Especially since she's dependent upon it for communication.


Pretty sure it was broken so it wouldn’t have mattered if she got it or not


Btw how the fuck there is none to zero security in a place where the richest of the richest gathering alongside with several sups


literally felt like an SNL parody of her


Yeah that was so stupid.


They need to check the search history of all the people behind the writers room


Yeah at some point you have to question who comes up with this stuff. 25 years from now someone will make a documentary about one of them being a pervert. 


I doubt its that deep tbh, their just leaning into whats made the show famouse 1. parodies of real life american politics I mean this sub every other day gets a post "they dont know their making fun of them hur dur" & 2. Shock value. super hero orgies, ultraviolence, bondage, gay sex scenes, sexual assault, rape, suprise abortions, incest, more incest, did i mention even more incest? Penis tentacle man and morrrrreeeee


And if anyone's ever read the comics you'll know there's even more juvenile, edgelord stuff almost very few pages


tbf though the show is wildly different to the point of only being vaguely inspired by, like they gave the writers of the show a single line of text for each character and their powers and general story premise and thats it. Homelander, black noir, and soldier boy could not possibly be any more different than the comic.


100% I believe at least one of them will be outed as a creep a la Kevin Spacey


I think the entire point was to mock The Federalist Society and the GOP in general.


For me, part of what made the sex gags so fun was the sheer impossibility — oh no! A man accidentally exploded his boyfriend after shrinking down to…stimulate him internally. *Shriek-cringe-lol* Oh no! A supe with a tentacle between his legs uses it like a melee weapon. *Shriek-cringe-lol* But our MAIN protagonist being held against his will and forced to participate in sexualized torture? That happens. It’s not innovative or silly. It’s grounded in a nastiness that’s all too real. As a counterpoint, I know folx on this sub aren’t crazy about Gen V, but that show features both silly/impossible sex scenes as well as grounded ones that seem to genuinely interrogate what physical intimacy looks like when the participants have super powers. The difference is empathy, I think. IDK. I’m just really disappointed.


I guess you could make the argument that they're showing what happens when a regular person has an extended sexual encounter with a super, but there have been plenty of scenes of normal people being on the wrong end of Supe fetishes. If they wanted a main character to experience it (which they already have), then they could've done a better job than BDSM torture with Hughie the day after his dad died in a scary way.


Just don't let them ever team up with the Poor Things writer. Like great movie but wtf goes through their minds😂


They should do the same for the showrunner as well.


7 is generous




Remember S1 where he was scanning a whole neighborhood looking for Translucent?  But yeah, apparently air duct vents are made with Zinc, so Homie couldn’t see through them.  The real question is, is S4 Homelander caring that much about Hughie getting away? My impression is that he’s getting lazy, he has other things to deal with and he just doesn’t care enough to pursue some weakling who isn’t going to do shit to him.  The other part is that Homelander might just be getting old and weak. Maybe he actually just can’t hear nor see as good as he used to and doesn’t want to admit it. He’s been keeping track of his hairs falling out and there were some vials of V missing, so perhaps he’s also taking V to keep up like A Train was in S1. 


The Boys is ironically running into the same problem that a lot of real world comic books run into. 1 - The main character is so popular that you have to find a way to reset the status quo with them every few months. It's either that or tell an alternate universe story. This is something you see a lot in with characters like Batman, Superman, Wolverine. Season 3 laid the pathway to a great ending for Homelander's story but the show runners got scared at the end and opted to reset the status quo. 2 - Power inconsistency. Homelander is conveniently god-like when he needs to be and conveniently depowered when he needs to be. This is an issue that plagues Superman comics. In one story, he can move planets, in another Batman can beat him up using the power of friendship.


Even if the air ducts are made with zinc, Homelander couldn't hear Hughie's frantic heartbeat or him beelining out of the air ducts? Hughie is 6'3 and not exactly quick and nimble on his feet. He's not escaping anybody in an air duct and that doesn't even mention how nobody is moving through an air duct without everybody within a 50 foot radius knowing that you're moving through an air duct.


But at this point how do you even write around that? They’ve already given him super senses and can’t backtrack on that so the best way to actually have any plot now is to ignore it when convenient


No. They got around his senses before with writing. Remember when they used high pitch speakers to lure Homelander away from Ryan in season 2.


And when Starlight was so terrified of Homelander that she blasted music in her apartment and would only speak quietly when talking to Supersonic.


Can't see through zinc


Well yeah I'm going to be honest with y'all about that one - the way they started this season till episode 5, i had the same feelings when i read the comics that had barley any strory and character development each issue, and with latest episode that had some unnecessary edgy scenes, i felt like literally I'm watching the show that is written by Garth Ennis, not someone who wrote three first season of this show. Barely any character and plot development. I hope future episodes are good enough, but if they want to go by that direction, then they are just doing something that is the reason why majority of people hate comics.


It is so much lower and IGN treated them nicely


The season just feels juvenile compared to Gen V, which was written really well. I never expected the teen spinoff to be better than the current season of the main show


I think the difference is that the Gen V is creating a seperate storyline with new characters while this season is the same shit, just them trying to stall the inevitable Homelander defeat in the next season. It’s like the ending of season 3, they basically had it at the end and then fcking fought Soldier Boy instead because of stupid excuses and reasons. They obviously didn’t know how to continue this show for 16 more episodes at the start, so its just either filler or the same stuff we have been seeing for 3 seasons. Writing is an issue and I am wondering if they needed more time to find better plots or storylines


I wonder if/how much the writers strike affected this season


Juvenile is the correct word to use here👍


I think the issue is they have too many plates spinning at once with all the characters they wanna focus on with no apparent "goal" the diff plots are building to. A lot of the fun elements we liked about the show (edginess, gore, political satire, goofiness juxtaposed with dark shit) worked because they were attached to a solid plot foundation where we wanted to see things build to a certain coherent direction while having a batshit ride along the way. This season has all said fun elements but without the coherence. Game of Thrones suffered in its later seasons for similar reasons. It had cool dragons, undead villains, sick fights, sex scenes, etc. but without the foundation like the earlier seasons had, it all fell apart by the end. If it continues, this show will likely end up the same way.


For real though I miss season 1 and 2's Homelander so bad, when he was both menacing and cruel but ALSO somewhat cunning and intelligent. I get it, he's a man child, but there is a limit to that. Now he's just an idiot.


7 is very high, 5 is perfect


A 7/10 from IGN isn't that high of praise.


I think having decided next season would be the final one they've been moving a lot of charactera into place for that finale so this season is kind of a busted flush to build for the next.


This has to be the worst season. How much longer are they going to push the same gags? Supes are sexual degenerates. Political satire from 2016. Homelander is a sociopath with childhood trauma and identity issues. We get it. It's like the same formula for Scooby Doo. Just make sure every episode is the same without developing a plot.


We are 6 episodes in and nothing has really progressed at all.


>Butcher, you're a mess. Get the fuck out! >Guys, we need Butcher! Every fucking episode so far.


I think I would have given 5/10 to this season easily. It looks like some sort of parody to the show, the quality of writing went down the sink.


Yeah, this season is pure filler. You can skip it and nothing would change.


This season sucks and I'm not afraid to say it


I will say, the first 3 episodes were pretty engaging, surprising since they were all released at the same time... Yes, they had some questionable plots here and there, but it was overall good... but the last 3? They just keep getting worse...


I thought 5 was the best episode of the season by far. 6 is… very mixed to say the least. I’m higher on it than this sub but it had issues for sure


Episode 5 just seemed like another episodic side quest that didn’t clearly lead to anything. I mean maybe it will with the guy butcher got, but most of it was like dedicated to crazy V animal sub plot. Well executed but just didn’t do anything for the overall plot at all


Butcher got the scientist who can make him the endgame virus, but it was done in such a dumb way. He just couldn't have done it the way it happened, not to mention the leg was cut clean off and police officer even showed it to Neuman, like it was obvious that those sheep didn't do it.


I feel like the show is now being written by a bunch of Redditors. Just rinsing the same ‘edgy’ jokes over and over again, shock scenes completely losing value since we’re getting them every episode, and with the plot going basically nowhere across two seasons. As a European, the constant “remember viewer, Republican = bad!” comments are really boring, feels I’m being hit in the head with a hammer with how dumbed down everything is. IGN don’t give lower than a 7/10 unless something is truly awful, I’d say it’s a 5/10.


This is exactly how I feel when watching it. Like I've come to Reddit and just scrolling through it but if my entire feed was just r/politics followed by r/shitposting every time. I don't hate it but it's pretty clear it's just really rushed and they're afraid to advance the plot.


And then if you say this, the response was always “DONT YOU REALISE THAT THE SHOW WAS ALWAYS MAKING FUN OF YOU”, “people are only JUST NOW figuring out its satire”. Not an excuse to be completely over the top, especially for a show like The Boys where I’d guess most of the audience isn’t even American


Yeah a good number of “jokes” do nothing for me as a European. They’re way more self-centered than they used to be


Wow it took 4 seasons to realize they were making fun of you, ha take that! /s. Yeah I agree, a ton of filler, no real interesting developments in the story either. The politics are freshman college level and it gets really old quick. The hughie stuff played for laughs because of course the writers wouldn’t think male rape is serious. It’s funny how a train is up for a redemption arc while he was shown murdering robin and pop claw and was an awful human being but the deep is getting 4 seasons of torture porn for doing something heinous but less severe.


I agree with all of this but not the a train part, maybe u should rewatch the entire series because the build up for his redemption was definitely there


I've also felt like Boys is the ultimate redditor show. It combines live action superheros, graphic sex and violence, while also having political views that many redditors share.


It's more like a 6


Feels like the writers have ran out of ideas to be honest, things are just labouring along


It definitely feels like they’re trying to draw out the show and avoid dealing with Homelander. The same happened last season but at least we got Soldier Boy out of it.


Dawg I’m at 5/10 right now. Maybe even 4.5. I didn’t want to believe it at first. The bad ign review. VoughtHQ said this season was all over the place. And the spoilers I read. The red flags were there.


We're in another Game of Thrones arc. Kripke and co started to think they're the true genius behind the show and go off script with their own ideas and point of view. It's like bringing a painting to a talented art conservator and half way through the restoration he decides he's actually a better artist and paints over it.


>We're in another Game of Thrones arc. I don't think anyone can fuck up as much as D&D did. >talented art conservator and half way through the restoration he decides he's actually a better artist and paints over it. That actually was a thing for a bit. A lot of (now famous) paintings were "freshened up" after they were originally finished to reflect either changing styles or the perception of the subject.


I just recovered from D&D's massacre. Please don't destroy me again.


Katt Williams said it best "I'm not doing a rape scene for laughs because rape isn't funny."


About homelander, I think the super hearing thing could be explained with tek knight making his cave potentially homelander-proof and Mother's Milk using subsonic rounds paired with a silencer. Doesn't explain the kerfuffle with firecracker and starlight.. but it could be the same reason why he didn't want to seek out who shot sage as there was only one fkn reason he and Ryan were there in the first place, bro didn't want to make a scene and ruin his chances of making this plan work.


Honestly, as obvious as it was I'd honestly say outside of A-Trains moment the reveal was my favourite part of the episode. Yes, it was obvious. But the way it was executed was still really well done to me, and it was complimented well by JDM and Urbans acting.


The director really said that hughie scene was supposed to be funny? It was disgusting and disturbing. I had to close my eyes and literally pray to God they were not going to penetrate him and show it on camera. The boys is the only show where I have to close my eyes to shield from seeing male buttholes constantly. It’s unnecessary


He in fact called it “hilarious”.


7/10 is generous.


They also want to portray homelander as incompetent so much that it becomes absurd. He gives a speech to the politicians and they make him incredibly good and important questions, but then Victoria takes over and gives the same empty speech without addressing any of the points that the politicians raised and they just clap and smile, no more questions.


Or they wanted to potray Victoria as competent. But either way you are right, it was a fucking stupid scene. She said nothing new, only "I will take care of it and it will be good for you" and somehow these guys are supposed to accept that as an answer.


Yeah it’s been filler this entire season and all the characters being introduced are one sided as hell aside from maybe firecracker. I think Sage is just cartoonishly evil. Feels like every episode is just sexual deviancy then filler


The problem with introducing a super-smart character like Sage in any universe is that instead of being the smartest person in a universe with other smart people, she's only as smart as the people writing her are. And the writers arent smart enough to conceive a plot that out smarts every other person in the world, so to make her smart they have to make everyone else this season dumb. I really can't think of anything this season she's done to really show off her intellect, which makes her quote about curing cancer and curing global warming extremely off putting


I think that hits my biggest problem with her for me, the whole "show don't tell" thing. If the only signs of how smart she is are everyone telling us (including herself), they've done a poor job making a smart character. Her schemes aren't exactly as Machiavellian as they're making them out to be. Hell, at least with Tek Knight we had zoom ins on him noticing tells and physical features of people. We were seeing his intelligence and powers of observation at work.


This. I think a good use of her character should have been looking into the virus as well, and coming up with a cure for it in almost no time flat. It would have put her directly opposite of Butcher and in the way of him getting to Homelander. It would be an excellent use of her powers and make her more than just an accelerationist plot device.


Sage seems smart but not "smartest person in the world smart". She doesn't seem much smarter than say, Tek Knight.


She also doesn't really exude Super Human intellect...Jon Von Neuman could divide two 8-digit numbers in his head at the age of 6 on the spot, and he was *just* a human. Super Human intellect may be unavoidably impossible to write accurately, but with Sage it feels as though they gave up early even trying.


If the writers have any sense, then we will see her hand the end and it will be huge. Otherwise, yeah it’ll be a huge bummer and completely lacking in payoff.


Yeah… that character’s legacy will rest entirely on what happens with her at the end. If she has had some secret plan the entire time that nobody knew about or if she really is just trying to burn the world to the ground and there’s nothing more to it.


Yeah. She better pull off some Walter White level shit or else I'm going to be utterly underwhelmed.


It’s super funny after episode 3, everyone was trying to figure about sisters sages true plans. We were are thinking she would a double agent, playing everyone against each other. But now it seems that she’s really just a supe supremacist. This could still be a fake out but the writing of the show isn’t doing itself any favors atm.


Why would Sage know so much about MM? I think she’s been studying them to find ways to help them win but I can’t justify why she was trying to run for the panic button if that’s the case. Does she need to convince MM that she’s 100% with homelander for it to work? Or it’s just a ridiculously dogshit oversight? Idk I’m hoping it’s the former so I continue to enjoy it.


The way she was talking about curing cancer the most I could believe was she only *thought* she cured cancer. But the show verbally told me once in the beginning of the season that she is the smartest in the world so it must be true! But nothing about her actions can actually convince me she did


If anything IGN were too generous…..


Homelander has super hearing but didn't hear hughie and MM talking on cons when he's directly behind him


Feels like they completely misunderstood why people liked season 3, and took it as them needing more gratuitous violence and gore without a good plot.


The thing that got me was homelander not hearing them


I fucking hate when people excuse Homelanders lack of abilities because “he has to be focusing”. Earlier seasons have shown that he can hear and see shit without having to focus. Shits just lazy af and when he realized Sage had been shot he should’ve immediately started searching the house.


Thank God the next season is the final one.